Attachment Flock FZ-LLC STA Gra

Flock FZ-LLC STA Gra

DECISION submitted by Federal Communications Commission

STA Grant


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20190319-00090 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                        Streamlined              ITC-STA-201 90319-00091
                                                                                                 lB2Ol 9000784
                                                                        Flock FZ-LLC
date: A ,-~1 ~
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signature                                          P~~PP 04 2019
    L:yp’cs’ O’4o~oC-( ~
      Date: 19 March 2019
                                                 ntematlonal Bureag,
      WASHINGTON DC 20554
      In the Matter of Flock FZ-l.LC previously known as Riva FZC

      RE: Application for special temporary authority for Transfer of Control application “ITC-T/C
      INTR2O19-00783” dated 19 March 2019

     Response to question 10: Provide Justification of Need for Special Temporary Authority

     Since Flock FZ-LLC (“Flock” or “Applicant”) did not inform the Commission or seek prior approval before
     consummating the transaction of Transfer of Control dated 30 January 2018, the application was
     submitted as a result of unauthorized transaction.

     Flock’s earlier transfer of control application “ITC-T/C-20160316-00123” dated 16 March 2016 was
     pending with Team Telecom for its review, Flock was awaiting updates on this application, so it did not
     file the subsequent transfer of control application dated 30 January 2018, this transfer happened
     during the intermediate period. The transfer of control has happened between two U 80’s who are
     real brothers and Co-founders of the business.

     After discussion and as advised by the Commission, Flock has submitted transfer of control of
     international section 214 authorization application as on 19 March 2019.

     Flock hereby requests the Commission to grant Special Temporary Authority as it is in the public
     interest to avoid a discontinuance of service to customers while the Commission considers underlying

     Flock hereby request Special Temporary Authority for 180 days.

     Response to question 16: Respond to Paragraphs (d), (e)(3) and g of Section 63.18

     SectIon 63.18 (d)

     The Flock has previously received international authority under Section 214 of the Act. It’s license
     number is ITC-20140128-00033.

     SectIon 63.18 (e)(3)

     Not Applicable. Applicant is applying for authority to operate as a global resale carrier pursuant to the
     terms and conditions of Section 63.18 (e)(2) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R 63.18 (e)(2)

Section 63.18 (g)

Not Applicable. Applicant is applying for authority to operate as a global resale carrier pursuant to the
terms and conditions of Section 63.18 (e)(2) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 CF.R 63.18 (e)(2)

Thanking you in anticipation.

Your Faithfully,
F.rFlock Z-LLC

 L ~
Brijesh Jos~

Document Created: 2019-04-04 11:05:26
Document Modified: 2019-04-04 11:05:26

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