Attachment 1997TRW reply secy a

This document pretains to SAT-A/O-19901107-00066 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                           t                RECEIVED
                                          BEFO        THE

           Federal Communications CommissionAVS 2 8 1997
                                 ‘WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                             Fopene Conblncanine counconn
                                                                        H                 DrICE OF The secretary
In the Matter of                                      ;                   GQQ,‘
Application of Mobile Communications                  )       File Nt#
Holdings, Inc. for Authority to Construct,            )        $y           —       91(18)    .
Launch and Operate an Elliptical Low Earth            )        lig,i*> pll—SATLA—95           _
Orbit Mobile Satellite System                         )             atp TESAT—AMEND—95
                                                      )                         "EAMAMEND—96

To: The Commission

                                     REPLY OF TRW INC.

       TRW Inc. ("TRW"), by its attorneys and pursuant to Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s

rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.115 (1996), hereby replies to the Consolidated Opposition to Applications for

Review ("Consolidated Opposition") filed by Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc. ("MCHI")

regarding the decision of the International Bureau (the "Bureau") to grant a license to MCHI in

the above—captioned proceeding.‘ In spite of MCHI‘s claims, the MCHI Order is contrary to law

and to the public interest in the rapid establishment of a competitive Mobile Satellite Service

Above 1 GHz ("MSS Above 1 GHz").

       The Bureau‘s decision to waive the MSS Above 1 GHz financial qualifications standard so

as to grant MCHI a license is contrary to law because it undermines the fundamental policy

objective of that standard, as embodied in the Commission‘s rules." The Bureau‘s finding and

MCHI‘s arguments notwithstanding, that objective was not merely to thin the ranks of applicants

       M       See Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc. (DA 97—1367) (released July 1, 1997)
               ("MCHI Order").

       2       By MCHI‘s own admission, a waiver may not undermine the policy objective of the
               rule in question. Id. at 2 n.3. See also WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1159
               (D.C. Cir. 1969), cert. denied, 409 U.S. 1027 (1972).


so long as insufficient spectrum was available to accommodate then—current applicants, and

provide fér the expansion of their proposed satellite systems and future entry into the service.>

Rather, in keeping with previously established Commission financial standards, it was the broader

deterrence of warehousing and the inefficient use of valuable orbit spectrum resources.* Given

MCHI‘s inability to satisfy the MSS Above 1 GHz financial standard, and the consequent

likelihood that it will never launch its satellite system, the decision to grant it a waiver of the

standard plainly undermines the standard‘s principal underlying objective.

        Although MCHI claims that the Bureau‘s waiver of the MSS Above 1 GHz financial

standard comported with Commission cése law and regulation, it supports that claim with the

curious argument that the financial standard itself is deficient. Specifically, MCHI asserts that the

rationale for the financial standard was faulty from the outset (on the illegitimate grounds that no

mutual exclusivity existed among then—current applicants) and, even if initially valid, has

disappeared in the wake of two events cited by the Bureau: (1) thedismissal of AMSC‘s

application for an MSS Above 1 GHz license; and (2) the allocation of spectrum for the MSS in

the 1990—2025 MHz and 2165—2200 MHz bands (the "2 GHz bands")." Quite obviously, a waiver

premised on the invalidity of the underlying rule‘s principal policy objective necessarily

undermines that objective and is therefore impermissible. MCHI cannot evade this fact by

       3        MCHI Opposition at 4; MCHI Order, DA 97—1367, slip op. at 11 (( 23).

       *        Application for Review of TRW Inc. (filed July 31, 1997) at 7. See also
                Consolidated Opposition to Applications for Review of Constellation
                Communications, Inc. (filed August 18, 1997) at 5, 10 n.24 ("In all cases, the
                Commission has consistently noted that its financial qualification rules are designed
                to prevent warehousing spectrum.").

        5       MCHI Opposition at 5—6.

                                                  —3 —

 suggesting that the dismissal of AMSC‘s application and the allocation of 2 GHz spectrum are

 "special" or "unique" circumstances applying to its application alone,° given that it also argues

 that sufficient spectrum now exists to accommodate future MSS Above 1 GHz applicants.

        Elsewhere, however, MCHI is forced to concede that sufficient spectrum is not available

 to accommodate the present and future needs of currently licensed MSS Above 1 GHz systems

 and future applicants. It effectively admits that the need to protect GLONASS operations below

 1610 MHz may, as the Bureau warns, leave insufiicieni spectrum to accommodate five systems in

 the 1.6/2.4 GHz bands." It also acknowledges that service rules for the 2 GHz bands have not yet

 been adopted, and thus can offer no guarantee that any 2 GHz spectrum will actually be available

 to MSS Above 1 GHz systems." Given these uncertainties, the licensing of financially unqualified

 parties to occupy valuable 1.6/2.4 GHz spectrum is plainly inappropriate.

        There is nothing "absurd" about TRW‘s observation that the Bureau failed to adhere to the

~ Administrative Procedure Act in waiving the financial standard for MCHI.‘ The Bureau has no

        6       Id. at 3, 13.

                See id. at 14 n.35 ("The GLONASS situation, as everyone knows, is an evolving
                one. It is not possible to predict what impact, if any, GLONASS will have on the
                Big LEO licensees at this point in time.").

        8       Id. at 9—10 n.24. Contrary to MCHI‘s claims, the Bureau has no authority to
                prejudge the outcome of the 2 GHz rulemaking and licensing proceedings by
                premising licensing decisions in the MSS Above 1 GHz on the availability of 2
                GHz spectrum for MSS Above 1 GHz systems. Id. Furthermore, the fact that
                TRW has argued that the 2 GHz spectrum is suitable for use by MSS systems in no
                way contradicts its point that this spectrum is not yet available for MSS Above 1
                GHz systems. See MCHI Opposition at 12.

        °       MCHI Opposition at 13; Application for Review of TRW Inc. (filed July 31, 1997)
                at 13 (citing 5 U.S.C.A. §553).


authority to declare a Commission rule invalid by fiat; rule changes must be made through

rulemaking proceedings, not through "waivers" that leave no discernible part of the rule intact.

       The public interest is disserved by the grant of a license to MCHI in that, inter alia, it

forces fully qualified licensees to expend time and resources to coordinate with, and modify their

systems to accommodate, a system that will probably never be built. That probability is not "mere

conjecture," as it has already been established by MCHI‘s repeated failure to satisfy the MSS

Above 1 GHz financial standard."" Far from fearing competition with MCHI, TRW is concerned

that accommodating MCHI‘s phantom system will hinder its ability to compete with real systems.

       TRW challenges MCHI‘s claim — and the Bureau‘s finding — that MCHI‘s system

technology and marketing strategy are unique in some way that is relevant to the evaluation of

MCHI‘s application." The Commission definitively resolved this issue in 1995, when it

unequivocally denied MCHI‘s application for a Pioneer‘s Preference for its proposed system."

       Finally, TRW calls on the Commission once again to investigate MCHI‘s character

       18      MCHI Opposition at 6. In this regard, the Commission cannot credit MCHI‘s
               claims that various parties have made or may make investments in its satellite
               project. Id. at 14—16. In spite of the innumerable similar claims that it made
               throughout its licensing proceeding, MCHI has never been able to demonstrate to
               the Bureau‘s satisfaction that such alleged financial commitments actually exist.
               MCHI‘s claims to be "moving forward" in other ways with the development of its
               system are equally questionable and totally noncognizable.

       M       Id. at 7 n.19.

       12      See Amendment of Section 2.106 of the Commission‘s Rules to Allocate the 1610—
               1626.5 MHZ and the 2483.5—2500 MHZ Bands For Use by the Mobile—Satellite
               Service, Including Non—Geostationary Satellites, 10 FCC Red 3406, 3407 (1995)
               (affirming that MCHI‘s proposal was not "new and innovative," and that MCHI
               "did not have a significant lead over the other preference applicants [including all
               current MSS Above 1 GHz licensees] in activities such as concept design and
               verifiable relevant experiments.").

                                                L 5.

qualifications to be an MSS Above 1 GHz licensee. TRW‘s concern that MCHI knowingly

violated the Commission‘s ex parte rules by soliciting impermissible contacts with decisionmaking

officials is only heightened by the recent dissemination of a June 6, 1997 letter from several

congressmen to Chairman Hundt, directed exclusively to the merits of the then—pending

applications ofMCHI and Constellation."

       For the foregoing reasons and those set forth in its Application for Review, TRW requests

that the Commission review and reverse the decision of the Bureau to grant MCHI a license in the

MSS Above 1 GHz at the earliest possible time.

                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                       TRW Inc.

                                                       i M( e
                                                          Norman P. Leventhal~
                                                           Stephen D. Baruch
                                                          Walter P. Jacob

                                                          Leventhal, Senter & Lerman P.LL.C.
                                                          2000 K Street NW., Suite 600
                                                          Washington, DC 20006—1809
                                                          (202) 429—8970

August 28, 1997                                        Its Attorneys

       13      See Reply of TRW Inc. (filed August 25, 1997) at 3—5.

                                      CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

           I, Tim Jordan, do hereby certify that true and correct copies of the foregoing "Reply of

TRW Inc." were mailed, first—class postage prepaid, this 28th day of August, 1997 to the


                     Chairman Reed E. Hundt
                     Federal Communications Commission
                     1919 M Street, NW., Room 814
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                     Commissioner James H. Quello
                     Federal Communications Commission
                     1919 M Street, NNW., Room 802
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                     Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong
                     Federal Communications Commission
                     1919 M Street, NW., Room 844
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                     Commissioner Susan Ness
                     Federal Communications Commission
                     1919 M Street, NW., Room 832
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                     Mr. Peter Cowhey       —
                     International Bureau
                     Federal Communications Commission
                     2000 M Street, NW., Room 827
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                     Thomas S. Tycz
                     Chief, Satellite and Radiocommunications Division
                     International Bureau
                     Federal Communications Commission
                     2000 M Street, NW., Room 811
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                 * By Hand Delivery

                     Fern J. Jarmulnek
                     Chief, Satellite Policy Branch
                     International Bureau
                     Federal Communications Commission
                     2000 M Street, NW., Room 520
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                     Jill A. Stern, Esq.
                     Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
                     2300 N Street, NW.
                     Washington, D.C. 20037—1128

                     Philip L. Malet, Esq.
                     Alfred M. Mamlet, Esq.
                     Steptoe & Johnson
                     1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW.
                     Washington, D.C. 20036

                     Robert A. Mazer, Esq.
                     Vinson & Elkins
                     1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Suite 700
                     Washington, D.C. 20004—1008

                     William Wallace, Esq.
                     Crowell & Moring
                     1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
                     Washington, D.C. 20004—2505

                     Bruce D. Jacobs, Esq.
                     Fisher, Wayland, Cooper, Leader & Zaragoza, LLP
                     Suite 400
                     2001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                     Washington, DC 20006—1851

                                                                Tim Jordan

                                                                             * By Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2015-08-04 17:35:38
Document Modified: 2015-08-04 17:35:38

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