Attachment 1990Reponse of COMSA

1990Reponse of COMSA

REPLY submitted by COMSAT



This document pretains to SAT-A/O-19900504-00016 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                >           prmreomr— us c—toss=~~~~*MEIDEIVEL: *
                                                                SEP 2 pEA®FIVED
                                                            Damests Basinae;
                                 Before the          W‘dmfiquo%fip“        1990
                     Federal Communications Commission®lls Rado o¥5, 2 4
                             Washington,   D.C.    20554
                                                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                                                               Office of the Secretary

In the matter of the Application of )
STARSYS,    INC.                              )      File No.   33—DSS—P—90(24)
For Authority to Construct a                  )
System of Low Earth Orbit                     )
Communications Satellites to be               )
Stationed in an Inclined                      )
Non—geostationary Orbit                       )

To:   Common Carrier Bureau

                                 RESPONSE OF

         Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT),                 through

its World Systems Division,         hereby responds to Starsys,             Inc.‘s

("STARSYS")     Reply Comments filed with the Commission on

September 4,       1990 in the above—captioned proceeding.

         COMSAT‘s position,       set forth in our Comments,           is that to

the extent STARSYS provides international communications

services,    its system operations should be subject to the same

policies and conditions as apply to U.S.               separate systems.

Separate Systems,       1 FCC Rcd 439      (1986);    Separate Systems,           61 RR

20 649   (Reconsideration Order)         (1986);     Separate Systems,          101

FCC 20   1046   (l1985) .

         In reply,     STARSYS states that COMSAT "overlooks the fact

that STARSYS has filed a domestic satellite system application"

and that    "[tlo the extent COMSAT argues that even transborder

services via STARSYS‘s system should be subject to the separate

systems requirements,         its assertions should be rejected

outright."         STARSYS Reply at 9.

         It is our view that STARSYS‘       proposed system cannot be

characterized as a domestic system.          STARSYS proposes to

construct,    launch and operate a system of 24 satellites placed

in low earth orbits and providing coverage to the entirte

world.     It states that its "system will be capable of providing

24—hour two—way communications and position determination

service everywhere in the world."          STARSYS Application at 2.

Further,    STARSYS states that its    "[plrimary and back—up

Processing, Analysis and Control Centers         (PACCs)   in the United

States will interconmmrect with the global telecommunications

network via standard interfaces       (including X.25)." id.       STARSYS

also claims that its system is "an Inherently Global System"

and "would be the world‘s first satellite system that is

generally available worldwide."        STARSYS Application at TC—4;

IIL—9.      STARSYS further claims that its "STARNET system is

uniquely able to provide an integrated telecommunications link

anywhere in the world     ...   "   STARSYS Application at III—9.

         Thus,   the STARSYS proposal cannot be presented as a

domestic satellite system providing incidental transborder

services,    but is an international system fully subject to

separate system policies.

                            Respectfully submitted,
                            World Systems Division

                                Linda M.   Wellstein
                                Its Attorney

                                950 L‘Enfant   Plaza
                                Washington, D.C.   20034
                                (202) 863—6018

Sseptember 21,    1990

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Deborah A. Lee, do hereby certify that a copy of the
foregoing "Response of Communications Satellite Corporatlon"
was mailed, September 21, 1990 to the following:

Gilles Galerne                                Ralph Kock
President                                     Partner
LTM Corporation of America                    KPMG Peat Marwick
11646 Pendleton Street                        8150 Leesburg Pike
Sun Valley,       CA     —91352—2501          Suite 800
                                              Vienna, VA  22182
Vincent J.       Cardone
President                                     Charles Porter
Oceanweather,          Inc.                   Chief Executive Officer
5 River Road                                  Houston Data Transmission
Suite 1                                         Company, Inc.
Cos Cob,    CT     06807                      712 River Oaks Bank Tower
                                              2001 Kirby Drive
Kennon D.    Vaudrey                          Houston,   TX     77019
Vaudrey & Associates, Inc.                    J.K. English
1540 Marsh Street                             English Automotive, Ltd.
P.0O0. Box 725                                1650 Howard Street
Suite E                                       Lincoln Park, MI   48146
San Luis Obispo, CA  93406
                                              Raul R. Rodrigqguez
A.   George Mourad                            Stephen D.      Baruch
Manager                                       Leventhal,      Senter & Lerman
Space Business Development                    2000 K Street,      N.W.
Battelle                                      Suite 600
507 King Avenue                               Washington,     D.C.      20006—1809
Columbus, OH  43201
                                              T. Stephen Cheston
Peter A Castruccio                            Executive Vice President
President                                     Governmental Affairs
Ecosystems International,              Inc.   Geostar Corporation
Box 225                                       1001 22nd Street,         N.W.
Gambrills, MD           21054                 Suite 500
                                              Washington, D.C.          20037
R. Michael Laurs, Ph.D.
Fishery Oceangrapher                          Albert Halprin, Esq.
United States Department of                   Stephen L. Goodman, Esq.
  Commerce                                    Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard,
National Oceanic and                            McPherson & Hand, Chartered
  Atmospheric Administration                  901 Fifteenth Street, N.W.
South West Fisheries Science                  Suite 700
   Center                                     Washington D.C.  20005
P.0O0. Box 271
La Jolla, CA           92038—0271

                                               €Bborah A.

Document Created: 2014-08-27 15:32:07
Document Modified: 2014-08-27 15:32:07

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