Attachment 1994CD Radio Supplem

1994CD Radio Supplem

SUPPLEMENT submitted by CD Radio

Supplement Comments


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19900801-00046 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           Before the                                NoV — 9 1994
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                             coun           ausar
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554                     Feoemm“%%&mw

In the Matter of

SATELLITE CD RADIO, INC.                       File Nos. 49/50 DSS—P/LA—90;
Application for Digital Audio                            44/    SS—AMEND—92
Radio Service Satellite System

                                                                            NOV 1 4 1994
                              SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS DONS

        Satellite CD Radio, Inc. (CD Radio), hereby submits Supplemental Comments in this

application regarding rules to allow for the non—mutually exclusive grant of the above—captioned

application and multiple other licenses in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service ("SDARS").‘

        In May of 1990, CD Radio filed its application and a petition for rulemaking to allocate

spectrum and develop rules for SDARS. Over two years ago, the Commission issued a Notice

of Proposed Rulemaking to allocate 50 MHz of spectrum in the S—band for provision of satellite—

delivered DARS.‘      Shortly thereafter, the agency announced a "cut—off" date to accept

applications for processing at the same time as CD Radio‘s 1990 application." On December

15, 1992, five other applicants applied for SDARS licenses; two subsequently withdrew their

applications, leaving a total of four applicants for the S—band spectrum.

    ‘   See the attached Motion for Acceptance of Supplemental Comments.

    *   Digital Audio Radio Services, 7 F.C.C. Red 7776 (1992).

    *   Public Notice DA 92—1408 (Oct. 13, 1992).

         Since that time, CD Radio has held discussions with the other three applicants for

SDARS licenses. On November 17, 1993, after careful analysis, CD Radio and two of the other

three applicants concluded that the four pending applications were not mutually exclusive and

that all four applicants could be accommodated in the amount of spectrum proposed to be

allocated on a proportional basis.‘     The fourth applicant requested only 10 MHz in its

application, less than a proportionate share of the proposed allocation, and thus can be

accommodated in whatever spectrum plan ultimately is adopted.          All four applicants later

discussed with Commission staff their belief that frequency assignments could be made that avoid

mutual exclusivity ."

        Thereafter, the four applicants held further discussions focused on creating a set of

service rules that clearly provided for equitable and efficient access to and use of the spectrum

and provided a mechanism for the Commission to grant licensees for particular spectrum

assignments. The applicants worked together cooperatively and in good faith, and CD Radio

appreciates their efforts.   Although several complete drafts were exchanged, and rules were

agreed to by at least one other applicant, no final agreement on every rule was reached by all


        Given the public interest in beginning a process to license qualified SDARS applicants,

and make any necessary changes in the Commission‘s rules, CD Radio hereby files proposed

    + Letter to Cecily Holiday from Richard E. Wiley, Douglas J. Mister, and Howard
Liberman, dated November 17, 1993.

    5   Letter to William F. Caton from Michael Yourshaw dated December 22, 1993.

service rules for the SDARS service. By this filing, CD Radio is speaking only for itself, not

for any of the three other applicants. However, the attached rules reflect that —— to CD Radio‘s

knowledge —— there continues to be no controversy over spectrum sharing, and thus no mutual

exclusivity in the SDARS service.

        The enclosed rules represent CD Radio‘s understanding of what can be agreed to by all,

consistent with CD Radio‘s understanding of Commission policy.                 While CD Radio‘s

commitment to offer a subscription—based service is well known to the Commission, as a result

of discussions with the other applicants, the rules are silent on the subject of subscription—based

and advertising supported service. CD Radio, however, reaffirms its commitment to provide

subscription only service and its willingness to accept SDARS licensing rules with such

limitation if the Commission believes this would best serve the public interest.

        Prompt action on service rules for the SDARS service will serve the public interest. CD

Radio‘s application has now been on file for over four—and—one—half—years. The Commission‘s

NPRM, and the applications of the three other parties are now approximately two years old.

But, while U.S. SDARS plans have been on hold, other nations have been pressing forward:

the Canadian—European Eureka 147 is in the final stages of standards setting, and has proposed

to launch a SDARS satellite —— using European technology —— as soon as 1998." Without prompt

action, the United States, which originally had technological and service leadership in providing

digital audio via satellite, will now slip behind.   CD Radio again notes that, in addition to

promoting new technology, industrial growth and employment, SDARS will provide the listening

    6    Hormer, Ewrope looks skyward to DAB, BROADCASTING AND CABLE 59 (Sept. 26, 1994).

public with improved programming diversity, especially in rural areas. Only by rapid issuance

of proposed service rules, and the licensing of qualified applicants, can the United States hope

to maintain its initiative.

        For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should use the attached rules and further

inputs it may obtain to prepare a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would suggest

service rules and a process of licensing pending applicants. Thereafter, the Commission should

rapidly proceed to license and authorize qualified SDARS applicants to begin offering this

valuable service to the American public.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                       Richard E. Wi
                                       Michael Yours
                                       Carl R. Frank


                                       WILEY, REIN & FIELDING
                                         1776 K Street, N.W.
                                       Washington, D.C. 20006
                                       (202) 429—7000

November 9, 1994

                                     Proposed Rules and Regulations

  1.       The Table of Contents for Part 25 is revised to read as follows:

                          PART 25— SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS
                                         Subpart A — General

  25.101          Basis and scope.

  25.102          Station authorization required.

  25.103          Definitions.

  25.104          Preemption of local zoning of earth stations.

  25.105 — 25.108        [Reserved]

  25.109          Cross—reference.

                                 Subpart B — Applications and Licenses

  25.110         Filing of applications, fees, and number of copies.

  25.111         Additional information.

  25.112         Defective applications.

  25.113         Construction permits.

  25.114         Applications for space station authorizations.

— 25.115         Applications for earth station authorizations.

  25.116         Amendments to applications.

  25.117         Modification of station license.

 25.118          Assignment or transfer of control of station authorization.

25.119   Application for special temporary authorization.

25.120   License term and renewals.

                                EARTH STATIONS

25.130   Filing requirements for transmitting earth stations.

25.132   Verification of earth station antenna performance standards.

25.133   Period of construction; certification of commencement of operation.

25.134   Licensing provisions of very small aperture terminal (VSAT) networks.

25.135   Licensing provisions for earth station networks in the non—voice, non—geostationary
         mobile—satellite service.

25.136   Operating provisions for earth station networks in the 1.6/2.4 GHz mobile—satellite

                                SPACE STATIONS

25.140   Qualifications of domestic fixed—satellite space station licensees.

25.141   Licensing provisions for the radiodetermination satellite service.

25.142   Licensing provisions for the non—voice, non—geostationary mobile—satellite service.

25.143   Licensing provisions for the 1.6/2.4 GHz mobile satellite service.

25.144   Licensing provisions for the 2.3 GHz satellite digital audio radio service.

                        PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS

25.150   Receipt of applications.

25.151   Public notice period.

25.152   Dismissal and return of applications.

25.153   Repetitious applications.

25.154   Opposition to applications and other pleadings.

25.155   Mutually exclusive applications.

25.156   Consideration of applications.


25.160   Administrative sanctions.

25.161   Automatic termination of station authorization.

25.162   Cause for termination of interference protection.

25.163   Reinstatement.

                          Subpart C — Technical Standards

25.201   Definitions.

25.202   Frequencies, frequency tolerance and emission limitations.

25.203   Choice of sites and frequencies.

25.204   Power limits.
25.205   Minimum angle of antenna elevation.

25.206   Station identification.

25.207   Cessation of emissions.

25.208   Power flux density limits.

25.209   Antenna performance standards.

25.210   Technical requirements for space stations in the Fixed—Satellite Service.

25.211   Video transmissions in the Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service.

25.212   Narrowband transmissions in the Fixed Satellite Service.

25.213   Inter—Service coordination requirements for the 1.6/2.4 GHz Mobile—Satellite

25.251   Special requirements for coordination.

25.252   Maximum permissible interference power.

25.253   Determination of coordination distance for near great circle propagation

25.254   Computation of coordination distance contours for propagation modes associated
         with precipitation scatter.

25.255   Guidelines for performing interference analyses for near great circle propagation

25.256   Guidelines for performing interference analyses for precipitation scatter modes.

                        Subpart D — Technical Operations

25.271   Control of transmitting stations.

25.272   General inter—system coordination procedures.

25.273   Duties regarding space communications transmissions.

25.274        Procedures to be followed in the event of interference.

25.275        Particulars of operation.

25.276        Points of communication.

25.277       Temporary fixed earth station operations.

25.278       Additional coordination obligation for non—geostationary and geostationary satellite
             systems in frequencies allocated to the Fixed—Satellite Service.

                            Subpart E — Developmental Operations

25.279       Inter—Satellite Service.

25.300       Developmental operation.

25.308       Automatic Transmitter Identification System (ATIS).

                                Subparts F — G —— [Reserved]

                       Subpart H — Authorization to Own Stock in
                        the Communications Satellite Corporation

25.501       Scope of this subpart.

25.502       Definitions.

25.503 — 25.504      [Reserved]

25.505       Persons requiring authorization.

25.506 — 25.514      [Reserved]
25.515       Method of securing authorization.

25.516 — 25.519      [Reserved]

25.520          Contents of application.

25.521          Who may sign applications.

25.522          Full disclosures.

25.523          Form of application, number of copies, fees, etc.

25.524          [Reserved]

25.525          Action upon applications.

25.526          Amendments.

25.527          Defective applications.

25.528 — 25.529         [Reserved]

25.530          Scope of authorization.

         The authority citation for Part 25 continues to read as follows:

         AUTHORITY: Sections 101 — 404, 76 Stat. 419 — 427; 47 U.S.C. 701 — 744, Sec. 4, 48
         Stat. 1066, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154. Interprets or applies Sec. 303, 48 Stat. 1082, as
         amended; 47 U.S.C. 303.

3.       A new paragraph is added, in alphabetical order, to Sections 2.1 and 25.201 to read as

Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service ("SDARS"). A one—way radiocommunication system in
which digital signals are transmitted by space stations and complementary terrestrial transmitters
to fixed, mobile and transportable stations.

4.       Section 25.114 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(18), to read as follows:

         § 25.114. Applications for space station authorizations. —

                                            *#   *     *

             (18) Detailed information demonstrating the financial qualifications of the
             applicant to construct and launch the proposed satellites. Applications for
             domestic and mobile satellite systems shall provide the financial information
             required by §25.140(b)—(e) or §25.142(a)(4). Applications for SDARS systems
             shall provide the financial information required by §25.144(b)(3). Applications
             for international satellite systems authorized pursuant to Establishing of Satellite
             Systems Providing International Communications, 50 FR 42266 (October 18,
             1985), 101 FCC 2d 1046 (1985), recon. 61 RR 2d 649 (1986), further recon. 1
             FCC Red 439 (1986), shall provide the information required by that decision.

5.    Section 25.120 is amended by adding paragraph (d)(3) as follows:

§25.120 License term and renewals.—

      (d)    Space stations.

             (3)    For systems in the satellite digital audio radio service, the license term will
             begin at 3 a.m. EST on the date that the licensee certifies to the Commission that
             its system has successfully been placed in orbit and is ready to commence
             operations and it operations will fully conform to the terms and conditions of the
             SDARS system authorization.

6.    A new Section 25.144 is added to read as follows:

      §25.144 Licensing provisions for the 2.3 GHz digital audio radio service.

      (a)    Definitions.

             (1)    "System." The term "system" means the constellation of one or more
                    SDARS space stations and complementary terrestrial facilities that an
                    individual applicant or licensee proposes to construct and operate.

             (2)    "Usable bandwidth." The term "usable bandwidth" means that portion of
                    the 2310—2360 MHz band that is usable by the SDARS licensees.

       (3)     "Frequency assignment."        The term "frequency assignment" means a
               subsection of the usable bandwidth exclusively assigned to a single SDARS
               licensee. All frequency assignments are of equal bandwidth.

(b)    System application requirements:

       (1)     Each application for a system authorization in the satellite digital audio
       radio service in the above—referenced bands shall describe in detail the proposed
       satellite digital audio radio system, setting forth all pertinent technical, legal, and
       financial qualifications of the applicant. Applicants must also file information
       demonstrating compliance with all requirements of this section.

       (2)     Applicants for a satellite digital audio radio service system must identify
       the power flux density produced within its frequency assignment at the Earth‘s
       surface by each space station of their system to allow a determination of whether
       coordination with terrestrial services is required under international footnote 751B
       of §2.106 of the Commission‘s Rules.

       (3)     Financial qualifications.

               0)      Each applicant for system authorization in the satellite digital audio
               radio service must demonstrate, on the basis of the documentation
               contained in its application that it is financially qualified to proceed with
               the construction, launch and operation of its proposed system in accordance
               with a schedule of milestones established at authorization. This showing
               shall include all information described in §25.104(c), (d) and (e) of this

               (ii)    The SDARS milestones are as follows, based on the date of

                       (A)    One year; Complete contracting for construction of first
                       space station or begin space station construction.

                       (B)     Two years: If applied for, complete contracting for
                       construction of second space station or begin second space station

                       (C)    Six years: In—orbit operation of at least one space station.

(c)    Permissible communications.         Space stations in these bands are authorized to
transmit to fixed, mobile, and transportable receivers. Complementary terrestrial stations

are authorized to repeat transmissions from SDARS space stations for reception by fixed,
mobile, and transportable receivers.

(d)    Frequency assignment policies.

       (1)     Each system authorized under this section will be conditioned upon
       construction, launch and operation milestones. The failure to meet any of the
       milestones contained in an authorization will result in its cancellation, unless such
       failure is due to circumstances beyond the operator‘s control.

       (2)    Spectrum assignments will be made for each system as follows:

              (1)     All licensees are limited to the usable bandwidth in the 2310—2360
                      MHz band.

              i)      The usable bandwidth will be divided into one frequency
                      assignment for each licensed system from the initial processing
                      group provided that there shall be a minimum of two frequency
                      assignments. Should any initial system license be canceled, the
                      number of frequency assignments shall be redetermined (with a
                      minimum of two) and frequency assignment bandwidth shall be re—
                      divided pro—rata. If the definition of usable bandwidth is changed,
                      frequency assignment bandwidth shall be re—divided pro—rata.

              (ii)    Unless the licensees agree otherwise, each licensee shall be
                      assigned the highest frequency assignment remaining available on
                      the date of launch of its first spacecraft. Each licensee must notify
                      the Commission of the specific frequency assignment it is using at
                      the same time it certifies to the Commission it has met the
                      milestone requiring launch of its first spacecraft. Frequency
                      assignments assigned pursuant to this subsection are assigned on an
                      exclusive basis.

              (iv)    An SDARS system may temporarily occupy frequency assignments
                      other than its own, provided its transmissions can be reconfigured
                      to use only its own frequency assignment upon launch of other
                      SDARS systems obtaining an assignment in a previously unused
                      frequency assignment. Any such SDARS system temporarily using
                      spectrum outside ofits frequency assignment must terminate use of
                      that spectrum immediately upon the successful launch of any
                      SDARS satellite that becomes assigned to that frequency

                                            — 10 —

                    (v)     Each operational system may employ cross polarization within its
                            frequency assignment and may transmit cross polarized emissions
                            in other frequency assignments by mutual agreement of the licensee
                            of those frequency assignments.

                    ({vi)   Each system operator will reduce its bandwidth occupancy by 0.1
                            MHz to create two 0.2 MHz assignments adjacent to the edge of
                            the usable bandwidth for location of telemetry beacons.

            (3)     SDARS licensees may utilize any modulation technique.

     (e)    Reporting requirements.     All operators of satellite digital audio radio service
     systems shall, on June 30 of each year, file a report with the Common Carrier Bureau and
     the Commission‘s Laurel, Maryland field office containing the following information:

            (1)     Status of space station construction and anticipated launch dates, including
            any major problems or delays encountered;

            (2)     A listing of any non—scheduled space station outages for more than thirty
            minutes and the cause(s) of such outages;

            (3)    Identification of any space stations not available for service or otherwise
            not performing to specifications, the cause(s) of these difficulties, and the date any
            space station was taken out of service or the malfunction identified.

7.   Section 25.202 is amended by adding a new paragraph (a)(4), as follows:

     § 25.202. Frequencies, frequency tolerance and emission limitations.

                                        *     *      *

     (a)    * * *

            (4)     The following frequencies are available for use by the satellite digital audio
            radio service:

            2310—2360 MHz: Space—to—Earth (primary)

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Barbara A. Pomeroy, hereby certify that the foregoing Suplemental

Comments of Satellite CD Radio, Inc. was mailed via first class, postage prepaid mail

on November 9, 1994, to the persons on the attached list.

                                          NUspem_ [ [rsonsen
                                          Barbara A. Pomeroy            ./

* By Hand Delivery

Bryan Kim                                Robert L. Johnstone
New World Sky Media                      Director Strategic Marketing
553 South Street                         J Boats, Inc.
Suite 312                                30 Walnut Street
Glendale, CA 91202                       Newport, RI 02840

Peter J. Schaffer                        Ralph H. McBride
Vice President                           President
General Counsel                          Voice Broadcasting, Inc.
All Pro Sports and Entertainment         P. 0. Box 820
1999 Broadway                            Bridge City, TX 77611
Denver, CO 80202

Joseph N. Pelton, Director               Bernard Korman
University of Colorado at Boulder        American Society of Composers
  Interdisciplinary Telecommunications    Authors & Publishers
 Program                                 ASCAP Building
Engineering Center, OT 2—41              One Lincoln Plaza
Campus Box 530                           New York, NY 10023
Boulder, CO 80309—0530

Janice L. Stott                          Gary K. Noreen
General Manager                          Chairman & CEO
KVST Radio                               Radio Satellite Corporation
1212 S. Frazier                          1167 North Holliston Ave.
Conroe, TX 77301                         Pasadena, CA 91109

Dr. Jack W. Mitchell                     Douglas A. Heydon
Director                                 President
Wisconsin Public Radio                   Arianespace, Inc.
821 University Ave.                      700 13th Street, NW
Madison, WI 53706                        Suite 230
                                         Washington, DC 20005

Tim McDermott                       Craig C. Todd
General Manager                     Senior Member of the
KSBJ                                  Technical Staff
P. 0. Box 187                       Dolby Laboratories
Humble, TX 77347                    100 Potrero Ave.
                                    San Francisco, CA 94103

William K. Keane                    Howard F. Jaeckel
Winston & Strawn                    John W. Zucker
1400 L Street, NW                   CBS, Inc.
Washington, DC 20005                51 West 52nd Street
                                    New York, NY 10019

David E. Leibowitz                  Michael A. Menius
Jennifer L. Bendall                 Director, Government Relations
Recording Industry Association      Common Carrier Programs
 of America, Inc.                   Motorola Government Relations Office
1020 19th Street, NW                1350 I Street, NW, Suite 400 .
Washington, DC 20036                Washington, DC 20005

William J. Potts, Jr.               Neal T. Kilminster
Haley, Bader & Potts                World Systems Division
2000 M Street, NW                   Communications Satellite Corporation
Washington, DC 20036                950 L‘Enfant Plaza, SW
                                    Washington, DC 20024

Len Schuchman                       W. Theodore Pierson, Jr.
Senior Vice President               Pierson & Tuttle
Stanford Telecommunications, Inc.   1200 18th Street, N.W.
2421 Mission College Blvd.          Washington, DC 20036
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Howard M. Liberman                     Leslie A. Taylor
Gerald Stevens—Kittner                 Leslie Taylor Associates
Arter & Hadden                         6800 Carlynn Court
1801 K Street, N.W.                    Bethesda, MD 20817—4302
Suite 400 K
Washington, D.C. 20006

Henry L. Baumann                       Theodore A. Miles
Valerie Schulte                        2025 M Street, NW
National Association of Broadcasters   Washington, DC 20036
1771 N Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

James B. Bailey                        Dr. Frank R. Arams
Senior Design Engineer                 Vice President
Techsonic Industries, Inc.             LNR Communications
1 Hummingbird Lane                     180 Marcus Blvd.
Lake Eufaula, AL 36027                 Hauppauge, NY 11788

Rolfe Larson                           John E. Fiorini, III
Director                               Gardner, Carton & Douglas
Minnesota Public Radio                 1301 K Street, NW
45 East Seventh Street                 Suite 900, East Tower
Saint Paul, MN 55101                   Washington, DC 20005

Bruce D. Jacobs                        John M. Seavey, President
Clifford M. Harrington                 Seavey Engineering Associates, Inc.
Glenn R. Flick                         135 King Street
Fisher, Wayland, Cooper &              Cohasset, MA 02025
2001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006

Paul E. Symezak                   Henry Geller
901 E Street, NW                  United Church of Christ
Washington, DC 20004              1776 K Street, NW, Suite 203
                                  Washington, DC 20006

Dr. Everett Parker                David J. Del Beccaro
Senior Research Associate         Digital Cable Radio
Fordham University                2200 Bayberry Road
The Bronx, New York 10458         Hatboro, PA 19040

Charles Reutter                   Henry C. Rock, II
ComStream Corporation             The Right—Roc Group
104 East Bay View Drive           331 West 57th Street
Annapolis, MD 21403               New York, NY 10019

Rollins Hudig Hall                H. J. Masoni
13873 Park Center Road            Manager, Advanced Programs
Suite 201                         Hughes Aircraft company
Herndon, VA 22071                 Space and Communications
                                  P. 0. Box 92919
                                  Los Angeles, CA 90009

Lon Levin                         Steven A. Lerman
American Mobile Satellite Corp.   Sally A. Buckman
10802 Parkridge Blyvd.            David S. Keir
Reston, VA 22091                  Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
                                  2000 K Street, NW, Suite 600
                                  Washington, DC 20006

Richard Smith*                       Thomas S. Tycz*
Federal Communications Commission    International Bureau
Office of Engineering & Technology   Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, N.W.                  2025 M Street, NW, Room 6010
Room 7002                            Washington, DC 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554

Scott Blake Harris*                  Raymond LaForge*
Chief                                Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau                 Office of Engineering & Technology
Federal Communications Commission    2025 M Street, N.W.
1919 M Street, NW, Room 658          Room 7334
Washington, DC 20554                 Washington, D.C. 20554

Cecily C. Holiday*                   Fern J. Jarmulnek*
Federal Communications Commission    Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau                 International Bureau
2025 M Street, N.W.                  2025 M Street, N.W.
Room 6324                            Room 728
Washington, D.C.                     Washington, D.C. 20554

Rosalee Chiara*
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
2025 M Street, N.W.
Room 6114
Washington, D.C. 20554

Document Created: 2015-03-11 17:18:01
Document Modified: 2015-03-11 17:18:01

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