Attachment 1995CD Radio revised

1995CD Radio revised


FCC Form 430


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19900801-00046 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                WILEY, REIN & FIELDING
                                               1776 K STREET, N. W                   RECE'VED

                                            WASHINGTON, D. C. 200
                                                                                     UCI 2 ’7 '995
                                                 (202) 429—7000

                                                                                     orpio ces esCOMMISION
                                                                                         @%@       ILE
WRITER‘S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER                                                              (202) 429—7049

                                      October 27,            1995

    (202)     429—7269

   William Caton
   Acting Secretary
   Federal Communications Commission
   1919 M Street, NW, Room 222
   Washington, DC  20054

   Re:      Satellite CD Radio,             Inc.
            File Nos.—
                              44 /45 —DSS—AMEND— 92

   Dear Mr.        Caton:

        Satellite CD Radio, Inc. ("CD Radio") hereby submits a
   revised FCC Form 430 for its pending application.

            If there are any questions about the foregoing,                           please
   contact the undersigned.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,
                                                                     _    mdns cce
                                                                  nmm imn

                                            T—~fartrR.: Tranwk—~—————~~
                                                    Counsel          for Satellite CD
                                                        Radio,         Inc.

   cc:      Rosalee Chiara

                                                              LICENSEE QUALFICATON            agport
                                                                                                                       gfi?1‘9"“{& P‘
                                                                                                                                   a iz~ :‘a'«~-~-
 A.     Ihne   CFuer‘   cfo insg report s defined :o   neide. (l) An appucant,     wrere ns cagort § Su0m theg Feoemar
                                                                                                                 n oo         ggfi?@fi@@?%‘        hapocarye—
        carrer and sateihte radio authordy as requred for such acOncabons; x6 2° 40             censee or sermirse.,   Cog @%ifij eWM              cV L     0.
        Commssgon‘s      Tues ‘o be supmilled    on an irrua tass.
 3       Supmut an w grai and one copy ‘s5 gn orgimal cnily) to the Fegeral Corvmurcat ons Commssion, wasringtan, 30 305541 6 mare cnanm c~a ic >
        service s ‘sied n lam O. supmit an additional copy for each such agatonal serece        5 ‘~g report 5 seimg Gupm{‘led m conpechcr win c~
        application for rad ruthorify. attach 1 io ‘hat appiication                                                        o oaon               *
 T.     Do not supmit a ‘se win ‘ng report.

  1. Business Name and Address (Number, Street, State and 2ZIP                                   — 2. (Area Code) Telephone Number:
        Code) of Filer‘s Principal Office:                                                             202—296—6192
        Satellite CD Radio, Inc.                                                                   3. If this report supercedes a previously
        1001 22nd Street, N.».                                                                         filed report, specify its date:
         asnington, DC 2
                                      0037                                                            December 1, 1994
4. Filer is (check one):                                                                           5. Under the laws of what State (or o:her
   7 individual                         C       Partnership           (X]   Corporation               Jurisdiction) is the Filer organized?
        C]     Other (Specify):
6. List the common carrier and satellite radlo services in which Filer has applied or is a current licensee
       or permittee:

        Private Satellite Carrier

7(a) Has the Filer or any party to this application had any FCC station license or
     permit revoked or had any application for permit, license or renewsal denied by                                                C Yes       {x] No
         this Commission?             /f "YVES", attach as Exhibit | a statement giving call sign and file number
         otf license or permit revoked and relating     cireumstancer
      (b) Has any court finally adjudged the Filer, or any person directly or indirectly
          controlling the Filer, gullty of unlawfully monepolizing or attempting unlawfully                                         C Yes       { No
          to monopolize radlo communication, directly or indirectly, through control of
          manufacture or sale of radlo apparatus, exclusive traffic arrangement, or other
          means of unfair methods of competition? if "VES",      attech as Exhibit i a statement relating
         the facts
  (c) Has the Filer, or any party to this application, or any person directly or indirectly                                          y
      controlling the Fller ever been convicted of a felony by any state or Federal                                                 C ¥yes       {5] No
         Court?         if "VES", attach as Exhibit II! a statement     relating the facts

  (d) Is the Filer, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the Filer, presently                                           C ve        N
      a party in any matter referred to items 7(b) and 7(c)? if "VES", attich as                                                           8           o
         Exhibit N a statement relating the facts

8. is the Filer, directly or indirectly, through stock ownership, contract or otherwise,                                            C ves       —;@ No
       currently Interested in the ownership or control of any other radio stations
       licensed by this Commmission? if "VES", submit as Exhibit V the name otf sach such liscensee and
       the licensee‘s relation to the Filer.

If Filee is an individual (sole proprietorship) or partnership, answer the following and Item 11:                             N/A
9(a) Full Legal Name and Residential Address                                   (b) is Individual or each member
        (Number, Street, State and ZIP Code) of                                     of a partnership a citizen of
        Individual or Partners:                                                _    the United States?                    *         J Yes        [( No
                                                                               (c) is individual or any member of a
                                                                                   partnership a—representative of an
                                                                                    allen or of a foreign government? J Yes                      [] No
                                                                                                                                     FCC 430 — Page i
                                                                                                                                               March   1993

                                                                                     ©a                                                                  _
          er    $   &   corsoral on     antwer     cne   o    3w ~g   ang    tem

      a). Atacgn as Ex«nocdt                y
                                                vOoot"e rames, agdgresses, and               Citce~s—    2
                                                                                                             CA~    —
                                                                                                                    *          at~~
                                                                                                                                        18°3      TWt tpf        :         P1IIt:
               and/or voting            °0 percent or more of the Filer‘s                        vourg stock and ina sersentages 3c —c 1
               case of fiqucary contro!, indicate the beneficlarylies} or c.ass of bereficiares                                                                        0    20

          See Exhibit VI
   (b) List below, or attach as Exhibit VIl the names and addresses of the officers and airectors of :—s
          Robert D. Briskman                             Satellite CD Radio, Inc.
                                                         1001 22nd Street, NW
                                                         Washington, DC 20037
          Lawrence F.              Gilberti              (Same as above)
                                                                                                                                    Secretary and Sole Directo
   (c) is the Filer directly or Indirectly controlied by any other corporation?                                                                                        —
          If VE$", attach as Exhibit Vill a statement {lincivding organizational dirgrams where     appropriate) which fully                         @ yes             [ No
          and complaetely identities the nature and extent of control. Include the following: (1) the address ind prim ary
          business of the controlling corporation and any intermediate subsidiaries; (2) the namaes, addressos, ind
          citizenship et these stockholders holding 10 percant or more of the controiling corporation‘s     voting stock;
          (3) the spproximate percentage ot total veting stock held by erch such stockholder; and (4) the names and
          addresses fo the prosident and directors of the controlling corporation.

          See Exhibit VIII

  (d) Is any officer or director of the Filer an alien?                                                                                               ]¥Yes            K No
  (e) is more than one—fifth                      of the capital stock of the Filer owned of record or                                                       —
          voted by allems or their representatives, or by a foreign government or representa—                                                         C] Yes           No
          tive(s) thereof, or by a corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?

  (f) is the Filer directly or Indirectly controlled: (1) by any other corporation of which
          any officer or more than one—fourth of the directors are allens, or (2) by any                                                             £&ves             C No
          foreign corporation or corporation of which more than one—fourth of the capital
          stock is owned or voted by allens or their representatives, or by a foreign
          government or representatives thereot.

  (g) If any answer to questlions (d), (e) or (f) is "YES", attach as Exhibit IX a statement                                                     identifying the
          allens or foreign entitles, their nationality,                        their relationship to the Filer, and the percentage of stock
          they own or vote.                              See Exhibit IX
                                                                                 11. CERTFICATION
This report constitutes a material part of any application                                which cross—references           it, and ail statements made in the at—
tached exhibits are a material part thereot. The ownership Iinformation contained in this report does not constitute an ap—
plication for, or Commission approval of, any transfer of control or assignment of radio facilities. The undersigned, in—
dividually and for the Fller, hereby certifies that the statements made herein are true, complete and correct to the best
of Filer‘s knowledge and beliet, and are made in good faith.

WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS                            Date                    Filer (Must     co   spond with that            Typed or Printed Name

IMPERISONMENT (U.S. Code                            10/27/95
                                                                            Satellite CD            Radio,         Inc.|       Robert D. Briskman
AeSdreno       0sthriEn
LICENSE OR CONSTRUCTION                              Signature                                                              Title
PERMIT (U.S. Code,                                                                                                                  .
Title 47, Section 312(a¥ 1)).                        w S‘                                                                      President

The solictation         of personal   information requested    in ths form i to determine          if you are qualified to becorne or remain a licensee              in a common
carmier    or satellite radio service pursuyant to the Communications Act of                1934, as armended. No authorization can he granted uniless all information
"equested       & provided. Your resporse        s requred to obtain the requested authorization or retain an authorization.
Public reporting burden for ths collection af information s estrmated to average 2 hours per response, including the tme for reviewing                                      instruc—
tiong, searching        existing   data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and roviewing                the collection of information,         Sernq
comments regarding this burden estrmate or anmy other aspect of the collection of information, including suggestions for reducing ths burgen ‘o
Federal Communications Commesion, Office of Managing Orector, Washington, OC 20854, and to Office of Management and Budget, Paperwor«
Reduction Project (3060—010§), Washington, OC 20503.

FCC 430 — Page 2
March          1993

                                      Satellite    CD Radio,       Inc.
                                                     FCC    Form    430
                                                  October    16,    1995

                          EXHIBIT VI

                                        Percentage of
Name   & Address                        Ownership

CD Radio   Inc.                         100%
1001 22nd Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037

                                               Satellite CD Radio, Inc.
                                                           FCC Form 430
                                                        October 16, 1995

                               EXHIBIT VIII
                   CONTROL OF SATELLITE CD RADIO,    INC.

     Satellite CD Radio,     Inc.    is a wholly—owned subsidiary of

CD Radio   Inc.

     (1)   Address and Primary Business

            1001   22nd Street,   N.W.
           Washington,    D.C.    20037

           The primary business of CD Radio Inc.       is the
           ownership of the stock of the filer.

(2)    Name, Address and Citizenship of Stockholders
       Holding 10 Percent or More of the Voting Stock
       of CD Radio Inc.

                                Percentage of
                                Voting Stock
Name & Address                  Ownership       Citizenship

Darlene   Friedland                28 .60%           U.S.
c/o CD Radio Inc.
1001   22nd   Street,   N.W.
Washington,     D.C.    20037

David Margolese                    17 .28%           Canada
c/o CD Radio Inc.
1001   22nd Street,     N.W.
Washington,     D.C.    20037

(3)      Names and Addresses of Officers and
        Directors of CD Radio Inc.

Names    & Address                    Title

David Margolese                       Chairman & Chief
c/o CD Radio Inc.                     Executive Officer/
1001 22nd Street,         N.W.        Director
Washington, D.C.         20037

Robert Briskman                       Vice President &
c/o CD Radio Inc.                     Chief Technical
1001    22nd   Street,    N.W.        Officer/Director
Washington,      D.C.    20037

Lawrence F. Gilberti                  Secretary/Director
c/o CD Radio Inc.
1001    22nd Street,     N.W.
Washington,      D.C.20037

Jack Rubinstein                       Director
c/o CD Radio Inc.
1001    22nd Street,     N.W.
Washington,      D.C.    20037

Ralph V. Whitworth                    Director
c/o CD Radio Inc.
1001 22nd Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037

Peter K. Pitsch                       Director
c/o CD Radio Inc.
1001    22nd   Street,   N.W.
Washington,      D.C.    20037

                                                         Satellite CD Radio, Inc.
                                                                     FCC Form 430
                                                                 October 16 1995

                                  EXHIBIT         IX
                          OWNERSHIP OF CD         RADIO    INC.

     CD Radio     Inc.,      which owns all of the            issued and outstanding

stock of the filer,          has six    (6)   directors.       One of the directors,

David Margolese,      is a citizen of Canada.

     In   addition,     certain     of    the    company‘s     outstanding       stock    is

owned of record by non—U.S.             citizens.       Specifically:

     —     Mr.    Margolese owns         17.28% of      the   company‘s outstanding
           stock;                                                      .

     —     Gee    &   Co.,     an entity       controlled by non—U.S.           citizens,
           owns   3 .78%;

     —     Rowena Huberman,            a citizen of Canada,        owns 3.31%;

     —     Canada Trust Company, a Canadian corporation acting as
           trustee for the Prudential Insurance Co. of America, owns
           2 .59% ;

     —     Hemery Nominees Ltd., a corporation                     organized       in    the
           Channel Islands, owns 2.16%;

     —     First   Marathon   Securities                   Limited,        a      Canadian
           corporation, owns 1.08%;

     —     Regent Star Investment Limited, a Hong Kong company, owns
           0 .54%;

     —     Greenport Investment Limited,                 a Hong Kong company, owns
           0 .54 %;

     —     CSA  Management,   an               entity     controlled       by     non—U.S.
           citizens, owns 0.32%;

     —     Balshine Foundation,               a corporation organized in British
           Columbia,         owns 0 .23%;

     —     Jeanette Greenhut,            a citizen of Canada,         owns      0.07%;

     —    Leslie Bing,    a citizen of Canada,      owns 0.06%;

     —    Melas Overseas    Inc.,    a U.K.   corporation,    owns   0.03%;

     —    Mike Paraskake,    a citizen of Canada,         owns 0.01%;   and

     —    Herb Silber,   a citizen of Canada,       owns 0 .01%

          Except   as    indicated     herein,    these     individuals       and

entities have no other relationship with the filer.

Document Created: 2015-03-11 17:02:32
Document Modified: 2015-03-11 17:02:32

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