Attachment 1991Motorola letter

This document pretains to SAT-A/O-19901107-00066 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 STEPTOE & JOHNSON                                                MAY 1 4 1991
                                           ATTORNEYS AT LAW
                                                                                    Federal SCommunications Commissi
                                      1330 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N.W.                                  i            o          /
                                       WwaASHINGTON, D.C. 20036—1795                       Office of the Secretary
  PHOENIX, ARIZONA                                                                   S&J LEX INTERNATIONAL
     CITIBANK TOWER                                                                 AFFILIATE IN MOSCOW. U.S.S.R.

                                               (202) 429—3000
TELEPHONE: (602) 266—6610                 FACSIMILE: (202) 429—9204            TELEPHONE: (01 1—7—095) 290—5775
 FACSIMILE: (602) 274—1970                     TELEX: 89—2503                                            (QJ X‘V}OQS) 928—2982
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         (202) 429—6239                                                  t                                  C\\

                                                             May 14,

    Ms. Donna R. Searcy
    Federal Communications Commission
    1919 M Street,             N.W.
    Washington, D.C.              20554

                         Re:   Applications for Authority to Construct LEO
                               Satellite Systems in the RDSS Band (File Nos.
                               9—DSS—P—91(87), CSS—91—010, 11—DSS—P—91(6))
    Dear Ms.           Searcy:

              Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc. ("Motorola"),
    through its counsel, responds to the May 2, 1991 letter from the
    attorney for Ellipsat Corporation addressed to the Commission‘s
    Public Notice, Report No. DS—1068, released April 1, 1991, as
    corrected by Report No.                DS—1071,       released April 18,              1991.
    Ellipsat‘s letter is procedurally defective and evidences a
    fundamental misunderstanding of the applicable cut—off rules for
    RDSS applications.  Accordingly, the Commission should deny
    promptly Ellipsat‘s request for "priority" status of its RDSS
    application and for modification of the subject Public Notice.

               The Commission‘s Public Notice reflects the acceptance
    for filing of Motorola‘s and Ellipsat‘s applications for
    authority to construct mobile satellite systems in the RDSS band.
    It further establishes June 3, 1991, as the date by which
    interested parties may file comments or petitions regarding these
    applications, and submit additional RDSS applications to be
    considered concurrently with the previously accepted

              In its letter, Ellipsat essentially requests
    reconsideration of this Public Notice.  The Commission‘s rules
    and regulations, however, state that petitions for
    reconsideration of interlocutory actions "will not be
    entertained."              fSee 47 C.F.R. §§          1.1l02(b)(2) & 1.106(a})(1).                                The
    Commission‘s Public Notice neither grants nor denies Ellipsat‘s

May 14,       1991
Page 2

application and therefore, cannot be construed as a "final"
action subject to reconsideration.  Thus, Ellipsat‘s request
should be rejected on procedural grounds alone."‘
                Moreover, Ellipsat simply is mistaken in its reading of
Section 25.392(b) of the Commission‘s rules.*‘             Ellipsat believes
that because its application was filed within 60 days of the
acceptance for filing of certain applications by Geostar
Positioning Corporation ("Geostar"),*‘ no more RDSS applications
may be considered concurrently with its satellite systenm
proposal.  Ellipsat ignores, however, the applicability of the 60
day cut—off rule to its own RDSS application.*‘ Pursuant to Rule
25.392(b), Motorola‘s and Ellipsat‘s RDSS applications must be
considered together since Motorola filed its application within
30 days of the filing of Ellipsat‘s original application andfour
months prior to public notice of Ellipsat‘s application.   In
order to avoid the potential for a daisy chain of applications,
the Commission announced the June 3, 1991 cut—off date for the
establishment of an RDSS processing group.   Such a processing

/    In addition, Ellipsat‘s letter request does not comport with
the Commission‘s filing requirements as to proof of service (47
C.F.R.    §    1.47(g))   and to form (47 C.F.R.   §   1.49(a)).

*‘   Section 25.392(b) states in pertinent part that "[ejach
application ... shall be placed on public notice for 60 days ....
A 60 day cut—off period shall also be established for the filing
of applications to be considered in conjunction with an original

3‘   See Public Notice, Report No. DS—999, released September 4,
1990.  In that public notice, the Commission accepted for filing
various applications proposing modifications to Geostar‘s first
two dedicated RDSS satellites, the construction of two more
dedicated satellites,         and the extension of the construction and
launch milestones for implementing its systenm.

4/   Ellipsat also ignores the impact of its January 30, 1991
"Technical Clarification and Erratum" which substantially amends
its application and provides new information otherwise required
by the RDSS rules.          See 47 C.F.R. § 25.392(a).      Ellipsat‘s
original application was deficient in many material respects and
not acceptable for filing under the RDSS application rules.

May 14,    1991
Page 3

approach has been used in the past for other satellite services,
and makes good sense here.*‘

          Ellipsat‘s complaint really is with the Commission‘s
recent actions on Geostar‘s applications and not the RDSS Public
Notice.  However, in light of the denials and dismissal of
virtually every aspect of Geostar‘s RDSS applications,*" it would
be difficult for Ellipsat to claim any prejudice from those
actions.  To the extent that Ellipsat believes it may have been
adversely affected by the dismissal of Geostar‘s modification
requests, it should request reconsideration or review of the
Bureau‘s "final" Geostar order,      rather than complain about the
RDSS Public Notice.

           In sum, the Commission did not misapply its RDSS
procedural rules by placing Ellipsat‘s application on public
notice with Motorola‘s application and by announcing a cut—off
date for establishing an RDSS processing group.   There is no
basis for modifying the Public Notice accepting both RDSS
applications for filing.   Nor is Ellipsat‘s application entitled
to any "priority" over Motorola‘s RDSS application.   Pursuant to
Ssection 25.392(b) of the rules, the Commission must consider
Motorola‘s application in conjunction with Ellipsat‘s application
for service in the RDSS band.

                                   Respectfully s       itted,

                                   Philip L. Malet

                                   Counsel for Motorola Satellite
                                     Communications, Inc.

cc:—   Richard Firestone, Esquire
       Geraldine Matise, Esquire
       Cecily Holiday, Esquire
       William Malone, Esquire
       Michael Yourshaw, Esquire

/      gee, Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service, 93 F.C.C. 24
1260    (1983);   Public Notice, Report No.   DS—207,   released September
9, 1983.
6/     see Geostar Positioning Corporation,     DA 91—528,   released
April 30,    1991.

Document Created: 2015-03-26 11:16:31
Document Modified: 2015-03-26 11:16:31

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