Attachment 1990Waiver request j

1990Waiver request j

WAIVER submitted by Hughes

Waiver Request


This document pretains to SAT-A/O-19900110-00002 for Authority to Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                 (b— DSS~— M1SC — 4 0
                                                                           Subsidiary of
                                                                Hughes Aircraft Company

                                                          January 9,           1990


Ms.   Donna R.     Searcy
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20554

Attention:       Satellite Radio Branch

             Re:    Section 319(d) Waiver for Hughes Communications
                    Galaxy, Inc. to Begin Construction of a Hybrid
                    Domestic Communications Satellite to Serve as a
                    Ground Spare for the Galaxy Satellite Systenm

Dear Ms. Searcy:

             Concurrently with this letter,   Hughes Communications
Galaxy, Inc. ("HCG") is filing an application (the "Application")
for authority to construct a hybrid C/Ku band satellite to serve
as a ground spare for HCG‘s domestic communications satellite
system    (the "Ground Spare") .

             The purpose of this letter is to request a waiver,
pursuant to Section 319(d) of the Communications Act 47 U.S.C.
§ 319 (d), so that HCG may spend up to thirty million dollars
during the next twelve months to construct the Ground Spare.

             HCG explains in the Application how the proposed Ground
Spare will become an essential element of HCG‘s Galaxy system of
domestic satellites.  The Ground Spare will provide HCG with the
ablllty to replace promptly any of its satellltes that
experiences a launch or in—orbit failure.

             As detailed in the Application, the proposed Ground
Spare    is a response to customer demands.    Customers today require
that satellite operators possess multiple levels of back—up
capacity in the case of a satellite failure.  The proposed Ground
Spare allows HCG to meet these customer needs more fully.

          In order to meet these needs, however, it is imperative
that HCG order construction of the Ground Spare to begin as soon
as possible.  HCG has a number of satellites scheduled for launch
in the next few years.  The grant of this waiver is necessary to
avoid delay in the timely availability of the Ground Spare to

                                                    PO Box 92424 Worldway Postal Center
                                                                 Los Angeles, CA 90009
                                                                         (213) 607—4000

Ms. Donna R. Searcy
January 9, 1990
Page 2

provide launch protection should the Commission grant the
Application.  Such delay would hinder HCG‘s business plans and
restrict HCG‘s ability to provide services to the public promptly
in the event of a launch failure of one of its satellites.

             Moreover,   HCG has recently been granted a Section
319 (d) waiver to commence construction of its proposed Galaxy IV
satellite, the technical specifications of which are identical to
those of the Ground Spare.   Grant of this requested Section
319 (d)   waiver will permit HCG to coordinate the procurement of
various long lead—time items and realize certain economies of

          Significantly, no new orbital locations are needed for
the proposed Ground Spare and no other satellite operators will
be affected by the construction of this satellite.            Moreover, the
Application is consistent with other applications for ground
spares that the Commission has routinely granted in the past.

             HCG acknowledges that the grant of this Section 319(d)
waiver will be without prejudice to any further action by the
Commission on the pending Application, and that any expenditures
will be made at HCG‘s risk.

            Accordingly,       HCG respectfully requests that the
Commission grant a Section 319 (d) waiver to permit HCG to expend
up to thirty million dollars on the proposed Ground Spare during
the next twelve months.

                                Respectfully submitted,

                                HUG    C         CATIONS GALAXY,   INC.

                         By:      “9        2e          —
                                %figfi W. Hartenstein
                                Serfior Vice President

Document Created: 2014-08-19 14:58:54
Document Modified: 2014-08-19 14:58:54

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