Attachment 1990ABES Comments se

1990ABES Comments se

COMMENT submitted by ABES



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19900801-00046 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                               Before the                   |
                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS        COMMISSION              NOV 3 0 1990
                      Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                 Federal Communicationsy Commission
                                                                       Office ohfl)?@ryE’ VE‘

In Re Application of           )                                                    £%
                               )                                                 OFC         ; 90
SATELLITE CD RADIO,     INC.   )   File Nos.   49/50—DSS—P/LA—            QMwfi              J   1990
                               )               90; 58/59—DSS—                    $0C Faciliige ryi . .
For Digital Audio Service)                     AMEND—90                     Safeliite Badio BS,DMS'OI
Satellite Systen          )                                                                   ancph

To:      Chief, Common Carrier Bureau


             Association For Broadcast Engineering Standards,

Inc ("ABES"), by its attorneys, respectfully submits these

Comments in response to the Public Notice (Report No. DS—

1015)    released in the above—captioned matter October 19,

1990 .


             ABES is a nonprofit membership corporation whose

principal corporate purpose is to assist the Commission and

the Congress in the development and implementation of

technical standards to the end that the people of the

United States will receive optimum aural broadcast

services.     Since its organization, ABES has participated in

numerous Commission proceedings related to those services.

Attached hereto as Appendix A are lists of the Officers,

Directors, and Technical Committee members of ABES.

           Satellite CD Radio, Inc.        ("CD Radio"), has

applied for authority to provide a variety of services via

communications satellite,         all of which are related to the

provision to the public of Digital Aural Broadcast ("DAB")

service.   The services that CD Radio proposes appear to

include direct transmissions of DAB programming to

receivers in the hands of the public, i.e., direct aural

broadcast satellite service.         As the Public Notice of

October 19,     1990,   notes,   CD Radio has also petitioned for

Rule Making looking toward the allocation on a primary

basis of the frequency band 1470—1530 MHz for the down—

linking of its proposed DAB services.

           It is the position of ABES that, to the extent

that CD Radio proposes in the subject application to

provide a direct aural broadcast satellite service on a

reqgularly licensed basis, the application specifies a

service not provided for in the Commission‘s Rules and

Reqgulations.     To the extent CD Radio proposes to employ

communications satellite facilities merely for the purpose

of interconnecting terrestrial DAB transmitters, ABES con—

siders the application to be untimely, since the Commission

has not authorized such a terrestrial service and does not

appear likely to do so for a considerable period of tinme.

           Therefore, ABES urges the Commission to dismiss

the CD Radio application.

                 Direct Aural Broadcast Satellite
                      Service Not Authorized

              Direct Aural Broadcast Satellite service,

transmitting audio signals,     apart from and unrelated to

video signals, directly to viewers in the United States is

not now a service authorized by the Commission‘s Rules and

Regulations and no spectrum allocation has yet been made to

that service at either an international or domestic

level.—/        The subject of direct broadcast satellite

transmission of Digital Radio service [BSS (Sound)] is one

of the major subjects of the Commission‘s pending Inquiry

in General Docket No.     89—554, which involves United States

positions and preparations for the ITU World Administrative

Radio Conference to be held in Spain early in 1992        (WARC

92).    Work on such preparations is well under way.      No

spectrum allocation to purely audio DBS service,      i.e., BSS—

Ssound, has been made at either an international or domestic


       —14/   gee Notice of Proposed Policy Statement and
              Proposed Rule Making (Gen. Docket No. 80—603), 86
              FCC 24@ 719, 728—729; Report and Order (Gen.
              Docket No. 80—603), 90 FCC2a@ 676, 689—692.

       —2/    gsee Report and Order (Gen. Docket No. 80—603), 90
              FCC2a@ 676 (1982). In footnote 1, Id. at 719, the
              Commission made it clear that its use of the tern
              Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) was synonymous
              with the international use of the term Broadcast—
              ing Satellite Service (BSS).  As is shown by the

             The subject of direct broadcast satellite

transmission of Digital Radio service (BSS (Sound))                 is one

of the major subjects of the Commission‘s pending Inquiry

in General Docket No. 89—554, which involves United States

positions and preparations for the ITU World Administrative

Radio Conference to be held in Spain early in 1992              (WARC

92).     Work on such preparations is well under way.

             On October 1,   1990, the Commission released its

second Notice of Ingquiry in that proceeding.—2/              Paragraphs

84 through 104 of the Second Notice are devoted to a

thorough discussion of BSS      (Sound)   and the many problems

involved in finding adequate spectrum for it.             The three

spectrum allocation options under consideration in that

Inquiry are    (a)   the UHF band at 728—788 MHz,       (b)   the

microwave band from 1435—1530 MHz,        or   (c)   2390—2450 MHz

higher in the microwave band.       As the Commission makes

clear,    each of these possible BSS      (Sound)    allocation

solutions presents difficult problems of conflicts with

       —2/ (...continued)
             Commission‘s Notice of Inquiry in Gen. Docket No.
             89—554 (1992 WARC), the ITU is merely considering
             the possibility of an allocation for an ex—
             clusively audio direct broadcast satellite
             service under the acronym BSS—Sound as a matter
             of business to be considered at Seville, Spain,
             early in 1992. Present international and domestic
             allocations for BSS/DBS do not contemplate audio—
             only service directly to the public.

       —3/   FCC 90—316 (Mimeo 38008).

other spectrum uses, some of which directly involve

national security and public safety.

            ABES wishes to make it clear that it does not

oppose the CD Radio application on any grounds related to

the applicant or its qualifications.    Rather, these

Comments are filed to point out that said application

cannot be accepted for filing, since the service proposed

has not yet been established at either the international or

domestic regulatory level.

            To the extent that CD Radio proposes to employ

communications satellites to interconnect terrestrial DAB

transmitters, ABES interposes no objection, since a direct

aural broadcast service to the public would not be

involved.   Nevertheless,   in light of the fact that it is

likely to be several years before DAB service is authorized

by the Commission in any form, ABES must question the

prudence of accepting, processing, and acting upon the CD

Radio application at this time.    The underlying DAB service

may never be authorized by the Commission or may take a

form inconsistent with the proposal now advanced by CD


            In view of the fact that CD Radio proposes to

employ satellite communications facilities, either directly

or indirectly, as part of a system of Digital Aural

Broadcast service, ABES must question the prudence of the

Common Carrier Bureau proceeding to process the CD Radio

satellite facilities application separate from action by

the Mass Media Bureau on the fundamental issues of whether

there should be a DAB service and the form any such service

should take.    Those issues are under study in the Inquiry

proceeding in Gen. Docket No. 90—357,    initial comments in

which were filed November 13, 1990.     The interest in and

response to the Commission‘s Notice of Inquiry in Gen.

Docket No. 90—357 have been lively.     It is likely that the

initial Notice of Inquiry will be followed either by a

Further Notice of Inquiry or by a Notice of Proposed Rule

Making or both.    The Common Carrier Bureau should not go

off on its own and take action on an unauthorized applica—,

tion that could affect the outcome of those proceedings.

            Primary responsibility for the development of

policy on DAB must be placed in the hands of the Mass Media

Bureau, which alone among the Bureaus of the Commission

possesses the expertise and responsibility to resolve the

many difficult technical and policy issues that DAB

presents.   ABES strongly believes that the Common Carrier

Bureau,   in the instance of applications like that of CD

Radio, and the Office of Engineering and Technology should

defer any independent action that affects any aspect of DAB

service until the Mass Media Bureau has had the time

required to formulate a unified policy and present it to

the Commission for consideration.

          For the reasons set forth above, ABES believes

that the CD Radio application is defective and untimely and

should be dismissed.

                              Respectfully subnmitted,

                              ASSOCIATION FOR BROADCAST
                              ENGINEERING STANDARDS,       INC.

                              By Haley,    Bader & Potts

                                    William J."Potts, Jf.

                              2000 M Street, N.W.
                              Suite 600
                              Washington, D.C. 20036
                              (202)    331—0606

November 30,   1990                   Its Attorneys


    sSoC    0       RO       S         NGINEE

            LECTE   OR _ON         AR _ON       R

 RESIDEN                         Mr. Wallace E. Johnson
                                 Moffet, Larson & Johnson,   P.C.
                                 Two Skyline Place
                                 Suite 800
                                 5203 Leesburg Pike
                                 Falls Church, VA 22041
                                 Tel:     824—5660
                                 Fax:     824—5672

VICE PRESTDENT                   Mr.    Kenneth Hermanson
                                 King Broadcasting Company
                                 P.0O. Box 24525
                                 Seattle, WA 98124
                                      Street address:
                                      333 Dexter Avenue N.
                                      Seattle, WwA 98109
                                 Tel.   (206) 448—5555

SsECRETARY AND TREASURER         William J. Potts, Jr., Esquire
                                 Haley, Bader & Potts
                                 2000 M Street, N.W.
                                 Suite 600
                                 Washington, D.C. 20036
                                 Tel:     (202) 331~—0606


                    EMBERS OF     E_   BOAR      F_DI           0

Ms. Elizabeth Hayter                      Mr. James Wulliman
Vice President, Media                     721 West Calle Del Regalo
        Practices                         Green Valley, AZ 85614
CBS Radio Division                        Tel:      (602)           648—1250
51 West S2nd Street
New York, NY 10019
Tel:     (212) 975—7054                   Mr. Jeffrey B. Hatch
                                              Communications Investment
Alfred E.       Resnick,   P.E.               2185 South 3600 West
Director, Engineering —                   Salt Lake City, UT 84119
        Radio                             Tel:          (801)       973—3013
Capital Cities, ABC
125 Westend Avenue
New York, NY 10023                        Mr. Glynn Walden
Tel:     (212) 887—5283                   Engineering Manager
                                          Westinghouse Broadcasting
                                                 Co., Inc.
Mr.    Kenneth Hermanson                      Independence Mall East
King Broadcasting Company                 Philadelphia, PA 19106
P.0.    Box 24525                         Tel:      (215) 238—4700
Seattle, WA 98124
     Street address:
        333   Dexter Avenue N.            Mr. Richard R. Miller
        Seattle, WwA 98109                KBOW,     Inc.
Tel:     (206) 448—5555                   660 Dewey Boulevard
                                          Butte, MT 59701
                                          (406) 494—7777

       SsSoCc     ON             OADpCAS


                  LEC        0

Mr. Kenneth Brown                          Mr. Kevin Mostyn
Capital Cities, ABC                        King Broadcasting Company
47 West 66th Street                        Station KYA—AM
l0th Floor                                 300 Broadway
New York, NY 10023                         San Francisco, CA 94133
Tel:   (212) 887—3484                      Tel:  (415) 391~1260

Mr. Mark Durenberger                       Mr. James Wullinman
5700 12th Avenue South                     721 West Calle Del Regalo
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417               Green Valley, AZ 85614
Tel:   (612) 646—5555                      Tel:   (602) 648—1250

Mr. Dale Bobbitt                           Alfred E. Resnick, P.E.
Radio Stations KALL/KLCY—FM                Director, Engineering —
312 East South Temple                          Radio
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111                 Capital Cities, ABC
Tel:      (801)   364—3562                 125 Westend Avenue
                                           New York,   NY 10023
                                           Tel:   (212) 887—5283
Mr. Anthony Masiello
CBS Radio Division
51 West S2nd Street
New York, NY 10019
Tel:  (212)  975—3873

                     CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

          I hereby certify the copies of the foregoing

Comments of Association For Broadcast Engineering

Standards, Inc., were served this 30th day of November,

1990, by U. S. Mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

               Richard M. Firestone, Esquire*
               Chief, Common Carrier Bureau
               Federal Communications Commision
               Washington,      D.C.   20554

               Roy J. Stewart, Esquire*
               Chief, Mass Media Bureau
               Federal Communications Commission
               Washington, D.C. 20554

               Mr.   Peter J.    Dolan
               Satellite CD Radio, Inc.
               Techworld Plaza
               800 K Street, N.W.
               Suite 750
               Washington, D.C. 20001—8000

                             /Y)Mfi 6. Pomie
                                NancyE. Davies

* Hand Delivered

Document Created: 2015-03-11 16:33:15
Document Modified: 2015-03-11 16:33:15

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