Attachment 1999Satellite CD Rad

1999Satellite CD Rad

LETTER submitted by Satellite CD Radio Inc

Oct 18 1999 Ltr


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19920923-00025 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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October 18, 1999                              ocft 1 8 1998                international Bursau
                                        comsat commpicranous commssse     HAND DELIVERY
                                             ornee on mes secrenary
Magalie Roman Salas
Federal Communications Commission
445 12Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:   Application of Satellite CD Radio, Inc. to Modify Authorization, dated
       December 11, 1998 (49/50—DSS—P/L—90; 58/59—DSS—AMEND—90; 44/45—DSS—

Dear Ms. Salas:

       In the above—referenced Application of Satellite CD Radio, Inc. to Modify —

Authorization ("Modification Application"), Satellite CD Radio, Inc. ("CD Radio")

requested the Commission‘s approval to use 6/4 GHz for on—orbit Tracking, Telemetry

and Command ("TT&C") for its geosynchronous satellite system. CD Radio‘s original

authorization for its geostationary satellite system permitted use of 6/4 GHz for transfer

orbit TT&C, and the use of 7/2 GHz for normal on—orbit TT&C plus emergency use of

6/4 GHz on—orbit. CD Radio‘s request in the Modification Application to use 6/4 GHz

exclusively for on—orbit TT&C of its geosynchronous satellites was made on a non—

interference basis to operations of geostationary satellites, as detailed on Page 7 of the

Modification Application (copy attached). The present letter is to explain further the

need to use 6/4 GHz for on—orbit TT&C on a non—interference basis.

       The geosynchronous orbit described in the Modification Application is not the

Non—Geostationary Orbit ("NGQ") typically addressedin the ITU, because the three CD

Radio satellites each cross the geostationary are at the same two nodal locations (65.6°

Magalie Roman Salas
October 18, 1999
Page 2

and 126.4° W. Longitude) once daily and, thus, only have the potential to interfere with

6/4 GHz geostationary satellite TT&C at these relatively infrequent crossings and only

for nominally five minutes per crossing. Almost all commands —— especially critical

commands —— occur well away from such nodes.

         In addition, the use of 7/2 GHz for broadcast transmissions is terminated

whenever the satellites are lower than 20° elevation angle from New York City to avoid

interference with co—frequency terrestrial facilities in the Southern Hemisphere. The

possible use of 2 GHz for TT&C throughout the Southern Hemispheric portion of the

satellites‘ orbits at the high EIRPs required cannot be coordinated due to interference

with co—frequency light—haul radio relay systems in many Central and South American

countries. Likewise, coordination of 7/2 GHz at CD Radio‘s TT&C earth stations in

Quito, Ecuador and Utive, Panama is not possible; no other appropriate frequencies for

TT&C are currently known to be available in the Southern Hemisphere. These two

stations are CD Radio‘s only TT&C stations, and both operate at 6/4 GHz. The power

flux density of the 4 GHz transmissions fully comply with Section 25.208 of the

Commission‘s rules.

         The foregoing were the main reasons that CD Radio designed its satellite system

so that operation ofits on—orbit 6/4 GHz TT&C would be possible on a non—interference

basis with geostationary 6/4 GHz TT&C systems. CD Radio hereby requests a waiver of

Section 25.202(g) of the Commission‘s rules. However, CD Radio also believes it can

coordinate with geostationary satellite operators. CD Radio‘s Ex Parte filing to the

Magalie Roman Salas
October 18, 1999
Page 3

Commission dated August 16, 1999, showed that coordination should be achievable with

U.S. operators. Additionally, ITU submissions for 6/4 GHz TT&C international

coordination were filed several months ago. Besides the technical means for coordination

shown in the Modification Application, operational means for coordination (e.g., delay of

CD Radio non—critical commands for an orbit if a particular geostationary satellite is

being commanded; adjustment of CD Radio satellites‘ orbital nodal crossings, use of

ascending rather than descending node) are also available. However, if coordination is

not achieved, the CD Radio satellites can be satisfactorily operated without 6/4 GHz

TT&C during the short periods of nodal crossings. Various means for terminating and

recommencing 4 GHz transmissions during such periods without harm to the satellite

transmitters have been incorporated in the spacecraft TT&C design.

 C 228C                        Torm
Robert D. Briskman
Executive Vice President
Satellite CD Radio, Inc.


c€       Ari Fitzgerald / Office of Chairman Kennard
         Mark Schneider / Office of Commissioner Ness
         Bryan Tramont / Office of Commissioner Furchtgott—Roth
         Peter Tenhula / Office of Commissioner Powell
         Adam Krinsky / Office of Commissioner Tristani
         Ronald Repasi / International Bureau


interference to countries to the south of the United States, including Mexico. Overall,
adjacent countries will experience no greater interference from CD Radio‘s operation of
three non—geostationary satellites than would be expected from two geostationary

        No Interference From Use of 6/4 GHzfor TT&C. CD Radio‘s additional use of
the 6/4 GHz frequency band for on—orbit TT&C will be on a non—interference basis to
operators of geostationary satellites at the equator crossings used by CD Radio‘s non—
geostationary satellites. The 6/4 GHz frequency band is allocated to fixed satellite
service. Under ITU Radio Regulations, non—geostationary satellites such as those
proposed herein may not cause interference to geostationary satellites operating in—band.
CD Radio agrees that its proposed use of the 6/4 GHz band for TT&C will be secondary
to use of that band by fixed satellite service providers. Further, CD Radio agrees to
accept any interference from fixed satellite services provided in the 6/4 GHz band.

        CD Radio can and will operate the non—geostationary satellites‘ on—orbit TT&C on
a non—interfering basis. First, CD Radio‘s TT&C link has a low data requirement in
normal operation. Second, only transmissions near the equator could interfere with
geostationary fixed systems. To ensure operation of its satellites on a non—interfering
basis, CD Radio will either stop transmitting when the non—geostationary satellites
operate near the equator or will fully coordinate with the potentially effected
geostationary satellite operators. Thus, the Commission can be assured that CD Radio‘s
use of the 6/4 GHz frequency band for its three non—geostationary satellites‘ on—orbit
TT&C will not interfere with geostationary satellites‘ priority use of the same band.

         No Other Interference Issues. CD Radio‘s operation of a satellite DARS system
using three non—geostationary satellites also will not increase interference with the other
satellite DARS

Document Created: 2013-10-23 16:52:46
Document Modified: 2013-10-23 16:52:46

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