Attachment 1990CBS Comments nov

1990CBS Comments nov

COMMENT submitted by CBS Inc.



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19900801-00046 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                        Lo.          RECEIVED
                              Before tfie
                Federal Communications Commission                       Nov 3 0 1990
                    Washington,    D.C.     20554
                                                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                                                        Office of the Secretary

In the Matter of                      )
                                      )                       .
Satellite CD Radio,    Inc.           )    Nos.   49/50—DSS—P/LA—90
Application for Digital Audio         )           58 /59—DSS—AMEND—90
Radio Service Satellite System        )
                                      )                                        +

                      COMMENTS OF CBS INC.                                ‘pet         3 i8
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                                                                                     cacilities Division
CBS Inc. ("CBS")
          i   w
                         these comments in response @%Qg&%wmmgmmm

Public Notice,    released October 19,       1990,      soliciting

comment    regarding the application tendered for filing by

Satellite CD Radio,    Inc.    ("Satellite CD")         for permission

to construct,    launch and operate a satellite—delivered

digital audio broadcasting service.

In these comments, we wish merely to reiteréte the focus

of our earlier comments in the Commission‘s digital audio

inquiry (Docket No.    90—357) :    if is imperative that the

Commission conduct a thorough review of the technical and

policy implications of this promising new technology,                     and

that it establish standards and structures which will

ensure that local,    over—the—air radio licensees are

accorded digital capability and thus a meaningful

opportunity to remain competitive in the digital services

market .

 Grant of the Satellite CD application at this time is

 clearly inconsistent with these paramount objectives.

 Indeed,     even its acceptance for filing would be premature

 and inappropriate,      given the Commission‘s pending review

 of Satellite CD‘s rulemaking petition         (RM—7400)   and its

 broad digital audio inquiry.*/

— The Commission initiated that inquiry to enable it           "to act

 in an expeditious and reasoned manner to facilitate the

 emergence of digital radio as appropriate." Notice of

 Ingquiry,   Gen.   Docket No.   90—357,    released August   21,   1990

 at "[ 7   ("DAB Inquiry")(emphasis added).       The inquiry poses

 far—reaching questions regarding the impact of digital

 audio services on existing radio service,         the amount and

 location of spectrum to be allocated,         the appropriate

 operational and technical configuration of the service,

 and the appropriate regulatory structure to be employed.

 See generally id.       The notice and the scores of comments

 received by the Commission in response attest to the

 importance and complexity of these issues and the profound

 consequences their resolution will have on the future of

 audio broadcasting.

x/  Also pending is the Commission‘s proceeding in
preparation for the 1992 World Administrative Radio
Conference, see Gen. Docket No. 89—554, in which
allocation of frequencies for possible digital audio
services is being considered.

 73711                              — 2 —

Grant of Satellite CD‘s application at this early stage

would greatly compromise the Commission‘s            laudable effort

to approach this new frontier in a careful and reasoned

manner.    Choices concerning spectrum allocation,            technical

standards,   and a    host   of   other questions   should be

thoroughly explored and resolved in the context of the

inquiry or   a broad rulemaking,        rather   than on an   ad hoc

basis in response to individual applications.

In addition,    any act by the Commission authorizing

satellite delivery of digital audio services before

terrestrial broadcasters have been accorded digital

transmission capability threatens irreparable harm to the

system of free,      locally based over—the—air radio

broadcasting.     As we said in our comments in the DAB


    "[LJlike broadcast television, terrestrial radio would
    have its very survival threatened if unable to provide
    digital audio services offered by nonbroadcast
    competitors.   The Commission should therefore make
    clear that its paramount objective and concern is the
    implementation of digital audio within the existing
    structure of free broadcast radio.   This need not
    foreclose other non—broadcast digital audio services,
    but authorization of such services should be secondary
    and subsequent to development of standards ‘and
    structures for the provision of digital audio by
    existing radio licensees."

CBS Comments,   DAB Inquiry,       filed November 13,    1990,   at 5.

7371I                               — 3 —

It!is vitally important that the Commission ensure that

the introduction of digital audio is conducted in an

orderly fashion,        without substantial disruption of service

to current   listeners,      undue waste of scarce spectrum

resources,   or damage to the continued vitality of

over—the—air     local radio.    Consideration of the Satellite

CD applicaton should be dismissed without prejudice or,            if

accepted for filing,       held in abeyance pending further

Commission study of digital audio options and implications.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          CBSQiNC   /4uijv//


                                          By  Z%}/
                                          \)finw 2
November   30,   1990                     51 West 52 Street
                                          New York, New York     10019

                                          Its Attorneys

73711                             — 4 —

Document Created: 2015-03-11 16:53:03
Document Modified: 2015-03-11 16:53:03

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