Attachment Schedule S DOC 12

This document pretains to SAT-A/O-20100203-00019 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


   ECHOSTAR-6 Link Budgets

                                                                                     Medium Power Mode
               Link Parameters                                                 1                          2                          3
                                                                     13 meter Feeder Link E/S   13 meter Feeder Link E/S   13 meter Feeder Link E/S
                                                                     Nominal Feeder Link Site   Nominal Feeder Link Site   Nominal Feeder Link Site

                                                                                to                         to                         to
                                                                       45 cm Receive-Only         45 cm Receive-Only         45 cm Receive-Only

Modulation Parameters:
   Information Bit Rate per Carrier                   (kbps)                 27,647                     27,647                     27,647
   FEC Rate                                                                    3/4                        3/4                        3/4
   Reed-Solomon Ratio (188/204, None)                                       188/204                    188/204                    188/204
   Overall Coding Overhead                            (%)                    44.7%                      44.7%                      44.7%
   Modulation Type (BPSK/QPSK/8PSK/16QAM)                                    QPSK                       QPSK                       QPSK
   Filter Roll-off Factor ("alpha")                   (%)                      20                         20                         20
Link Geometry:
   Tx E/S City Location                               (name)               Cheyenne                   Cheyenne                   Cheyenne
   Tx E/S Longitude                                   (°East)                -104.7                     -104.7                     -104.7
   Tx E/S Latitude                                    (°North)                41.1                       41.1                       41.1
   Tx E/S Range to Satellite                          (Km)                   39,021                     39,021                     39,021
   Tx E/S Elevation to Satellite                      (°)                     25.5                       25.5                       25.5
   Tx E/S Altitude                                    (m)                    1876.0                     1876.0                     1876.0
   Rx E/S City Location                               (name)                 Miami                    New York                    Chicago
   Rx E/S Longitude                                   (°East)                 -80.3                      -74.0                      -87.8
   Rx E/S Latitude                                    (°North)                25.9                       40.8                       41.8
   Rx E/S Range to Satellite                          (km)                   36,876                     37,689                     38,192
   Rx E/S Elevation to Satellite                      (°)                     53.3                       41.2                       34.9
  Rx E/S Altitude                                     (m)                      1.0                       15.0                      182.0
Uplink (per carrier):
   Carrier Frequency                                  (MHz)                  17,550                     17,550                     17,550
   HPA Power Level (to give required PFD at satellite) (W)                    61.2                       61.2                       61.2
   HPA Power in dBW                                   (dBW)                   17.9                       17.9                       17.9
   Post-HPA Losses                                    (dB)                     2.0                        2.0                        2.0
   Tx E/S Power to Antenna in dBW                     (dBW)                   15.9                       15.9                       15.9
   Tx E/S Antenna Diameter                            (m)                     13.0                       13.0                       13.0
   Antenna Efficiency                                 (%)                      65                         65                         65
   Tx E/S Antenna Gain                                (dB)                    65.7                       65.7                       65.7
   Tx E/S EIRP                                        (dBW)                   81.6                       81.6                       81.6
   E/S Pointing Loss                                  (dB)                     0.1                        0.1                        0.1
   Atmospheric Loss                                   (dB)                    0.44                       0.44                       0.44
   Availability up                                    (%)                    99.8                       99.9                       99.9
   Rain attenuation                                   (dB)                    3.5                        3.5                        3.5
   Free Space Loss                                    (dB)                   209.2                      209.2                      209.2
   Resulting PFD at Satellite                         (dBW/m )                -85.3                      -85.3                      -85.3
   Transponder Gain Setting                           (dB)                     10                         10                         10
   G/T towards Tx E/S                                 (dB/K)                   3.5                        3.5                        3.5
  EIRP towards Rx E/S                                 (dBW)                   49.7                       51.0                       48.9
   Carrier Frequency                                  (MHz)                  12,450                     12,450                     12,450
   Atmospheric Loss                                   (dB)                    0.09                       0.11                       0.13
   Availability down                                  (%)                     99.6                       99.9                       99.8
   Rain attenuation                                   (dB)                    2.30                       2.60                       1.90
   E/S Pointing Loss                                  (dB)                     0.5                        0.5                        0.5
   Free Space Loss                                    (dB)                   205.7                      205.9                      206.0
   Rx E/S Antenna Diameter                            (m)                     0.45                       0.45                       0.45
   Rx E/S Antenna Gain                                (dB)                    34.0                       34.0                       34.0
   Rx E/S G/T                                         (dB/K)                  13.2                       13.2                       13.2
   System (LNA+Sky) Noise Temp.                       (K)                     120                        120                        120
  Increase in Noise Temp due to rain                  (K)                     110                        120                         93
Total Link:
   Carrier Noise Bandwidth                            (kHz)                  24,000                     24,000                     24,000
   (C/N) - Thermal Uplink                             (dB)                    30.2                       30.2                       30.2
   (C/N) - Thermal Downlink - CLEAR SKY               (dB)                    11.4                       12.5                       10.3
   (C/N) - Thermal Downlink - RAIN DOWN               (dB)                     6.3                        6.9                        5.9
   (C/I) - Other Link Degradations                    (dB)                    20.0                       20.0                       20.0
   (C/N) - Total Actual - CLEAR SKY                   (dB)                    10.8                       11.7                        9.8
   (C/N) - Total Actual - RAIN DOWN                   (dB)                     6.1                        6.7                        5.7
   (C/N) - Total Required                             (dB)                     5.7                        5.7                        5.7
   Excess Margin - CLEAR SKY                          (dB)                     5.1                        6.0                        4.1
   Excess Margin - RAIN DOWN                          (dB)                     0.4                        1.0                        0.0

Document Created: 2010-02-04 10:51:43
Document Modified: 2010-02-04 10:51:43

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