Attachment 20170207141029-050.p





This document pretains to ITC-TAO-19990402-00216 for Temporary Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                    Categories of

                 ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE
                 GLOBAL FACILITIES
9| 9 9 0) 0) 9

                 CLOBAL FACILITIE
                 CLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                 INDIVIDUAL FACILITI®
                 ~@LOBAL RESALE SERVICER |.>
  m              sWITCHED RESALE SERVICE.
ts               TRANSFER OF CONTROL ©   >
                        — te
                               * #


  Description of Application:

                                                      O PY
                                      3000 K STRE ET, NV*, S J11T1 30)
                                      WASHIN 3TC N, 13C 20C )7—i1 11}
                                           ~~ELE?HO IE (i 02) 24— 500
                                            SAC iIMI E (202) 4 24—1 545
                                                                                  QCS       NEw Yor k OfFiCE
                                                                              Q"L\%        91.9 THIRCE AVINUE
                                                                                         NEW YORK, NY 19022
                                              Apr 1 2, 1998               $
VIA COURIER                                      ze oWs

Maga ie Roman Sal is, Esq.
Federal Cornmunic: tions Commission
Internationil Bureai, Telecommunications Di is on
P.O. Box: 358115
Pittsb irgh, Pennsyl ania 15251—5115

    Atentior: Troy Tanner, Chief, Policy and F aci ities F ranch, International Bureau

        Re:     CoreComm Newco, Inc. R:qiies:fcr pecial Temporary Aut 10rity

Dear iSecretary Sala i:

        Cor:Comm Newco, Inc. ("CoreCorim Newco",JS N Communicatior s Midwest, Inc.
("USMNC—MW"), an| USN Communication s N orthei st, Inc. ("USNC—NE")* (Jointly, "Proposed
Assig 10rs": (collecively, the "Applicants"), ty tie incersigred counsel ind pursuant to Section
63.04 of the Comm: ssion‘s Rules, 47 C.F.F.. { 62.0¢,, h sre y request Special Temporary
Authcrity ("STA") to permit CoreComm New :o to cor tinuie to provide the international services
currer tly provided t y USNC—MW and USIYC—NI: purs 1ant tc those parties‘ Section 214
authoizatic ns (the ‘ USNC 214 licenses"), 1uring the p :ncéency of the Applicants‘ underlying
Secticn 214 applica ion.

U       CoreComm Newco currently holds global Section 214 authority (File No. ITC—98—338
(effective June 17, 1998)).

¥       USNC—MW initially obtained its Section 214 authorization in the name USN
Communications, Inc. (File No. ITC—95—213 (effective April 24, 1995)), and USNC—NE initially
obtained its authorization in the name United Telemanagement Services, Inc. (File No. ITC—94—328
(effective July 16, 1994)).

Mag: lie Roman Salas, Esc .
April 2, 1999
Page 2

        In the applic: tion, iittech »d liereto, the A.pplic: int:; request autho ‘ity to as: ig11 the USWNC
214 1 cerses to CoreComn. Nzwco." On ‘et ruiry 19. 1$599, CoreComti Newco‘s iridirect pare it
comp an:, CoreComin Limite1 ("(CereCommmt Ltd."), executed an Asuet ?uchase Agrecment to
ac qui e ::ubstantic lly all of the: assets of USN Com nu aications, Inc. ("L SMC"), the Propesed
Acsig no :s‘ indirect parent :sorap:iiny. In conneciion with thit transactioi, tie Preposed Assigners
propc se to assign their Sectio a 214 licenses :o CorsC omm ‘Newco. (ZTo:icurrent wit i the
exset tion of the Agr:semer t, UJSNC and t ve ve of its sut siciaries, incly dir g USWNC—MW and
USN S—1IE, filed ol intary petition:: under Chapte 1! o1 th: United St: tes Bank urftey Code, 11
U.S.C. $ 101, et. seq. in th: U.S. Binkrug tey Cour: fcir the DDistrict of C elaware. Simultanecusy,
   GN 2 and the se ling subsidiarics filed a motion ssel ins:; tke Bankn ptcy Court‘ s approvil cf the
sa e c their asset: ar d bus ness as ; goin;; concerr to CcreComm Ltd. incer the Aprecmint as
th: bost way to maximize creditor r:coveies and pres erve t ninterruptec| service :o custoniers.
Tie Hankruptcy Court has scheduled a heariag for Ay ril 2, 1999, to :or sicer USNC:"s motion for
authc riz ition of the proposed sale to Core CemraLtd. Subjcct to ‘equirsd egulatory apprtov ils.
th:: b: nkruptcy process is expzct2d :o be concluded b:r April 2, 15 99.

         Following consummation of the transactior,, C oreComm Meviec            w.11 conimie o cffer the
intert ati onal serv ces to the e:tisiing: custe mer base of USNC—MV‘ and       JSNC—NE undear the
saine ratss, terms ancd conditions as currently provide| b: TCSNC—MW ;          nd USNC—ME.
Acco ‘dirigly, the rar:saction wil. be virtually triins »a1 2nt to USNC:‘s cu   stoners.

          The STA vequiested herein vill seive the ptbli: interest. First, tie i3TA will enabl:
Corel Jonm Newco t> service th: customer sccounts of USINC—MW anc. USNC—NE during the
pead: ncy of the Z.pplicants‘ inderlving Section 214 ; pp iction, inc ud ng immedictely upo: i
coast    mination of the sale after approval of tie BBankript:sy Court. This process will ensu‘e the
conti    ued provisi n >f reliabls, uninterrupted serv:ce to JSNC‘s reside iti;il and busin=css
custo    ne‘s. Grant of an STA iailso will afford the Banl ruptey Court gre: ter comfort thet approviil
of the    proposed sile will benefit USNC‘s creditors an 1 existing customers.

          The proposed transaction should not cause inconvenience or confusion to the USNC
entities‘ customers, but rather will allow USNC‘s customer base to be served by a strong,
innovative competitor. Accordingly, the Applicants respectfully request an STA so that they
may proceed to complete the proposed transaction.

      Under these extraordinary circumstances, the Applicants respectfully request Special
Temporary Authority under Section 214 to permit CoreComm Newco to serve the accounts of

3     Under the relevant transaction, CoreComm Newco‘s parent company, CoreComm Limited
("CoreComm Ltd."), is in the process of purchasing substantially all of the assets of USN
Communications, Inc. ("USNC"), the parent company of USNC—MW and USNC—NE.

the Proposed Assignors during the pendency of the underlying Section 214 application. The
Applicants acknowledge that grant of this request will not prejudice action by the Commission
on the Applicants‘ pending request for authority to assign the USNC Section 214 licenses to
CoreComm, and that any authority granted pursuant to this request is subject to cancellation or
modification upon notice, but without a hearing.

        As required by the Commission‘s rules, a filing fee in the amount of $780.00 is included
with this STA request. Please direct any inquiries regarding this filing to the undersigned.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                           C%C/y                   WeCQe—
                                             Eric J. Branfman, Esq.
                                             Lawrence A. Walke, Esq.
                                             SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP
                                             3000 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
                                             Washington, D.C. 20007
                                             Telephone: 202/424—7500

                                             Counsel for CoreComm Newco, Inc.

Dated: April 2, 1999



                  EXHIBIT A

Application to Assign Section 214 Authorizations

                                                  Bei ore th e
                                             W; shing ton, 1.C. 2)554

In th: Matter 0




         ind                                                      File Nc. ITC—99—_________

A; pl cation : or au ‘hority pursuant :o Section 214
Ccm nunicat o1 s . \ct of 1934, as a nendi d,
to as: ig i Sec tic n i 14 authorizatior s

                                               4 PPL .CAT [(ON

        CoreCo: nr i Newco, Inc. ("JoreC mm Newc" or t ie "P1ioposed Assignee"),‘ USN

Ccm nunicat or s ] {idwest, Inc. ("USNC MW‘ ), and USN Tomtr unications Northeast, Inc.

("US NC—NE ) |jontly, "Proposed Assigiiors") (colle stivel‘, the ‘Applicants"), by the

undesijmed coi in: el, hereby reque it autt ority, pursuant to Secticn 214 of the Communications

Act of 1934, as an ended, 47 U.S.C . § 214, anc Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules,

47 C.F.R. § 63.18, to assign the Section 214 authorizations of USNC—MW and USNC—NE (the

"USNC 214 licenses") to CoreComm Newco.*

        ‘ CoreComm Newco currently holds Section 214 authorization to provide international service
on a global basis as both a facilities—based carrier and resale carrier to all countries of the world except for
those on the Commission‘s exclusion list. (File No. ITC—98—338 (effective June 17, 1998).

       * Under the relevant transaction, the ultimate parent company of CoreComm Newco, CoreComm
Limited ("CoreComm Ltd."), is in the process of acquiring substantially all of the assets of USN
Communications, Inc. ("USNC"), the parent company of USNC—MW and USNC—NE.

        ‘urthe more, as describ d bel w an | in th : requ sst fo Spec al Temporary Au ‘horit >

("STA L.eque t") as sociated wi 1 this applic ation, Appl cants ‘espe tfully request exrf edite |

action r sgard ng th s applicatio i. Co eCon m Ne vco‘s ultim ite pz ent c mpany, Co eCor m

Limited ("Co1 :Con m Ltd."), h s exe uted in agremer t to p rchas : sub: tantially all of the

assets 0: ‘the F ropos :d Assigno: ;‘ par ‘nt co npany , US? [ Cor muni ation ,, Inc. ("US. IC"), inder

the supe rvisic 1 of t e U.S. Ban ‘ruptc y Cou t, wh ch ha ; sche fuled i hea ing for Apr l 2, 1: 99 to

conside the propos :d sale. Ex »edite 1 action reg irding this . pplic ition vill allow C »reCc mm

Newco :o pro ‘ide c »ntinuous s rvice :o the Propce sed A ssigne rs‘ e» sting customer b; se an | will

afford t! e Bar krupt :y Court gri ater c mfor : that ; ppro‘ al of he pr pose: . sale will b nefit

USNC‘: credi :ors a id custome:i.

        1is dis :usse . more fully belov , US? ‘C—M V‘s S ‘ction 214 : ithori zation initia ly w; s

obtainec in th : nam : of USN C mmnicati ns, I1 c., an 1 US? ‘C—NI ‘s Se tion 214 au horiz ition

initially was c »tain: d in the nat ie of‘ Jnitec Teler ianag :ment Servi :es, 1 c. CoreCo1 im L 1.,

through its wt olly—« wned subsi liary, CoreComm New: o is a somp titive provider of integ ated

telecom nunic ation: services to Jusin iss an | resic sntial custo ners : 1 the Jnited States.

CoreComm N sweo :urrently p1 »wvide; inter iational tele :omit unica ions : srvices pur: uant 1 )

Section 214 authori_—ation grant~d by this Commission. Neither Co eComm Newco nor an; of

its affiliates or subsidiaries currently is affiliated with the USNC entities or any of their affiliates

or subsidiaries.

        As described herein, grant of the requested assignment of the USNC Section 214 licenses

will permit the customers of those entities to be served by CoreComm Newco, a strong and

innovative competitor. Accordingly, grant of this Application is in the public interest.


        In support of this Applisatior , App icant: subn it the follov ing inform: tion:


        A.      CoreComm Ne wco

        CoreComm Newco is a Delay rare c »rpor: tion a 1d an indire :t, wt ally—c wned subsi liary

of CoreComm Ltd. CoreComn Ltd. s a pi blic compai y trac ed on the N ASD. .Q stcck ex ‘hang :

under the symbol COMMF, wi ‘h hes iquar ers at 110 E. 59 5t., N w Y rk, N w Ycrk 10 122.

CoreComm Newco is currently authc rized :o off ir inte natio ial se vices jursu int to Secticn 21«

authorization granted by this C ammi sion. As ¢viden :ed by the i1 form; tion s ibmit:ed w th

CoreComm Newco‘s applicaticn for secticn 214 authc izatic n, wh ch th : Con missi m

approved, CoreComm Newco is well quali ied t« serve the e tistin;y cust mer t ase 0/ ‘the L SNC

entities. CoreComm Newco‘s :xisti1 g gloal Se :tion : 14 at thoriz ition ‘ntitle ; it to (1) 1 ssell

the international services of auihorize d U.S. com non c wrier; for tl e pro "ision of int rnati mal

basic switched, private line, data, tele vision , and jusin( ss se vices o all ntern: tiona poin‘ s

subject to the terms and conditions 0: Sectin 63 18(e) 2) of he C¢ mmi: sion‘s rules; and (}) to

operate as a facilities—based carrier si bject :0 the terms and c inditi ns of Sectic n 63.18(e)( 1).

CoreComm Newco is considered a n in—dominan carri r und »r the Comu iissio i‘s rules.

Following consummation of the proposed transaction, CoreComm Newco will continue to be

qualified to operate as an authorized non—dominant international carrier.

        > File No. ITC—98—338 (effective June 17, 1998).


        13.     USNC, USNC—MVW and USN— NE

        ‘JSNC is a Dels ware corpoi ation with ; rincipal offices located at 10 Sot th Riversid :

Plaza C iicag >, IL 606)6. USNC, through var ous o serating subsidiaries, is auhorized to

provide inira::tate interexchange se vices in 48 itates and to provide local teleph ne service: in

18 states.* A dditionally, USNC is autho ized i hrough the Proposed Transferor: to of: er

internatonal services p irsuaiit to S sction 214 ; uthorizations grantec| by this Cornmission: (1)

File No. I1‘C—95—213 (effective Apiil 24, 1995) initislly held in the name USN Somn unica:ions,

Inc., whick USN subsequently re—n imed USN Comir unications Micdwest, Inc. (‘USN C—MV"");

and (2) "il : Mo. ITC—9}—328 (effecive Jily 16, 1994;, initially held in the name United

Telemanagenient Services, Ir c. ("L TS"), whicl. USNC subsequently re—named | JSN

Communicati ons Northeast, Jnc. (" JSNC—NE".


        (On February 19, 199$ , Core Comin Nev co‘s indirect parent company, C )reCo nm L :d.,

executed a 1 Aisset Purc 1ase Zigreer ient ({he "A greem ent") to acquir: substantia ly all of the

assets of USNIC. In connection wit 1 that trans: ction, the Proposed \ssignors propose to ass ign

the USNC 214 licenses to CoreComm Newco t ) enable CoreComm Newco to serve the exi: ting

customer base of the USNC entities currently served under those Section 214 authorizations.

        Concurrent with the parties‘ execution of the Agreement, USNC and twelve of its

subsidiaries, including USNC—MW and USNC—NE, filed voluntary petitions under Chapter 11 of

        * USNC‘s operating subsidiaries include, among others, USN Communications Midwest, Inc.,
USN Communications Northeast, Inc., USN Communications West, Inc., USN Communications Atlantic,
Inc., USN Communications Southwest, Inc. and USN Communications Maine, Inc.


the Unied St ites B ankru »tey C ode, 11 U.© .C. § 101, ¢. seq. in the U.S. 3ankraptcy Court for

the Disrict o0 ‘Dela ware. Simultaneously, JSNC and t 1e sel‘ing s bsidizries filed a notion

seeking the E ankru stcy Court‘; approval 0 ‘ the sale of their issets ind bi sines:: as a zoing

concerr to CoreCo:nm L d. uncler the Agre :ment, as th s best way t ) max mize crediior

recover es an 1 pres »rve t ninter upted servicce to custoniers. ‘"he Biinkru; tey C aurt h as schadule

a hearit g for April 2, 195 9, to (onsidr US NC‘s motioi for authori zation of the: prop ased sale to

CoreCcmm I td. S ibjeci to rec uired segul; tory approv als, th: banl ruptc: procss is expected to

be conc luded by Ajril 2, 1999.

        As de scribe 1 in tt e Apt licants‘ reqiest fir special teriporai y autt ority, expeilited action

regardiiig thi: Appilicatio 1 will serve thept blic interest in several r:spect;. First, in :ombinatior

with gr: int of the re juest ‘or sp—cial tempot iry ay thorit —, expeditiou‘s acti n will enal le

CoreCe mm Nleweco‘s imi r1ediat : and contir ued servici1 g of USNC s cust »mer iccou its upon

consummatic n of thie sale folloving approy al of the Ba ikruptcy Cc urt. 1his w 11 ens ure the

continued pre visio1. of re liable, uninterrupt :d service to) thousands »f resi lential and »usiness

customers du ing a 1y int rim priod. Seco :d, ex pediti us action will fac litate the b: nkruptcy

process by af ‘ording the Sourt greater com ort that apr roval of the proposed sale wil . benefit

USNC‘s creditors and existing customers. Finally, and perhaps most obviously, expeditious

approval of the proposed amended Application will promote the continued development of

effective competition in the telecommunications market by allowing the existing customer base

of the Proposed Assignors to be served by a strong, experienced competitor committed to

preserving and building upon USNC‘s existing customer base and expanding consumer choice

through the provision of advanced, high quality products and services.



       Pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(5) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(5),
Applicants submit the following information:

       (a)    Name and address of Applican‘s:

              Proposed As.iignee:

              CoreComin lNeviec , Inc.
               110 East 59°" Stiee:
              New York, New York 10022.
              Telephone: :}12/9(6—§}485
              Facsimile: 212/905—849"‘

              Proposed Asiiignors:

              USN Communications N idive:t, Inc.
              10 South Riverside Pliaza
              Chicago, Illinois: 60606
              Telephone: 12(9( 6—3600
              Facsimile: 312/47.1—081+

              USN Commuinications Nort 1e: st, Inc.
              10 South Riverside Pliaza
              Chicago, Illinois: 60606
              Telephone: 312,9053—360(0)
              Facsimile: 31 2/+74—0§14

       (b)    CoreComm lNevico is a com pany organized under the laws of Delaware. Both
              USNC entitics are organizec. under the laws of Delaware. CoreComm Ltd. and
              USNC have cxecuted an Agreement under which CoreComm Ltd. will purchase
              substantially all of USNC‘s assets. In connection with this transaction, the
              Proposed Assignees propose to assign the USNC Section 214 licenses to
              CoreComm Newco. Following consummation of the transaction, CoreComm
              Newco will service the customer accounts currently served by the USNC entities
              under those entities‘ Section 214 authorizations.

       (c)        Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

                  Eric J. Branfman, Esq.
                  Lawrence A. Walke, Esq.
                  3000 K Stieei, N .W., Sui e 300
                  Washington, J.C. 20007
                  202/424—7.50( (1 el)
                  202/424—70341 (Fax

with copie: to:

                  Christopher 4. Polf
                  Assistant Ger er:l Couasel
                  CoreComri L im tec!
                  110 E. ©9" St
                  New York Nsw Ycork 10)22
                  Telephcne (212 ) 906— 3405
                  Facsimile: (2: 2) 90 5—8 497


                  Ellen C:ai;;
                  Vice Prossider t o ‘R sgulatory Affairs
                  USN Com nu iic ations, Ir c.
                  10 South Fiversi de Plsza
                  Chicago, L L 636 6.
                  Telephcne 3: 2/)06—300(
                  Facsimile: 31 /4 74—0814

                  The tweo. Section 214 license:; held by the USNC entities are as follows: (1) File
                  No. ITC—95—2 13 (effective A pril 24, 1995), initially held in the name USN
                  Communications, Inc., which USN subsequently re—named USN Communications
                  Midwest, Inc. ("USN—MW"); and (2) File No. ITC—94—328 (effective July 16,
                  1994), initially held in the name United Telemanagement Services, Inc., which
                  USN subsequently re—named USN Communications Northeast, Inc. ("USN—NE").
                  Under both authorities, USN is authorized to provide international switched
                  services by reselling the international switched services of other carriers, pursuant
                  to 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2).

                  CoreComm Newco, Inc. is authorized to operate as both a facilities—based and
                  resale carrier in accordance with 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2). See File No.
                  ITC—98—338 (effective June 17, 1998). CoreComm received authorization to (1)


       resell the international services of authorized U.S. common carriers for the
       provision of international basic switched, private line, data, television, and
       business services to all international points subject to the terms and conditions of
       Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s rules and (2) to operate as a facilities—
        ased carrier sutject to the terms and corditions of Section 63.18(e)(1).

(e)(5) This ap licati n seeks authority for th: USNMC 214 Licenses to be assigned t>
       Core So nm Newv co. pursuan: to Section }3.18(2)(5) of the Commission‘s Rules
       U ador t ie rele va it transaction, ‘co: eC ar m Ne veo‘s ultimate parent compary,
       Core To nm L :d. is in the process of : oqiiring substantially all of the assets of
       USNC, the parer t compariy of US]IC MW nc USNC—NE. Following
       ccnsim natio:a 0 " the transactioi, Cor :Com n 1 Tewco will provide service to the
       e ist ng custo ners currenily ser vec. by‘ th e UST IC entitics under those entities‘
       Section 214 Licenses. As descr be 1 a»o0ve, Co eComm Newco, Inc.‘s Secticn
       2] 4 ; uthoriza io:\ already exicee is he scupe of the authorizations at issue in hi:
       A »plication.

(£)    Nt ; pp licabl:.

(g)    Nt ; pp licabl:.

(h)    Core So nni N ew co is not a fore gr ca Tier and is not afiiliated with any foreign

       Ron:ld Baron, B arcn Capita. G ou p, ) nc , Barc n Capita! Management Inc.,
       BAN:C(), |nc , a 1d ‘he Baroil A sset F inc colle :tively h old shares that constitut
       ar proxi nately 1{.1‘% of the out ita idiig stock »f CoreComm Ltd. The address
       for th es: compar ies is 767 F fitkt A rer ue, 24th "loor, New York, New York
       1(153. Snyd:r Japital Manage mnt, L.P., 35() Califor iia Street, Suite 146( , S
       Fian isco, Ca ifc mia 94104, owns approxiniat ly 15% of CoreComm‘s
       o1 tstanc injz staci :. ‘No other sharel olcers on or vote niore than 10% of
       CoreComni Lid. s cutstanding stock.

       CoreComm Newco and CoreComm Ltd. share officers and directors with another
       publicly traded Delaware corporation, NTL Incorporated ("NTL"). Subsidiaries
       of NTL are foreign carriers in the United Kingdom of Great Britain competing
       with the dominant carrier in that country. The United Kingdom is a member of
       the World Trade Organization. NTL does not have the ability to discriminate
       against unaffiliated U.S. international carriers through control of bottleneck
       services or facilities in Great Britain. A subsidiary of NTL, NTL (UK) Group,
       Inc., is authorized to provide international resale and facilities—based
       telecommunications services. See Files No. ITC—98—161 and ITC—98—163.

           (1)   Applicants certify that they have not agreed and will nc t a we: i1 the future to
                 accept special concessions, as defined in Section 63. 14(b) f he Commission‘s
                 Rules, directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier, as defin:d     n ection
                 63.18(h)(1)(ii) of the Commission‘s Rules, with resr eci to any U       .S. international
                 route where the foreign carrier possesses sufficient n iar :et po we   ‘ 0: 1 the foreign
                 erid of the route to affect competition adversely in th: U.S m ark     t, and will not
                 eriter into such agreements in the future.

           G)    CoreComm Newco certifies that no party to this app ic: ticn i; si bj ct to a denial
                 of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the 4 nt: —D us; A use Act of 19}8.

           (k)   Applicants request streamlined processing of this apj ilic ati n bei ause Applican‘is
                 do not have an affiliation within the meaning of Sectior 6: .1:i(h (1 (i) with any
                 foreign carriers or any dominant U.S. carriers.


        For the reasons stated hcrein, CoreComm Newco, USN Con im           ini satior s M [idwest, Inc.,
and USN Communications Northeast, Inc. respectfully submit that he          pu >li; ir ter »st,
convenience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this appl ca      i011 fur a itt ority to assign
the Section 214 licenses of USNC—MW and USNC—NE to CoreCon m                Newco. Ap plicants
respectfully request thiat the Cornmissionauthorize the proposed as: ig     m‘nt ; dsc ibed herein to
permit the Applicants to consurnmate the underlying transaction on an ex »ec ite 1 b asis.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                                                               ?   wC

                                            /C/(/"'                Q /C «l
                                            Eric J. Branfman, Esq.
                                            Lawrence A. Walke, Esq.
                                            SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FFR [EDM. N, LLP
                                            3000 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
                                            Washington, D.C. 20007
                                            Telephone: 202/424—7500

                                            Counsel for CoreComm Newco

Dated: April 2, 1999


                            CERTIFICATION OF TRANSFEREE

       I, Christopher A. Holt, Assistant General Counsel of CoreComm Newco, Inc., hereby
certify that CoreComm Newco, Inc. is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to
Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

       Further, I hereby certify that the statements in the foregoing Application are true,
complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

                                                 CoreComm Newco, Inc.

                                                                     . Hockheu
                                                 Christogher A. Holt
                                                 Assistant General Counsel

                                                 April 2, 1999 _

Document Created: 2019-04-18 07:04:15
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 07:04:15

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