Transfer of control of Cameron Communications, LLC due to distribution of Estate of Patrick L. Eudy to Jane R. Eudy, including 100 percent of member interests of ultimate parent American Broadband Communications, LLC.
Filing: ITC | International Telecommunications |
Filing: T/C | Transfer of Control |
Status | Internet Not Processed |
Status Date | 2018-10-31 |
Date Filed | 2018-10-31 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Cameron Communications, LLC
153 W. Dave Dugas Road
P. O. Box 167
Sulphur, LA 706640167 USAContact
Gerard J. Duffy
Blooston Lawfirm
2120 L Street NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC USA
153 W. Dave Dugas Road, Sulphur, LA 70664 USA
2120 L Street NW, Washington, DC USA
Estate of Patrick L. Eudy
5550 77 Center Drive
Suite 220
Charlotte, NC 28217 USA
Jane R Eudy
5550 77 Center Drive
Suite 220
Charlotte, NC 28217 USA
5550 77 Center Drive, Charlotte, NC 28217 USA,
5550 77 Center Drive, Charlotte, NC 28217 USA,