Joint Application for Transfer of Control of Accipiter Communications, Inc. d/b/a Zona Communications from ESU Zona LLC to Wyyerd Group Holdings, LLC
Filing: ITC | International Telecommunications |
Filing: T/C | Transfer of Control |
Status | Internet Not Processed |
Status Date | 2021-01-25 |
Date Filed | 2021-01-25 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Accipiter Communications Inc DBA Zona Communications
5600 Arapahoe Avenue
Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80303 USAContact
Tamar Finn and Brett Ferenchak
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 200042541 USA
5600 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80303 USA
1111 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004 USA
9460 Owl Lane
Boulder, CO 80301 USA
Wyyerd Group Holdings, LLC
1001 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20004-2505
Washington, DC 200042005 USA
9460 Owl Lane, Boulder, CO 80301 USA,
LLC, 1001 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20004-2505, Washington, DC 20004 USA,