Attachment 1997Opposition to Re

1997Opposition to Re

OPPOSITION submitted by Leo One

Opposition to Request for Confidential Treatment


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19900529-00041 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                          Before the
                                                       .                                            Ca/y$0
                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIQ\I                                         7
                                   Washington, D.C. 205534 C/o                                           9 /99)

In re Application of

                                                             nz y
STARSYS GLOBAL                                                                  File No.      33—DSS—P—90(24)

POSITIONING, INC.                                                                             42—DSS—AMEND—90

                                                             Ne N
For Authority to Construct, Launch and                                                        31—DSS—AMEND—94

Operate a Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary                                                        32—DSS—LA—94
Mobile Satellite System                                                                      135—SAT—AMEND—95


           Leo One USA Corporation ("Leo One USA"), by its attorneys, hereby submits this

Opposition to the request of Starsys Global Positioning, Inc. ("GE Starsys") for confidential

treatment of the construction contract between GE Starsys and Alcatel Espace S.A. ("Alcatel")."

GE Starsys has failed to provide any compelling justification for denying the public access to this

documentation. Because disclosure of the construction contract is vital for a fair adjudication of the

question of GE Starsys‘ compliance with its construction milestones, Leo One USA requests that the

Commussion reject the request for confidential treatment and place the construction contract in the

public record.*

       On February 12. 1997, Leo One USA filed with the Commuission a petition to declare null

and void GE Starsys‘ license for failure to comply with the construction milestones in the GE Starsys

license. GE Starsvs‘ formal opposition to that petition was filed on February 26, 1997. On May 13.

                See Letter from Philip V. Otero to Thomas S. Tycz dated June 3, 1997.

       =        Leo One USA notes that it cannot provide meaningful comments on GE Starsys‘ response to the
                Commussion‘s May 13. 1997 information request absent access to the construction contract. Leo One
                USA requests an additional ten days atter release ofthe contract for comment on the substance of GE
                Starsys‘ showing.

 1997, the International Bureau instructed GE Starsys to file within 15 days an attested copy of its

construction contract. Notwithstanding the fact that GE Starsys was required to execute the contract

by November 30. 1996. GE Starsys requested an additional 6 days to file the contract.*

           GE Starsys‘ June 3. 1997 filing was accompanied by a cover letter stating:

                  The enclosed contract contains confidential information that is
                  competitively sensitive. The contract is being provided here with the
                  understanding that it will be treated as proprietary, and that access to
                  the contract will not be provided to any third parties without the
                  consent of Starsys.

GE Starsys‘ June 12. 1997 letter indicates it has held additional discussions with Commission staff

about "the proprietary nature of the contract‘ but GE Starsys‘ arguments have not been publicly

disclosed and do not appear to be part of the record.

           The GE Starsys request does not comply with even the minimal standards required for

confidential treatment of submitted information. The request is both procedurally deficit and

contrary to Commission standards for proprietary treatment of information and must be denied.

           Section 0.459 of the Commission rules* requires that requests for confidential treatment

include a statement of reasons for withholding the material from public inspection.                              The

Commussion‘s rules explicitly note that casual requests, such as the GE Starsys request. will not be


       i          Leo One USA notes that GE Starsys did not provide notice ofits ex parte meetings with the
                  Commission staff for 9 days, even though it directly addressed the merits of Leo One USA‘s petition.
                  See Letter trom Peter A. Rohrbach to Secretary, Federal Communications Commission dated June 12.

       *          47 C.F.R. $0.459.

                 47 CF.R. 0. 459. See AT&T Corp.. 11 FCC Red 2425, 2426 (Int‘| Bur. 1996).

           Any request for contidential treatment ofinformation "must demonstrate by a preponderance

of the evidence that nondisclosure is consistent with the provisions ofthe Freedom of Information

Act ("FOIA"}."* The Commission has found disclosure appropriate when "the information is a

necessary link in a chain of evidence that will resolve a public interest issue."= The Commission has

noted that when the material at issue is relevant to "a significant and material question of fact,"

disclosure is required "to assure a fair adjudication ofthe open factual issue and a just resolution of

the public interest question.®

           Here. the construction contract is a relevant item that may resolve the issues raised in Leo

One USA‘s petition. Resolution ofthe factual question of whether GE Starsys entered into a binding

construction contract by November 30. 1996 is an important public interest issue which may affect

licensing of new Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary Mobile Satellite Service systems.

           Disclosure ofthe GE Starsys contract is consistent with the International Bureau‘s recent

handling ofconfidentiality requests. In the Big LEO proceeding, the International Bureau rejected

Mobile Communications Holdings. Inc.‘s ("MCHI") broad requests to withhold from public

‘nspection entire agreements. The Bureau found in that instance that withholding entire documents

which contain relevant factual information would be inappropriate.                     Where MCHI requested

       —          V ¥. Telephone Co.. S FCC Red 874 (1990).

       —          _lussical Radio ror Connectieut, Inc., 69 FCC 24 1517, 1520 n. 4 (1978).

       ~          Snoxville Broadcastng Corn.. $7 FCC 2d 1103. 1105 (1981).

       —          ~2e Letter from Donald H. Gios. Chief,. International Bureau to Jill Abeshouse Stern dated Oct. 29.

protection for limited portions of documents pertaining to cost and pricing information. the Bureau

found confidential treatment to be acceptable.

          Leo One USA recognizes that the GE Starsys—Alcatel contract may contain limited amounts

of proprietary cost and price information and would not oppose a narrowly tailored request to redact

very limited portions of the document. GE Starsys‘ unsupported generalized request for non—

disclosure. however. flies in the face of the Commission‘s interest in seeking public comment. The

need to include the contract in the public record is particularly important where, as in this case, the

document may resoive a factual question and where the party raising the question would be denied

access to the information.

       For the foregoing reasons. Leo One USA Corporation requests that the Commission reject

GE Starsys‘ request for confidential treatment, place the GE Starsys—Alcatel contract in the public

record and provide an additional 10 days tfrom release ofthe contract for public comment.

                                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                                          Robert A. Mazer       d
                                                          Albert Shuldiner
                                                          Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
                                                          1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                                                          Washington. D.C. 20004
                                                          (202) 639—6500

                                                          Counsel for Leo One USA Corporation

Dated: June 19. 1997

      —         Aopucation of Mobile Communicatuons Holding, Inc.. 10 FCC Red 1547. Order on Reconsiuteration
                1| 9941

                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Opposition to Request for
Confidential Treatment of Leo One USA Corporation was sent by first—class mail. postage prepaid.
this 19th day of June. 1997. to each of the following:

* Chairman Reed E. Hundt                             * Ms. Fern Jarmulnek
  Federal Communications Commussion                      Chief. Satellite Policy Branch
  1919 M Street. N.W.. Room 814                          Satellite Radio Communication Division
  Washington. D.C. 20554                                 International Bureau
                                                         Federal Communications Commission
* Commissioner James H. Quello                           2000 M Street, NW., Room 518
  Federal Communications Commission                      Washington, D.C. 20554
  1919 M Street, NW.. Room 802
  Washington. D.C. 20554                             * Ms. Ruth Milkman
                                                       Assistant Bureau Chief
* Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong                       International Chief
  Federal Communications Commission                    Federal Communications Commission
  1919 M Street. N.W.. Room 844                        2000 M Street, N.W. Ste 821
  Washington, D.C. 20554                               Washington, D.C. 20554

* Commussioner Susan Ness                            * Mr. Daniel Connors
  Federal Communications Commussion                    International Bureau
  1919 M Street., NW.. Room 832                        Federal Communications Commission
  Washington. D.C. 20554                               2000 M Street, NW.. Room 506—A
                                                       Washington, D.C. 20554
* Mr. Peter Cowhevy
  Chief. International Bureau                        * Mr. Harold Ng
  Federal Communications Commussion                    Engineering Advisor
  2000 M Street. N.W.. Room 830                          Satellite & Radiocommunications Division
 Washington. D.C. 20554                                  International Bureau
                                                         Federal Communications Commission
* Mr. Thomas S. Tyez                                     2000 M Street, Room 801
 Division Chietf. Satellite &                            Washington, D.C. 20554
  Radiocommunication Division
 International Bureau                                *Ms. Cassandra Thomas
 Federal Communications Commission                    International Bureau
 2000 M Street. N.W.. Room 520                        Federal Communications Commission
 Washington. D.C. 2053534                             000 M Street, N.W.. Room 810
                                                      Washington. D.C. 20554

<Byv Hand Delivery

Peter Rohrbach, Esq.
Hogan & Hartson
555 13th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
   Counsel for GE/Starsys

                                 Pte & laus

*By Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2014-08-27 15:39:59
Document Modified: 2014-08-27 15:39:59

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