Attachment 2002Mobile Applicati

This document pretains to SAT-A/O-19901107-00066 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                          BEFORE THE
                                                                      DUPLICATE COPY
          Federal Communications Commission
                                  WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554
                                                      *                           RECEIVED
                                                                                   JUL 2 4 2002

in the Matter of                                          )
Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc.                      )   File Nos.   1M      P—91(6)
                                                          )               18—DSS—P—91(18)
                                                          )               11—SAT—LA—95
                                                          )               12—SAT—AMEND—95
Authority to construct, launch, and operate               )               158—SAT—AMEND—96
an elliptical low—earth—orbit Mobile—Satellite            )
Service system                                            ;   Call Sign S2111

To: The Commission

                                APPLICATION FOR REVIEW

                                          MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS, INC.

                                                 Raul R. Rodriguez
                                                 Stephen D. Baruch
                                                 David S. Keir

                                                 Leventhal, Senter & Lerman PLLC
                                                 2000 K Street, N.W., Suite 600
                                                 Washington, D.C. 20006
                                                 (202) 429—8970

July 24, 2002                             Its Attorneys

                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


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L.    BACKGROUND ..1112020022202222222¥2seessrss¥seesersesssesersssersseserseses es es es secesses se es es rev esns ses ies ses sn se se nes 3

      OF ITS CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT MILESTONES ....................c.klkkkl.. 7

      CIRCUMSTANCES CONCERNING MCHI ......22220222222222022222¥2ssreererreressre se se ssereresre es er es 13

      A.         The Obstacles Faced By MCHI Are Endemic To The Entire Industry. ............... 14
      B.         Any Necessary Forbearance To MCHI Will Not Prejudice Other Parties. .......... 16
      C.         The Timing Of The Commuission‘s Initial Authorization Was A
                 Contributing FactorT‘o MCHI‘s Current SitU@tOM. ..............2...000.00000eeeee es eeerereeece. 18
      D.         Despite Daunting Setbacks, MCHI Has Diligently Pursued Construction
                 and Implementation Of Its Unique Elliptical Orbit MSS Design And
                 Business Model, And It Intends To Continue Its Efforts To Complete and
                 Launch The ElMPSO SYSt@M. .........2..202.0000000ev202sereers se s se es es resrrrersereser ces es eresersessecress 19
Ne0)(0911331e)ooo 22


               Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc. ("MCHI") seeks Commission review of

the International Bureau‘s June 24, 2002 Memorandum Opinion and Order ("Recon. Order"),

which affirmed the Bureau‘s May 2001 ruling declaring MCHI‘s 1.6/2.4 GHz mobile—satellite

service ("MSS") authorization null and void. Grant of this application for review is warranted

because, contrary to the factual conclusions reached by the Bureau, MCHI had in fact met both

of its construction commencement milestone obligations as required under its authorization,

having entered into a contract with The Boeing Corporation ("Boeing") in July 1998. Boeing

has confirmed that its contract with MCHI relates to the entire Ellipso system, and that the

contractual relationship between the two parties remains in place, but the Recon. Order does not

even acknowledge Boeing‘s position, let alone recognize its significance.

               In the Recon. Order, the Bureau instead arbitrarily second guesses the

interpretation of the Boeing Contract held by the two contracting parties. Such action is in

conflict with case precedent, and established Commission policy, in that the Commission, in

evaluating licensee compliance with commencement of construction requirements, has not

previously sought to offer its own interpretation of contract language that is distinct from the

parties‘ understanding of their contractual obligations.

               The Bureau has also invoked a never before imposed legal requirement, asserting

that "the execution of a contract that does not provide for complete construction of the satellites

in question by a specified date consistent with the licensee‘s milestone deadline for making its

system fully operational cannot satisfy a construction—commencement milestone requirement."

This language clearly adds an additional requirement to the notion of construction

commencement that was not, prior to its announcement in the Recon. Order., an aspect of

Commission policy on compliance with commencement of construction milestones. As stated in

both the Big LEO Order and in MCHI‘s authorization, the requirement imposed is merely to

commence construction — and, historically, all that has been necessary to satisfy this requirement

is entry into a binding, non—contingent construction contract such as that executed by MCHI and

Boeing. It is beyond the International Bureau‘s authority to impose additional substantive

requirements — and the mere absence of a specific completion date for satellite construction does

not render a contract either contingent or non—binding.

               Moreover, at the same time that it has divested MCHI of its Big LEO license, the

International Bureau has taken no such action concerning the Big LEO license of Constellation

Communications Corporation ("Constellation""), issued at the same time as MCHI‘s license.

Constellation has not met its full—system construction commencement milestone, has not been an

active participant in industry activities, and has spent only a fraction of the time, money and

effort that MCHI has toward implementation of its MSS system. While MCHI believes that the

Bureau would be correct to permit both MCHI and Constellation to continue to pursue

implementation of their MSS systems, the Bureau‘s apparent policy of selective milestone

enforcement is patently discriminatory and completely unacceptable.

               Finally, the Bureau‘s Recon. Order continues to apply mechanistically the

requirements of the FCC‘s milestone rules without any consideration of the extreme financial

turbulence that the satellite industry has experienced since Iridium‘s 1999 bankruptcy filing.

These market conditions, which lie entirely beyond MCHI‘s control, have unavoidably slowed

the progress of the Ellipso construction program. Despite these problems, MCHI remains

optimistic that its elliptical orbit technical approach remains promising because of the critical

need for the truly global mobile telecommunications capability that satellite technology alone

can provide. Ellipso not only can provide this capability, it can do so at a low cost given the

                                                —ill —

advantages unique to its elliptical orbit technology. It would be contrary to the public interest to

deny MCHI the opportunity to continue pursuing its business plan when present economic

circumstances make it very unlikely that any new entity will emerge with a credible plan to

provide the type of global service MCHI proposes.

               MCHI requests that the Commussion review the facts in this case and reinstate

MCHI‘s authorization. MCHI further requests that the Commussion direct the Bureau to

consider favorably MCHI‘s request for waiver ofits remaining construction milestones, which

was included as part of MCHI‘s original Petition for Reconsideration, but was not considered by

the Bureau. In part because MCHI‘s authorization has been declared void since the Spring of

2001, it has been unable to proceed with further construction of its satellite system. Accordingly,

a waiver of the remaining milestones established under its authorization, including the July 2003

service implementation milestone contained in its authorization, is appropriate.

                                               —iv —

                                               BEFORE THE

           Federal Communications Commission
                                      WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                             )
Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc.                         )     File Nos.    11—DSS—P—91(6)
                                                             )                  18—DSS—P—91(18)
                                                             )                  11—SAT—LA—95
                                                            )                   12—SAT—AMEND—95
Authority to construct, launch, and operate                 )                   158—SAT—AMEND—96
an elliptical low—earth—orbit Mobile—Satellite              )
Service system                                              )      Call Sign S2111

To: The Commission

                                    APPLICATION FOR REVIEW

                 Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc. ("MCHI"), by its attorneys and pursuant

to Section 1.115 of the Commiussion‘s rules (47 C.F.R. § 1.115), hereby seeks Commission

review of the International Bureau‘s June 24, 2002 Memorandum Opinion and Order,‘ which

declined to overturn the Bureau‘s May 2001 ruling that MCHI‘s authorization for a satellite

system in the 1.6/2.4 GHz mobile—satellite service ("MSS") is null and void." MCHI requests

that the Commission review the facts in this case and reinstate MCHI‘s authorization. MCHI

further requests that the Commission direct the Bureau to consider favorably MCHI‘s request for

waiver of its remaining construction milestones, which was included as part of MCHI‘s original

Petition for Reconsideration, but was not considered by the Bureau. In part because MCHI‘s

I        Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc., DA 02—1468, slip op. (IB, released June 24, 2002) ("Recon.
2       Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc., 16 FCC Red 11766 (IB 2001) ("Nullification Order").

authorization has been declared void since the Spring of 2001, it has been unable to proceed with

further construction of its satellite system. Accordingly, a waiver of the remaining milestones

established under its authorization, including the July 2003 service implementation milestone

contained in its authorization, is appropriate.

                Grant of this application for review is warranted because, contrary to the factual

conclusions reached by the Bureau, MCHI had met both of its construction commencement

milestone obligations as required under its authorization. The contract that MCHI entered into

with Boeing in 1998 expressly dealt with not only the construction of the first two satellites of

the Ellipso System, but also provides for commencement of work relating to the remaining

satellites in the system. In other words, MCHI satisfied its July 2000 construction

commencement milestone more than two years in advance. Boeing and MCHI agree that the

contract pertains to the entire Ellipso system.

               In the Recon. Order, the Bureau ignores this fact and arbitrarily second guesses

the interpretation of this contract held by the two contracting parties. Such action is in conflict

with case precedent, and established Commission policy, in that the Commission, in evaluating

licensee compliance with commencement of construction requirements, has not previously

sought to offer its own interpretation of contract language that is distinct from the parties‘

understanding of their contractual obligations.

               In addition, the Bureau‘s Recon. Order continues to apply mechanistically the

requirements of the FCC‘s milestone rules without any consideration of the extreme financial

turbulence that has been being suffered by the satellite industry since Iridium‘s 1999 bankruptcy

filing. For reasons that are well documented, including the high—profile business failures of

MCHI‘s predecessors in the 1.6/2.4 GHz "Big LEO" MSS, and completely outside MCHI‘s

control, these market conditions have unavoidably slowed the progress of the Ellipso

construction program.3 For this reason, MCHI requested last year, as part of its original Petition

for Reconsideration of the International Bureau‘s NuZ/ification Order, that the Bureau defer the

effective dates of MCHI‘s milestones in order to preserve its ability to proceed with its system on

a modified timetable. Because the Bureau has found the license to be null and void, it has not

given any consideration to this request. In reversing the order below, the Commission should

explicitly direct the Bureau to consider this request, and to grant it for good cause shown.


                 More than ten years ago, MCHI (then Ellipsat Corporation) became the first

applicant for authority to provide MSS using non—geostationary satellite constellations in the

1.6/2.4 GHz "Big LEO" MSS bands. This application was placed on public notice along with

the later—filed application of Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc. ("Motorola") for the

Iridium MSS system. In response to this cut—off notice, four additional applications were

submitted, each seeking authority to provide similar services in the 1610—1626.5 MHz (uplink)

and 2483.5—2500 MHz (downlink) frequency bands.

                 In October 1994, the Commission adopted final service rules for Big LEO MSS,

concluding that five systems could be licensed in the allocated spectrum, four using spread

spectrum, code division multiple access ("CDMA") techniques to share spectrum at 1610—

1621.35 MHz (uplink) and 2483.5—2500 MHz (downlink), and one (Iridium) using dedicated

spectrum in the 1621.35—1626.5 MHz band and operating bidirectionally.* The applicants were

        MCHI was candid about this prospect and so informed the Commission in a meeting with International
Bureau staff on October 12, 2000.
*        Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to a Mobile Satellite
Service in the 1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands, 9 FCC Red 5936 (1994) ("Big LEO Order").


required to amend their proposals to conform to the rules adopted no later than November 16,

    1994. Five of the six applicants, including MCHI, filed amendments to conform to the rules on

this date."

                    The first three Big LEO licenses were issued on January 31, 1995 to Loral/

Qualcomm Partnership ("LQP"), Motorola, and TRW Inc. ("TRW"). The Commission declined

to license MCHI at that time, along with one other applicant that submitted an amended

application, because it ruled that MCHI had not met the strict financial standard that was

included in the final Big LEO rules. MCHI argued that there was no basis to delay the licensing

of some applicants based on current financing, and that a two—tiered approach could damage

later—authorized systems in the marketplace.

                   Almost two and a half years after the initial Big LEO systems were licensed, on

June 30, 1997, MCHI was finally granted authority to construct, launch and operate the Ellipso

system, based upon the Commission‘s eventual determination that all of the remaining applicants

could, in fact, be licensed without the need to restrict entry based on financial qualifications.6

Included in the authorization was a milestone schedule pursuant to the Commission‘s policy

established in the Big LEO Order. Accordingly, MCHI was required to begin construction of its

first two satellites no later than July 1998, to commence construction of the remaining satellites

by July 2000, to complete construction of its initial satellites by July 2001, and to commence

operation of its system by July 2003."

5        One applicant, AMSC, declined to pursue its application under the rules established by the Commission,
and instead sought reconsideration of the service rules order. AMSC subsequently declined to proceed with its
application after its reconsideration petition was denied.
6         See Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc., 12 FCC Red 9663 (1997) ("MCHI License Order‘).
7         1d. at 9680 (4 42).

                  As explained more fully below, MCHI satisfied its commencement of

construction obligations in advance of the July 1998 and July 2000 deadlines by entering into a

binding, non—contingent spacecraft construction contract with Boeing on June 17, 1998 covering

the entire Ellipso constellation." The company‘s entry into this contract (the "Boeing Contract")

was reported to the Commission on June 22, 1998." All required progress payments provided for

under this agreement were made to Boeing. During the latter part of 1998 and through much of

1999, MCHI and Boeing also negotiated a draft agreement for a substantial investment by

Boeing in the Ellipso system.

                 The Iridium system commenced operations in November 1998, but almost

immediately ran into financial difficulties. Within less than a year, the company filed for

Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Just two weeks after the Iridium bankruptcy petition was

filed, a 2 GHz MSS company, ICO Global Communications, Inc. ("ICO"), also sought

bankruptcy protection prior to commencement of actual operations.‘" These high—profile,

closely—spaced bankruptcy filings focused the attention of the capital markets and the public at—

large on the extreme financial stresses to which satellite systems are subject at the outset of

operations. Among the adverse effects of these marketplace developments — developments

completely beyond the control of MCHI — was the suspension of the discussions between MCHI

and Boeing concerning possible substantial investment by Boeing in the Ellipso project.

                 In March 2000, while Iridium was in the midst of negotiations to continue

operations, LQP launched its competing MSS service, Globalstar, in the CDMA portions of the

8        See Satellite Construction and System Deffinition Contract, dated June 17, 1998. Copies of the Boeing
Contract and the Exhibits thereto were supplied to the International Bureau on October 12, 2000.
°      See Letter from Pedro L. Rustan, Vice President, Space Segment Technology and Operations Group,
MCHI, to Magalie R. Salas, Secretary, FCC, dated June 19, 1998.
10      Elizabeth Douglass, "Satellite—Telephone Firm ICO Files for Bankruptcy Protection," Los Angeles Times,
Business Section, August 28, 1999.

1.6 and 2.4 GHz Big LEO MSS bands. This service also suffered marketplace setbacks, and like

Iridium, did not experience sufficient growth in its subscriber base to produce revenues adequate

to finance continuing operations and service its debt. As a result, the company suspended

principal and interest payments to bondholders in early 2001 in order to conserve cash."

Following lengthy negotiations with creditors restructure its debt, Globalstar also filed for

voluntary bankruptcy protection in February of this year."

                 Despite MCHI‘s significant efforts toward implementation of its system under the

most adverse circumstances, the International Bureau determined in May 2001 that the contract

between MCHI and Boeing was inadequate to meet the full—system commencement of

construction milestone imposed in its authorization. In its NulZlification Order, the Bureau,

contrary to all existing precedent, delved deeply into the continuing progress of satellite

construction under MCHI‘s contract with Boeing, and reached the novel conclusion that events

subsequent to commencement of construction "essentially nullified the construction contract."‘"

                 MCHI sought reconsideration of the Nullification Order on July 2, 2001, which

led to the Recon. Order of which Commiussion review is now sought. In the Recon. Order,

without fully explaining the apparent changes in its rationale, the Bureau retreats from its

assertions that mid—course changes in the progress of construction of its initial satellites can lead

to license nullification, and instead bases its decision entirely on what it construes to be an

omission from the original contract of terms relating to the completion date of the full

complement of authorized Ellipso satellites.

1        See Globalstar Press Release, "Globalstar Reports Results for First Quarter of 2001," dated May 15, 2001
(available at, viewed July 22, 2002).
12       See Globalstar Press Release, "Globalstar, Creditors Finalize Agreement On Debt Restructuring and New
Business Model: Company Makes Chapter 11 Filing; Satellite Telephone Service To Continue Uninterrupted,"
dated February 15, 2002 (available at, viewed July 22, 2002).
13      Nullification Order, 16 FCC Red 11768 (7).


                  The International Bureau‘s decision to declare MCHI‘s authorization null and

void should be reversed, and the license should be reinstated nune pro tunc. The Bureau‘s initial

revocation of the MCHI authorization was based in part, and its decision in the Recon. Order

appears to be based entirely, on the unsound premise that MCHI failed to satisfy the milestone

requirement that it commence construction of all of its 16 satellites by the end of July 2000. In

fact, as both MCHI and Boeing have reported to the Commission, by entering into a binding

contract with Boeing in 1998 that calls not only for the commencement of construction of the

first two spacecraft, but also for the commencement of system—wide design, development and

design validation activity, MCHI satisfied the July 2000 milestone requirement more than two

years ahead of schedule.

                  In the Recon. Order, the International Bureau continues to parse too narrowly the

scope of the Boeing Contract when it concludes that MCHI failed to meet the July 2000 full—

systen construction commencement milestone. In so doing, the Bureau ignores the significance

of the extensive duties that Boeing is contractually obligated to perform with respect to the entire

Ellipso system.

                The Boeing Contract provides for the construction of the first two satellites of the

Ellipso constellation.‘"* Of equal significance, the contract also requires Boeing, as the Ellipso

System Engineering and Integration ("SE&I") contractor, to perform a lengthy list of duties in

connection with the entire Ellipso system.‘" Specifically, as SE&I contractor, Boeing has been

tasked with:

14     See Exhibit A—1 to the Boeing Contract at 5.
       See Exhibit A—2 to the Boeing Contract at 4.

                               finalization of the Ellipso system and segment requirements;""

                               simulation, analysis, and review of the Ellipso system architecture to
                               validate system performance in the areas of link budgets, coverage,
                               capacity, availability, quality of service, and latency;""

                               development of a work breakdown structure and integrated master plan
                               for the total Ellipso system;""

                               scheduling and leading program status reviews; * and

                               coordination of the Ellipso requirements and segment designs with all
                               Ellipso segment contractors to meet the technical, scheduling, and
                               operational requirements planned for the Initial Ellipso System."°

                    Boeing has confirmed the broad nature of its duties under the contract with

MCHI, as well as its understanding that the contractual relationship between the two parties

remains in place."‘ In a July 2, 2001 letter to the Commission, the Vice President & CFO of

Boeing‘s Space & Communications Group stated clearly that the contract entered into by MCHI

and Boeing implemented an arrangement providing that "Boeing would be the end—to—end system

integrator and prime contractor for the entire Ellipso system, including all sixteen operational

satellites and one ground spare.""" It is therefore evident that the parties agreed in 1998 that

Boeing would construct the entire Ellipso system, including all 16 of the Eliipso satellites — and

not just the initial two satellites. The Recon. Order does not even acknowledge the Boeing letter,

let alone recognize its significance.

        See id. at § 2.1.1.
        See id. at § 2.1.2.
        See id. at § 2.1.5.
        iSee id. at § 2.1.7.
        See id. at § 2.1.9.
          See Letter from W.R. Collopy, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Space and Communications
Group, The Boeing Company to the Federal Communications Commission, dated July 2, 2001. A copy of this letter
is attached hereto as Attachment 1.
        Id. at 1.

                 Instead, the International Bureau has decided to take the extraordinary step of

second—guessing the two parties‘ mutual understanding of their agreement. It is difficult to

understand how a non—party to an agreement can believe that it possesses a better understanding

of the agreement than do the parties themselves. Certainly, in most circumstances, no arbiter

would even attempt to interpret the terms of a contract on its own in the absence of some dispute

between the parties, or at least some suggestion that the contract‘s terms were ambiguous or

unlawful. Here, no entity other than the Bureau has questioned the terms of the Boeing Contract.

                 In addition to making a finding of fact that is at odds with the understanding of

the parties, the Bureau has also invoked a never before imposed legal requirement, asserting that

"the execution of a contract that does not provide for complete construction of the satellites in

question by a specified date consistent with the licensee‘s milestone deadlinefor making its

system fully operational cannot satisfy a construction—commencement milestone requirement."*"

The italicized language in the quoted passage clearly adds an additional requirement to the

notion of construction commencement that was not, prior to its announcement in the Recon.

Order, an aspect of compliance with the commencement of construction milestone. No such

language concerning compliance with the construction commencement milestone was proposed

or adopted in the Big LEO proceeding, or raised at any point during the lengthy L—band

processing round. As stated in both the Big LEO NPRM and in MCHI‘s authorization, the

requirement imposed is merely to commence construction"" — and, historically, all that has been

necessary to satisfy this requirement is entry into a binding, non—contingent construction contract

23      See Recon. Order, DA 02—1468, slip op. at 4 (« 11) (emphasis added).
24        MCHI License Order, 12 FCC Red at 9680 (« 42); Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish
Rules and Policies Pertaining to a Mobile Satellite Service in the 1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands,
Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 9 FCC Red 1094, 1136—37 (« §5) ("With respect to the construction
commencement milestone, we have traditionally viewed the execution of a non—contingent construction contract as
fulfilling this milestone.")

such as that executed by MCHI and Boeing."" The term "commencement" is not commonly

understood to encompass provision for the specific timing of completion as well.

                  Had the Commission intended to impose specific content requirements for

satellite construction contracts, it could have done so. Instead, it has found such contracts

sufficient if they are both binding and non—contingent. A separate milestone was established for

satellite/system completion, and imposing a new requirement that licensees invoke this

completion date in their construction contracts would have no impact on whether the licensee

ultimately meets the completion deadline. In any case, it is beyond the International Bureau‘s

authority to impose such an additional substantive requirement — the absence of a specific

completion date for satellite construction does not render a contract either contingent or non—


                  The sole precedent cited by the International Bureau for this requirement in the

context of MSS or FSS satellite licensing is to a case decided just five days before the

Nullification Order was issued — and thus long after MCHI and Boeing entered into their

contract."" More importantly, the case cited by the Bureau is inapposite to the circumstances

here in that the alleged construction contract at issue in that case was neither binding, nor entered

25        The Commission just recently reiterated this straightforward characterization of the construction
commencement requirement. See Amendment of the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies 2000
Biennial Regulatory Review — Streamlining and Other Revisions ofPart 25 of the Commission‘s Rules Governing
the Licensing of, and Spectrum Usage by, Satellite Network Earth Stations and Space Stations, 17 FCC Red 3847,
3882 (« 105) & n.142 (2002) (©2002 Space Stating Licensing NPRM") ("The test for determining whether a licensee
has met its construction commencement milestone is whether it has entered into a binding, non—contingent satellite
construction contract‘). The Commission further stated that "[bly ‘non—contingent contract,‘ we have always meant
that there will be neither significant delays between the execution of the contract and the actual commencement of
construction, nor conditions precedent to construction." /d., citing Norris Satellite Communications, Inc., 12 FCC
Red 22299, 22303—04 («] 9) (1997).
26      See Recon Order, DA 02—1468, slip op. at 4 (4 11) n.24, citing Morning Star Satellite Company, LLC, 16
FCC Red 11550, at ( 5 (2001), citing Morning Star Satellite Company, L.L.C.,. 15 FCC Red 11350, 11351,(€ 4 ) (IB


into prior to the expiration of the milestone."" Neither of these circumstances applies in this

instance. Accordingly, it appears that the Bureau applied to MCHI in the Recon. Order a

requirement that has never before been made known to MSS licensees — a requirement to provide

specific completion dates in the construction contract for each satellite to be constructed."" This

aspect of the decision alone demands scrutiny by the Commission and grant of the redress sought

by MCHI — particularly in light of the arbitrary and inconsistent manner in which it has been

applied to MCHI.*"
                 MCHI is not aware of any case involving milestone enforcement where the

International Bureau has found an otherwise timely, binding and non—contingent contract

inadequate to meet the commencement of construction requirement based on the omission of

specific terms relating to the date of completion of the satellites to be constructed. Instead, so

long as a contract pertains to construction of spacecraft that comply with the technical

parameters of its authorization and is both binding on the parties and devoid of unresolved

contingencies, such contract has been held to satisfy the commencement of construction

milestone, and the Bureau has declined to inquire into the specific terms of the construction

contract."" This standard is well—established and understood, and is the standard that should have

been applied to MCHL

                 Moreover, at the same time that it has divested MCHI of its Big LEO license, the

International Bureau has declined to take such action concerning the Big LEO license of

27      See Morning Star Satellite Company, L.L.C.,. 15 FCC Red 11350, 11352 (4 8) (IB 2000).
28        While the Bureau also makes reference to several DBS decisions involving due diligence showings in that
service, the Commission has previously made clear that standards established for DBS due diligence to not apply to
other satellite services. See Norris Satellite Communications, Inc., 12 FCC Red 22299, 22305 (« 14) (1997).
29      See 47 C.F.R. § 1.115(b)(2)(ii).
30       Columbia Communications Corp., 16 FCC Red 10867, 10872 (« 12) (2001) (focus on contract terms
limited to determination of whether contract is "binding" and "non—contingent").


Constellation Communications Corporation ("Constellation"), which was licensed at the same

time as MCHI. The principal distinctions between MCHI and Constellation are that, unlike

MCHI, Constellation has not met its full—system construction commencement milestone, has not

been an active participant in industry activities, and has spent only a fraction of the time, money

and effort that MCHI has toward implementation of its MSS system."‘ Despite these facts,

Constellation continues to hold a valid Big LEO license fourteen months after the Bureau

declared MCHI‘s license null and void. While MCHI believes that the Bureau would be correct

to permit both MCHI and Constellation to continue to pursue implementation of their MSS

systems, the Bureau‘s apparent policy of selective milestone enforcement is patently

discriminatory and completely unacceptable.

                    Contrary to the findings of the International Bureau, MCHI satisfied the explicit

requirements of its authorization to commence construction of its entire constellation when it

entered into the Boeing Contract. That contract called for more than just the construction of two

satellites, it provided for the commencement of work with respect to the entire Ellipso system,

including work on all 16 satellites of the Ellipso constellation, as authorized in MCHI‘s system


                    When the contractual obligations of Boeing under its agreement with MCHI are

properly seen as encompassing far more than just the construction of the initial two Ellipso

satellites, even if no specific provision was provided for their time of completion, it is clear that

MCHI formally commenced construction on its entire system on June 17, 1998 — the date it

entered into the Boeing Contract. Thus, the July 2000 milestone is satisfied, and has been since

1998. MCHI therefore urges the Commussion to re—examine the Boeing Contract in this light

31         See also Section IIL.D., below, with respect to MCHI‘s efforts to implement the Ellipso system.


and, in recognition of the fact that MCHI satisfied its construction commencement milestone in

1998, grant this application for review.


               The Bureau‘s decision should be reversed not only because it is inconsistent with

precedent and wrong on the facts, but also because it is simply bad policy. MCHI was

handicapped from the outset because the Commission‘s misguided application of financial

qualifications requirements in the Big LEO MSS delayed grant of a license to MCHI by more

than two years. Despite this extreme disadvantage, MCHI has persevered and established a long—

term contractual relationship that continues to this day with one of the country‘s premier satellite

manufacturers. The Ellipso design and business model differs significantly from those of the

other Big LEO licensees, and MCHI remains dedicated to implementing its vision for global


               Although no new 1.6/2.4 GHz applications have been filed in more than a decade,

and thus there are no concerns about the impact of "warehousing" pending applicants, the

Bureau has changed its focus toward existing satellite companies from one of cooperation and

facilitation to one of bureaucratic hostility. The public interest and underlying policies that led to

the establishment and licensing of global MSS and other services seem no longer to be relevant.

The reversal of the Bureau‘s focus in recent years is wrong, and the Commuission should put a

stop to it.


         A.       The Obstacles Faced By MCHI Are Endemic To The Entire Industry.

                  In MCHI‘s case, the Commussion should not apply its construction requirements

mechanistically in light of the very harsh economic environment currently faced by MSS

licensees. MCHI has been forthright in its discussions with Commission staff about the

marketplace obstacles that have impeded additional progress toward completion of the Ellipso

system. And, as the Commission is well aware, the problems that MCHI faces are not unique to

MCHI, but are endemic to the satellite communications industry and to the telecommunications

industry as a whole.

                 The negative conditions in the current telecommunications marketplace need not

be described in detail, as they are readily apparent, including the overextension of many

telecommunications service providers and the high profile difficulties of multiple MSS service

providers, including Iridium, ICO, Globalstar, and Orbcomm. These circumstances, among

others, have dramatically impacted the telecom and satellite industries generally, but have had a

particularly devastating effect upon the MSS segment of the industry, which was the segment of

the marketplace first affected by high—profile commercial disappointments.

                 As Chairman Powell recently noted, the telecom industry is in a state of "utter

crisis.""" In making this observation, the Chairman explicitly indicated that the present adverse

market circumstances could justify giving companies wider regulatory latitude than has

previously been contemplated. Principal among the areas that Chairman Powell noted where

greater flexibility might be granted was the possibility of a Regional Bell Operating Company

acquiring a major long—distance carrier, such as WorldCom. If such a step, which could alter

basic industry structure on a permanent basis, can be seriously considered, despite being branded

32       See "FCC, Faced with Telecom Crisis, Could Let a Bell Buy WorldCom," Wall St. Journal, at A1 (July 15,


"unthinkable" just a few years ago, then there would seem to be little reason not to grant

substantial latitude to licensees in less sensitive areas, particularly the timing of facility build—

out, where the present economic difficulties have produced the most immediate negative impact

and where forbearance will not promote industry consolidation, but may foster greater


                  The arrested progress of the Ellipso system thus results from economic conditions

that lie entirely beyond MCHI‘s control. When licensee progress toward system completion has

been disrupted by events not within the licensee‘s power, the Commussion has routinely granted

licensees greater latitude in meeting pre—established system completion deadlines.""

                  In this regard, the current state of development of the MSS industry as a whole,

and its vulnerability to loss of confidence in the capital markets, is similar to the circumstances

faced by DBS operators in the late 1980s and early 1990s. At that time, in granting multiple

licensees additional time within which to construct their licensed DBS systems, the Commission

noted that "the negative nature of much of the publicity surrounding earlier attempts at direct—to—

home satellite services . . . may have cooled the ardor of potential investors."""* Taking note of

these obstacles, the Commission granted each of the licensed DBS operators affected by these

adverse market conditions additional time to construct facilities."" In particular, the Commission

found that the particular combination of negative economic conditions and the incipient state of

the market for a new satellite service together constituted compelling reasons for extending the

33      See, eg., AMSC Subsidiary Corp., 10 FCC Red 3791 (« 4) (IB 1995).
34       United States Satellite Broadcasting Company, Inc., 3 ECC Red 6858, 6859 (« 12) (1988) ("USSB").
35       See id. at 6860 (4] 17) (granting extensions of time to USSB and Dominion Video Satellite, Inc.); Advanced
Communications Corp. and Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc., 6 FCC Red 2269, 2274 (Ǥ] 27 & 30) (granting
extensions of time to Hughes and Advanced).


deadlines for commencement of service,"" even if neither one by itself would have justified such


                 This same confluence of factors is currently present with respect to global MSS

services. Like DBS in the late 1980s, global MSS applications remain at a very early stage of

development. While the launches of Iridium and Globalstar have provided demonstration of the

general technical feasibility of specific MSS system designs, it is not yet clear what model of

service delivery will prove to be the most economically viable, and which types of services are

most desired by the marketplace. Both operators and licensees need an opportunity to adjust to

these changing realities in order to make the best and most efficient use of the allocated


         B.      Any Necessary Forbearance To MCHI Will Not Prejudice Other Parties.

                 Reinstating MCHI‘s license and permitting it to proceed with its plans on a

delayed schedule would also pose no impediment to future entry. In the Big LEO Order, the

Commission determined that up to four operators could be accommodated in the CDMA portion

of the 1.6/2.4 GHz band on a full band—sharing basis. At the present time, only Globalstar is

operational and two other licenses remain outstanding, including MCHI‘s. Thus, even if all three

of the presently licensed systems begin operating simultaneously in the assigned bands, there

would still be room for an additional operator, using the additional entry opportunity in the

CDMA bands that was originally assigned to TRW.*‘ The situation in this instance is therefore

similar to the circumstances in Earthwatch Inc., where the Commission noted as a key basis for

36      See USSB, 3 FCC Roed at 6859 (( 12).
37       On January 7, 1998, TRW tendered its authorization to the Commission, stating that it would "no longer
pursue its Odyssey mobile satellite system and its authorization can be cancelled." Letter from Norman P.
Leventhal, Counsel to TRW Inc., to Magalie R. Salas, Secretary, FCC, FCC File Nos. 69—SAT—ML—97 and 70—SAT—
ML—97, filed January 7, 1998.


granting a waiver of system milestone requirements, on its own motion, the fact that a waiver

would "not preclude .. . other service providers from going forward with their business plans."""

                Moreover, at the present time, the existence of any possible future MSS entrants

not currently licensed remains entirely theoretical. There are no applications now on file that

seek authority to provide new satellite service in the 1.6/2.4 GHz band. Thus, there are no

pending applicants that could be disadvantaged in any way by grant to MCHI of additional time

to fully fund and construct its system. Given the present financial environment and its impact

upon any entity interested in providing satellite—delivered telecommunications capability, it is

very unlikely that new applicants will seek new authority to provide this service. Moreover,

MCHI‘s long record of development of its technological solution for delivery of MSS (further

discussed below) places it in a far better position to succeed in offering new competitive services

than any potential new entrant that lacks this experience. Accordingly, not only would

forbearance toward MCHI promote fulfillment of the promise that the Commission envisioned

for MSS in the L— and S—bands, but it would not disadvantage any other current or potential MSS

service provider.

               In short, allowing Ellipso to retain and develop its license, even if not according

to the original timetable imposed in its license, will produce only potential benefits to the public

with no countervailing harms. Allowing MCHI to continue development of the Ellipso network

will preserve the great potential for additional competition and specialized and innovative

services in the global MSS in the L— and S—bands, and will not impinge on any current or

potential interest in permitted alternative use of this spectrum.

38     Earthwatch Incorporated, 15 FCC Red at 13598 (« 11).


         C.      The Timing Of The Commission‘s Initial Authorization Was A
                 Contributing FactorTo MCHI‘s Current Situation.

                 The Commussion itself is not without some responsibility for MCHI‘s current

predicament, having forced MCHI to confront much more difficult marketplace circumstances

 from those that it might have enjoyed had its authorization been granted earlier. The effects on

MCHI of the adverse, industry—wide market conditions described above may have been mitigated

had the International Bureau not delayed authorizing MCHI for almost two and a half years, as it

first imposed, and then waived, a financial qualification standard. While MCHI was forced to sit

on the sidelines, two of its competitors (Iridium and Globalstar) were able to go forth into the

capital markets and consume the limited financial resources available for NGSO MSS systems.

By the time MCHI was able to secure its license, after a delay of more than 16 months, Iridium

was already failing to establish the marketplace penetration necessary to sustain its original

business plan, and questions were beginning to surface about the viability of Globalstar‘s system.

The high profile difficulties of the two NGSO MSS service providers first to market serve to

tighten the clamps on the investment capital that was available to MCHI

                 The Commussion‘s role in this regard— i.e., delaying MCHI‘s authorization due to

the imposition of a financial qualification standard it eventually waived (and now contemplates

eliminating)*" — constitutes additional "special cireumstances" justifying Commission lenience.

Indeed, the delay in authorizing MCHI is akin to the Commission action determined last year to

be a special circumstance justifying waiver of the construction commencement milestone of

NetSat 28 Company, L.L.C. ("NetSat 28")."

39      2002 Space Station Licensing NPRM, 17 ECC Red at 3880 (« 99 et seq.).
a0        See NetSat 28 Company, L.L.C.,16 FCC Red 11025, 11027—29 (( 7—9) (IB 2001). This order was issued
less than a week before the NulZlification Order.


                 In the NetSat 28 case, the International Bureau conditioned the company‘s

authorization on the outcome of a Commission investigation into the qualifications of a paging

company to be a Commission licensee, as well as the qualifications of its officers and directors.

The Bureau‘s action was made necessary because one of the paging company‘s principals was

the owner of a company with ownership interests in NetSat 28. Ten months later, the Bureau

reversed course and terminated the license condition following Commission clarification that its

investigation was too broad in scope and should have been limited only to officers without any

interest in NetSat 28. By then, however, the damage had been done, as NetSat 28 was unable to

raise capital to implement its Ka—band satellite system in time to meet its milestone schedule.

Recognizing the financing hardship that NetSat 28 faced "as a consequence of a Commission

action," the Bureau took cognizance of the "equity considerations" weighing in favor of NetSat

28 and waived its construction commencement milestone.*‘ Similar recognition of the equities

of MCHI‘s circfimstances is warranted in this instance.

        D.       Despite Daunting Setbacks, MCHI Has Diligently Pursued Construction and
                 Implementation Of Its Unique Elliptical Orbit MSS Design And Business
                 Model, And It Intends To Continue Its Efforts To Complete and Launch The
                 Ellipso System.

                 Despite the many setbacks it has suffered, MCHI has not retreated from its

obligations as a licensee to implement its MSS system, has aggressively maintained its

relationship with Boeing, and has pursued and secured additional, complementary relationships

in an effort to be able to proceed rapidly with implementation once market conditions improve.

Far from being idle, MCHI has been as vigorous as it can be under extremely adverse market

conditions in positioning itself to move forward quickly. The company continues to pursue

multiple options that would allow it to bring its unique service proposal to fruition.

41     See id. at 9.


                MCHI remains convinced that its highly innovative orbital architecture, which

enables capacity discrimination by population density and time of day, can successfully address a

global market where others have failed by offering genuinely low—cost service—down to eight

cents a minute wholesale. The Commission acknowledged Ellipso‘s potential by noting that

". . . MCHI‘s constellation design is substantially different from the designs of the other

proposed Big Leo systems and . . . affording MCHI a chance to carry out its proposal might

therefore result in significant enhancement of commercial competition, to the benefit of


                As MCHI has pointed out to the Commission from the beginning, the unique

attributes of its elliptical orbit technology, particularly its capability of providing low—cost

services that are price—competitive with terrestrial cellular, make it an especially attractive

marketplace solution for many types of users. Potential consumers of mobile services, especially

those in rural, isolated and other underserved regions, should not be denied the opportunity to

benefit from this unique and economical alternative simply because MCHI was not among the

first operators to obtain an FCC license.

                MCHI has been pursuing the development of the Ellipso system for more than a

decade, and made substantial progress toward implementation of its planned system. To date

the company has spent in excess of $80 million on system development, design and construction.

The company has been active in industry activities related to spectrum sharing among MSS

systems and between MSS systems and other spectrum users, and in 1999 commenced inter—

system coordination with Globalstar. Among other significant regulatory developments in which

MCHI has been very active was the negotiation of the memorandum of understanding relating to

42     MCHI License Order, 12 ECC Red at 9674 (4] 25).


end user equipment for Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite ("GMPCS MoU"),

becoming the second entity of more than 125 to sign the agreemenit.

               MCHI‘s record of progress and performance as a satellite licensee, which is

replete with contributions and achievements both large and small, justifies Commission

forbearance and lenience under the present crisis conditions in the industry. The instant case is

not a circumstance where a licensee has failed to diligently pursue implementation of its planned

system. MCHI has demonstrated a sustained commitment to implementing MSS service.

However, the company‘s progress toward completion of its full system has been impeded by

economic realities that, while temporary, are beyond its control or the control of any individual

system proponent.

               Regardless of the currently challenging outlook for MSS financing, MCHI

remains bullish with respect to its technical approach to delivery of MSS services and hopeful in

regard to the overall promise of the market. While the original premise of the service to be

offered by others has been altered by marketplace realities, there remains a critical need for the

truly global mobile telecommunications capability that only satellite technology can provide, and

which MCHI‘s Ellipso system can provide at low cost. As the Commission observed in the Big

LEOQ Order, global constellations of non—geostationary satellites present a unique platform

offering "ubiquitous voice and data mobile services, position location services, search and rescue

communications, disaster management communications, environmental monitoring, paging

services, facsimile transmission services, cargo tracking, and industrial monitoring and control,"

providing "Americans in rural areas that are not otherwise linked to the communications

infrastructure immediate access to a feature—rich communications network," and offering


 "countries that have not been able to develop a nationwide communication service an ‘instant‘

 global and national telecommunication infrastructure.""

                  In similar situations of economic adversity, the Commission has found that

innovators engaged in developing satellite systems to offer emerging services should be given

significant latitude in pursuing their goals. In the context of the DBS licensees mentioned above,

for example, the Commuission observed that "[i]t would be short—sighted to eliminate the very

parties whose efforts, to date, even ifnot in accord with a pre—established timetable set without

the benefit ofexperience, now would appear to have brought them much closer to the threshold

of providing service than any non—permittee.""" In that case, relaxed Commission enforcement

of due diligence requirements reaped great benefits in the establishment of healthy and dynamic

competitors to terrestrial cable service providers.


                  For the foregoing reasons, MCHI respectfully requests that the Commussion

review the International Bureau‘s flawed decision to nullify MCHI‘s MSS authorization. When

it entered into its 1998 contract with Boeing, MCHI met the June 2000 construction

commencement milestone more than two years ahead of schedule. The Boeing Contract has not

been abrogated; instead, work under the contract has been temporarily suspended, at the mutual

negotiated agreement of the parties, following the development of adverse economic

circumstances beyond MCHI‘s control.

+#       Big LEO Order, 9 FCC Red at 5940 (( 3).
4        USSB, 3 FCC Red at 6860 ((] 14) (emphasis added). See also R/L DBS Company, LLC, 16 FCC Red 9, 16
(4 19) (IB 2000) (granting milestone waiver to permit pursuit of "perhaps the last opportunity in the near—term for
entry by a competitive provider within the DBS service ... ").


                MCHI also requests that, following reinstatement of the Ellipso authorization, the

Commussion direct the International Bureau to act favorably on MCHI‘s request, not considered

in the Recon. Order, for waiver and deferral of the remaining milestone requirements contained

in the Ellipso authorization. Grant of the requested relief will provide affirmative benefits to the

public by promoting the delivery at the earliest possible date of new satellite services that have

previously been found beneficial by the Commission, without any countervailing prejudice to


                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS, INC.

                                              Raul R. Rod
                                              Stephen D. Baru
                                              David S. Keir

                                              Leventhal, Senter & Lerman PLLC
                                              2000 K Street, NW., Suite 600
                                              Washington, D.C. 20006
                                              (202) 429—8970

July 24, 2002                           Its Attorneys


                      ATTACHMENT 1

Letter from W.R. Collopy, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Space and
               Communications Group, The Boeing Company
        to the Federal Communications Commission, dated July 2, 2001

                                        W. R. (Biif} Collopy      The Bocing Company
                                        Vice Pregident & CFO      2201 Seat Beach Blvd. MC WSA—22
                                        Space &                   P.O. Box 2515
                                            Communicatons Group   Seal Beach, CA 90740—1515

               July 2, 2001

               Federal Communications Commission
               Washington D.C. 20554

               Re:; Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc. — Authorization to
                    Construct, Launch and Operate an Elliptical Low—Earth Orbit
                    Mobile—Satellite Service System {(FCC File Nos. 11—DSS—P—
                    $1(6), 18—D0SS—P—91(18), 11—SAT—LA—95, 12—SAT—AMENO—95,
                    158—SAT—AMENO—96; Call Sign $2111)

               This letter is written in respect to the Petition for Reconsideration being
               filed this date by Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc. ("MCHI")
               concerning the International Bureau‘s May 31, 2001 Memorandum
               Opinion and Order ("MO&O®") finding that MCHI had failed to satisfy a
               construction milestone requirement contained in its license. Boeing is
               the world leader in space programs and has made a considerable
               investment in Ellipso. Boeing is participating in the instant proceeding
               because the Bureau‘s MO&O is premised in substantial part on its
               interpretation of a satellite construction contract between Boeing and
               MCHIL This letter is offered to clarify the scope of that agreement.

               Boeing and MCHI entered into a non—contingent memorandum of
               agreement (°MOA") in April 1998 which provided that Boeing would be
               the end—to—end system integrator and prime contractor for the entire
               Ellipso system, including all sixteen operational satellites and one
               ground spare. A definitive satellite construction contract between the
               companies was executed two months later, on June 17, 1998. This
               contract was immediately binding upon both parties. It provided not
               only for Boeing to construct two complete satellites as the initial
               spacecraft in the Ellipso system, but also to commence design, system
               definition, and design validation for the entire constellation, as
               contemplated by the MOA. Boeing has performed work under both
               portions of this contract.

July 2, 2001
Page 2

From the beginning of its contractual relationship with MCHI, Boeing
has been aware that MCHI has engaged in various efforts to finance its
system through equity and senior debt. Boeing is also aware that, due
to the general unavailability of such financing at that time, MCHI turned
to its vendors and partners, including Boeing. These efforts, aithough
promising in the Spring 1999, fell viectim to the sequentiat bankruptcies
of Iridium and 1CO starting in the Summer of 1999, and the
disappointing results associated with Globaistar‘s commencement of
service shortly thereafter.

The ensuing market conditions for satellite systems in particular, as
well as for telecommunications and the high tech sector generally, cast
a severe pall over the continued implementation of the Ellipso system.
Although the contractual relationship between Boeing and MCHI
remains in place, work under the definitive satellite construction
contract has been suspended at the mutual agreement of the parties.

Baging remains interested in working with MCH!I toward completion
and deployment of the entire planned satellite constellation.

Respectfully submitted,

Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Space and Communications

Document Created: 2015-08-04 17:31:18
Document Modified: 2015-08-04 17:31:18

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