Attachment 20170207085728-443.p





This document pretains to ITC-TAO-19990302-00158 for Temporary Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                Before the                                                    Lc3
                                          Was) ington, L.C. 2055|                                      &9
T1 the Matt:r of                                                                        d@: i
LoTel Inc. d/b/;                                                                     «&
Coord nate 1 Bil ing Services                                         .
                                                             { trean lined           ITC—TAO—19990302—30158
                                                             1 OTEL INC.                         .
2 .ppli< ation: for ;pecj al Ts mporary   )                  COOR }INAT ZD BILLING SERVICES
Cipera ing »Authc rity jurst ant          )                  f'                                  umm
to 47 .F.R. Section 53.0¢                 )                                                                   !
a ; amndec, to 1 »sell service            )                File No. ____ Tefil@fifififi!m Divigtos
of oth r conmoii caniers o                )                                                [E
provic 2 swtchei! semvice f:om            )                       dat k.            MAR 3 1 1999
the U1 ited State: to                     )
itern; tioni l poi its.                   )                       autioris ed:‘ByrT:dATIONAL 65
                                                                  Ergives : Sept 27, 1999

                                                                      &HI&'F' Fm,lc%/’Ac;u_zz Bemep

           LoTel, Lh c. d/b/a Coorcinated Billing Sem ices ("Cc ordit ated Billing Services") hereby

re ques :s authorit ;, pursuar t to Section 63 04 of the Con miss ion‘s Rules; 47.C.F.R. Section 63.04

(1992), for spcial temporary operaiing authprity to resel the international message

comm inicaiions services of other com non carrers jetwoen tie United States and various

intern: tional ponts.     Coordinated Billiig Servic:s requires this special temporary operating

author ty in orde : to provicle intzarnationa! calling survice to i s cu: tomers, and to prevent damage
to its wusingss cue to the inability to povid: this service.              Coprdinated Billing Services has

previously applied for international           operating     authority under        Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 214 (1988), and Section 63.18 of

the Commlsswns Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18 (1992).

           Coordinated Billing Services is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of

Minnesota. Coordinated Billing Services has no foreign affiliations. The company intends to

resell the telecommunications facilities of other common carriers and is not a facilities—based

carrier.      Coordinated Billing Services will offer service nationwide.            Through its service,

                                                  Before the
                          FEJERAL C OMUUNICA TIONS C( OMMISSION
                                         Was rington, 1 .C. 2055 |                                            e€
                                                                                                      C c\\fl\fi

In the Matier of                                                                           e
LoTel, Inc. d/b/ i                                                                        @95
Coorc inated Bi. lingg Servii : :es                                                 ?d@

+.ppli:ationn for Special T ‘:mporary
(Operating Auth »rity purs| ant
t) 47 C.F.E.. Setion 63.0 }
as am ‘nded, to : esell serv ce                              Fil: No. ___
cf oth :r co nmo 1 caririers :o
provice switche 1 service rom
t ie U1 ited State s to
i itern itionil po nts.

                                  A 2PL[CA] IO0N FO it AUTH)RT‘ ‘Y

           LoTel, Iic. d/b/a Coordlinated Billing Ser ices ("C« ordii ated Billing Services") hereby

reques ts authori y, pursua it to isection 6: .04 cfthe Conimis: ion‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.04

(1992, fo: spscial teriporary cperaiing authority to rese l the international message
comm imication: services of cther common carm ers »etw en iae United States and various

irtern: tionsl pcints.     Cordinated Billing Services requir s th s special temporary operating

author ity in orde r to provi le in ernaiona| call ng s »rvice to i s cu tomers, and to prevent damage
tc its pusiness lue to th inability to provice th s service.           Cc rdinated Billing Services has

previously      applied   for    international   operating     authority    under   Section   214    of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 214 (1988), and Section 63.18 of

the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18 (1992).

           Coordinated Billing Services is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of

Minnesota. Coordinated Billing Services has no foreign affiliations. The company intends to

resell the telecommunications facilities of other common carriers and is not a facilities—based

carrier.     Coordinated Billing Services will offer service nationwide.             Through its service,

custc mers ma; originat calls na ionv ide ir in othe:              intries for terminat on ir        Uni ed

State:; or to othr cjuntries.              Tle company :           s authority to reell             natio ial

telec mm immic: tion:    services to bettr serve its c             mers by offering a fu.           mge of

telec mm inicition: preoduct:; ani sevices                By j     iding international calli        servic es

Coot linat :d B lling Sen ices will ie at e to offer its c         ners i valuiable serv ce at      ipetit: ve

        Cc ordi: ated Bill ng S »rvic :s he s pre viou: ly ap      1 for inter iational o »erati    uthor ty

unde Secion 214 of ths Communica ions Act of 1$                    as arriend :d, 47 U.S.C.         ion 214

(198(), aid Sectica 6:.18 of te Comnission‘s R                     , 47 C.F R. Secticn 63           (199}).
Coor linat :d B lling Ser ices‘ app icati on fir thi ; autt        y was received for »roce:        : by the

Mell: n B; nk 0 1 Fel ruar : 19, 199¢ . A ile—s amp :d co:         f this appl cation is ittach     ereto as

Exhil it 1.
        Cc »rdii ated Bill ig S »rvic :s or gina ly p annel        have rece ved Section 21         Jerati ig

authc ity oy J nuay 1, 1990..          Lliowever, Zootr linate     lilling Services‘ ap jlicat      for t] is

authc ty > vas i sturt ed t vice 3y thk : Mllon Bant due           iling rreg ilarities. In ea      ase, t ie

Mell: n B; nk r turn :d th : filiig to a lo atio: : oth ir tha     plicant‘s «c ounsel, re sultir   furth er

delay i. T ais t as re sulte 1 in ZToo1 lina sd P lling Serv       haviig a substantii l cus        »r bae,

withc ut th : abi ity t ) prc vide these cus ome s wi‘h inte       ional calliag service. If (      dinat :d

Billit 3z Se vice ; is 1 nabl : to ~rovi le th sse c usto1rers >   inter 1atio aal servic : wit]    he ne xt

sever i1 we »ks, Zoor linai :d Billing Serv ces :stim ites t]      t will suffer substantial da     CS.

        The provision of international serviced by Coordinated Billing Services will not have any

significant impact on the general provision of such service to the public. Additional competition

in the market, however, benefits consumers of international telecommunications services. The

benefits of competition include lower prices and increased availability of a variety of service

options. The grant of this authorization will increase competition in the market. Thus, the grant

of this authorization is consistent with the public interest. Coordinated Billing Services believes

                                                                           FCC Section 214 Application
                                                          LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                                                  Page 2

that both this application for Special Temporary Operating Authority as well as its original

Section 214 application are non—controversial, and will not have a significant affect upon the
larger te‘lecommuinications indt stry.

       In support of this request f‘or Special Temporse y Operating Authority, Coordinated

Billing Services sutkmits the folowing infc rmati n pursua it to Section 53.18 of the Comm:ssion

Rules, 47 C.F.R., Section 63.1¢.

(a)    The name and address cf applicant:

       LoTel, Inc.
       8120 Penn Avenue South
       Suite 159
       Bloomington, MN 55431

       Mailing Address:

       LoTel, Inc.
       8120 Penn Avenue South
       Suite 159
       Bloomington, MN 55431

(b)    LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services is i1 sorporated under the laws of the state

       of Minnesota.

(c)    Correspondence concerning this application should 3e sent to:

       Leon Oistad, President
       LoTel, Inc.
       8120 Penn Avenue South
       Suite 159
       Bloomington, MN 55431


       Steven C. Clay
       Attorney at Law
       310 Fourth Avenue South
       Suite 900
       Minneapolis, MN 55415
       Attorney for Applicant

                                                                    FCC Section 214 Application
                                                   LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                                           Page 3

(d)   Coordinated Billing Services has not previously received § 214 authority under the
      Communications Act of 1934.               Coordinated Billing Services has requested § 214

      a tho1 ty i1 a f ing o t : Ccmmi sion date—stamped Feb 1ary 19, 1999, an: attach 14

      b reto as F shib:   1.

(e)   C ord nate 1 Bi     ing Jerv :es 1 eque ts Specia Tempoary ( ‘per; ting Authorit pursua t

      t Sec ion 13.0¢ of t! 2 C« nmisior         s ru es in order to prov: le g: »bal facilities— ased a1 1

      n sale ervze o1     a te ipor ry basis, end ng th: grant 0‘ its sctic n 214 applicat on.

(£)   4 : thi tine, C ord: iate Bil ing          ervices seeks no othe! autl ority availabl under j

      6 .18( ;).

(g)   D t af »lic: ble.

(b)   C »ord aate 1 Bil ng i arvi 2s is not : filiated with any U.S. c for ign carrier.

      7 ie 0; ly indivi jals or e tities wh ‘h own 10 percent or n »re : f the stock or squity 1

      C »ord 1ated Bil ng < srvil   >S are as    )llows:

              Leon Oi:
              8120 Pel iA :nue South
              Suite 15
              Bloomin ton, MN 55431

      T ie 1( percent juit hol ar is a U. . citizen whose princip 1 business is as an officer f

      LoTel, Inc. d/b/; Coc ding ed Billin Services.

i)     Coor: inated B ling Senm ces certi es that it has not agre d and will not ag :e in the

      future to accept any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or

      administration with regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any

      foreign countries the company is authorized to serve.

O     Coordinated Billing Services certifies that no party to this application has been denied

      federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

                                                                        FCC Section 214 Application
                                                       LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                                               Page 4


       As demonstrated in this application, LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services is

legally, financially and technically qualified to provide the services for which it requeéts

authority. For the reasons stated above, applicant submits that the public interest, convenience

and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Section 214 application.

       Dated this [’cZ day of March, 1999.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                      8120 Penn Avenue South
                                     Suite 159
                                     Bloomingtori, MN 5:3431

                                              *‘ 2as" o rree?


                                      Steven C. Clay
                                     Attorney for Applicant
                                     310 Fourth Avenue Sou
                                      Suite 900
                                     Minneapolis, MN 55415
                                     Attorney for Applicant

                                                                    FCC Section 214 Application
                                                   LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                                          Page 5

_ hibit 1

Steven C. Clay                                                   |            l       FE3 2 5 19%
Attorney at Law
900 Flour Exchange Bldg.                                                                                     |
310 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415                                                         |                          _
telephone 612.321.9241
facsimile 612.321.9207

                                                                                    Januiry 21, 1999 .


Federal Communic: tic is Cc nt iissicn
IB Telecommunicat ior s Div sic n
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 152@ 1— 115

         RE:       App ic: tion f]     oTel, Inc. d/b/a Coo. ‘di rated Billing Services for authority
                  purs 12it to {jec    ion 214 of the Comun ut ies tions Act of 1934, as amended, to
                  resel| sc rvice of   other common carriers to j»rovide switched services from the
                  Unitcd itate tc      various international p »in ts

Dear Secretary:

       Enclosed pleas: find in sriginal ind five (5) oc pivs <f the application of LoTel, Inc. d/b/a
Coordinated Billing Se vices in the above—referenced i na ter.

        A check in the amount of $745.0 ) is enclosed us a filing fee, along with FCC Form 159.
This application is filed pursuant to streamlined filing requirements for international resellers.

       A copy of this cover letter is included to be stamped as filed and returned to me in the
enclosed self—addressed, stamped envelope as acknowledgment ofthis filing.

January 21, 1999
Page 2

       Thank you for your attention to this matter. Any questions regarding this filing should be
directed to Steven C. Clay, attorney for applicant, at 612—321—9241, or by mail at the address

                                      Sincerely                         _ ~Z»


                                   %                      s   /;

                                      Steven C. Clay
                                      Attorney for LoTel, Inc.
                                      d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services


ce:    Mr. Leon Oistad
       LoTel, Inc.
       d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services

FROM .: LAW OFFICES                        PHOMNE NQ.   : 321 9207                 riar.   KoM db   d i/ / t   ue in cmemma c c   2

                                    ANTI—DRUG ABUSE CERTIFICATION

                 Neither LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services, nor any party to this application,

           as defined in CFR 1.2002 (b)(2), is subject to a denial of Federal and/or State benefits, as

           provided in the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 833a.

                                                              Leon Oistad, President
                                                              LoTel, Inc.
                                                              d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                              $120 Penn Av miel ou h
                                                              Suite 159
                                                              Bloomington, MIT ; 54 }1

                                                              paee NeeA ! 1149

~FROM : LAWw gFFIces                           PHONE NQ.     : 321   9207                  Mar.   0g1 1999 @3:33PM P3


                   I hereby certify that LoTel, Inc. d/b/A Coordinated Billing Services is not affiliated with
            any foreign carrier, nor is it affiliated with any facilities—based carrier whose services it intends to

            resell. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the statements made in this application are

            true and correct.

                                                                     Leon Oistad, President
                                                                     LoTel, Inc.
                                                                     d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                     8120 Penn Avenue isouth
                                                                     Suite 159
                                                                     Bloomington, MIN 35431

                                                                     Datcd:mm‘&_’_r_ I_%i%

Document Created: 2019-05-28 13:16:11
Document Modified: 2019-05-28 13:16:11

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