Attachment 1997Petition Leo One

1997Petition Leo One

PETITION submitted by Leo One



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19900529-00041 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                  Before the                                      FEB 1 2 1997
                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                 pagerat communications Commission
                                          Washington, D.C. 20554                                   Office of Secretary

In re Application of                                         )

                                                             )   _
                                                                   FEB 21
                                                                          File No.           33—DSS—P—90(24)
POSITIONING, INC.                                            ) &          _                  42—DSS—AMEND—90
                                                             ).                               7—DSS—AMEND—94
For Authority to Construct, Launch and                       )                               31—DSS—AMEND—94
Operate a Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary                       )                               32—DSS—LA—94
Mobile Satellite System                                      )                            ~135—SAT—AMEND—95


       Leo One USA Corporation ("Leo One USA"), by its attorneys, hereby petitions to declare

null and void the license of GE Starsys Global Positioning, Inc. ("GE Starsys")" for failure to

comply with the construction milestones the Commission imposed when granting that license.

Recent press reports indicate GE Starsys has not yet commenced construction of its satellites and

its commitment to implement its satellite system is unclear. Leo One USA requests that the FCC

declare the GE Starsys license null and void and make the spectrum currently assigned to GE Starsys

available to qualified applicants" in the second processing round of the Non—Voice, Non—

Geostationary Mobile Satellite Service ("NVNG MSS").

       V       Although its FCC license was issued in the name Starsys Global Positioning, Inc., the corporate name
               was changed to GE Starsys after acquisition of the applicant by GE American Communications, Inc.
               in 1996.

       ¥       Leo One USA uses the term "qualified applicants" to refer to second round applicants that ultimately
               satisfy the rules the Commission adopts in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the
              NVNG MSS. See Amendment of the Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules and
              Policies Pertaining to the Second Processing Round ofthe Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary Mobile
              Satellite Service, IB Docket No. 96—220, Notice ofProposed Rulemaking (Oct. 29, 1996)("Notice").

                                                        —2 .

            Under the terms of its license, GE Starsys is required to commence construction of the first

two satelliteé of its system within one year of the date of grant of the license, which was

November 20, 1996.4 GE Starsys‘ license also states that failure to comply with the listed

construction milestones will automatically render the license null and void."

        Recent press reports reveal GE Starsys has not yet commenced construction of any satellites

even though it is three months after the first construction milestone expired and fifteen months after

grant of a license. An article in the January 13, 1997 Space News reports that the GE Starsys project

manager indicated:

                                    actual construction of the satellites
                                    would not begin for another couple of
                                    months. ‘We begin our preliminary
                                    design review in February‘ . . .*

The failure to even commence pre/iminary design review prior to the expiration of the first

construction milestone raises serious questions about GE Starsys‘ unsubstantiated claim that it has

satisfied its obligations." The article also reports that the prime satellite contractor has only a

memorandum of understanding with the subcontractor responsible for platforms. A memorandum

of understanding cannot provide the Commission with any level of comfort that GE Starsys or its

manufacturing team has made a commitment to this project. Space News quotes the president of

       3¥         Starsys Global Positioning, Inc., 11 FCC Red. 1237, 1240—41 (1995).

       ¥          Id. at 1240.

       Y¥         de Selding, Starsys Financial Troubles Stir GE Officials‘ Doubts, Space News, January 13—19, 1997
                  at 1, 18 (a copy of this article appears as Exhibit 1 hereto).

       &          See Reply Comments of GE Starsys at 2, n.1.

                                                       L3 .L

Matra Marconi Space, the subcontractor responsible for "skeletal structures or platforms" as stating

on January 9, '1997, "All I know is that funding for this is not resolved."*

        This report provides prima facia evidence of GE Starsys‘ failure to abide by the terms of its

license. Absent immediate and substantial evidence that GE Starsys has satisfied its obligations, the

GE Starsys license must be declared null and void. This is not a situation where the Commission

lacks any reason to investigate the situation or take further action. Here, the Commission is

confronted with an open admission from the project manager responsible for satellite construction

confirming construction has not commenced.

        The Commission imposed construction milestones in the GE Starsys license to ensure that

GE Starsys does not warehouse valuable and scarce spectrum. The Commission has consistently

found that its public interest obligations require that the Commission remain vigilant to prevent

warehousing of valuable spectrum which could be put to use by another entity better able to

implement a satellite system.¢ Even in cases where there has been substantial excess capacity and

where additional applicants could be accommodated, the Commission has imposed construction

milestones to ensure licensees have not abused their license obligations.*" The Commission should

continue to carry out that obligation in this case as well.

       L       Space News at 18.

       &       See Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to a Non—Voice,
               Non—Geostationary Mobile Satellite Service, 8 FCC Red. §450, §455 (1993).

       ¥       Norris Satellite Communications, Inc., 7 FCC Red. 4289 (1992). The Commission ultimately
               dismissed the Norris Satellite license for failure to construct according to the construction milestone
               requirements in its license. Norris Satellite Communications, Inc., DA 96—363, Order (March 14,


        The importance of strictly construing these milestones is amplified by both the critical

shortage ofNVNG MSS spectrum and the delays the Commission has already approved to facilitate

implementation of the GE Starsys system.              The shortage of NVNG MSS spectrum and the

constraints this places on the Commission‘s ability to license new systems to compete with the only

existing commercial NVNG MSS licensee is a matter of record before the Commission. The

Commission‘s recent Notice* proposes innovative and unprecedented sharing arrangements in an

attempt to maximize the Commission‘s ability to license additional systems.             GE Starsys‘

warehousing of NVNG MSS spectrum is particularly egregious in this situation where numerous

potential service providers are seeking to provide the services GE Starsys is failing to pursue.

       Notwithstanding its failure to commence construction of its first round licensed system, GE

Starsys argues to the Commission that it should receive additional NVNG MSS spectrum, even if

it prevents licensing additional systems.‘ In addition, GE Starsys asks the Commission to consider

the impact of additional systems on its operations.‘ It would be ironic for the Commission to

consider these issues when advanced by an entity that is not abiding by the terms of its own license.

       GE Starsys has already delayed implementation of its system with multiple requests for

additional time to qualify for a license which delays present additional justification for strictly

construing the milestones. The Commission awarded GE Starsys an NVNG MSS license on

November 20, 1995. Grant of the GE Starsys license had been delayed by a number of proceedings >

in which GE Starsys attempted to demonstrate its compliance with the Commission‘s alien

       14      See supra n. 2.

       WV      Comments of GE Starsys at 9.

       1¥      Comments of GE Starsys at 18 et seq.

                                                      — 5.

  ownership and financial qualification rules. In 1993, the Commission reviewed a number of changes

  in GE Starsyé’ ownership structure which were insufficient to remove foreign control of the

  applicant. In 1994, the FCC deferred the deadline for GE Starsys to demonstrate its financial

  qualifications pending resolution of a request for a declaratory ruling concerning compliance with

  Section 310(a) of the Communications Act. In 1995, GE Starsys again modified its ownership

  structure to address alien ownership issues. This modification led to the issuance of a declaratory

  ruling on GE Starsys‘ compliance with Section 310(a).              In order to demonstrate its financial

  qualifications, however, the applicant undertook an additional ownership change in 1995,

  transferring 80% of its equity to GE American Communications, Inc."*

         These various ownership changes and related proceedings significantly delayed issuance of

  the GE Starsys license. Although the Commission considered both applications in the same

  processing round, the Commission granted a license to Orbital Communications Corporation

  ("Orbcomm") on October 27, 1994, more than a year before granting the GE Starsys license.

 Although Leo One USA recognizes the Commission took these extraordinary steps to give GE

C Starsys every opportunity to implement its system, Leo One USA notes the problems associated with

 GE Starsys‘ application have significantly delayed the provision of NVNG MSS services. In

 addition, delay in resolving GE Starsys‘ application prevented the Commission from expediting its

 consideration of second round NVNG MSS applications. This compounded the delay in bringing >

 NVNG MSS services to the public. Because GE Starsys has already been afforded significant

         1¥     Citations to and a discussion of these proceedings can be found in the Commission‘s Order granting
                GE Starsys‘ license. Starsys Global Positioning, Inc., 11 FCC Red. 1237 (1995).


additional time to advance its system and because this has already delayed service to the public, the

construction fiilestones applicable to GE Starsys‘ license should be strictly construed.

        The admission that GE Starsys has not commenced construction of its satellites warrants a

declaration that the GE Starsys license is null and void. Expedited action is particularly important

in this case where the status of the GE Starsys license could have an impact on the Commission‘s

NVNG MSS rulemaking proceeding and on the second processing round which is scheduled to be

completed by late spring. At a minimum, the evidence presented herein warrants an immediate

investigation of GE Starsys‘ compliance with its license obligations.

        For the foregoing reasons, Leo One USA Corporation requests that the Commission grant

this petition.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                      Robert A. Mazer
                                                      Albert Shuldiner
                                                      Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
                                                      1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                      (202) 639—6500

                                                      Counsel for Leo One USA Corporation

Dated: February 12, 1997


              S P A C E
            VOL.8 NO. 3 N E W S
           arsys Finance Troubles
                                                                              JANUARY 13—10, 1997 :                                        3:580.U8A;$5,70Non—USA:.

           ir GE Officials‘ Doubts
By PETER B. de SELDING                  launch that month, probably               "The transport division‘s decision    skeletal structures, or platforms.         Lannelongue said Alcatel, which
Space News Staff Writer                 aboard a Lockheed Martin LMLV—         forced GE Americom to either in—            Norbert    Lannelongue,    Starsys    will be managing Starsys market—
  PARIS — GE American Com—              1 rocket.                              crease its own stake in Starsys, or      project manager at Alcatel, said ac—     ing in Europe as well as providing
munications officials are having          The contract also stipulates         look for partners among other            tual construction of the satellites      the satellites, wants to ensure that
second thoughts about their pro—        that Alcatel will supply two addi—     companies,"      this official   said. . would not begin for another couple       the terminals are available as soon
posed $170 million Starsys satel—       tional satellites three months lat—    "They chose the second route, and        of months. "We begin our prelimi—        as the first spacecraft are in orbit.
lite messaging and position loca—       er, and another pair three months      up to now have not been able to          nary design review in February,"            Starsys officials have estimated
tion system as they experience          after that.                            complete the package."                   Lannelongue said Jan. 9. "Under          that the construction and launch of
difficulties rounding up outside          Paul Manuele, a spokesman for        GE is routinely in discussions with      this schedule Matra then would de—       the first six satellites, plus two
financing, according to officials       GE Americom, said Jan. 9 that          potential partners for a range of liver the first platform to us in June           U.S.—based ground control centers
familiar with the program.              the company had not abandoned          programs but will not comment on                                                  and six years of operations, would
  These officials said the Prince—      Starsys and that the program re—       negotiations related to Starsys,            Armand Carlier, president of Ma—      cost about $170 million.
ton, N.J., company has set an in—       mains on track.                        Manuele said, adding only: "This is — tra Marconi Space, said his compa—            One official said GE was under
formal deadline of early next                                                  a GE project and financing is not         ny remains hopeful that Starsys         pressure to decide whether to pro—
                                           "Both Alcatel and GE Ameri—         an issue."
month, by which time it hopes to                                                                                         will move forward.                      ceed with Starsys before spring be—
                                        com have invested considerable
have secured the needed equity                                                    Starsys satellites are designed to        "All I know is that funding for      cause after that it will begin incur—
                                        resources in this program, and
participation to contmue with                                                  aid shipping companies in keeping         this is not resolved," Carlier said     ring substantial costs associated
                                        everything is proceeding the way
Starsys.                                                                       track of their cargo containers.          Jan. 9. "This is common in the          with the work of Alcatel and Matra
                                        it should," Manuele said. "There
  "It is clear that GE has become                                              With small Starsys terminals on           business. It is a contract of up to     Marconi Space.
                                        is a lot of work to be done in an      them, the containers would be able ; 24 satellites for us. We were happy
tentative about the program since                                                                                                                                  "If GE stops now, they can get
                                        undertaking of this size, but it is
tying up the financial package is                                              to send automatic 80—character            to be selected, and we would be         away with paying Alcatel maybe a
                                        absolutely not on hold."
slower than expected," said one                                                messages on their temperature,                                                    couple of million dollars," this offi—
                                           One U.S. industry official said                                               happier if the project would con—
industry official whose company                                                pressure and other conditions, as                                                 cial said. "But once those two com—
expects to participate in Starsys.
                                        GE Americom, when it signed the         well as their location.                  tinue."                                 panies begin attacking the con—
                                        Starsys contracts last July, had                                                    Lannelongue said Alcatel officials
"They are taking a new look at                                                     GE Americom purchased a ma—                                                   struction of the satellites it will be
                                        counted on GE‘s transport divi—        jority stake in Starsys Global Posi—
                                                                                                                         are more than ever convinced that
                                                                                                                                                                 much more expensive for them to
the business case."
                                        sion to be among the equity part—                                                Starsys‘ market potential is huge,
  Alcatel Espace of Paris remains                                               tioning Inc. in June and then creat—                                             buy their way out."
                                         ners participating in the initial fi—                                           extending from the transport in—
under contract to GE Americom                                                   ed the GE Starsys company. The
                                         nancing. The transport division,                                                dustry into utility companies that
to    provide       the   70—kilogram                                           Alcatel contract followed the next                                                 Staff writer Richard McCaffery
                                         this official said, has since decided  month, Alcatel Espace in turn             could station Starsys terminals at     contributed to this story from
Starsys satellites. Alcatel officials
                                         not to participate at this stage,      signed a memorandum of under—             remote outposts to read meters.        Washington.
said last week they are continu—
                                         even thoughit may be a major cus— standing with Matra Marconi Space                 GE Americom has yet to select a
ing to work on the program, and
                                         tomer 6f Starsys services once the      of Velizy, France, for the satellite     manufacturer of terminals.
that their contract with GE
Americom remains in full force.          systemis operational.
  Under the contract, Alcatel is
obliged to deliver the first two —


       I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Petition of Leo One USA

Corporation was sent by first—class mail, postage prepaid, this 12th day of February, 1997, to each

of the following:

* Chairman Reed E. Hundt                             * Ms. Cecily C. Holiday
  Federal Communications Commission                    Deputy Division Chief, Satellite &
  1919 M Street, NW., Room 814                         Radiocommunication Division
  Washington, D.C. 20554                              International Bureau
                                                      Federal Communications Commission
* Commissioner James H. Quello                        2000 M Street, N.W., Room 520
  Federal Communications Commission                   Washington, D.C. 20554
  1919 M Street, N.W., Room 802
  Washington, D.C. 20554                              Ms. Fern Jarmulnek
                                                      Chief, Satellite Policy Branch
* Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong                      Satellite Radio Communication Division
  Federal Communications Commission                   International Bureau
  1919 M Street, N.W., Room 844                       Federal Communications Commission
  Washington, D.C. 20554                              2000 M Street, N.W., Room 518
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20554
* Commissioner Susan Ness
  Federal Communications Commission                   Ms. Karen Kornbluh
  1919 M Street, N.W., Room 832                       Assistant Bureau Chief
  Washington, D.C. 20554                              International Chief
                                                      Federal Communications Commission
* Mr. Donald Gips                                     2000 M Street, NW. Ste 800
 Chief, International Bureau                          Washington, D.C. 20554
 Federal Communications Commission
 2000 M Street, N.W., Room 800                        Ms. Paula H. Ford
 Washington, D.C. 20554                               International Bureau
                                                      Federal Communications Commission
* Mr. Thomas S. Tycz                                  2000 M Street, N.W., Room 502—A
  Division Chief, Satellite &                         Washington, D.C. 20554
   Radiocommunication Division
  International Bureau                                Mr. Harold Ng
  Federal Communications Commission                   Engineering Advisor
  2000 M Street, N. W., Room 520                      Satellite & Radiocommunications Division
  Washington, D.C. 20554                              International Bureau
                                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                                      2000 M Street, Room 801
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

*By Hand Delivery

*Ms. Cassandra Thomas
 International Bureau                      Philip V. Otero, Esq.
 Federal Communications Commission         GE American Communications, Inc.
 2000 M Street, NW., Room 810              Four Research Way
  Washington, D.C. 20554                   Princeton, NJ 08540—6644

Albert Halprin, Esq.                       Peter Rohrbach, Esq.
Stephen L. Goodman                         Hogan & Hartson
J. Randall Cook                            555 13th Street, N.W.
Jeff L. Magenau                            Washington, D.C. 20004
Halprin, Temple, Goodman & Sugrue            Counsel for GE/Starsys
Suite 650 East Tower
1100 New York Avenue, N.W.                 Mr. Charles Ergen, President
Washington, D.C. 20005                     E—SAT, Inc.
   Counsel for Orbcomm                     90 Inverness Circle, East
                                           Englewood, CO 80112
Henry Goldberg, Esq.
Joseph Godles, Esq.                        Leslie A. Taylor, Esq.
Mary Dent, Esq.                            Guy T. Christiansen
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright          Leslie Taylor Associates, Inc.
1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.               6800 Carlynn Court
Washington, D.C. 20036                     Bethesda, MD 20817—4302
   Counsel for Volunteers in Technical         Counsel for E—Sat
                                           James A. Kirkland
Phillip L. Spector, Esq.                   Jennifer A. Purvis
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison   Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris,
1615 L Street, N.W.                         Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Suite 1300                                 701 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20036—5694                Washington, D.C. 20004
    Counsel for CTA                               Counsel for Satellife, Inc.

Aileen Pisciotta, Esq.
Kelly, Drye &Warren
1200 19th Street, N.W.
Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20036
    Counsel for Final Analysis

*By Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2014-08-27 15:39:07
Document Modified: 2014-08-27 15:39:07

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