Joint Application for the Transfer of Control of TPx Communications Co. from U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp. to Tango Private Holdings II, LLC
Filing: ITC | International Telecommunications |
Filing: T/C | Transfer of Control |
Status | Internet Not Processed |
Status Date | 2019-09-05 |
Date Filed | 2019-09-05 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
TPx Communications Co.
515 S. Flower St.
45th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 900712201 USAContact
Tamar Finn and Danielle Burt
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
1111 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 200042541 USA
515 S. Flower St., 45th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071 USA
1111 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20004 USA
Jennifer Rohrbach
U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp.
515 S. Flower Street
47th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 900712201 USA
Tango Private Holdings II, LLC
601 Lexington Avenue
59th Floor
New York, NY 10022 USA
515 S. Flower Street, 47th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071 USA,
LLC, 601 Lexington Avenue, 59th Floor, New York, NY 10022 USA,