Attachment 1996Motorola letter

This document pretains to SAT-A/O-19901107-00066 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                   STEPTOE &JOHNSON utp _                                ___ _


                                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW             is tmfi dG} Sb id PR TibES

                                           1330 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N.W.
                                            WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036—1795
  PHOENIX, ARIZONA                                                                STEPTOE & JOHNSON INTERNATIONAL
TWO RENAISSANCE SQUARE                                                               AFFILIATE IN MOSCOW, RUSSIA
                                                   (202) 429—3000
TELEPHONE: (602) 257—5200                     FACSIMILE: (202) 429—3902             TELEPHONE: (011—7—501) 258—5250
 FACSIMILE: (86O2) 257—5299                        TELEX: 89—2503                    FACSIMILE: (011—7—501) 258—5251

                              Received                                           RECEIVED
      (202) 429—6239
                               MAY 1 61996                                         MAY .=.8 1996
                      3          Sateilite and
                                             is DiMsioflMay 8. 1996         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS   CoMMISSIO®
                                                                                   OFFICE OF sconerany
                              international eumu
     Mr. William F. Caton.
     Acting Secretary
     Federal Communications Commission
     Room 222
     1919 M Street, N.W.
     Washington, DC 20554

               Re:        In re Application of Mobile Communications Holdings,
                          Inc. for Authority to Construct, Launch, and Operate a
                          Low Earth Orbit Satellite System in the 1610—1626.5
                          MHz/2483.5—2500 MHz Band, File Nos.
                          18—DSS—P—91(18), 11—SAT—LA—95, 12-SAT-AMEND95

     Dear Mr. Caton:

                          This letter responds to the April 24, 1996 letter from the Small
     Business Administration ("SBA") to Chairman Reed E. Hundt concerning the
     low—earth orbit mobile satellite service ("Big LEO MSS") applicant, Mobile
     Communications Holding, Inc. ("MCHI"), and its appeal of the Bureau‘s Order
     deferring the MCHI application.© Motorola Satellite Communications
      ("Motorola") is an interested party in this proceeding because it has already been

      &      In re Application of Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc. for Authority to Construct,
      Launch. and Operate a Low Earth Orbit Satellite System in the 1610—1626.5 MHz/2483.5—2500
      MHz Band, DA 95—132 (rel. Jan. 31, 1995) ("MCHI Order").

Mr. William F. Caton, Acting Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
May 8, 1996
Page 3

promptly and efficiently." As the Commission correctly noted in its Big LEO                         4

Report and Order, smaller firms unable to satisfy the financial standard for satellite
systems are not precluded from entering the satellite market because "ownership of
a space station is not mandatory," but it can "be leased or bought, and earth stations
can be acquired at relatively low costs."*

              Second, the MCHI Order correctly rejected each of the external
financing commitments presented by MCHI in support of its application. SBA
insists, however, that the Bureau was somehow discriminatory in its treatment of
MCHI and unfairly "diminish{ed] [the] value of every single financing source cited
by MCHI."* As the Bureau correctly recognized, however, each of MCHI‘s
external financing commitments were unsatisfactory because they only included
"general statements of support for MCHI‘s application. . .{and] do not establish
management commitments to expend the funds necessary to construct, launch, and
operate the space segment of MCHI‘s proposed system."* The Big LEO Report
and Order specifically requires external financing to be "irrevocably committed"
and "not rest on contingencies."!*

              Despite MCHI‘s deficient showings, the SBA believes that MCHI‘s
external financing commitments should somehow be "deserving of the credibility
vested in it by MCHI."* The Commission‘s financial standards for Big LEO MSS
systems, however, were crafted precisely to avoid having to rely upon an
applicant‘s "word" that it has the necessary financing to proceed with its system.

&      For example, the inability of Norris Satellite Communications ("Norris") to raise
sufficient capital for its Ka—band satellite system allowed Norris to "warehouse" an orbital slot
for over four years. The International Bureau quite appropriately withdrew this orbital slot from
Nortis just under two months ago. See Norris Satellite Communications. Inc., DA 96—363 (rel.
March 14, 1996).

4      Big LEO Report and Order, 9 FCC Red at [ 26 n.36.

&      SBA Letter at 2.

2      MCHI Order at ( 11.

18.    Big LEO Report and Order at § 32. Indeed, even the SBA admits that the judgment of
the Bureau "may be correct" with respect to the external financing commitments of MCHI. See
SBA Letter at 2.

iL     SBA Letter at 2.

Mr. William F. Caton, Acting Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
May 8, 1996
Page 2

granted authority to construct, launch, and operate a Big LEO MSS system which
would directly compete with the system proposed by MCHI in its application.*

             Although Motorola respects the SBA‘s advocacy on behalf of small
businesses, its letter is misguided, and should be rejected by the Commission in
deciding upon MCHI‘s appeal of the MCHI Order.

              First, the SBA‘s letter demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding
of the scarce public resources that are being assigned to Big LEO MSS applicants.
The Commission‘s adoption of financial standards is not "overly" stringent or
intended to erect market entry barriers to small competitors.*® Instead, as the
Commission correctly indicated in its Big LEO Report and Order:
               [T}he sharing plan we proposed in the Notice, and which
               we adopt today, does not accommodate all pending
               applicants and leaves little or no spectrum available for
               expansion of existing systems or the development of
               future MSS systems within the United States.*
Accordingly, the Commission adopted a financial standard stringent enough to
ensure that a license was not granted to an underfinanced applicant who would
delay service to the public, and would "preclude an applicant that possesses the
necessary financial resources from implementing its plans."* The stringent
standard was not adopted to deprive small businesses of market opportunities in the
satellite industry, but to ensure that the public resource of satellite spectrum is used

2      In re Application of Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc. for Authority to Construct,
Launch, and Operate a Low Earth Orbit Satellite System in the 1610—1626.5 MHz/2483.5—2500
MHz Band, 10 FCC Red 2268 (1995).

4       See Letter from Jere W. Glover to Chairman Reed E. Hundt at 2 (April 24, 1996) ("SBA

4      Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to a
Mobile Satellite Service in the 1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands, 9 FCC Red
5936, [ 27 (1994) ("Big LEO Report and Order").

         Big LEO Report and Order, 9 FCC Red at «[ 30.

Mr. William F. Caton. Acting Secretary
Federal Communications Commussion
May 8, 1996
Page 4

Instead, by demonstrating either through its balance sheets that the applicant has
enough internal resources, or with irrevocable external commitments, the
Commission will have reasonable assurances that an applicant is be able to proceed
immediately with implementing its system if granted a license.‘*

           The Commission should deny MCHI‘s appeal of the International
Bureau‘s MCHI Order because MCHI has failed to meet the Commission‘s
financial standard for Big LEO MSS systems. In contrast to the claims of the
SBA. the Commussion‘s financial standard for Big LEO MSS applicants is not
"overly stringent." but precisely tailored to ensure that an applicant does not "tie up
scarce spectrum resources while preventing other qualified entities from providing
service to the public.‘"*


                                             \/fif(@p f /L/dml P
                                             Philip L. Malet
                                             Counsel for Motorola Satellite
                                              Communications, Inc.

cc:    See Certificate Of Service

i=      The different standards for internal and external financing are (contrary to the statements

of the SBA) not an effort by the Commussion to favor more highly capitalized applicants over
less capitalized ones. Instead, the different standards merely reflect the Commission‘s
experience in satellite licensing which demonstrates that a balance sheet showing is sufficient for
internal financing, while the tenuous nature of external financing requires fully negotiated
irrevocable commitments. See Big LEO Report and Order at "| 26.

         Big LEO Report and Order, 9 FCC Red at      28.

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

             I, Sandra R. Hammond—Murdico, do hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Ex

Parte Letter to William F. Caton have been sent, via first class mail, postage prepaid (or as

otherwise indicated), on this 8th day of May, 1996 to the following:

Chairman Reed E. Hundt                            Scott Blake Harris, Bureau Chief
Federal Communications Commission                 International Bureau
Room 814                                          Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, NW.                                Room 800, Stop Code 0800A
Washington, DC 20554                              2000 M Street, NW.
                                                  Washington, DC 20554
Commissioner James H. Quello
Federal Communications Commission                 Donald Gips
Room 802                                          International Bureau
1919 M Street, NW.                                Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                              Room 800, Stop Code 0800A
                                                  2000 M Street, NW.
Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong                    Washington, DC 20554
Federal Communications Commission
Room 844                                          Tom Tycz
1919 M Street, NW.                                International Bureau
Washington, DC 20554                              Federal Communications Commission
                                                  Room 6010
Commissioner Susan B. Ness                        2025 M Street, NNW.
Federal Communications Commission                 Washington, DC 20554
Room 832
1919 M Street, NW.                                Cecily C. Holiday
Washington, DC 20554                              International Bureau
                                                  Federal Communications Bureau
Karen Brinkman                                    Room 6324
Special Assistant                                 2025 M Street, NW.
Office of the Chairman                            Washington, DC 20554
Federal Communications Commission
Room 814                                          Fern Jarmulnek
1919 M Street, NW.                                International Bureau
Washington, DC 20554                              Federal Communications Commission
                                                  Room 658 — Mail Stop 16001
                                                  2000 M. Street, NW.
                                                  Washington, DC 20554

    * Via Hand Delivery

William Kennard                          Edward R. Alderson
General Counsel                          Vice President
Federal Communications Commission        Industry Activities
Room 614                                 Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
1919 M Street, NNW.                      2551 Riva Road
Washington, DC 20554                     Annapolis, MD 21401—7465

Bruce D. Jacobs                          Richard G. Gould
Fisher, Wayland, Cooper, Leader          Telecommunications Systems
 & Zaragoza, LLP.                        Suite 600
Suite 400                                1629 K Street, NNW.
2001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.            Washington, DC 20006
Washington, DC 20006
                                         Abdul Tahir
Lon C. Levin                             Director, GPS Development
Vice President & Regulatory Counsel      Litton Systems, Inc.
AMSC Subsidiary Corporation              6101 Condor Drive
10802 Parkridge Boulevard                Moorpark, CA 93021
Reston, VA 22091
                                         M. Worstell
Robert A. Mazer                          Vice President, Contracts
Vinson & Elkins                          Litton Aero Products
Suite 700                                6101 Condor Drive
1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.            Moorpark, CA 93021
Washington, DC 20004
                                         Linda C. Sadlier
Leslie Taylor                            Manager, Government Affairs
Leslie Taylor Associates                 Rockwell International Corp.
6800 Carlynn Court                       1745 Jefferson Davis Highway
Bethesda,. MD 20817—4302                 Arlington, VA 22202

Robert Halperin                          Guy M. Gooch
John T. Scott, I!I                       Director, Systems Engineering
William D. Wallace                       Mobile Communications Satellite
Crowell & Moring                           Systems
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.            Rockwell International Corp.
Washington, DC 20004—2505                400 Collins Road, N.E.
                                         Cedar Rapids, IA 52498
John L. Bartlett
Wiley, Rein & Fielding                   Paul J. Sinderbrand
1776 K Street, NW.                       Dawn G. Alexander
Washington, DC 20006                     Sinderbrand & Alexander
                                         Suite 610
                                         888 16th Street, N.W.
                                         Washington, DC 20006—4103

                                      L9 L

Robert A. Frazier                     Arun Bhumitra
Spectrum Engingeering & Planning      Vice President
 Division —— ASM—500                  ARJAY Telecommunications
Federal Aviation Administration       20669 Hawthorne Boulevard
800 Independence Avenue, S.W.         Torrance, CA 90503
Washington, DC 20591
                                      J. Ellis McSparran
B.E. Morriss                          385 Navigation
Deputy Manager                        23141 Plaza Pointe Drive
National Communications System        Laguana Hills, CA 92653
Washington, DC 20303—2010
                                      Thomas Trimmer
R.A. Davis                            U.S. Army
Vice President, Engineering           Hoffman II, Room 9565
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group      200 Stovall Street
P.O. Box 3703, MS GR—UT               Alexandria, VA 22332
Seattle, WA 98124—2207
                                      Gary M. Epstein
Dr. Robert L. Reimer                  John P Janka
CORF                                  James F. Rogers
HA—562                                Kevin C. Boyle
National Research Council             Latham & Watkins
2101 Constitution Avenue, NW.         Suite 1300
Washington, DC 20418                  1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
                                      Washington, DC 20004
Victor J. Toth, P.C.
2719 Soapstone Drive                  Walter H. Somnnenfeldt
Reston. VA 22091                      Walter H. Sonnenfeldt & Associates
                                      4904 Ertter Drive
David Struba                          Rockville, MD 20852
NASA Headquarters
Code O                                E. William Henry
Washington, DC 20546                  Henry M. Rivera
                                      Ginsburg, Feldman and Bress
William K. Keane                      1250 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Winston & Strawn                      Washington, DC 20036
1400 L Street, NW.
Washington, DC 20005                  Cheryl L. Schneider
Jeffrey L. Sheldon                    6560 Rock Spring Drive
General Counsel                       Bethesda, MD 20817
Utilities Telecommunictions Council
Suite 1140
1140 Connecticut Avenue, NW.
Washington, DC 20036

Bruce L. Bucklin                    Jill Stern, Esq.
Acting Chief                        Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
Technical Operations Section        2nd Floor
Drug Enforcement Administration     2300 N Street, NW.
U.S. Department of Justice          Washington, DC 20037
Washington, DC 20537
                                    Gerald Heliman
Terri B. Natoli                     Vice President
Regulatory and Industry Relations   Policy & International Programs
 Manager                            Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc.
GTE Spacenet                        1120 19th Street, NW.
1700 Old Meadow Road                Washington, DC 20036
McLean, VA 22102
                                    Jere W. Glover
Tedson J. Myers                     Chief Counsel
Reid & Priest                       U.S. Small Business Administration
701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.        Room 7800
Washington, DC 20004                409 3rd Street, S.W.
                                    Washington, DC 20416
Dale Gallimore
Loral Qualcomm                      Michael R. Gardner
Suite 101                           Charles Milkis
7375 Executive Place                William J. Gildea, III
Seabrook, MD 20706                  Suite 710
                                    1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW.
Norman P. Leventhal, Esq.           Washington, DC 20036
Raul R. Rodriguez, Esq.
Stephen D. Baruch, Esq.             International Transcription Service
Leventhal, Senter & Lerman          Suite 140
Suite 600                           2100 M Street, NW.
2000 K Street, NW.                  Washington, DC 20036
Washington, DC 20006—1809

Document Created: 2015-03-26 16:10:36
Document Modified: 2015-03-26 16:10:36

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