Attachment 1995Order and Author

1995Order and Author


DA 95-721


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19941027-00059 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                      Before the                                     DA 95—721
                                    Washington, DC 20554

 In re Application of                                                     File Nos. 3—DSS—AMEND—93


 For Authority to Construct, Launch

 and Operate AMSC—1


                                     ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION

               Adopted: April 3, 1995                                        Released: April 4, 1995

 By the Chief, International Bureau:

          1.     AMSC Subsidiary Corporation (AMSC) has filed two requests relating to AMSC—1,
 the first of three satellites comprising its Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) system.‘ In these
 requests, AMSC proposes to eliminate use of the 11/13 GHz band for telemetry, tracking and
 control (TT&C) operations and to use only the 12/14 GHz band for those purposes." More
 specifically, AMSC seeks authority to use the frequencies 11700.5 MHz, 11701.0 MHz and
 14499.5 MHz for TT&C operations during transfer orbit maneuvers, and 11700.5 MHz, 11701.0
 MHz, 14000.5 MHz and 14499.5 MHz for TT&C operations when AMSC—1 reaches its proper
 orbital location.‘ No one opposes the AMSC requests, and we grant them in this order.

      2.     The Commission previously authorized AMSC to use the 12/14 GHz band for
 TT&C operations only during AMSC—1‘s transfer orbit maneuver." Although TT&C operations

      \    See Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization (Licensing Order), 4 F.C.C. Red 6041 (1989), rev‘d
 in part, Aeronautical Radio, Inc. v. FCC, 928 F.2d 428 (D.C. Cir. 1991); see also Final Decision on Remand, 7
 F.C.C. Red 266 (1992) (reaffirming grant of MSS license to MSS) affd, Aeronautical Radio, Inc. v. FCC, 983 F.2d
 275 (1993). See also Order and Authorization, File No. 13—DSS—AL—91(3) (March 22, 1991) (granting assignment
 of MSS authorization from American Mobile Satellite Corporation to AMSC Subsidiary Corporation).

     2     In this Order and Authorization, we use the term "11/13 GHz band" to refer to the frequencies 10.7—11.7
 and 12.75—13.25 GHz, and the term "12/14 GHz band" to refer to frequency bands 11.7—12.2 and 14.0—14.5 GHz.
 Both the 11/13 and 12/14 GHz bands are allocated domestically to the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS).

     >    The transfer orbit maneuver is used to place the satellite at its on—orbit location, i.e., its designated
 geostationary orbit location, after the satellite is separated from the launch vehicle. The maneuver typically requires
 worldwide tracking facilities, since during the maneuver the satellite will be located at a wide range of positions
 above the surface of the earth.

     4  See Memorandum Opinion & Order, 8 F.C.C. Red 4040
                                                        (1993) The
                                                                 specxfic frequenmesauthorlzedare
_12197.75—MHz,12195.25—MHz, and 14003.5—MHz.—

are often authorized in the same bands in which the licensee operates its gateway service, which
in this case would be the 11/13 GHz bands," we granted AMSC‘s earlier request after observing
that there are no world—wide TT&C facilities that operate in the 11/13 GHz band. AMSC now
seeks an amendment to its earlier authorization to use slightly different frequencies in the 12/14
GHz bands for TT&C operations during the transfer orbit maneuver, viz., 11700.5 MHz, 11701.0
MHz, and 14499.5 MHz. AMSC also seeks authority to conduct TT&C operations on these
frequencies and on 14000.5 MHz when AMSC—1 reaches its proper orbital on—station location.®

         3.    AMSC states that a grant of its request will allow it to consolidate both its transfer
orbit maneuver and on—orbit TT&C operations in the 12/14 GHz band, thereby reducing the
duplication of the TT&C packages aboard the spacecraft, which would reduce the weight of the
satellite. This allows more station—keeping fuel to be loaded aboard the satellite, and thereby
increases the satellite‘s life."‘ In addition, AMSC asserts, it will realize substantial savings in the
satellite‘s construction costs.      Further, AMSC notes that it would have the option of leasing
ground segment TT&C services from an established domestic fixed satellite operator that already
is providing such services in the 12/14 GHz bands, thereby potentially further reducing its overall
system costs. AMSC adds that its TT&C operations at 12/14 GHZ will cause no harmful
interference to any existing satellite operations. In particular, AMSC states that GTE Spacenet,
which currently operates a satellite at 101 degrees W.L., the orbital location from which AMSC—1
would operate, "has indicated th{is] [AMSC—1] modification will not cause harmful interference
to its current satellite operations. Furthermore, AMSC and GTE Spacenet have an understanding
that they will attempt to resolve any future problems in that regard." Application at 5—6.°

         4.     AMSC also submits that any future satellites authorized to operate in the 12/14
GHz band are unlikely to be affected by AMSC—1‘s operations, even if the future satellite were
located at 101 degrees W.L. AMSC submits a technical analysis examining whether any of the
currently deployed domestic FSS satellites, if moved to 101 degrees W.L., would potentially
receive interference from AMSC—1‘s proposed operations. AMSC concludes that only one
satellite, SBS—5, might possibly be adversely affected, and that it is unlikely that SBS—5 will ever

    *   These bands are the authorized "feeder link" bands for AMSC—1. Feeder links are radio links between an
earth station at a fixed location and a satellite, and are used in an MSS system to connect one mobile terminal with
another, and to connect the system to terrestrial communication networks. They are distinct from AMSC‘s "service
links," which are the radio links between the satellite and either mobile earth terminals or aeronautical mobile earth
terminals. AMSC—I‘s service links are at 1545—1559/1646.5—1660.5 MHz.

    6    AMSC was granted a waiver of Section 319(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.
§ 319(d), to construct the AMSC—1 satellite at its own risk in conformance with this request. See Order, 23—DSS—
MISC—92 (May 27, 1993).

    ‘    Station—keeping fuel is used to maintain or adjust the position of a satellite in its orbit.

        Subsequently, control of GTE Spacenet was transferred from GTE Corporation to GE American
Communications, Inc. See Contel Corporation, 9 F.C.C. Red 5775 (1994).


be relocated to 101 degrees W.L..‘ AMSC also states that if a future assignee of the 101 degree
W.L. orbital location receives unacceptable interference from AMSC—1, AMSC could relocate to
either 100 or 102 degrees W.L. Moreover, AMSC adds, all extant domsats could be located at
99, 101,0r 103 degrees W.L. without receiving or causing interference from or to AMSC—1
located at either 100 or 102 degrees W.L.

         5.     AMSC also notes that it is increasingly common to use hybrid domestic fixed—
satellites which operate in both the 4/6 GHz and 12/14 GHz bands, and generally conduct TT&C
only within the 4/6 GHz band. AMSC states that a continuation of this trend will leave the
edges of the 12/14 GHz band, where it proposes to locate its TT&C operations, increasingly
unused. This, AMSC concludes, adds further to the spectrum efficiency of its proposal and helps
assure that the requested authorization will not interfere with future 12/14 GHz band service.

        6.      With respect to its request for revised frequencies to use during the transfer orbit
maneuver, AMSC states that it will coordinate with other satellite operators as necessary to
prevent harmful interference to their systems. Further, thirty days prior to launch of AMSC—1,
AMSC states that it will notify operators of the satellites that AMSC—1 will pass during the five—
day transfer orbit phase. It will also advise operators that AMSC—1 and its ground facilities will
not radiate when the satellite is within one degree of another satellite.

        7.      We grant AMSC‘s requests. By consolidating TT&C operations in the 12/14 GHz
band, AMSC will eliminate the need for 11/13 GHz TT&C equipment, and will be able to lease
ground segment TT&C functions from existing operators. These benefits will be reflected in
lower costs to customers. Furthermore, AMSC has demonstrated that grant of its proposal would
not result in interference to current fixed satellite service operations in the 12/14 GHz band, as
evidenced by its agreement with GTE Spacenet. Consequently, we find that a grant of AMSC‘s
request will serve the public interest pursuant to Sections 309 and 319 of the Communications
Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 309 and 319.                However, we are concerned that AMSC‘s
use of the 12/14 GHz bands for TT&C could affect future fixed satellite service operations at the
101° W.L. orbital location.    Therefore, we condition grant of this authorization on AMSC
coordinating its TT&C operations with any 12/14 GHz satellite authorized to occupy orbital
location 101 degrees W.L., and with the understanding that we will require AMSC to relocate
AMSC—1 if AMSC is unsuccessful in completing coordination with these other U.S. satellite

                                              Ordering Clauses

         8.      Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 0.261 on delegation of

     °    SBS—5 is licensed to Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc., and is operating at 123 degrees W.L. AMSC
states that it is unlikely SBS—5 will ever be relocated to 101 degrees W.L. because SBS—5 is not a hybrid satellite, °
and 101 degrees W.L. is assigned by the Commission for use by hybrid satellites, which normally operate in both
C—band (4/6 GHz) and Ku—band (12/14 GHz). AMSC concludes, therefore, that its "use of 12/14 GHz ... is
consistent with the Commission‘s policy of promoting fungibility in orbital locations." Application at 4.


authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, application File Nos. 3—DSS—AM
                                                             END—93 and 4—DSS—AMEND—95
ARE GRANTED, and AMSC is permitted to use the freque
                                                           ncies 11700.5 MHz, 11701.0 MHz
and 14499.5 MHz during its transfer orbit maneuvers. AMSC
                                                                 is also permitted to use the
frequencies 11700.5 MHz, 11701.0 MHz, 14000.5
                                              MHz and 14499.5 MHz for telemetry,
tracking, and control functions from its proper on—station
                                                           orbital location, 101 degrees, W.L.,
provided that AMSC successfully coordinates its TT&C operat
                                                                ions with licensees of satellites
at 101 degrees W.L. operating in the 12/14 GHz bands. If
                                                            a coordination agreement cannot be
reached, AMSC—1 will be required to relocate to another orbital

                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                               ;co’u’       Ez?‘a’
                                            Scott Blake Harris
                                            Chief, International Bureau

Document Created: 2014-09-16 17:41:42
Document Modified: 2014-09-16 17:41:42

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