Public Notice SES01861

Accepted for Filing Public Notice

Satellite Earth Station

2016-06-22 > IB > Public Notices > SES01861

                       PUBLIC NOTICE
                       445 12th STREET S.W.
                       WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                       News media information 202-418-0500
                       Internet: (or
                       TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. SES-01861                                                                                       Wednesday June 22, 2016

                                                    Satellite Communications Services
                                         re: Satellite Radio Applications Accepted For Filing

The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission reserves
the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective and not in
conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and its Policies. Final action will not be taken on any of
these applications earlier than 30 days following the date of this notice. 47 U.S.C. § 309(b). All applications accepted
for filing will be assigned call signs, or other unique station identifiers. However, these assignments are for
administrative purposes only and do not in any way prejudice Commission action.

 SES-LIC-20160615-00515              E E160088         Ohio/Oklahoma Hearst Television Inc.
 Application for Authority
 Class of Station:       Temporary Fixed Earth Station

 Nature of Service:       Fixed Satellite Service

 SITE ID:         1
 LOCATION:        (KOCO-TV) SNG Truck Continental United States, TRANSPORTABLE
                  0 ° 0 ' 0.00 " N LAT.                                            0 ° 0 ' 0.00 " W LONG.

    ANTENNA ID:       1                       1.45 meters        Sat-Lite Technologies                1411

            11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 36M0D7W             0.00 dBW                  QAM or APSK; Digital Video, Digital
                                                                                                      Audio, and Data

            11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                 3M50D7W             0.00 dBW                  QAM or APSK; Digital Video, Digital
                                                                                                      Audio, and Data

            14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 36M0D7W             64.20 dBW                 QAM or APSK; Digital Video, Digital
                                                                                                      Audio, and Data

            14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                 3M50D7W             60.21 dBW                 QAM or APSK; Digital Video, Digital
                                                                                                      Audio, and Data

 Points of Communication:

    1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

 SES-MFS-20160527-00459         E KA288                     SES Americom, Inc.
 Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

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Nature of Service:      Domestic Fixed Satellite Service, Fixed Satellite Service, International Fixed Satellite Service

SES Americom, Inc., requests modification of its fixed earth station in Somis, CA, to provide telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) to the
ASTRA 3A satellite following its relocation from the 176.85º W.L. to the 86.85º W.L. orbital location. This station continues to operate with the
ASTRA 3A satellite on the currently authorized frequencies.

SITE ID:          1
                  34 ° 19 ' 31.00 " N LAT.                                          118 ° 59 ' 44.40 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:         TK1                   6.1 meters         VERTEX                                   6.1 KPK

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    30M0F3F           85.20 dBW                    Analog TV

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    N0N               85.20 dBW                    Unmodulated carrier

           13750.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                    30M0F3F           71.00 dBW                    ANALOG TV via GE-4

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    30M0F3F                                        Analog TV

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                    N0N                                            Unmodulated carrier

           11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz                    30M0F3F                                        ANALOG TV via GE-4

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W           82.60 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    36M0G7D           82.60 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    1M00F9D           73.00 dBW                    FM, TELECOMMAND

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    100KG7W           57.10 dBW                    DIGITAL DATA

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                    100KG7D           57.10 dBW                    DIGITAL DATA

           13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                    6M00G7W           68.20 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

           13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                    6M00G7D           68.20 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

           13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                    36M0G7W           76.00 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

           13780.0000 - 14000.0000 MHz                    36M0G7D           76.00 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

           13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz                    10M0G7W           70.50 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

           13770.0000 - 13780.0000 MHz                    10M0G7D           70.50 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

           13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                    6M00G7W           68.20 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

           13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                    6M00G7D           68.20 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

           13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz                    20M0G7W           73.50 dBW                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

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          13750.0000 - 13770.0000 MHz       20M0G7D        73.50 dBW   DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz       36M0G7W                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz       36M0G7D                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz       N0N                        CW TRACKING BEACON

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz       100KG7W                    DIGITAL DATA

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz       100KG7D                    DIGITAL DATA

          11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz       500KF9D                    TELEMETRY

          11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz       36M0G7W                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

          11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz       36M0G7D                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

          11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz       N0N                        CW TRACKING BEACON

          11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz       100KG7W                    DIGITAL DATA

          11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz       100KG7D                    DIGITAL DATA

          11450.0000 - 11700.0000 MHz       500KF9D                    TELEMETRY

          10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz       36M0G7W                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

          10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz       36M0G7D                    DIGITAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND DATE

          10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz       N0N                        CW TRACKING BEACON

          10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz       100KG7W                    DIGITAL DATA

          10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz       100KG7D                    DIGITAL DATA

          10950.0000 - 11200.0000 MHz       500KF9D                    TELEMETRY

Points of Communication:

   1 - AMC-4(S2135) - (67 W.L.)

   1 - AMC-6 (S2347) - (72 W.L.)

   1 - ASTRA 3A - (86.85)

   1 - EUTELSAT 172A(S2610) - (172 E. L.)

   1 - GE-4 - (101 W.L.)

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

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SES-MOD-20160602-00481               E E130083           Deere & Company
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Mobile Earth Station

Nature of Service:      Mobile Satellite Service

Deere & Company requests modification of its blanket authorization for receive only mobile earth stations (MES) to add 600,000 receive-only
model StarFire SF6000, Antenna ID "Antenna 4" MES and 100,000 model SF5050, Antenna ID "Antenna 5" MES. All stations will operate
with INMARSAT satellites on the currently authorized frequencies.

SITE ID:          1
LOCATION:         20780 Madrona Ave. 700,000 RECEIVE ONLY, MOBILE TERMINAL
                  0 ° 0 ' 0.00 " N LAT.                                          0 ° 0 ' 0.00 " W LONG.

   ANTENNA ID:        Antenna 1            0.2 meters         Deere & Company                        SF3000

           1545.9875 - 1545.9875 MHz                    2K50D1D          0.00 dBW                    BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

           1545.9775 - 1545.9775 MHz                    2K50D1D          0.00 dBW                    BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

           1545.9675 - 1545.9675 MHz                    2K50D1D                                      BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

   ANTENNA ID:        Antenna 2            0.2 meters         Deere & Company                        SF3040

           1545.9875 - 1545.9875 MHz                    2K50D1D          0.00 dBW                    BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

           1545.9775 - 1545.9775 MHz                    2K50D1D          0.00 dBW                    BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

           1545.9675 - 1545.9675 MHz                    2K50D1D                                      BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

   ANTENNA ID:        Antenna 3            0.2 meters         Deere & Company                        SF3050

           1545.9875 - 1545.9875 MHz                    2K50D1D          0.00 dBW                    BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

           1545.9775 - 1545.9775 MHz                    2K50D1D          0.00 dBW                    BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

           1545.9675 - 1545.9675 MHz                    2K50D1D                                      BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

   ANTENNA ID:        Antenna 4            0.18 meters        Deere & Company                        SF6000

           1545.9875 - 1545.9875 MHz                    2K50D1D                                      BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

           1545.9775 - 1545.9775 MHz                    2K50D1D                                      BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

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           1545.9675 - 1545.9675 MHz                       2K50D1D                                      BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

   ANTENNA ID:           Antenna 5               0.18 meters    Deere & Company                         SF5050

           1545.9875 - 1545.9875 MHz                       2K50D1D                                      BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

           1545.9775 - 1545.9775 MHz                       2K50D1D                                      BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

           1545.9675 - 1545.9675 MHz                       2K50D1D                                      BPSK / multi-point leased data downlink

Points of Communication:

   1 - INMARSAT 3F2 - (15.5 W.L.)

   1 - INMARSAT 3F3 - (178 E.L.)

   1 - INMARSAT 3F4 - (54 W.L.)

   1 - INMARSAT 4F1 - (143.5 E.L.)

   1 - INMARSAT 4F3 - (98 W.L.)

   1 - ISAT List -

SES-MOD-20160615-00514              E E920223         New Orleans Hearst Television Inc.
Application for Modification
Class of Station:       Temporary Fixed Earth Station

Nature of Service:           Fixed Satellite Service

New Orleans Hearst Television Inc. requests modification of its temporary-fixed earth station to replace its 2.4-meter antenna with a 1.45-meter
antenna and change emission designators. The station will continue to communicate with Permitted List satellites in the 14.0-14.5 GHz
(Earth-to-space) and 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

SITE ID:             1

   ANTENNA ID:           1                       1.45 meters    SAT-LITE TECHNOLOGIES                   1411 PELORIS SNG

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     36M0D7W         64.20 dBW                    QAM AND APSK; DIGITAL VIDEO,
                                                                                                        AUDIO, AND DATA

           14000.0000 - 14500.0000 MHz                     3M50D7W         60.21 dBW                    QAM AND APSK; DIGITAL VIDEO,
                                                                                                        AUDIO, AND DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                     36M0D7W                                      QAM AND APSK; DIGITAL VIDEO,
                                                                                                        AUDIO, AND DATA

           11700.0000 - 12200.0000 MHz                     3M50D7W                                      QAM AND APSK; DIGITAL VIDEO,
                                                                                                        AUDIO, AND DATA

Points of Communication:
                                                                     Page 5 of 8

   1 - PERMITTED LIST - ()

SES-STA-20160603-00477                E E010242          EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in Gilbert, AZ to conduct
telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) for the EchoStar 3 satellite at the 61.8° W.L. orbital location using the following center frequencies:
17301.5 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 12201.0 MHz, 12203.0 MHz, and 12699.0 MHz (space-to-Earth).

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20160603-00478                E E020248          EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in Blackhawk, SD, to
conduct telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) for the EchoStar 3 satellite at the 61.8° W.L. orbital location using the following center
frequencies: 17301.5 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 12201.0 MHz, 12203.0 MHz, and 12699.0 MHz (space-to-Earth).

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20160613-00500                E E160042          Spire Global, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

Spire Global, Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate a fixed earth station in West Jordan, UT, to transmit command
signals to the LEMUR Phase I non-geostationary orbit satellite system and receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the 402-403
MHz (Earth-to-space), and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20160613-00501                E E160041          Spire Global, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

Spire Global, Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate a fixed earth station in Richardson, TX, to transmit command
signals to the LEMUR Phase I non-geostationary orbit satellite system and receive telemetry and tracking signals from this systems in the
402-403 MHz (Earth-to-space), and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20160613-00502                E E160039          Spire Global, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

Spire Global, Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate a fixed earth station in Tukwila, WA., to transmit command
signals to the LEMUR Phase 1 non-geostationary orbit satellite system and receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the
402-403 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20160613-00503                E E160035          Spire Global, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

                                                                  Page 6 of 8

Spire Global, Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate a fixed earth station in Boca Raton, FL, to transmit command
signals to the LEMUR Phase 1 non-geostationary orbit satellite system and receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the
402-403 MHz (Earth-to-space), and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20160613-00504                 E E160044          Spire Global, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

Spire Global Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in Saint Croix, U.S.V.I., to transmit
command signals to the LEMUR Phase 1 non-geostationary orbit satellite system and receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in
the 402-403 MHz (Earth-to-space), and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20160613-00505                 E E160034          Spire Global, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

Spire Global Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in Piti, GU, to transmit command signals to
the LEMUR Phase 1 non-geostationary orbit satellite system and receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the 402-403 MHz
(Earth-to-space) and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20160613-00507                 E E160038          Spire Global, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

Spire Global Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in Piti, Guam, to transmit command signals
to the LEMUR Phase 1non-geostationary satellite system and receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the 402-403 (Earth to
space), and 402-403 (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20160613-00508                 E E160037          Spire Global, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

Spire Global Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in Naalehu, HI, to transmit command signals
to the LEMUR Phase 1 non-geostationary orbit satellite system, and to receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the 402-403
MHz (Earth-to-space) and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

SES-STA-20160613-00509                 E E160036          Spire Global, Inc.
Special Temporary Authority
Class of Station:

Spire Global Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in Juneau, AK, to transmit command signals
to the LEMUR Phase 1 non-geostationary orbit satellite system, and to receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the 402-403
MHz (Earth-to-space) and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

Points of Communication:

                                                                   Page 7 of 8

 SES-STA-20160613-00510                 E E160040          Spire Global, Inc.
 Special Temporary Authority
 Class of Station:

 Spire Global, Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in San Francisco, CA, to transmit command
 signals to the LEMUR Phase 1 non-geostationary orbit satellite system and receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the
 402-403 MHz (Earth-to-space), and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

 Points of Communication:

 SES-STA-20160613-00511                 E E160032          Spire Global, Inc.
 Special Temporary Authority
 Class of Station:

 Spire Global Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in Hartford, CT, to transmit command
 signals to the LEMUR Phase 1 non-geostationary orbit satellite system and receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the
 402-403 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

 Points of Communication:

 SES-STA-20160613-00512                 E E160043          Spire Global, Inc.
 Special Temporary Authority
 Class of Station:

 Spire Global Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in San Francisco, CA, to transmit command
 signals to the LEMUR Phase 1 non-geostationary orbit satellite system, and to receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the
 402-403 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

 Points of Communication:

 SES-STA-20160613-00513                 E E160033          Spire Global, Inc.
 Special Temporary Authority
 Class of Station:

 Spire Global Inc. requests special temporary authority for 180 days to operate its fixed earth station in Ellicott, CO, to transmit command signals
 to the LEMUR Phase 1 non-geostationary orbit satellite system and receive telemetry and tracking signals from this system in the 402-403 MHz
 (Earth-to-space) and 402-403 MHz (space-to-Earth), and 2020-2025 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands.

 Points of Communication:

For more information concerning this Notice, contact the Satellite Division at 418-0719; TTY 1-888-835-5322.

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Document Created: 2016-06-21 18:05:41
Document Modified: 2016-06-21 18:05:41

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