Attachment 1990Amendment to App

1990Amendment to App


amendment to application


This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19900529-00041 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                               y2 . DSS— Amend F0
                                                    LAW OFFICES
                                   LEVENTHAL, SENTER & LERMAN
                                                SUITE 600
 ;ORMAN P. LEVENTHAL                       2000 K STREET, N. W.                              ( TELEPHONE
MEREDITH 5. SENTER, JR.                                                                       202) 429—8970
STEVEN ALMAN LERMAN                        WASHINCTON, D. C 20006'1809
RAUL R. RODRIGUEZ                                                                             TELECOPIER
DENNIS P. CORBETT                                                                            (202) 293—7783
BARBARA K. CARDNER        f                                                                      TELEX
SHEMAEN D. MBAYCH                                                                         710—822—9260 NPL WSH
MAUREEN A. O‘CONNELL                                                                           OF COUNSEL
MARC C.CORRADO*                                 May 25,      1990                          MICHAEL R. KLIPPER
LYNN M. CRAKES+                                                                            TOBEY B. MARZOUK



            Federal Communications Commission
            Common Carrier Domestic Satellites
            P.0O. Box 358160
            Pittsburgh,       PA   15251—5160

            SERVICE :                      Satellite      Space Station
            TYPE OF APPLICATION:           Amendment      to System Application
            NUMBER OF STATIONS:            One Space      System (comprised of 26
                                           component      spacecraft)

                                     Re:      Starsys, Inc.           (File No. 33—DSS—P—90(26))

            To Whom It May Concern:

                     Attached is an original and four duplicate copies of a
            letter, with attachments, requesting the amendment of
            Appendices 1 and 6 to Volume 1 of the application of Starsys,
            Inc. for a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite system "Starnet"
            (File No. 33—DSS—P—90(26)) that was filed with the Commission
            on May 4, 1990.  The attached documents are intended to replace
            Appendices 1 and 6 as they exist in the original application on
            file with the Commission.

                       Also enclosed as part of this package is a completed
             FCC Form 155 Fee Processing Form and a check in the amount of
             $1000 .00 payable to the "Federal Communications Commission."

                      Should the Commission have any questions with respect
             to this filing, please contact the undersigned.

                                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                                                  |      4..
                                                             Raulffif Rodrigqguez


            cc:      Cecily C. Holiday,      Esq.
                     Fern J. Jarmulnek,      Esq.

Approved by OMB                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS comMiIsSION
  s060—0440                             FEE PROCESSING FORM
Expires 12/31/90

  Please read instructions on back of this form before completing it. Section I MUST be completed. If gou.are ap;‘gly_ing for
  concurrent actions which require you to _list more than one Fee Type Code, you must also complete Section II. This form
  must accompany all gaymems. Only one Fee Processin? Form may be submitted per application or filing. Please type or print
  legibly. All required blocks must be completed or application/filing will be returned without action.

 sECT 1 O N                     I
  APPLICANT NAME (Last, first, middle initial)

       Starsys,          Inc.
  MAILING ADDRESS (Line i) (Maximum 85 characters — refer to Instruction (2) on reverse of form)
       c/o Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
  MAILING ADDRESS (Line 2) (if required) (Maximum 85 characters)
       2000 K Street,                   N.W., Suite 600
  CITY         .

 STATE OR COUNTRY (if foreign address)                       ZIP CODE                 CALL SIGN OR OTHER FCC IDENTIFIER(If applicable)
              p.C.                                            20006—1809              File No.           33—DSS—P—90(26)
 Enter in Column (A) the correct Fee Type Code for the service you are applying for. Fee Type Codes may be found in FCC
 Fee Filing Guides. Enter in Column (B) the Fee Multiple, if applicable. Enter in Column (C) the result obtained from multiplying
 the value of the Fee Type Code in Column (A) by the number entered in Column (B), if any.
                   (A)                                 (B)                           (C)
                                                 FEE MULTIPLE                FEE DUE FOR FEE TYPE
  1      FEE TYPE CODE                            (if required)               CODE IN COLUMN (A)

         o)        w     y                                                   $ 1,000.00

  SECT I ON                         1   d   —    To be used only when you are requesting concurrent actions which result in a
                                                 requirement to list more than one Fee Type Code.

                   (A)                                 (B)                               (C)
         FEE TYPE CODE                          FEE MULTIPLE                 FEE DUE FOR FEE TYPE
                                                 (if required)                CODE IN COLUMN (A)

 (2)                                                                         $

 (3)                                                                         $


 (5)                                                                         $

 THROUGH (5), AND ENTER THE TOTAL HERE.                                       TOTAL fr\NOU\JT REMITIED
 THIS AMOUNT SHOULD EQUAL YoUur EnNcLosED                                        wiTH THIS AFCRICATION
                                                                        }   $1,000 .00

This form has been authorized for reproduction.                                                                           FCC Form 155
                                                                                                                                May 1990

                                                                                                                       APPENDIX I            (Substitute

                                                      FEDERAL —COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                           Approved by OMB
ECC                                                          Washington, DC 20554                                                  ei?ff%‘z’:}??go
430                                    COMMON CARRIER AND SATELLITE RADIO LICENSEE            .           .
                                                  QUVUALIFICATION REPORT           ?::s;%s;w?w’d‘b&%enw:amufi

A. The "Filer" of this report is defined to include: (1) An applicant, where this report is submitted in connection with applications for common
      carrier and sgatelite radio authority as required for such applications;    or (2) A licensee or permittee,   where this report is required by the
      Commission‘s Rules to be submitted on an annual bass.
B.    Submit an criginal and one copy (sign original only) to the Fedsral Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554. If more than one radio
      service i lsted in Item 6, submit an additional copy for seach such additional service. If this report is being submited in connection with an
      application for radio authority, attach it to that application.
c. Do not submit a fee with this report.
1. Business Name and Address (Number, Street, State and ZIP                                     2. (Area Code) Telephone Number
      Code) of Fller‘s Principal Office:                                                            (301) 459—8832
       STARSYS, Inc.                                                                            3. If this report supercedes a previously
       4400 Forbes Boulevard                                                                       filed report, specify its date:
       Lanham, Maryland                       —20706—9008                                            May 4,         1990
4. Filer is (check one):                                                                        5. Under the laws of what State (or. other
      [] individual                  [] Partnership              [X Corporation                     jurlsdiction) is the Filer organized?

      J Other (Specify):                                                                            Delaware
6. List the common carrier and satellite radio services In which Fller has applied or is a current licensee
   or permilttee:                                                                             |


7(a) Has the Filer or any party to this application had any FCC station license or                                              [ves         ENo
        permlt revoked or had any application for permit, license or renewal denled by
        this Commission?           If "YES", attach as Exhibit l a statement giving call sign and file number
        of license or permit revoked and relating   cireumstances.                         _              _
     (b) Has any court finally adjudged the Fller, or any person directly or Indirectly                                         ves          No
         controlling the Filer, gullty of unlawfully monopolizing or attempting unlawfully
         to monopolize radio communication, directly or Indirectly, through control of
         manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic arrangement, or other
         means of unfair methods of competition? if "YES", attech as Exhibit I! a statement relating
        the facts.
     (c}) Has the Fller, or any party to this application, or any person directly or Indirectly                                 Lves         EON
          controlling the Fller ever been convicted of a felony by any state or Federal                                                            o
        Court?       If "YES", attach as Exhibit U a statement       relating the facts.

     (d) is the Filer, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the Filer, presently                                    ]ves         [¥ No
         a party in any matter referred to Items 7(b) and 7(c)? If "YES",attach as
        Exhibit V a statement relating the facts.

8. is the Fller, directly or Indirectly, through stock ownership, contract or otherwise,                                        Cjves        No
   currently Interested in the ownershlp or control of any other radio stations
   licensed by this Commission? if "YE$", submit as Exhibit ¥ the name of sach such licensee and
      the licensee‘s relation to the Filer,

If Filer is an individual (sole proprietorship) or partnership, answer the following and Item 11:
9(a) Full Legal Name and Residential Address      (b) is Individual or each member
     (Number, Street, State and ZIP Code) of          of a partnership a citizen of
        individual or Partners:                                                  the United States?                             []¥es        [A No
                                                                             (c) is Individual or any member of a
                                                                                 partnership a representative of an
                                                                                 allen or of a foreign government? ]Yes                       [] No
                                                                                                                                   FCC 430 — Page 1
                                                                                                                                          Ma. iara


  7Tf Filer is a corporation, answer the fellowing and [tem 11:
   10ls) Attech as Exhibit Vi the names, addresses, and                       citizenship of those stockholders owning of record
          and/or voting 10 percent or more of the Filer‘s voting stock and the percenteges so held. in ths
          casse of fiduciary control, Indicate the beneficlary(ies) or class of beneficlaries.
              See Exhibit VI.
    (b) List below, or attach as Exhibit Vil the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the

              See Exhibit VII.

    {c) is the Filer directly or Indirectly controlled by any other corporation?                                                EKves       [A No
        If "YES", attach as Exhibit Vill a statement lineluding organizational disgrams where    appropriste) which tully
        and completely identifies the nature and extent of control. Include the tellowing: (1) the   address and primary
        business of the controlling corperation and any intermediate subsidisries; (2) the names,    addresses, and
        citizenship of those stockholders helding 10 percoent or more of the contralling corporation‘s   voling stock;
        (3) the approximate percentage of total veting    stock held by each such stockholdor; and (4) the names and
        addresses to the president and directors of the controlling corporation.

              See Exhibit VIII.

    (d) is any officer or director of the Filer an alien?                                                                       [jves       [O No
    {e) is more than one—fifth of the capital stock of the Filer owned of record or                                             Cves        ON
        voted by allens or their representatives, or by a foreign government or representa—                                                       o
        tive(s) thereof, or by a corporation organized under the laws of s foreign country?

    (f} is the Filer directly or Indirectly controlied: (1) by any other corporation of which                                   Oves        ON
        any officer or more than one—fourth of the directors are aliens, or (2) by any                                                            o
        foreign corporation or corporation of which more than one—fourth of the capital
        stock is owned or voted by allens or their representatives, or by a foreign
        government or representatives thereof.

    (g) if any answer to questions (d}, (e) or (f) is "YES", attach as Exhibit IX a staterment identifying the
        allens or foreign entitles, their nationality,             their relationship to the Fller, and the percentage of stock
        they own or vote.
                                                                    11. CERTFICATION
  This report constitutes a material part of any application which cross—references it, and all statements mede in the at—
  tached exhibits are a material part thereof. The ownership Information contained in this report does not constitute an ap—
  plication for, or Commission approval of, any transfer of control or assignment of radio fecilities. The undersigned, in—
  dividually and for the Fller, hereby cortmu that the statements made herein are true, emhto and correct to the best
  of Fller‘s knowlodgo and bellst, and are made in good faith.

  wILLEUL FaLsE statements                  Date                cjor(Must,sorpsnend with that            Typed or Printed Name
  IMPRISONMENT (U.S. Code                  05/25/90               STARSYS, Inc.                          Dr. Ashok Kaveeshwar
  Titie. 18, Section 100 1)and/or
  REVOCATION OF ANY STATION                a“"                                                            Title
  g&suss(o8 goNSTRuct iOn
  Title 47, Section9120( 11.                                                                             President

                                                ACT OF 1974 AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1@so
  The solicitation of personal information requested in this form is to determine   if you are qualified to become or remain s licensee in a common
  carrier or satellite radio service pursuant to the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. No authorization can be granted uniess all information
     quested is provided. Your response is required to oblain the requested authorization or retain an authorization.
~ eublic reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instruc—
  tions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the datas needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send
  comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to
  Federal Communications Commission, Office of Managing Drector, Washington, DC 20554, and to Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork
  Reduction Project (3060—0105), Washington, DC 20503.
  FCC 430 — Page 2
  May 1989

                                  XHIBIT VI

            ST Systems Corporation,       a Maryland corporation,       owns

5 percent of the voting stock of Filer.*               The business address

of ST Systems Corporation is 4400 Forbes Boulevard,              Lanham,

Maryland,       20706—9008 .

            North American CLS,       Inc.,    a Delaware corporation,     owns

95 percent of the voting stock of Filer.**               The business

address of North American CLS,          Inc.     is 1801 McCormick Drive,

Suite 10,       Landover, Maryland,    20785 .

            *       The class of stock owned by ST Systems
                    Corporation entitles it to elect three
                    directors.   (See Appendix 6.)

            **—     The class of stock owned by North American CLS,
                    Inc. entitles it to elect two directors.   (See
                    Appendix 6.)

                                      EXHIBIT VII

 TARSYS     n        £1i        and   Dir

Dr. Ashok Kaveeshwar (President and Director)
4400 Forbes Boulevard
Lanham,   Maryland         —20706—9008

Jean—Luc Bessis (Director)
1801 McCormick Drive
Suite 10
Landover, Maryland   20785

John H. McElroy (Director)
College of Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
Post Office Box 19019
Arlington, Texas  76019

Wilbur Pritchard (Director)
7315 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, Maryland  20814

Lisa Shaffer (Director)
6807 Lumsden Street
McLean, Virginia  22101

Archie E. Shaw, III (Assistant Secretary)
1801 McCormick Drive
Suite 10
Landover, Maryland

Linda J. Soldo (Assistant Secretary)
1752 N Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20036


            ST Systems Corporation,         a Maryland corporation with

its principal place of business at 4400 Forbes Boulevard,

Lanham, Maryland,         20706—9008,    is a high technology company

specializing in environmental remote—sensing systems.                   The

principal shareholder is Mr.            Sharad K.   Tak with 78.6% of all

issued and outstanding shares.             The remaining shareholders are

Narindra Bewtra,         Richard Bishop, Ashok Kaveeshwar,        Chandra Tak,

and William Vest.          Mr.   Sharad Tak is the President and the

Treasurer,      Dr.    Kaveeshwar is the Vice President,        and Ralph W.

Hardy,   Jr.    is    the Secretary of    the Corporation.      Messrs.      Tak,

Kaveeshwar and Hardy are the directors of ST Systems

Corporation.          All of the above individuals are U.        S.   citizens

and their business address is 4400 Forbes Boulevard,                  Lanham,

Maryland,      20706—9008.

            ST Systems Corporation holds all shares of STARSYS

Inc.   Class A Common Stock as authorized to be issued by the

Articles of Incorporation of STARSYS Inc.              (See Appendix 6 to

this Application).          The holder of STARSYS,      Inc.   Class A Common

Stock elects three of the five directors of STARSYS,                  Inc.

                    APPENDIX VI (Substitute)

      Michael HQrkins, Se/cretary of State

          DATE:              o5



                          STARSYS,   Inc.

         STARSYS,   Inc. a corporation organized and existing

under the laws of Delaware (the "Corporation"), hereby

certifies as follows:

         1.    The name of the Corporation is STARSYS, Inc.     The

date of filing of its original Certificate of Incorporation

with the Secretary of State of Delaware was May 3, 1990.

         2.    The corporation has not yet received any payment

for any of its stock.

         3.   This Restated Certificate of Incorporation

restates and amends the Certificate of Incorporation by

amending therein a provision relating to the election of

directors of the Corporation and by deleting therefron a

provision permitting cumulative voting at all elections of

directors of the Corporation.

         4.   The text of the Certificate of Incorporation is

amended hereby to read as herein set forth in full;:

           1.   The name of the corporation is STARSYS, Inc.

         2.   The address of its registered office in the State
of Delaware is Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, in
the City of Wilmington, County of New Castle. The name of its
registered agent at such address is The Corporation Trust

         3.   The nature of the business or purposes to be
conducted or promoted is:

         To engage in any lawful act or activity for which
corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law
of Delaware.  In particular, the corporation will apply to
secure authorization to build, launch and operate a satellite
system to serve the U.S. public interest, including compliance
with the requirements of the Communications Act of 1934.
           4.   The total number of shares of stock which the
Corporation shall have authority to issue is 10,000, comprised
of one class of Class A Common Stock consisting of 500 shares,
with a par value of $1.00 per share, and one class of Class B
Common Stock consisting of 9,500 shares, with a par value of
$1.00 per share.  The designations and the powers, preferences
and rights of the Class A Common Stock and the Class B Common
Stock   shall be as    follows:

                (1i)     The voting power solely for the election
                         of directors shall be vested as provided
                         in this subparagraph (i).  The Board of
                         birectors of the Corporation shall have
                         five members.  The holders of the Class A
                         Common Stock shall be entitled to one vote
                         for each share of Class A Common Stock
                         standing in the name of such holder upon
                         the books of the Corporation, and the
                         holders of the Class A Common Stock, by
                         vote of a majority in number of shares of
                         Class A Common Stock, shall be entitled to
                         elect three directors.  The holders of the
                         Class B Common Stock shall be entitled to
                         one vote for each share of Class B Common
                         Stock standing in the name of such holder
                         upon the books of the Corporation and the
                         holders of the the Class B Common Stock,
                         by vote of a majority in number of shares
                         of Class B Common Stock,   shall be entitled
                         to elect two directors.

                (i1)     Except as provided in subparagraph (i)
                         above,   each holder of stock of the
                         Corporation shall, at every stockholders‘

        meeting, be entitled to cast one vote for
        each share of said stock of whatever class
        held by him, and shall be entitled to cast
        such vote for any and all purposes.

(iii)   The holders of the shares of Class A
        Common Stock and Class B Common Stock
        shall be entitled to participate ratably,
        according to the respective number of
        shares of Common Stock held by them and
        without preference of any class over the
        others, in such dividends, if any, as fron
        time to time in the discretion of the
        Board of Directors may be declared and
        made payable out of funds legally
        available therefor; except that, in any
        distribution with respect to Common Stock
        or right to acquire Common Stock (whether
        by stock dividend, distribution of rights,
        recapitalization or otherwise), only Class
        A Common Stock (or rights to acquire Class
        A Common Stock) will be distributed with
        respect to Class A Common Stock and only
        Class B Common Stock (or rights to acquire
        Class B Common Stock) will be distributed
        with respect to Class B Common Stock.

(iv)    In the event of any dissolution,
        liquidation or winding up of the
        Corporation, the holders of the shares of
        Class A Common Stock and Class B Common
        Stock shall share ratably, according to
        the number of shares of Common Stock held
        by them and without preference of any
        class over the others, in any payment or
        distribution of the net assets of the
        Corporation available for distribution to
        its stockholders.

(v)     Except as set forth in this paragraph 4,
        the Class A Common Stock and the Class B
        Common Stock shall be identical in all
        respects and shall have the same
        designations, powers, preferences and

         5.    The name and nmailing address of each incorporator
is as follows:

               NAME                        MAILINGADDRESS

               Archie E. Shaw,    III      2817 Glen Isle Road
                                           Riva, Maryland 21140

               Raul Rodriqguez             2000 K Street, N.W.
                                           Suite 600
                                           Washington, D.C.   20006

          6.   The corporation is to have perpetual existence.

         7.   Elections of directors need not be by written
ballot unless the by—laws of the corporation shall so provide.

         Meetings of stockholders may be held within or without
the State of Delaware, as the by—laws may provide.  The books
of the corporation may be kept (subject to any provision
contained in the statutes) outside the State of Delaware at
such place or places as may be designated from time to time by
the board of directors or in the by—laws of the corporation.

         8.    The corporation reserves the right to amend,
alter, change or repeal any provision contained     in this
certificate of incorporation, in the manner now     or hereafter
prescribed by statute, and all rights conferred     upon
stockholders herein are granted subject to this     reservation.

         9.   A director of the corporation shall not be
personally liable to the corporation or its stockholders for
monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director
except for liability   (i)   for any breach of the director‘s duty
of loyalty to the corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for
acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve
intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law,
(iii) under Section 174 of the Delaware General Corporation
Law, or (iv) for any transaction from which the director
derived any improper personal benefit.

         5.    This Restated Certificate of Incorporation was

duly adopted by unanimous vote of the board of directors in

accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 241 of the

Delaware General Corporation Law.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF,   THE UNDERSIGNED,   the President and

Assistant Secretary of STARSYS,      Inc., under penalties of

perjury, do make this certificate, hereby declaring and

certifying that this is our act and deed and the facts herein

stated are true,   and accordingly have hereunto set our hands

this   [[   day of May,   1990.

                                      STARSYS,   Inc.

                                      By: A \q ké&ww/wpl
                                         Ashok Kaveeshwar,


w _4 Z
   Archie E. Shaw, III,
   Assistant Secretary

Document Created: 2014-09-04 13:55:41
Document Modified: 2014-09-04 13:55:41

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