Attachment 1997Opposition of ST

1997Opposition of ST




This document pretains to SAT-A/O-19900504-00016 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                 FEB 2 6 1997
                                      Before the
                                                                                 COMMUNICATHONS CUMMISSION
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                 0   4   imaA~
                                                                  R 0 2.1997

In the Matter of Authorization of                                        &

STARSYS GLOBAL                              File Nos.   33—DSS—P—90(24)
POSITIONING, INC.                                       42—DSS—AMEND—90
To Construct, Launch and Operate a                      31—DSS—AMEND—94
Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary                            32—DSS—LA—94
Mobile Satellite System                                 135—SAT—AMEND—95 —


             Starsys Global Positioning, Inc. ("Starsys"), by its attorneys, hereby

opposes the Petition filed by Leo One USA Corporation ("Leo One")! requesting that

the Commission declare null and void the above—referenced authorization held by

Starsys. Leo One‘s Petition should be summarily denied.

             Leo One‘s Petition is based on a misreading of a news article and the

direct disregarding of Starsys‘s prior statements on this subject. Leo One asserts

that the Starsys authorization? is subject to cancellation for failure to comply with

the milestone schedule. Specifically, Leo One claims that Starsys has not complied

with the requirement in the authorization that Starsys commence construction of

the first two satellites in its system by November 1996. Petition at 2—3. Leo One

1   Petition of Leo One USA Corporation filed Feb. 12, 1997 (hereinafter,

2   STARSYS Global Positioning, Inc., 11 FCC Red 1237 (Int‘l Bur. 1995)
(hereinafter, "Starsys Authorization").

also argues that the Starsys milestones should be strictly construed because grant

of the Starsys authorization was delayed pending resolution of alien ownership

issues. Id. at 4—6.

              Both of Leo One‘s assertions are baseless and can be dealt with briefly.

As Starsys stated when Leo One first raised this issue in the context of the pending

rulemaking proceeding, Starsys has met its construction commencement milestone.3

Starsys has a contract with Alcatel Espace in force that will permit Starsys to meet

the construction completion and launch dates specified in the Starsys


             Leo One cites to a recent Space News article regarding the Starsys

system in support of its allegations and attaches the article to its Petition. Starsys

does not need to comment on errors in that story. It is sufficient to note that Leo

One simply ignores statements in the article from both GE Americom and Alcatel

confirming thé existence of the satellite construction contract and indicating that

work on the Starsys project is on track. Instead, Leo One focuses on a statement by

a subcontractor suggesting that it has only a memorandum of understanding with

Alcatel. Petition at 2—3. However, it is Starsys‘ contract with Alcatel that is

relevant here.

             It goes without saying that Leo One‘s arguments about events that

occurred before grant of the Starsys Authorization are also irrelevant. The changes

3  See Reply Comments of Starsys Global Positioning Inc. and GE American
Communications, Inc. in IB Docket No. 96—220 at 2 n.1 (filed Jan. 13, 1997).

in the Starsys ownership structure that occurred prior to issuance of the Starsys

Authorization were expressly found by the Bureau to be in the public interest.

Starsys Authorization, 11 FCC Red at 1238—39. They simply have no bearing on

interpretation of Starsys‘ milestone schedule.

             Thus, Starsys is in full compliance with the requirements of its

authorization. Leo One has presented no evidence to the contrary, and its Petition

should be denied.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       STARSYS GLOBAL POSITIONING, INC.

Philip V. Otero                              Peter A. Rohrbach
Secretary                                    Karis A. Hastings
Starsys Global Positioning, Inc.             Hogan & Hartson L.LP.
Four Research Way                            555 Thirteenth Street, NW.
Princeton, NJ 08540                          Washington, D.C. 20004
                                             (202) 637—5600

February 26, 1997

                                   DECLARATION OF PHILIFP V. OTERO

                          I, Philip V. Otero, Secretary of Starsys Global Positioning, Inc.. have

 freviewed the foregoing "Opposition of Starsys Global Positioning, Inc." and heroby

 éieclare under peualty of perjury that the facts and conclusions set out therein are
 true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Executed on February 26, 1997                            %gjfi MQ&A
                                                            hilip Vfl)tero

AXANDC — 90704; — 0391870.082

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

             I, hereby certify that on this 26th day of February, 1997, I caused to be

served by hand delivery, copies of the foregoing "Opposition Of Starsys Global

Positioning, Inc.", addressed to the following:

                    Chairman Reed E. Hundt
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    1919 M Street NW, Room 814
                    Stop Code 0101
                    Washington DC 20554
                    Commissioner James H. Quello
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    1919 M Street NW, Room 802
                    Stop Code 0106
                    Washington, DC 20554

                    Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    1919 M Street NW, Room 844
                    Stop Code 0105
                    Washington, DC 20554

                    Commissioner Susan Ness
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    1919 M Street NW, Room 832
                    Stop Code 0104
                    Washington, DC 20554

                    Donald H. Gips, Chief
                    International Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    2000 M Street, NW, Room 800
                    Washington, DC 20554

                    Karen Kornbluh, Assistant Bureau Chief
                    International Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    2000 M Street, NW, Room 800
                    Washington, DC 20554

Thomas S. Tycz, Chief
Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW, Room 800
Washington, DC 20554

Cecily C. Holiday, Deputy Chief
Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW, Room 500
Washington, DC 20554

Paula H. Ford
Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW, Room 502—A
Washington, DC 20554

Cassandra Thomas
Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW, Room 810
Washington, DC 20554

Harold Ng, Chief
Satellite Engineering Branch
Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW, Room 500
Washington, DC 20554

Fern Jarmulnek, Chief
Satellite Policy Branch
Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW, Room 500
Washington, DC 20554

                     Robert A. Mazer */
                     Albert Shuldiner
                     Vinson & Elkins
                     1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                     Washington, DC 20004
                         Counsel for LEO ONE USA

                     Albert Halprin */
                     Stephen L. Goodman
                     J. Randall Cook
                     Jeff L. Magenau
                     Halprin, Temple & Goodman
                     Suite 650 East
                     1100 New York Avenue, NW
                     Washington, DC 20005
                         Counsel for Orbcomm

                     Henry Goldberg */
                     Joseph Godles
                     Mary Dent
                     Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
                     1229 Nineteenth Street, NW
                     Washington, DC 20036
                        Counsel for Volunteers in Technical Assistance

                     Phillip L. Spector */
                     Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
                     Suite 1300
                     1615 L Street, NW
                     Washington, DC 20036—5694
                         Counsel for CTA

                     Aileen Pisciotta */
                     Kelly, Drye & Warren
                     Suite 500
                     1200 19th Street
                     Washington, DC 20036
                        Counsel for Final Analysis

*/ Served By First Class Mail

Charles Ergen, President */
E—SAT, Inc.
90 Inverness Circle, East
Englewood, CO 80112

Leslie Taylor */
Leslie Taylor Associates, Inc.
6800 Carlynn Court
Bethesda, MD 20817—4302

James A. Kirkland */
Jennifer A. Purvis
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris,
  Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Suite 900
701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20004
   Counsel for Satellife, Inc.

                                     Patricia A. Green

Document Created: 2014-08-27 15:38:11
Document Modified: 2014-08-27 15:38:11

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