Attachment 1992Reply Comments S

1992Reply Comments S


Reply Comments


This document pretains to SAT-A/O-19900504-00016 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 BEFORE THE
        Federal Communications Commission
                            WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                   OCT 2 1 1992
                                                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
In re Application of                                               OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

STARSYS GLOBAL POSITIONING,          INC.        File No.   33—DSS—P—90(24)

For Authority to Construct,
Launch and Operate a
Low Earth Orbit Communications
Satellite System

To:     Chief,    Common Carrier Bureau

                               REPLY COMMENTS

             STARSYS Global Positioning,      Inc.   ("STARSYS"), by its

attorneys,       hereby replies to the comments of Orbital

Communications Corporation ("ORRBCOMM")        concerning STARSYS‘

Petition for Expedited Declaratory Ruling (the "Petition").

ORRBCOMM does not oppose the Petition, by which STARSYS seeks a

Commission determination that the pendency of its application to

provide low—Earth orbit       ("LEO") mobile satellite services         ("MSS")

in the frequency bands below 1 GHz would not be adversely

affected by an amendment to reflect a potential change in

ownership of STARSYS‘ Class A Common Stock.!           Indeed, ORBCOMM
recognizes that it would be contrary to the Commission‘s stated

goal of fostering multiple entry in the LEO MSS services if

Commission reqgulatory processes were to nip competition in the

bud.     ORBCOMM Comments at    1.    As the balance of ORBCOMM‘s

U       Under STARSYS‘ by—laws, the holders of STARSYS‘ Class A
       . common stock have the absolute right to appoint three of the
         five directors of the company.  All of the authorized shares
        of STARSYS‘   Class A common stock are outstanding,       and are
        currently held by ST Systems Corporation ("STSC").

Comments were limited to the single matter discussed below,        and

as no other comments or objections were received, STARSYS urges

the Commission to grant the Petition for the reasons set forth


             Although it does not oppose the Petition, ORBRCOMM

asserts that STARSYS‘ ownership structure does not comply with

Section 310 (a)   of the Communications Act of 1934,     as amended.

Essentially, ORBCOMM claims that STSC does not control STARSYS,

despite its ownership of 100% of STARSYS‘     Class A Common Stock,

because other entities hold 95% of the equity in the company.

    ee ORBCOMM Comments at 2.   As STARSYS has explained before,

ORBCOMM‘s claim —— which ignores the clear restrictions of

STARSYS‘ by—laws,    the particulars of Delaware corporation law,

and prior Commission decisions —— is incorrect.*

             First, STARSYS‘ by—laws at Article III, Section 2

specify the following with regard to the number and

qualifications of STARSYS‘ directors:

             The board of directors shall consist of five
             (5) members.  Three of the five directors
             shall be elected by the holders of the Class
             A Common Stock.  Two of the five directors
             shall be elected by the holders of the Class
             B Common Stock.  Three of the five directors
             shall be citizens of the United States.   Four
             of the five directors shall have no business
             or financial relationship with (i.e., shall
             not be officers, directors, shareholders or
             employees of) North American CLS,   Inc.,   its

¥      STARSYS previously demonstrated the compliance of its
       ownership structure with Section 310 (a) of the
       Communications Act in its September 4, 1990 Reply Comments
       in the instant proceeding (at 19—24) .

            g@irect or indirect parents or any of their
            direct or indirect subsidiaries        (other than
            STARSYS,    Inc.)   and shall not be represent—
            atives of a foreign government.   So long as
            the corporation has an application pending
            before, or is operating a telecommunications
            facility pursuant to an operating permit or
            any other authorization (including any waiver
            or temporary special authorization) from the
            Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"),
            this Section of the by—laws may not be
            amended without the consent of the FCC or its

The by—laws also specify that the STARSYS board of directors has

exclusive responsibility for the management of the property,

affairs,   and business of the corporation.         Id.   at Article III,

Section 1.3

           Thus,   there can be no question that whomever owns the

Class A Common Stock of STARSYS is in control of STARSYS.               That

person or persons has the absolute right to elect a majority of

the company‘s directors —— a right that cannot be altered without

prior Commission consent        —— and the STARSYS board of directors

has exclusive responsibility for the management of the property,

affairs, and business of the corporation.

           The power of corporate directors under the laws of

Delaware   (where STARSYS is incorporated) are substantial.

Delaware corporate law provides that "the business and affairs of

every corporation .      .   . shall be managed by or under the

     Delaware‘s corporation laws explicitly endorse by—law
     provisions "not inconsistent with law or with the
     certificate of incorporation" which define specific "rights
     or powers of its stockholders,       directors,      officers or
     employees."       Del. Code Ann. tit.   8,   §109(b) .

direction of a board of Girectors .              .    .   ."    Del. Code Ann. tit.

8,   § 141(a).   Case law interpreting this statute unequivocally

establishes that it is the directors,                 rather than the

shareholders,    who control the business and affairs of a

corporation.     See Levine v.        Smith,    591 A.2d 194,        200   (Del.   Supr.

1991)    (citing Paramount Communications,                Inc. v. Time,    Inc.,    571

A.2d 1140,    1150   (Del.   Supr.    1990)).        Thus,     under Delaware law,

the person who controls a corporation‘s board of directors is in

ge jure control of the corporation.y

             Finally,   the Commission itself has made clear that for

purposes of Section 310 (a)          of the Communications Act, actual

foreign ownership of equity in a Commission licensee is not

disqualifying where, as here, U.S. citizens remain in "full

control of the business and policy decisions" of the company.

See Orion Satellite Corporation,           5 FCC Red 4937,           4940 and n.40

(1990) .    As explained above,       STARSYS‘       by—laws quarantee that the

holders of STARSYS‘s Class A Common stock will,                     through their

absolute right to elect a majority of STARSYS‘s board of

directors, maintain full control of these matters.

             For these reasons,       the Commission should determine that

STARSYS is legally qualified to be a Commission licensee and that

Section 310 (a) poses no impediment to the processing and granting

4/      ORBCOMM does not seriously contend that STSC is not in de
        facto control of STARSYS.  Its contentions are baged
        exclusively on the fact that two French government agencies
        collectively (and indirectly) own 70% of STARSYS‘s Class B
        stockholder.    ORBCOMM Comments at 2 & n.2

of   its pending license application.    In this last regard,   the

Commission should grant STARSYS‘    Petition and, as ORBCOMM urges,

proceed expeditiously to resolve the outstanding reqgulatory

obstacles that remain to the inauguration of LEO MSS services.

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   STARSYS GLOBAL POSITIONING,    INC

                                   oPBA Raul R. Rodriguez
                                        Stephen D. Baruch
                                        David S. Keir

                                        Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
                                        2000 K Street, N.W.
                                        Suite 600
                                        Washington, D.C.  20006
                                        (202) 429—8970

October 21,   1992                 Its Attorneys

                         CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

         I,   Kaigh K.   Johnson,    hereby certify that a copy of the

foregoing "Reply Comments" was mailed by United States first—

class postage prepaid this 21st day of October,            1992,   to the


               Gilles Galerne
               LTM Corporation of America
               11646 Pendleton Street
               Sun Valley, CA  91352—2501

               Vincent J. Cardone
               Oceanweather, Inc.
               5 River Road
               Suite 1
               Cos Cob, CT  06807

               Kennon D. Vaudrey
               Vaudrey & Associates,         Inc.
               1540 Marsh Street
               P.0. Box 725
               Suite E
               San Luis Obispo, CA          93406

               A. George Mourad
               Space Business Development
               507 King Avenue
               Columbus,    OH   43201

               Peter A. Castruccio
               Ecosystems International,            Inc.
               Box 225
               Gambrills,   MD      21054

Document Created: 2014-08-27 15:29:46
Document Modified: 2014-08-27 15:29:46

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