Attachment 1990Comments Geostar

1990Comments Geostar

COMMENT submitted by Geostar



This document pretains to SAT-A/O-19900504-00016 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                             U 1J Before» the ht    ts       s 65RA       RECE]
                                                                          $q    VE[\
                             Washington, D.C. 20554                              ‘AUG 3 7 1999
                                                                           Federal Comm
                                                                                  OffiCe Of the Seons
                                                                                                   ,, (\Gmm.".‘."j-".‘. ~
In the Matter of the Application of                      )                                                stary
STARSYS, INC.                                            )      File No.
                                                         )      33—DSS—P—90(24)
For Authority to Construct a Low Earth                   )
Orbit Mobile Satellite System                            )

       Geostar Corporation is filing these comments regarding the

application of Starsys, Inc. (Starsys) for authority to construct a low—

earth orbit mobile satellite system.

       Geostar Corporation has two wholly owned subsidiaries.                       One of

these, Geostar Positioning Corporation (GPC) is a Commission licensee
in the radiodetermination satellite service (RDSS).!                  The other

subsidiary, Geostar Messaging Corporation (GMC), is an applicant for

a domestic mobile satellite system.?

1      Geostar Corporation, Mimeo 6144, August 7, 1986.         GPC is authorized to
construct, launch and operate three dedicated RDSS satellites, and is currently
providing an interim RDSS service to over 70 commercial and government

2        On June 18, 1988, GMC filed an application for a digital land mobile                         +
satellite system in the 1530—1544 and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz bands, as well as a
petition for rulemaking (RM—6459) to allocate these frequencies for domestic
mobile satellite service and establish licensing policies and procedures. The
Commission has acted on GMC‘s petition only to the extent of issuing a notice of
proposed rulemaking in Gen. Docket 90—56 to allocate these frequencies for
domestic mobile satellite use.   Notice of Proposed Rule Making, FCC 90—63
(March 5, 1990).

      Although Starsys will be a competitor, Geostar does not object
to Starsys‘ application to operate a low—earth orbit satellite system in

the 137—138 and 148—149.9 MHz bands.           However, according to
Starsys, "[tlhe two—way communications and ultra low—cost
positioning capabilities of the STARNET system are unmatched by
any technology developed to date."}         Starsys also claims that "[tlhe

STARNET system is the most spectrum—efficient mobile satellite

system ever proposed to the Federal Communications Commission."4

Geostar believes that these claims are overstated, and that mobile

communication and positioning services can be provided just as
efficiently and economically by satellites in the geostationary orbit.

      Starsys‘ claim that it can achieve a retail price of $50 to $150
per terminal‘5 should be viewed in the context that these figures

appear to be based on a production run in the millions of identical

Starsys user terminals.      If the prices of terminal equipment in

geostationary satellite systems were also based on production runs in

the millions, they would drop drastically below the current $4,000

price per terminal figure mentioned by Starsys®.

3     Starsys Application, Volume I at 4.

4     Id. at 8.

5     Id. at VII—52 to 53.

6     Id. at III—6.

        The claims of Starsys with respect to spectrum efficiency‘

should also be viewed in context.       While Starsys claims that it can
serve 40 million users with 2 MHz of spectrum, it should be

recognized that each user gets very little service compared to the
amount of service a user would get from the other systems used in
the Starsys comparison.

        Moreover, the system capacity figures presented by Starsys
warrant close examination since they appear to significantly

overstate available capacity.      For example, Starsys expects to serve

some 25 million automobile commuters.}s           However, taking its own
claimed outbound capacity as 350,000 messages per hour, a

commuter could expect to receive one message (or acknowledgment

of an inbound message) every 71 hours, assuming such messages

were evenly spread throughout the 24 hour day and that the system

were used only for this type of service."

        Moreover, it does not appear that the 0.7 efficiency factor

includes other necessary overhead, such as address bits (at least 25

bits, or 4 bytes if rounded up to the next whole byte, are needed to

7       See e.g., id. at III—11.

8       Id. at II—13.

9      Starsys appears to claim only 8 million users per day later in its
application, Id. at VII—12, but this figure also assumes that each user receives
one outbound message a day and that the traffic is spread evenly over the
entire 24 hour day.   However, commuter traffic is more likely to be spread only
the relatively few hours of the day that would be considered "rush" hours,
resulting in a further reduction in the number of users that can be served by
the   system.

 address 25 million discrete users), message type/status indicator,

 and flush bits for the convolutional encoder!®.         The addition of a

 minimum of 6 additional bytes for this overhead would result in a
 19% reduction in outbound capacity.

       Additional difficulties are presented by the inbound capacity

 analysis presented by Starsys.       For example, in the non—spread

 spectrum case, it is not clear why the capacity is increased by the
 ratio of the assigned channel bandwidth to the occupied channel

 bandwidth (i.e. a factor of 1.74).1!      Also, the 60 millisecond burst
 duration at 4800 bps for a 32 character message provides only 32

bits for user identification, type of message/service, time reference
 identification, and acquisition preamble!2.         This seems insufficient.

       Nor does Starsys explain the basis for its computation of the

 inbound capacity for the spread spectrum case.           For example, if

 Starsys‘ analysis is based on theoretical spread spectrum

 transponder capacity calculated on the basis of only code division

 noise‘3, the capacity value would have to be significantly reduced to

 10    The 4.5 dB Ep/No value used in the link budgets for a 10°" bit error rate
 corresponds to the processing gain of rate—1/2 forward error correction.      Such
 error correction is not likely to be applied to the framing bits used to recover
 synchronization during temporary blockages between the satellite and mobile

 11    Id. at VII—13.

 12    Starsys does not address how the effects of doppler frequency shifts will
 be handled by the demodulators, or the correlators in the case of a spread
 spectrum system, in terms of the length of the acquisition sequence needed at
 the receiving earth station.

 13    See e.g. CCIR Report 1050.

take into account other sources of degradation, such as interference
from other satellites in the same system or interference from

external sources.     Thus, the inbound capacity is likely to be
significantly less that the 530,000 (non—spread spectrum) or

1,590,000 (spread spectrum) messages/hour claimed by Starsys.

      Starsys expects to provide a significant amount of safety and

health (e.g. telemedicine and handicap support) services.          However,

Starsys does not analyze the blocking probability or average length
of time to access its system for such critical services.      With millions
of users contending for only 10 channels, this is a significant issue if
reliance is to be placed on the Starsys system for such services.

      Moreover, the accuracy of position determination in the Starsys

system will be much lower than that obtained from a geostationary
RDSS satellite system unless the user is willing to wait for significant

periods of time at a fixed location.     For example, position fixes are

determined to an accuracy of 50 meters in an RDSS system at the

central earth station within seconds of receipt of a single

transmission burst.      In its low—earth orbit system, however, Starsys
claims the accuracy of a single fix as only a kilometer.‘*t       Greater

accuracy requires multiple position fixes over a period of minutes to

hours, and even then the position accuracy is no better than a single

fix obtained over a geostationary RDSS system.!"          Moreover, such an

14    Starsys Application, Volume I at VII—22

15    To get accuracies of 20 meters (relative positioning), Starsys requires
several hours for a fixed terminal and a accurately located benchmark.   [Id. at

 improvement in positioning accuracy, by requiring multiple

 transmissions, will ohly further decrease the throughput of the
_Starsys system below the capacity claimed in its application.

       In summary, while Geostar does not object to a grant of the

 Starsys ‘application, the Commission should carefully scrutinize the

 claims made in the application before relying on them.             Moreover,
 the Commission should not apply disparate treatment to other
 pending applications for new mobile satellite systems.         In light of the
 prompt adoption of parallel rulemaking and application procedures

 for low earth orbit proposals, the Commission should expedite its

 handling of the long—standing applications for other new mobile
 satellite systems using the geostationary satellite orbit.‘8

                                  Respectfully    submitted,

                                   J teham Dacl n
                                  T. Stephen Cheston
                                  Executive Vice President
                                  Governmental Affairs

 Geostar Corporation
 1001 22nd Street, NW. — Suite 500
 Washington, D.C. 20037

 August 17, 1990.

 16     It took the Commission only five months from the filing of the first low
 earth orbit mobile satellite system application and associated petition for
 rulemaking to the issuance of a cut—off notice for additional applications for
 similar systems to be processed in parallel with the rulemaking.   In contrast, it
 has been over 2 years since the filing of GMC‘s mobile satellite application and
 petition for rulemaking, and the Commission has yet to accept GMC‘s
 application. See note 2, supra.

                           CERTIFICATE                                                   *

       I, Christine A. Brazeau, certify that on this 17th day of August, 1990 a copy of the
foregoing "Comments" of the Geostar Corporation concerning the Application filed by Starsys,
Inc. was mailed first—class to:

       Raul R. Rodriguez, Esq.
       Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
       2000 K Street, N.W.
       Suite 600
       Washington, D.C. 20006—1809

       Stephen D. Baruch, Esq.
       Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
       2000 K Street, N.W.
       Suite 600
       Washington, D.C. 20006—1809

                                              ChauaEuxo 4 MQJJ
                                             Christine A. Brazeau

Document Created: 2014-08-27 15:33:53
Document Modified: 2014-08-27 15:33:53

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