Reserve-EATEL Supple

LETTER submitted by Advanced Tel, LLC

Transferee Supplemental Information Letter


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20190206-00071 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                        1800 M Street, NW
                                                                           Suite 800-North
                                                                     Washington, DC 20036

                                         February 8, 2019

By Electronic Filing

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

                       Re:   Reserve Communications and Computer Corporation &
                             EATELCORP, L.L.C. Joint Application Pursuant to Section
                             214 of the Communications Act and Section 63.04 of the
                             Commission’s Rules—WC Docket No. 19-8

Dear Ms. Dortch:

         In connection with the above-captioned application (the “Application”) for FCC consent
to transfer of control of EATELCORP, L.L.C. (“EATEL”), the parent company of certain
holders of Commission authority to provide domestic interstate telecommunications service
pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act and Section 63.01 of the Commission’s
rules, to Reserve Communications and Computer Corporation (“Reserve”), EATEL and Reserve
provide the following supplemental information:

       The Transferee, Reserve, is a holding company and does not provide
telecommunications services in its own right. Two subsidiaries of Reserve provide
domestic interstate telecommunications services: Reserve Telephone Company, Inc., an
incumbent local exchange carrier (“ILEC”), serves approximately 2,036 local exchange
customers in Garyville, Mount Airy and Reserve, Louisiana; and Reserve Long Distance
Company, Inc. (“RLD”), an interexchange carrier and competitive local exchange carrier
(“CLEC”), serves approximately 3,346 local exchange customers in Laplace, the northern
portion of Lafourche Parish, and St. James Parish, Louisiana.

       The CLEC territories served by RLD overlap the CLEC territories served by
EATEL subsidiary Advanced Tel, LLC (“Advanced”) only to a de minimis extent.1 First,
Advanced has deployed fiber-based service to a single business customer at Sunshine
Bridge, in St. James Parish; RLD also has facilities in St. James parish, but has no current
subscriber at Sunshine Bridge. Second, Advanced provides CLEC service to

      A graphic depiction of the ILEC and CLEC service territories of Reserve and EATEL is
      provided in Exhibit C of the Application.

Marlene H. Dortch
February 8, 2019
Page 2 of 4

approximately 27 customers, and RLD provides CLEC service to approximately 144
customers, in Thibodaux, a town of roughly 14,600 residents in Lafourche parish.2 The
service territories of these two CLECs in Lafourche parish overlap only in an area of
roughly seven square miles. Both CLECs compete with an unaffiliated ILEC that is far
larger in size (in terms of customer base as well as overall resources) and has far greater
operational scope in this part of Louisiana and beyond.

        Reserve is wholly-owned by RTC Interco, L.L.C., a holding company based in
Louisiana, which in turn is wholly-owned by RTC Holdings, L.L.C. (“RTC Holdings”), a
holding company based in Louisiana. The entities holding ten percent or more of the
equity or voting equity of RTC Holdings are three investment trusts established for the
benefit of members of the Reilly family, disclosed in Section IV.h. of the Application
(pp. 10-11). The individuals holding ten percent or more of the equity or voting equity of
those entities, or otherwise have a controlling interest in those entities, are as follows:

       Jennifer and Sean Reilly Family, LLC: -- A Louisiana Investment Trust
       Beneficial owners:
       Name:                 Anna M. Reilly
       Address:              2987 Reymond Avenue
                             Baton Rouge, La 70808
       Citizenship:          USA
       % Interest:           33.33%

       Name:                   Aidan C. Reilly
       Address:                2987 Reymond Avenue
                               Baton Rouge, La 70808
       Citizenship:            USA
       % Interest:             33.33%

       Name:                   Rowan P. Reilly
       Address:                2987 Reymond Avenue
                               Baton Rouge, La 70808
       Citizenship:            USA
       % Interest:             33.33%

       Trustee & Managing Member of LLC:
       Name:              Kevin P. Reilly Jr.
       Address:            5321 Corporate Blvd
                          Baton Rouge, La 70808
       Citizenship:       USA

     The population of Thibodaux was 14,566, according to the 2010 census, and was estimated
     at 14,713 as of July 1, 2017. See U.S. Census Bureau:,la/PST045218.

Marlene H. Dortch
February 8, 2019
Page 3 of 4

      Ninemile, L.L.C. – A Louisiana Investment Trust
      Beneficial owners:
      Name:                Hayden M. Reilly
      Address:             5321 Corporate Blvd
                           Baton Rouge, La 70809
      Citizenship:         USA
      % Interest:          50%

      Name:                Ross L. Reilly
      Address:             2750 McConnell Drive
                           Baton Rouge, La 70809
      Citizenship:         USA
      % Interest:          25%

      Name:                Finn Patrick Reilly (minor child)
      Address:             2750 McConnell Drive
                           Baton Rouge, La 70809
      Citizenship:         USA
      % Interest:          12.5%

      Name:                Reed David Reilly (minor child)
      Address:             2750 McConnell Drive
                           Baton Rouge, 70809
      Citizenship:         USA
      % Interest:          12.5%

      Name:                Hayden M. Reilly
      Address:             5321 Corporate Blvd.
                           Baton Rouge, La 70808
      Citizenship:         USA

      Name:                Ross L. Reilly
      Address:             2750 McConnell Drive
                           Baton Rouge, La 70809
      Citizenship:         USA

      Managing Member of LLC:
      Name:              Kevin P. Reilly Jr.
      Address:           5321 Corporate Blvd.
                         Baton Rouge, La 70808
      Citizenship:       USA

Marlene H. Dortch
February 8, 2019
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       Reilly Family Limited Partnership
       General partners:
       Name:                Kevin P. Reilly Jr.
       Address:             5321 Corporate Blvd.
                            Baton Rouge, La 70808
       Citizenship:         USA
       % Interest:          25%

       Name:                  Anna Reilly Cullinan
       Address:               2797 Acorn Court
                              Winston Salem, NC 27106
       Citizenship:           USA
       % Interest:            25%

       Name:                  Sean Reilly
       Address:               2987 Reymond Avenue
                              Baton Rouge, La 70808
       Citizenship:           USA
       % Interest:            25%

       Name:                  Wendell Gray Reilly
       Address:               1436 Fairview Rd. NE
                              Atlanta, GA 30306
       Citizenship:           USA
       % Interest:            25%

        To the knowledge of Reserve, none of the individuals or entities disclosed above
either themselves hold any FCC authorizations to provide telecommunications services,
or directly or indirectly own or control ten percent or more of any entity that holds any
FCC authorizations to provide telecommunications services.

       Please direct any questions concerning this filing to me.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             Karen Brinkmann
                                             Counsel for the Applicants

cc:    Gregory Kwan, Wireline Competition Bureau

Document Created: 2019-02-08 12:51:42
Document Modified: 2019-02-08 12:51:42

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