Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20190416-00102 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                             ATTACHMENT 1


        Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Section
64.24(f) of the Commission’s rules, 1 Tampnet Inc. (“Tampnet”) notifies the Commission of an
internal restructuring that occurred on April 9, 2019, which resulted in the pro forma transfer of
control of Tampnet and its international Section 214 authorization. Because the restructuring did
not result in a change in the ultimate control of Tampnet or its international Section 214
authorization, which continues to reside with 3iGroup plc (“3i Group”), the transaction was pro

Answer to Question 10 (Section 63.18(c)-(d))

       All communications in connection with this notification should be directed to the

Matthew Barker                                 Jonathan V. Cohen
3i Group plc                                   Jennifer L. Kostyu
Director                                       Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
16 Palace Street                               1800 M Street, N.W., Suite 800N
London, SW1E 5JD, United Kingdom               Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7975 3565                    Phone: 202.783.4141
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7975 3490                      Fax: 202.783.5851                   

       Tampnet holds one international Section 214 authorization to provide global facilities-
based and global resale services (File No. ITC-214-20150901-00218).

Answer to Question 11 (Section 63.18(h))

        Pursuant to Section 63.18(h) of the Commission’s rules, the following entities hold a direct
or indirect ten percent or greater equity interest in Tampnet:

          Name:                    Colombo US Bidco Inc.
          Address:                 1209 Orange Street
                                   Wilmington, DE 19801
          Citizenship:             Delaware
          Principal Business:      Holding company
          Ownership Interest:      Colombo US Bidco Inc. holds a 100 percent voting and equity
                                   interest in Tampnet.

          Name:                    Colombo Bidco Limited
          Address:                 16 Palace Street

    47 U.S.C. § 214; 47 C.F.R. § 64.24(f).


                      London, SW1E 5JD, United Kingdom
Citizenship:          United Kingdom
Principal Business:   Holding company
Ownership interest:   Colombo Bidco Limited holds a 100 percent voting and equity
                      interest in Colombo US Bidco Inc.

Name:                 Colombo Holdco Limited
Address:              16 Palace Street
                      London, SW1E 5JD, United Kingdom
Citizenship:          United Kingdom
Principal Business:   Holding company
Ownership interest:   Colombo Holdco Limited holds a 100 percent voting and equity
                      interest in Colombo Bidco Limited.

Name:                 Colombo Investment Holdings Limited
Address:              16 Palace Street
                      London, SW1E 5JD, United Kingdom
Citizenship:          United Kingdom
Principal Business:   Holding company
Ownership interest:   Colombo Investment Holdings Limited holds a 100 percent voting
                      and equity interest in Colombo Holdco Limited.

Name:                 Colombo Topco Limited
Address:              16 Palace Street
                      London, SW1E 5JD, United Kingdom
Citizenship:          United Kingdom
Principal Business:   Holding company
Ownership interest:   Colombo Topco Limited holds a 100 percent voting and equity
                      interest in Colombo Investment Holdings Limited.

Name:                 Arbejdsmarkedets Tillaegspension (“ATP”)
Address:              Kongens Vænge 8
                      3400 Hillerød, Denmark
Citizenship:          Denmark
Principal Business:   Pension fund
Ownership interest:   ATP holds an approximate 42.5 percent voting interest and a 43.6
                      percent equity interest in Colombo Topco Limited.

Name:                 3i Tampnet Holdings Limited
Address:              16 Palace Street
                      London, SW1E 5JD, United Kingdom
Citizenship:          United Kingdom
Principal Business:   Holding company
Ownership interest:   3i Tampnet Holdings Limited holds an approximate 42.5 percent
                      voting interest and a 43.6 percent equity interest in Colombo Topco


Name:                 3i Infrastructure plc (“3i Infrastructure”)
Address:              12 Castle Street
                      Saint Helier, Jersey JE2 3RT
Citizenship:          Jersey (Channel Islands)
Principal Business:   Investment company
Ownership interest:   3i Infrastructure holds a 100 percent voting and equity interest in 3i
                      Tampnet Holdings Limited.

Name:                 3i Investments plc (“3i Investments”)
Address:              16 Palace Street
                      London, SW1E 5JD, United Kingdom
Citizenship:          United Kingdom
Principal Business:   Investment management company
Ownership interest:   3i Investments acts as investment manager of ATP’s stake in
                      Colombo Topco Limited. 3i Investments also acts as investment
                      manager to 3i Infrastructure. As a result of these arrangements, 3i
                      Investments has sole, indirect control over the day-to-day
                      management of Tampnet.

Name:                 3i plc
Address:              16 Palace Street
                      London, SW1E 5JD, United Kingdom
Citizenship:          United Kingdom
Principal Business:   Holding company
Ownership interest:   3i plc holds a 100 percent voting and equity interest in 3i

Name:                 3i Holdings plc
Address:              16 Palace Street
                      London, SW1E 5JD, United Kingdom
Citizenship:          United Kingdom
Principal Business:   Holding company
Ownership interest:   3i Holdings plc holds a 100 percent voting and equity interest in 3i

Name:                 3i Group plc
Address:              16 Palace Street
                      London, SW1E 5JD, United Kingdom
Citizenship:          United Kingdom
Principal Business:   Investment company
Ownership interest:   3i Group plc holds an approximate 34 percent voting and equity
                      interest in 3i Infrastructure. In addition, as the ultimate parent
                      company of 3i Investments, the investment manager for 3i
                      Infrastructure and ATP in connection with their respective indirect
                      investments in Tampnet, 3i Group holds indirect control of Tampnet


        No other entity or individual directly or indirectly holds a 10 percent or greater equity
interest in Tampnet.

Answer to Question 13

       As a result of an internal corporate restructuring that occurred on April 9, 2019, certain pro
forma changes were made in the controlling ownership chain of Tampnet. Specifically, the
following changes were made:

       •   The insertion of 3i Tampnet Holdings Limited, a United Kingdom company, between
           existing entities 3i Infrastructure plc and Colombo Topco Limited, such that 3i
           Infrastructure plc now wholly owns and controls 3i Tampnet Holdings Limited, and 3i
           Tampnet Holdings Limited holds an approximately 42.5 percent voting and 43.6
           percent equity interest in Colombo Topco Limited.

       •   The insertion of Colombo Investment Holdings Limited, a United Kingdom company,
           between existing entities Colombo Topco Limited and Colombo Holdco Limited, such
           that Colombo Topco Limited now wholly owns and controls Colombo Investment
           Holdings Limited, and Colombo Investment Holdings Limited wholly owns and
           controls Colombo Holdco Limited.

       •   The removal of the following entities from the ownership chain: Brent Holding AS,
           Brent Invest AS, and Tampnet AS.

       •   The insertion of Colombo US Bidco Inc., a United States company, between existing
           entities Colombo Bidco Limited and Tampnet, such that Colombo Bidco Limited
           wholly owns and controls Colombo US Bidco Inc., and Colombo US Bidco Inc.
           wholly owns and controls Tampnet.

        An ownership diagram depicting the ownership of Tampnet following the consummation
of this pro forma transaction is attached as Exhibit A. None of the foregoing changes had any
effect on the indirect ultimate control or ownership of Tampnet. These changes also had no effect
on Tampnet’s operations, employees, or management, and they were imperceptible to Tampnet


                                                       3i Group plc (UK)
                                                                 100% voting and equity
                          34% voting
                          and equity                  3i Holdings plc (UK)
                                                                 100% voting and equity
                                                                                            3i Investments plc acts as
                                                           3i plc (UK)                        investment manager of
                                                                                               ATP’s stake in Colombo
                           3i Investments plc                     100% voting and equity    Topco Limited, but not of
                           acts as investment
                                                                                                        ATP generally
                           manager                   3i Investments plc (UK)

            3i Infrastructure plc                                                          Arbejdsmarkedets
                   (Jersey)                                                                 Tillaegspension
                                                 Individual members of Tampnet
100% voting and equity                                                                         (Denmark)
                                                    management through their
           3i Tampnet Holdings                     personal investment vehicles
               Limited (UK)                     (Norwegian citizens and entities)                    ~42.5% voting
                                                                                                      43.6% equity
          ~42.5% voting                             12.8% equity ~15% voting
           43.6% equity

                                                  Colombo Topco Limited (UK)
                                                                  100% voting and equity
Exhibit A
                                                 Colombo Investment Holdings
Tampnet Inc.                                            Limited (UK)
Post-Reorganization                                              100% voting and equity

Ownership Diagram                                Colombo Holdco Limited (UK)
                                                                 100% voting and equity

                                                  Colombo Bidco Limited (UK)
                                                                  100% voting and equity

                                                Colombo US Bidco Limited (US)

                                                                 100% voting and equity

                                                       Tampnet Inc. (US)

            Pre-/Post-Closing Control Chain
            Newly Inserted Entities
            Tampnet Licensee

Document Created: 2019-04-16 11:53:37
Document Modified: 2019-04-16 11:53:37

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