Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-INTR2018-06410 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                                                                FCC Form 214
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Information for Transferor, Transferee and Section 214 Holder

Larry C. Townes, President
Townes Telecommunications, Inc.
P.O. Box 729
120 E First Street
Lewisville, AR 71845
Phone: (800) 255-1975

Section 214 Holder
Tammy L Souza
Electra Telephone Company, Inc:
P.O. Box 485
130 North Fourth Street E-Mail:
Macclenny, FL 32063
Phone: (904) 259-0036

Legal Counsel
Benjamin Dickens
Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast
2120 L Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (202) 828-5510

Dustin J. Hilliary, Managing Member
Hilliary Acquisition Corp. Texas, LLC
P.O. Box 171
#1 Big Rock Boulevard
Medicine Park, OK 73557
Phone: (580) 529-5000

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Legal Counsel
Carri Bennet
Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP
1200 Nineteenth Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 857-4519

   Transferor, Townes Telecommunications, Inc., is a Texas corporation. Transferor is owned
    100 percent by husband and wife, Larry C. Townes (FRN: 0007742984) and Phillis Townes
    (FRN: 0018863696), both citizens of the United States.

   Electra Telephone Company, Inc. (“Electra”), the International 214 holder, FRN:
    0003757580, is a domestic corporation organized under the laws of the State of Texas.
    Electra is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Transferor, Townes Telecommunications, Inc. (TTI),
    FRN 0001657238, also a domestic corporation organized under the laws of the State of

   Hilliary Acquisition Corp. Texas, LLC (Hilliary), FRN 0027882158, is an Oklahoma limited
    liability company. Hilliary is owned by Edward E. Hilliary, Jr. (FRN 0017195116), Dustin J.
    Hilliary (FRN 0017195173), Michael J. Hilliary (FRN 0017195207), and Douglas J. Hilliary
    (FRN 0017195132), who each hold a 25 percent interest. All interest holders are US citizens.

   Electra has not previously received any International Section 214 authority other than the
    International Section 214 authority that is the subject of this application (ITC-214-20030516-
    00244). Electra’s authority is to provide international facilities-based or resale services.

   TTI holds an International Section 214 authority (ITC-214-19970710-00392) and is
    authorized to provide international resale services. TTI will continue to hold the
    authorization following the transfer proposed in this application.

   Neither Hilliary nor its owners has previously received any International Section 214
    authority on its own behalf.

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                                                                                    FCC Form 214
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Electra, the International 214 holder is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TTI. The name, address,
citizenship, and principal business of TTI’s ten percent or greater direct and indirect shareholders
or other equity holders is set forth below:

Mr. Larry C. Townes
120 E. First St.
Lewisville, AR 71845
Principal Business: President of Telecommunications Corporation
Percent Equity Ownership: 100%*
Citizenship: U.S.A

Mrs. Phillis Townes
120 E. First St.
Lewis, AR 71845
Principal Business: Secretary/Treasurer of Telecommunications Corporation
Percent Equity Ownership: 100%*
Citizenship: U.S.A

*Larry C. and Phillis Townes are husband and wife, and jointly own 100 percent of TTI pursuant
to Texas community Property law.

Following the consummation of the transfer of control proposed in this application, Electra will
be 100 percent owned by Hilliary. The name, address, citizenship, and principal business of
Hilliary’s ten percent or greater direct and indirect shareholders or other equity holders is set
forth below:

Edward E. Hilliary, Jr.
931 NE Brown
Elgin, OK 73538
Principal Business: Telecommunications
Percentage of equity: 25%
Citizenship: U.S.A

Dustin J. Hilliary
#1 Hilliary Dr.
Lawton, OK 73507
Principal Business: Telecommunications
Percentage of equity: 25%
Citizenship: U.S.A

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Michael J. Hilliary
P.O. Box 223
Medicine Park, OK 73507
Principal Business: Telecommunications
Percentage of equity: 25%
Citizenship: U.S.A

Douglas J. Hilliary ,
4052 NW Tackle Box Road
Lawton, OK 73507
Principal Business: Telecommunications
Percentage of equity: 25%
Citizenship: U.S.A

Neither the Applicant nor Hilliary have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.


Electra is the holder of an International 214 authorization granted under file number ITC-214-
20030516-00244. Electra is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TTI. TTI owns 100,000 shares of
Common Stock (par value $1.00 per share) of Electra. The present application seeks FCC consent
for the transfer of control of Electra and the International 214 authorization held by Electra from
TTI to Hilliary, an Oklahoma limited liability company that was newly formed to acquire a
controlling interest in Electra and its affiliate Tatum Telephone Company, Inc. (Tatum), a Texas
corporation (FRN 0003757564).

A separate application is being filed through the ECFS to seek approval for the transfer of
control to Hilliary of the Domestic 214 authorizations held by Electra and its affiliate, Tatum.
Tatum does not hold an International 214 authorization.

Hilliary is a holding company with its principal office at P.O. Box 171, #1 Big Rock Boulevard
Medicine Park, OK 73557. The principal business of Hilliary is a holding company of entities
providing telephone and broadband telecommunications service.

The proposed transaction will involve the purchase by Hilliary of the 100,000 shares of Common
Stock of Electra owned by TTI. Upon consummation, Hilliary will own 100 percent of Electra.
Dustin J. Hilliary is the Managing Partner of Hilliary. Hilliary does not offer domestic
telecommunications services.

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There will be no change in the day-to-day operations of the International 214 holder as TTI will
be retained as a consultant for Hilliary to assist in the transition of Electra to Hilliary pursuant to
a Consulting and Not-Competition Agreement.


This application qualifies for streamlined processing because none of the parties hereto are
affiliated with any foreign carrier nor is any party affiliated with any dominant U.S. carrier
whose international switched or private line services is being resold.

Document Created: 2018-10-02 11:28:42
Document Modified: 2018-10-02 11:28:42

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