Attachment 1991Communications C

This document pretains to SAT-A/O-19901107-00066 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


u*A +s                                                                                                       — RECEIVED
                                                                                                                  JUN 3 — 1991
                                         Before the                                                                  '       '
                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                               Washington,     D.C.—      20554                                              OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

   in re“Application of

                                                          Nn n N N N N N N N hn N N N Ns |
   MOTOROLA SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS,              INC.                                      File Nos.     9—DSS—P—1 (87)
              \                                                                                               css—91—010
   For Authority to Construct, Launch, and
   Operate a Low Earth Orbit Satellite
   System in the 1610—1626.5 MHz Band.

   ELLIPSAT CORPORATION                                                                      File No.!11—DSS=P=91(6)—w

   For Authority to.Construct Ellipso I,
   an Elliptical Orbit Communication
   Satellite System in the 1610—1626.5 MHz
   and 2483.5—2500 MHz Bands

                                    coMMENTS OF

           Communications Satellite Corporation ("COMSAT") hereby submits

   the   following      comments    in   regard    to   the                                   applications        filed          by

   Motorola       Satellite   Communications,      Inc.                                      (Motorola)    and     Ellipsat

   Corporation       (Ellipsat)    to construct,    launch, and operate low earth

   orbit    (LEO)    satellite systems in the           1610—1626.5 MHz and 2483.5—

   2500 MHz portion of the radiodetermination satellite service (RDSS)

   band.*    Motorola‘s "Iridium" system represents a highly ambitious

   technical,       operational, and logistical undertaking.                                                According to

   its application,       Motorola intends to employ 77 LEO satellites in

   the provision of U.S. domestic and international mobile—satellite

   services.        Ellipsat‘s Ellipso system is primarily a U.S. domestic

        * While COMSAT‘s comments will focus primarily on the Iridium
   proposal,  many  of our concerns    apply equally to Ellipsat‘s

RDSS system with the capability to provide mobile—satellite voice

services         interconnecting         with   the   public       switched    network       and

cellular mobile telephone switching offices.

       _ COMSAT generaily supports use of tne”RDSS béndeor the —Iridium

and Ellipso         systems.      However,       Motorola‘s        application      raises     a

number o§ broad issues which the Commission should consider prior

to the grant of any operating authority.                     COMSAT believes that the

most efficient and expeditious way to treat these issues is through

a   rulemaking          proceeding.        A     rulemaking     would       also    give     the

Commission        the    opportunity      to    evaluate     the    Iridium    proposal       in

conjunction with the Ellipsat and other LEO applications which may

be filed pursuant to the Commission‘s cut—off procedure.‘

                                   I .     INTRODUCTION

       The scope of the proposed Iridium system is clearly of global

magnitude.        It envisions a multi—national consortium with ownership

held by Motorola and other entities such as telephone companies,

industrial,        and ‘financial        concerns.}     Subject        to   national       laws,

       *   See    Satellite Applications Acceptable                 for Filing; Cut—Off
Established for Additional Applications, Report No. DS—1068, DA—91—
407,   released Apr.        1,   1991.

       ‘   While    the    Iridium       application    is     vague    on    the   possible
ownership arrangements, it appears from other public documents
provided by Motorola that private and government owned telephone
companies could have ownership in the Iridium space seqgment and
also own and operate terrestrial gateways                      (ground stations)            that
would link Iridium subscribers with public telephone systems.                                See
Personal Communications for the World, May 1991, Paper presented by
Motorola at the May 1991 meeting in Montevideo of the CITEL PTC—1
Ad   Hoc   Group   for   New   Telecommunications   Technologies, |
OAS/Ser.L/XII.2 AHG—TT/21—9,               May 22,    1991     (CITEL Paper).

operators         would    be    licensed         or    franchised          around      the   world    to

access      the    Iridium       system      and        provide    a    range      of    services      to

public, government, business, and personal users.                                  The application

seeks&authority to operate the Iridium system within the U.S. and _

its   tern&tories and possessions,                      as well as between the U.S.                   and

foreign      points.        Motorola         also       proposes       to   seek     authority       from

other       Administrations             to       provide      mobile—satellite                 capacity

domestically within foreign countries.‘

       Motorola describes the Iridium system as a global RDSS, voice,

and   data       communications         system providing mobile                      services    using

Iridium      terminals.           The    Iridium         network       will     also      communicate

through gateways to existing communications networks,                                     such as the

public switched telephone network                        (PSTN)    and terrestrial cellular

telephone systems."              According to Motorola, the system is designed

to    allow      worldwide       usage       of    the     telephone          regardless        of    the

subscriber‘s        home        location."          The    application          states        that    the

Iridium      system       will    offer      a    range     of    specific         services:          (1)

radiodetermination and ancillary services that include RDSS,                                         two—

way messaging,        afid global paging4services;                       (2)   data and facsimile

services; and (3) two—way high quality digital voice communications

using handheld portable and vehicle mounted terminals.‘                                       Motorola

would offer some or all of these services to subscribers who would

       ‘ TIridium Application at 3—4.

           Id.   at 35.

       6 CITEL Paper at 3.
       ‘ Iridium Application at 35—37.


have access to a variety of Iridium terminals for applications on

land,    at sea,      and in the air.

        Motorola      states that the Iridium system is nofi intended to

compete—with—existing                 —telephone »~systems, .which . have . greater

capacifiy and lower rates.                Furthermore,          Motorola does not intend

that    thé&    system   will       bypass     local,     national,         or    international

regulatory organizations.              According to it, the markets for Iridium

consist        primarily      of:        (1)        sparsely       populated           areas     with

insufficient         demand     to     support        land—based          service       (fixed     or

mobile);       (2)   areés   in many developing countries with no ekisting

telephone        service;       (3)     small        urban        areas     with        no     mobile

communications         infrastructure;          and     (4)   a    variety       of    specialized

applications         inaccessible        with       current        technology.               Motorola

estimates on page 34 of its application that the worldwide total

number of subscribers will exceed 6 million in 2001.                                   However, in

the CITEL Paper, Motorola estimates 1.8 million subscribers in 2001

and 2.8 million by 2006.°

        Motorola projects the cost of the 77—satellite constellation

with 10 ground spares, including pre—operational expenses, research

and development,         and launch costs,             at $2.5 billion.                 Adding the

system    control      facility,       interest,       and    depreciation             through    the

year 1997,      the costs are projected to exceed $3.7 billion.                                 These

cost projections do not include the gateway ground stations, which

control    user      access     and    provide        interconnection             to    the     PSTN.

Independent gateway operators are expected to finance construction

        ° CITEL Paper at 5—6; Iridium Application at 19—35.


 of these stations,      which Motorola estimates will cost $16 million

 each .°    Thus far, Motorola has filed applications for two gateway

 stations to    serve the eastern and western halves of the U.S.                          It

uwalsémggépééééwfé”iéééfiémffib éd&lfiiéfiéiwéites'in eastern and western

 Canada te provide coverage within Canada as well as Alaska."

        Motorola‘s application comes at a very critical time,                       as the

 U.S.   is now in the final stages of preparing its proposals for the

 upcoming WorldAdministrative Radio Conference (WARC—92), including

 important     provisions       for    new       mobile—satellite         service    (MSS)

 allocations    in the    1—3   GHz    range.       Thus   far,    the    Commission has

 proposed to add MSS allocations in the RDSS bands at 1610—1626.5

 Mhz and 2483.4—2500 MHz,         and in the band 1613.8—1626.5 MHz in the

 space—to—earth direction         (reverse—band to the existing RDSS)                 on a

 secondary    basis,    subject       to    further   studies      demonstrating      that

 Ifidium can share with other services operating in that band.

        During the WARC—92 preparatory process,                   COMSAT supported the

 Commission‘s proposals for the RDSS bands by advocating the use of

 these bands for generic MSS.              COMSAT also endorsed the Commission‘s

 proposed    footnote    RR   733%     as    a   reasonable   and     flexible      way   to

 reqgulate the apparent incompatibility between the low—density/CDMA

 carriers employed by RDSS            systems,     like Geostar,         and the higher—

 density/discrete FDMA or TDMA carriers other MSS systems typically

 utilize.    COMSAT continues to support the Commission‘s endeavors

 with regard to the RDSS bands.                  We believe that the band 1610—

        ° TIridium Application at 114—115.

        " Id. at 84.

 1626.5       MHz    is.the         appropriate            part       of the    spectrum       for   LEO MSS

 systems such as Iridium.

          However,            in        order    to       address      the   issues       surrounding       the

~~Iridium applicatién                    and ensure that~the public—will—derive~the

 greateét possible benefit from emerging LEO technologies,                                             COMSAT

 recommenés         that          the    Commission            consider       Iridium       and    other    LEO

 proposals          in    the       context          of    a    notice       and     comment      rulemaking

 proceeding.              Through a rulemaking,                      the Commission and interested

 members of the pgblic will have the opportunity to address some of

 the broad policy, regulatory, technical, and operational issues the

 present LEO applications raise.


        Motorola‘s            Iridium concept raises                       a number of broad policy,

 technical,         and operational issues which will effect the design and

 operation of future non—geostationary satellite systems (non—GSO),

 as    well    as    existing,            planned,             and    future       GSO    mobile—satellite

 systems .          These: issues               go    beyond         the    scope    of    those     normally

 encountered         in       a    standard          licensing         situation.           Moreover,       the

 global nature of Iridium,                       adds another dimension —— the interests

 and   concerns          of       foreign       administrations              and    other    international

 entities.          Under          the    circumstances,               COMSAT       recommends       that   the

 Commission conduct a notice and comment, rulemaking proceeding to

 resolve the major issues stemming from the proposed Iridium system

 prior to the issuance of any construction and operating authority.

 These issues are set forth in Sections III and IV,                         infra.

       A    rulemaking      in   this    instance      would       not be     out    of    the

 ordinary.          In    the    past,     the     Commission        has     conducted          a


 novel éervices.          For example,      the     Commission held a           rulemaking

 before é}anting Geostar authority to implement its RDSS system."

 Similarly,      a rulemaking preceded licensing of the various separate

 system applications.‘"             COMSAT sees no reason why the Iridium
 application       and pther     non—GSO    proposals           should be    handled      in    a

 different fashion.

       A rulemaking is also necessary                since Motorola has          requested

that the Commission award its               system a "pioneer‘s preference.""

Under newly        adopted Section       1.402     of the       Commission‘s     Rules,        47

C.F.R.      §   1.402,   applicants     seeking the pioneer‘s preference must

 submit,    inter alia,     a petition for rulemaking requesting either an

allocation of new spectrum for a new service or a rule amendment to

       4 See Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules to Allocate Spectrum
for, and to Establish other Rules and Policies Pertaining to, a
Radiodetermination Satellite Service, 58 Rad. Reg. 2d 1416 (1985),—
recon., 104 F.C.C. 2d 637 (1986).    In fact, the Commission later
imposed a freeze on all applications for use of that portion of the
RDSS band until the allocation proposals were finalized.       See
Amendment of Part 2 of the Commission‘s Rules to allocate Spectrum
for Mobile—Satellite Services in the 1530—1544 Mhz and 1626.5—
1645.5 MHz Bands,         5 FCC Red 1255         (1990) .

       " See In the Matter of Establishment of Satellite Systems
Providing International Communications, 101 FCC 2d 1046 (1985),
recon., 61 Rad. Reg. 2d 649 (1986), further recon., 1 FCC Red 439
 (1986) .                                                   .

     " Ssee In the Matter of Establishment of Procedures to Provide
a Preference to Applicants Proposing an Allocation for New
Services, GEN. Docket No. 90—217, FCC 91—112, Report and Order
released May 13, 1991 (Pioneer‘s Preference Order).


 permit use of a new technology.                    Under the pioneer‘s preference,

 the   Commission     will   not      grant     final    operating    authority    unless

} favorable action is taken on the petition.                      Thus,   it is   standard

_for theCommission to conduct a notice and commentrulemaking
 before iisuing licenses for new service offerings such as Iridium.

       A rfilemaking also has certain advantages.                     First,    Motorola‘s

 proposal    merits     prompt     consideration,         which the       Commission     can

 accomplish most        effectively        in   a   rulemaking that       identifies     and

 addresses     the    issues     in    a    comprehensive         manner.      Second,     a

 rulemaking proceeding would provide the vehicle for the development

 of U.S. policy quidelines regarding Iridium, thereby enabling the

 U.S. government, private sector, and public users to map strategies

 for the future.      Isolated actions on individual applications of the

magnitude of Iridium cannot adequately set a course for the future.

 Proactive government and U.S. industry involvement at the natiofiéi

 and international level is necessary for successful implementation

 of U.S.    policies.     A rulemaking would serve these interests.

       Given the     need to evaluate           the     Ifidium   system in a broader

 context,    COMSAT Eelieves it would be imprudent for the Commission

to grant Motorola‘s request for a waiver of Section 319 (d)                        of the

Communications Act of 1934.                It is important that the Commission

provide     the   appropriate      framework within          which    all     parties    can

address the issues,          assess the Iridium application,                  and lay the

best possible basis for success.                    Moreover,     allowing Motorola to

begin construction of its system prior to any thorough examination

of the Iridium system and associated issues could make it extremely

provide protection to radio astronomy from mobile uplink

transmissions before its application can be granted.

—©———There is less possibility of interference to radioastronomy

from sidebands of transmitters in channels outside the radio

astronomy band     (1610.6—1613.8 MHz)   with Motorola‘s proposal than

with Ellipsat‘s proposal because, unlike Ellipsat, Motorola does

not plan to use spread spectrum modulation.       Nevertheless,

Motorola‘s mobile terminals would have to contain sufficient

filtering to comply with the —237 dBW/m‘"/Hz standard with respect

to out—of—band emissions as well.

              B.   The Use of the 1610.6—1613.8 MHz Band
                       Should Not Be Expanded to
                   Include MSS Uplink Transmissions.

    The band from 1610.6—1613.8 is not allocated for MSS uplinks.
Therefore,   before Motorola‘s application can be qgranted,    the

Commission must decide whether the band should be authorized for

MSS uplink transmissions.      CORF does not believe that it is in

the public interest for this band to be used for MSS uplinks, for

the reasons that follow.*

    As a general proposition, mobile (as opposed to fixed)

uplinks operating in radio astronomy bands present a major

problem to radio astronomers because of the difficulty of

preventing them from operating in the vicinities of radio

/   To the extent Ellipsat proposes to provide MSS communications
    rather than RDSS communications, the same applies with
    respect to Ellipsat.


 astronomy sites.    When these uplink transmissions to satellites

 originate from aircraft (as opposed to terrestrial mobile

~uplinks);, the—problem is compounded because they cause

— interference to any radio astronomy observatory within a wide

area around the aircraft, and terrain shielding offers no

protection.   Thus, as a general proposition, MSS uplinks are

highly incompatible with co—channel radio astronomy observations.

    These problems were theoretically resolved with Geostar—type

RDSS systems by taking advantage of the particular capabilities

of that system.     However,   time sharing   (blanking)    is not possible

with mobile satellite services, such as voice telephony.              The

alternative is to frequency—share,      i.e.,   avoiding use of the

1610.6—1613.8 MHz band for MSS in the vicinity of radio astronomy

sites.   This assumes that the Motorola system is capable of

preventing mobile users from operating in this band when they

enter the region around a radio astronomy site.            However,

Motorola has not shown that its system can prevent mobile users

from using the band in this fashion.

    Even if Motorola‘s system can protect radio astronomy

observatories, non—geostationary satellites are inherently

international, and other countries may authorize similar systenms

that may not provide this protection.

    Any MSS system operating in this band would have to have the

capability to protect new radio astronomy observatories as they

are established and discontinue protection for those that no

longer use these bands.

                                  =   11   —

     Finally,   if MSS uplinks are permitted in the 1610.6—1613.8

 MHz radio astronomy band,     the use of the band can be expected to


 interference to radio astronomy observations.

     For all these reasons, CORF believes that MSS uplinks should

 not be permitted in the 1610.6—1613.8 MHz band.        Starting MSS

 services above 1613.8 MHz would give Motorola and any other

 company that is authorized to provide MSS services in the 1610.6—

 1613.8 MHz band 12 megahertz of spectrum,     from 1614 to 1626 MHz.

 If additional spectrum is needed for new MSS uplinks,       it should

 be found in a band other than 1610.6—1613.8 MHz.

                    C.     The Band 1610.6—1613.8 MHz
                          Should Not Be Used for
                         Downlink Transmissions to
                 Provide Either RDSS or MSS Service.

     Motorola‘s proposal to use the 1610—1626.5 MHz band for

 downlinks is inconsistent with the Table of Allocations, both

 domestic and international.     CORF believes that,    at least with

 respect to the 1610.6—1613.8 MHz band, no satellite downlink

 transmissions, either for RDSS or MSS, should be permitted.

     Co—channel satellite downlinks are incompatible with radio

 astronomy observations because they transmit signals down into

 extremely sensitive radio telescopes that are pointed at the sky.

 Terrain shielding provides no protection from such satellite



    In CORF‘s opinion,    there is no practical protect radio

astronomy observation sites around the world from co—channel RDSS

"orRDSS or MSS downlinks in the 1610.6—1613.8 MHz band.

    Motorola believes that it could avoid interference to radio

astronomy sites simply by not using the frequencies 1610.6—1613.3

MHz in downlink beams that cover areas in which radio astronomy

sites are found.   The problem with Motorola‘s proposal is that in

practice the transmissions from Motorola satellites in cells that

do not directly cover a radio astronomy site would leak into

adjacent cells that do include radio astronomy sites.     Given the

widespread nature of the potential interference and the number of

observatories around the world observing in the 1610.6—1613.8 MHz

band?, as a practical matter it would be difficult for MSS
satellites to use the frequencies from 1610.6—1613.8 MHz for

downlinks anywhere without potentially interfering with radio

astronomy observations.

    CORF is also concerned that if the U.S. permits Motorola to

operate satellite downlinks in this band, other countries may

also authorize non—geostationary satellite downlinks in this

band.   Because low—earth—orbit satellites are inherently

international in their service, even if Motorola could protect

&   U.s. astronomers do collaborate with astronomers in other
    countries on research involving foreign radio telescopes and
    therefore have an interest in protecting those observatories
    as well as those in the United States.

                                 =   13   —

radio telescopes in the United States, other countries‘ satellite

downlinks might not.

~<——For these reasons,    CORF opposesthe use of RDSS or MSS

downlinks in the 1610.6—1613.8 MHz band.

                IV.   Radio Astronomy Bands Should
               Be Avoided in Selecting Frequencies
                    for Motorola‘s Satellite—to—
                        Satellite Link in the
                         22 , 55—23.55 GHz Band.

    Motorola proposes to use 200 MHz of spectrum out of the

1—CGHz—wide band from 22.55—23.55 GHz for satellite—to—satellite


    If this proposal is adopted, the 200 MHz assigned to Motorola

should not include two 50—MHz—wide radio astronomy bands,           from

22.81—22.86 GHz and 23.07—23.12 GHz           (see footnote 879 to the U.S.

Table of Allocations,    47 C.F.R.   §2.106).      Since Motorola only

needs 200 MHz of spectrum from a band that is 1 CGHz wide,          it

should be possible for the Commission to avoid these radio

astronomy bands in assigning frequencies to Motorola.


    The Commission should avoid assigning frequencies to Ellipsat

or Motorola for uses that would be incompatible with radio

astronomy operations.    In particular, RDSS uplink transmissions

in the 1610.6—1613.8 MHz band should comply with the requirements

established for RDSS sharing with radio astronomy.            In this

                                =   14   —

connection, the protection areas around observatory sites need to

be expanded.

~~~~Ellipsat has not satisfactorily demonstrated that it can

protect radio astronomy observations in the 1610.6—1613.8 MHz

band from harmful interference,     and its application should not be

granted until it does.

    With respect to Motorola‘s application, MSS uplinks should

not be allowed in this band,    and no satellite downlink

transmissions (RDSS or MSS)    should be permitted.

    Adequate filfiering must be used in connection with Ellipsat‘s

RDSS downlink transmissions from 2483.5—2500 MHz to avoid second—

harmonic interference greater than —241 dBW/m‘/Hz to radio

astronomy operations at 4990—5000 MHz.

    Finally,   in selecting 200 MHz of spectrum in the 22.55—

23.55 GHZz band for Motorola‘s intersatellite links, radio

astronomy bands at 22.81—22.86 GHz and 23.07—23.12 GHz should be


                           Respectfully submitted,

                           NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES!
                           COMMITTEE ON RADIO FREQUENCIES

                     By:   ;:;%;)fi%[         1OA
                           Dr<"/Frank Préss, President

June 3, 1991

                               =   15   —

Direct correspondence to:

Dr.Robert L.    Riemer

National Research Council
2101 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington,   D.C.   20418

Tel: (202) 334—3520
Fax: (202) 334—2791

Document Created: 2015-03-26 16:22:52
Document Modified: 2015-03-26 16:22:52

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