Attachment 1990AFTRCC petition

1990AFTRCC petition


Petition To Deny


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19900801-00046 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


              Federal Communications Commission ~—
                              WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

In re Application of                    )
                                        )0      .                                    .
SATELLITE CD RADIO,    INC.             )      Filge N.:   49/50—        —a.         Th:A
                                        )       DSS—P/LA—90,                             *
for a Digital Audio Radio               )       58/59—DSS—AMEND—90        ;.
service Satellite Systen                )                           %    pesss     on3       j
                                                                               7    C

To:   The Commission

                         PETITION TO DENY

          Aerospace & Flight Test Radio Coordinating Council

 ("AFTRCC")   hereby petitions to deny the above—captioned

application of Satellite CD Radio,           Inc.   ("CDR").

          AFTRCC is an organization comprised of major entities

engaged in the design,    development,        and production of aircraft,

space vehicles,    and their major components.             Members of AFTRCC

include in particular the major U.S.           aerospace manufacturers

listed in the attachment hereto.        Given its members‘          role in the

development,    testing and production of aircraft and space

vehicles, AFTRCC serves as the FCC—recognized advisory committee

for coordination of the flight test telemetry frequencies shared

by non—Government and Government users.             AFTRCC works closely

with its counterpart coordinators on the Government side in order

to ensure prompt,    efficient coordination of the referenced


          Related to its day—to—day coordination activities is

. AFTRCC‘s long and active involvement in spectrum management

 issues.   AFTRCC has been a frequent commentor in FCC rulemakings.

_Indeed, AFTRCC has initiated private sector efforts which led to

the allocation of radio spectrum for flight test telemetry.          This

includes notably its 1957 initiative which led to the.éllocation

of the 1435—1535 MHz band for telemetry, the band which is the

subject of CDR‘s proposal.l      More recently,   AFTRCC successfully

petitioned for reqgulatory changes which eliminated potential

handicaps to the global competitiveness of the nascent United

States commercial space launch industry.2         In short, AFTRCC is

uniquely positioned to comment on the implications of the CDR

proposal for aircraft and missile testing and has standing to

file this Petition.

           On August 20,   1990 AFTRCC filed an Opposition to CDR‘s

companion Petition for Rulemaking (RM—7400).       The points made

there are equally applicable to CDR‘s Title III application.

Accordingly AFTRCC hereby incorporates by reference its August 20

1/       Part 2 — Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters;
General Rules and Requlations, F.R. Doc. 58—7571, Sept. 17, 1958
at 7177.                                                                .

2/       Amendment of the Frequency Allocation and Aviation
Services Rules (Parts 2 and 87) to Provide Frequencies for Use by
Commercial Space Launch Vehicles,    5 FCC Red 493    (1990).

filing.   For the reasons stated therein CDR‘s application should

be denied.

                                  Respectfully submitted,
                                  AEROSPACE & FLIGHT TEST
                                  RADIO COORDINATING COUNCIL

                                  . UblMeary klleAcc
                                      WILLIAM K.   KEANE

                                  WINSTON & STRAWN
                                  1400 L STREET, N.W.
                                  wWASHINGTON, D.C. 20005

November 30,   1990               Its Counsel


Members of AFTRCC include,      among others,   the following:

                 Beech Aircraft Corporation

                       Bell Helicopter

                     The Boeing Company

                   E—Systems,   Incorporated

              Electrocom, Inc./General Dynamics

               Garrett Aerospace Corporation

                        ITT Gilfillan

                    Lockheed Corporation

                LTV Aerospace & Defense Corp.

                Martin Marietta Corporation

               McDonnell Douglas Corporation

         Northrop Radio Services,       Incorporated

          Rockwell International Corporation

                     CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

         I, Jean B. Pratt, do hereby certify that .true and
correct copies of the attached "Petition to Deny" were served by
First Class United States Mail,      postage prepaid,    this 30th day of
November 1990, on the following:

             James G. Ennis, Esquire
             Fletcher, Heald, & Hildreth
             1225 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
             Suite 400
             Washington, D.C.  20036
               Counsel for Satellite CD Radio,         Inc.

             Michael Yourshaw
             Wiley, Rein & Fielding
             1776 K Street,   N.W.
             Washington, D.C.     20006
               Counsel for Satellite CD Radio,         Inc.

                                       B. Jgan Pratt

Document Created: 2015-03-11 17:09:09
Document Modified: 2015-03-11 17:09:09

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