Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-INTR2018-04131 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                               Attachment 1
                                                                              FCC Form 214
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  Information for Transferor, Transferee and Section 214 Holder

        Contact Information for Eugene B. Johnson, Chairman (Transferor), William H.
         Bradford, President & Chief Executive Officer (Transferee) and UTC Long Distance,
         LLC (Section 214 holder) is as follows:

            United Communications
            120 Taylor Street
            Chapel Hill, Tennessee 37034
            Telephone: (931) 364-4355

            Legal Counsel
            Howard Shapiro
            Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP
            Suite 500
            1200 Nineteenth Street, NW
            Washington DC 20036
            Tel. 202-857-4507

        Eugene B. Johnson the Transferor, FRN: 0027693316, is an individual and a citizen
         of the United States.

        William H. Bradford, the Transferee, FRN: 0027693274, is an individual and a citizen
         of the United States.

        UTC Long Distance, LLC (“UTC-LD”), the International 214 holder, FRN:
         0005023940, is a domestic limited liability company organized under the laws of the
         State of Tennessee.

        UTC-LD has not previously received any International Section 214 authority other
         than the International Section 214 authority that is the subject of this application
         (ITC-214-19970205-00061). Messrs. Johnson and Bradford have not previously
         received any International Section 214 authority on their own behalf. However, in
         2017, the Commission approved the acquisition of control of United Communications
         Holdings, LLC (“UCH”), the parent company of UCT-LD, by Messrs. Johnson and
         Bradford (ITC-T/C-20170908-00153).

                                                                                      Attachment 1
                                                                                     FCC Form 214
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UTC-LD, the International 214 holder is a 100% wholly-owned subsidiary of UCH. The
following information is provided for all entities that hold an ownership interest of 10% or more
in UCH:

William H. Bradford
United Communications
120 Taylor Street
Chapel Hill, Tennessee 37034
Citizenship: United States
Principal Business: Telecommunications
Pre-Consummation Ownership: 54.95% Equity / 50.0% Voting
Post-Consummation Ownership: 54.23% Equity / 82.0% Voting

Eugene B. Johnson
United Communications
120 Taylor Street
Chapel Hill, Tennessee 37034
Citizenship: United States
Principal Business: Telecommunications
Pre-Consummation Ownership: 42.05% Equity / 50.0% Voting
Post-Consummation Ownership: 22.02% Equity/ 18% Voting

Community Investments Foundation. (FRN: 0027667344)
220 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
Principal Business: Charitable Trust
Pre-Consummation Ownership: 0.0% Equity / 0.0% Voting
Post-Consummation Ownership: 20.74% Equity* / 0.0% Voting

*The Community Investments Foundation is a Florida charitable trust to which Eugene Johnson
donated a portion of the Class B non-voting shares received from William Bradford in connection
with this transaction. The remaining equity ownership interest in UCH is held by a former employee,
Michael F. Jury. Mr. Jury presently holds non-voting class B units amounting to 3.01% of the equity
of UCH. Mr. Jury is a United States citizen.

                                                                                      Attachment 1
                                                                                     FCC Form 214
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UTC-LD is the holder of an International 214 authorization granted under file number ITC-214-
19970205-00061. UTC-LD became a wholly-owned subsidiary of UCH in a transaction
approved by the Commission in 2011 (see file no. ITC-T/C-20110623-00175). UCH is a limited
liability company that was formed in 2011 by MSouth Equity Partners, LP (“MSouth”), William
H. Bradford (President and Chief Executive Officer), and Eugene B. Johnson (Chairman) to
acquire, inter alia, ownership of UTC-LD. In 2017, the Commission approved the redemption of
100% MSouth’s membership interests in UCH and the transfer of control of UCH and UTC-LD
to Messrs. Bradford (50%) and Johnson (50%) (see IBFS file no. ITC-T/C-20170908-00153,
WC Docket No. 17-242 and ULS file no. 0007929738).

There are two classes of membership interests in UCH; Class A carries voting rights and Class B
does not carry voting rights. On July 5, 2018, Messrs. Bradford and Johnson engaged in an
exchange of ownership interests whereby Mr. Bradford received Class A voting interests in UCH
from Mr. Johnson and Mr. Johnson received Class B non-voting interests in UCH from Mr.
Bradford. As a result of this exchange, Mr. Bradford moved from a position of negative control
of UCH (50%) to a position of positive control (82%) with no substantial change to his overall
equity position in the company. Mr. Johnson continues to hold the remaining 18% of the class A
voting membership interests in UCH. Additionally, on July 6, 2018 Mr. Johnson donated a
portion of his Class B non-voting membership interests to a charitable trust, thereby reducing his
overall equity position in UCH from approximately 42% to 22%.

William Bradford remains in his current position as President and Chief Executive Officer of
UCH and Eugene Johnson remains in his current position as Chairman of UCH. Accordingly,
this transaction will not result in any change in de facto control of the day-to-day operations of
the International 214 holder or its parent.

UTC-LD’s affiliate United Communications Inc. (“UCI”) holds one nationwide 3.65 GHz
license and 18 private microwave licenses authorizations from the Commission.
Contemporaneous notification has been filed with the FCC with respect to the pro forma
transfer of control described herein as it relates to those wireless authorizations.

Document Created: 2018-07-23 12:22:01
Document Modified: 2018-07-23 12:22:01

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