Attachment 20170202093055-327.p





This document pretains to ITC-TAO-19990112-00077 for Temporary Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                       3000 K STREET, NW, SUiTE 300
                                       WAsSHINGTON, DC 20007—5116
                                            FACSIMILE (202) 424—7645

CATHERINE WANG                                                                               NEW YORK OFFICE:
DIRECT DIAL (202) 424—7837                                                                   919 THIRD AVENUE
CWANG@SWIDLAW.COM                                                                          NEW YORK, NY 10022

                                            January 11, 1999            tectanedcaoiirocet_
                                                                                ra@rRORAN ons
BY OVERNIGHT DELIVERY                                                   date:        MaAR — 2 1999

Ms. Magalie Roman Salas, Esq.                                           authorizedB¥s«;IONAL 6LA>
Secretary                                                                Expires : Aug. 24, 149
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau     '                                             /7aezzez     ;.}»7&744,4_3\
P.O. Box 358115                                                        i.nnture        o         e     B Abny
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115                                              _Phick Youl y£ Faieazins iP laf.)
Attention:         Troy Tanner, Chief, Policy and Facilities Branch, International Bureau

         Re:       Request of Global Airtime, Inc. for Special Temporary Authority

Dear Secretary Salas:

        Global Airtime, Inc.("GTI"), by its undersigned counsel, pursuant to Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 63.04 ofthe Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.
§ 63.04 (1998), hereby requests expedited Special Temporary Authority to provide international
message telecommunications service betweenthe United States and various international points for
the urgent reasons set forth herein. GTI seeks such authority at the earliest feasible date in order to
satisfy customer contracts to provide international telecommunications services pending grant of
GTT‘s Section 214 applicationfor regular authority.

        By Wway of background, GTI is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware. GTI is
not affiliated, as that term is defined by the Commission‘s Part 63 Rules, with any U.S. facilities—
based carriers whose service it will resell. GTI indirectly has several foreign affiliations with
nondominant competitive foreign carriers through its parent company, Pacific Gateway Exchange,
Inc. Those affiliations are already a matter of record at the Commission. (See letter to Magalie
Roman Salas, Esq. dated October 5, 1998.) This request for Special Temporary Authority
incorporates by reference the information contained in its pending Section 214 application, a copy
of which is enclosed.

      GTI submits that the public interest would be served by a grant of this request pending
Commission action on its Section 214 application. GTI believes that the added competition its entry

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                                        3000 * "~°sET, NW, SuttE 300
                                        Was         N, DC 20007—5116
                                                    )NE (202)424—7500
                                                    LE (202) 424—7645

CATHERINE WANG                                                                                NEW YoRK OFFICE:
DIRECT DtaAL (202) 424—7837                                                                   919 THIRD AVENUE
CWANG@sSWIDLAW.COM                                                                          NEW YORK, NY 10022

                                                    iry 11, 1999


Ms. Magalie Roman Salas, Esq.
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

Attention:          Troy Tanner, Chief, Poli,       1 Facilities Branch, International Bureau

          Re:       Request of Global Airtin        :. for Special Temporary Authority

Dear Secretary Salas:

          Global Airtime, Inc.("GTI"), by           adersigned counsel, pursuant to Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amende               1 Section 63.04 ofthe Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.
§ 63.04 (1998), hereby requests expedit             ecial Temporary Authority to provide international
message telecommunications service bet              the United States and various international points for
the urgent reasons set forth herein. GTI            such authority at the earliest feasible date in order to
satisfy customer contracts to provide in            ional telecommunications services pending grant of
GTI‘s Section 214 application for regul:            iority.

        By way of background, GTI is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware. GTT is
not affiliated, as that term is defined by the Commission‘s Part 63 Rules, with any U.S. facilities—
based carriers whose service it will resell. GTI indirectly has several foreign affiliations with
nondominant competitive foreign carriers through its parent company, Pacific Gateway Exchange,
Inc. Those affiliations are already a matter of record at the Commission. (See letter to Magalie
Roman Salas, Esq. dated October 5, 1998.) This request for Special Temporary Authority
incorporates by reference the information contained in its pending Section 214 application, a copy
of which is enclosed.

      GTI submits that the public interest would be served by a grant of this request pending
Commission action on its Section 214 application. GTI believes that the added competition its entry

Ms. Magalie Roman Salas, Esq.
January 11, 1999
Page 2

will bring to the market will benefit the consumers of United States—overseas services by providing
increased choices and competitive prices. Grant of this authority will also permit U.S.—based
customers to do business with their preferred carrier. Accordingly, GTI respectfully requests
expeditious grant of Special Temporary Authority. GTI acknowledges that grant of this request will
not prejudice action by the Commission on its Section 214 application and that any authority granted
pursuant to this request is subject to cancellation or modification upon notice, but without a hearing.

        As required by the Commission‘s rules, a filing fee in the amount of $780.00 is included.
Please direct any inquiries regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                                Catherine Wang
                                                    Counsel for Global Airtime, Inc.



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                             CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

         (On hbehalf of Gahal Airtime, Inc. and in accordance with Section 1.2001—1.2003 of the
Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, I hereby certify that no party to this request is
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the
Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § §53a. Further, I hereby certify that the statements
in thu fueugolag exquou (oe Eguulul Tuempusuey Autkosly use wus, semipglews, and sorpserre the best
of my knowledge and are made in good faith.

       To the extent required by the Commission‘s Kules, Global Airtime, Inc. certifies that it has
not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or
administration with respect to traffic or reveniie flnws hetween the TT S and various international
pmints on which Special Tempurary Aullwnily is pranted, and has uol agreed to enler intu such
agreements in the future.

                                             GLOBAL AIRTIME, INC.

                                             By:      ~THomas             T. MJAQLHYNTEC

                                             Name: Baw»» § MekR, Ni.
                                             Title: Aecubve VPGlbbal Ntiw¢s
                                             Date:      JMEa

Document Created: 2019-04-15 11:55:27
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 11:55:27

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