Attachment 214 Application

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20190128-00007 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

    In the Matter of the Joint Application of      )
    Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband )                WC Docket No. 19-_____________
    and                                            )          IB File Nos. ITC-T/C-2019________
                                                   )                       ITC-T/C-2019________
    T3 North Intermediate Holdings, Inc.           )
    for Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214 )
    of the Communications Act of 1934, as          )
    amended, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the   )
    Commission’s Rules to Transfer Indirect Con-   )
    trol of NTS Communications, Inc., NTS Tele-    )
    phone Company, LLC, PRIDE Network, Inc.        )
    and XFone USA, Inc. to Clarity Telecom, LLC )

                                       JOINT APPLICATION

          Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband (“Clarity” or “Transferee”) and T3 North In-

termediate Holdings, Inc. (“T3” or “Transferor”) (together, “Applicants”), pursuant to Section 214

of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Act”), 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.04

and 63.24 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04 and 63.24, request Commission approval

to transfer indirect control of NTS Communications, Inc. (“NTS-Comm”), NTS Telephone Com-

pany, LLC (“NTS-Tel”), PRIDE Network, Inc. (“PRIDE”) and XFone USA, Inc. (“XFone”)

(NTS-Comm, NTS-Tel, PRIDE, and XFone together, the “Licensees”) from T3 to Clarity.1

         In a wholly separate transaction, the underlying owners of Clarity’s direct parent company,
Clarity Telecom Holdings, LLC (“Clarity Holdings”), have entered into an agreement by which
the current majority owner of Clarity Holdings, Pamlico Capital through certain of its funds, will
share majority ownership of Clarity Holdings with an additional investor, Oak Hill Capital Partners
through certain of its funds, through new entities formed for this purpose (the “Clarity Transac-
tion”). The Clarity Transaction is expected to be completed after the completion of the Transaction
that is the subject of this Application. Once it occurs, the Clarity Transaction, as currently struc-
tured, will result in an indirect transfer of control of Licensees (as indirect subsidiaries of Clarity
Holdings) along with Clarity Holdings’ existing subsidiary to a new majority ownership arrange-
ment. The parties to the Clarity Transaction are submitting the necessary applications seeking

       In support of this Application, Applicants provide the following information:


       A.      Clarity Telecom, LLC

       Clarity, headquartered in Sikeston, Missouri, provides telecommunications services in

Minnesota and South Dakota doing business under the brand Vast Broadband. Clarity provides an

array of communications, video and broadband services, including digital cable, high-speed Inter-

net, and local and long distance phone services. Clarity is managed by a team of experienced tel-

ecommunications professionals who have operated cable television systems together for more than

twenty years, providing video programming services and a suite of advanced communications ser-

vices, including high-speed Internet access, digital voice, home monitoring, whole home solutions,

and fiber optic transport connectivity.

       B.      Licensees

       Licensees are wholly owned subsidiaries of NTS, Inc. (“NTSI”), a Nevada corporation

with no operations or network assets of its own. NTSI’s principal business is a holding and man-

agement company providing, through Licensees, integrated communications services which in-

clude voice, video, and data over its Fiber to the Premises (“FTTP”) and other networks primarily

Commission approval of the changes in ultimate control that will result from the that transaction.
The Transaction that is the subject of this Application is not conditioned on or otherwise linked to
the completion of the Clarity Transaction. Therefore, Applicants request that the Commission con-
sider this Application independently from the applications being submitted in connection with the
Clarity Transaction.
        As part of the Transaction, each of NTS, Inc. (“NTSI”), NTS-Comm, PRIDE, and XFone
will convert from a corporation to a limited liability company prior to closing. As a result, refer-
ences herein to NTSI, NTS-Comm, PRIDE and XFone should be construed as references to these
entities as limited liability companies upon completion of the NTS Transaction. Licensees will
submit the appropriate pro forma notification in connection with the conversions following their


in Louisiana and Texas.2 Each of NTS-Comm and XFone is a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of

NTSI. NTS-Tel and PRIDE are direct, wholly owned subsidiaries of NTS-Comm and thus indi-

rect, wholly owned subsidiaries of NTSI.

       The current ownership of Licensees is set forth in Exhibit A.

       C.        T3 North Intermediate Holdings, Inc.

       NTSI and Licensees are wholly owned by T3 North Intermediate Holdings, Inc. (“T3”), a

Nevada corporation and a holding company that is a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of T3 North

Holdings, Inc. (“T3 Holdings”), a Delaware corporation. Tower Three Partners Fund II LP

(“T3P II”) currently holds approximately 93% of the equity interests and voting interests in T3

Holdings. T3P II is part of a family of funds advised by Tower Three Partners, LLC, an operation-

ally oriented private equity firm that invests in a concentrated portfolio of U.S.-based middle mar-

ket companies.

       The current ownership of Transferor is set forth in Exhibit A.


       Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 24, 2018, by and among Clar-

ity, T3, and NTSI, Clarity will acquire all of the outstanding equity interests in NTSI (the “Trans-

action”). Upon completion of the Transaction, NTSI will be a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of

Clarity. Licensees will remain wholly owned subsidiaries of NTSI and, therefore, Licensees will

become indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of Clarity.

      Licensees also provide certain telecommunications services in Arizona, Mississippi, New
Mexico and Oklahoma.


       As part of the Transaction, NTSI, NTS-Comm, PRIDE and XFone will convert to limited

liability companies prior to closing.3 Licensees will submit the necessary pro forma notifications

regarding those conversions within 30 days of their occurrence.

       Diagrams depicting the pre- and post-Transaction corporate ownership structures of Licen-

sees are appended hereto as Exhibit B.


       The Transaction will serve the public interest. The financial, technical, and managerial re-

sources that Clarity will bring to Licensees are expected to enhance the ability of Licensees to

compete in the communications marketplace. Further, the existing network and systems of Licen-

sees will expand the ability of Clarity to serve customers outside of its existing service area. There

is no geographic overlap or adjacency in the telecommunications or cable service territories of

Clarity and Licensees. Additionally, the proposed Transaction will have no adverse impact on the

customers of Licensees, as Licensees will continue to provide service at the same rates, terms, and

conditions, as governed by existing contracts, agreements or tariffs. The Transaction will be trans-

parent to customers. The Licensee entities and service provider names will remain intact, and the

only change immediately following the closing from a customer’s perspective will be the new

indirect ownership of Licensees.


       Pursuant to Section 63.24(e)(2) of the Commission’s Rules, the Applicants submit the fol-

lowing information requested in Section 63.18 (a)-(d) and (h)-(p) in support of this Application:

        References herein to NTSI, NTS-Comm, PRIDE and XFone upon completion of the Trans-
action should be construed as references to these entities as limited liability companies.


(a)    Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:


       Clarity Telecom, LLC                        FRN: 0023758238
       912 South Main Street
       Suite 106
       Sikeston, MO 63801
       Tel: 573-481-2265


       T3 North Intermediate Holdings, Inc.        FRN: 0023082548
       c/o NTS, Inc.
       1220 Broadway
       Lubbock, Texas 79401
       Tel: 806-797-0687


       NTS Communications, Inc.                    FRN:   0004266938
       NTS Telephone Company, LLC                  FRN:   0017183674
       PRIDE Network, Inc.                         FRN:   0018804716
       XFone USA, Inc.                             FRN:   0013592787
       c/o NTS Communications, Inc.
       1220 Broadway
       Lubbock, Texas 79401
       Tel: 806-797-0687

(b)    Jurisdiction of Organizations:

Transferee:   T3 is a corporation formed under the laws of Nevada.

Transferor:   Clarity is a limited liability company formed under the laws of Delaware.

Licensees:    NTS-Comm is a corporation formed under the laws of Texas.

              NTS-Tel is a limited liability company formed under the laws of Texas.

              PRIDE is a corporation formed under the laws of Texas.

              XFone is a corporation formed under the laws of Mississippi.


           (c)     (Answer to Question 10) Correspondence concerning this Application should be

sent to:

    For Clarity:                                       For Licensees and Transferor:

            Catherine Wang                                    Yaron Dori
            Brett P. Ferenchak                                Thom Parisi
            Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP                       Covington & Burling LLP
            1111 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.                       One CityCenter
            Washington, DC 20004-2541                         850 Tenth Street, NW
            202-739-3000 (tel)                                Washington, DC 20001-4956
            202-739-3001 (fax)                                202-662-5444 (tel)
                      202-662-5283 (tel)

    With copies for Clarity to:                        With copies for Licensees and Transferor to:

            Keith Davidson, CFO                               Daniel Wheeler
            Clarity Telecom, LLC                              General Counsel
            912 South Main Street                             NTS Communications, Inc.
            Suite 106                                         1220 Broadway
            Sikeston, MO 63801                                Lubbock, TX 79401

           (d)     Section 214 Authorizations

           Transferee:   Clarity holds international Section 214 authority to provide global or limited
                         global facilities-based and resale services granted in IB File Nos. ITC-214-
                         20020619-003004 and ITC-214-19990625-00428.5 Clarity also is author-
                         ized to provide interstate service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214
                         authority. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

           Licensees:    NTS-Comm holds international Section 214 authority to provide global or
                         limited global facilities-based and resale services granted in IB File No.
                         ITC-214-19971024-00657. NTS-Comm also is authorized to provide inter-
                         state service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 authority. See
                         47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

        This international Section 214 authority was originally granted to Knology of South Da-
kota, Inc. and assigned to Clarity in IB File No. ITC-ASG-20140710-00207.
        This international Section 214 authority was originally granted to Black Hills Fiber Sys-
tems, Inc. and assigned to Clarity in IB File No. ITC-ASG-20140710-00208.


                       NTS-Tel is authorized to provide interstate service by virtue of blanket do-
                       mestic Section 214 authority. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

                       PRIDE is authorized to provide interstate service by virtue of blanket do-
                       mestic Section 214 authority. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

                       XFone holds international Section 214 authority to provide global or limited
                       global resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-20040706-00251.
                       XFone also is authorized to provide interstate service by virtue of blanket
                       domestic Section 214 authority. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

       (h)     (Answer to Questions 11 & 12) NTS-Comm and XFone are and, following the

Transaction, will remain direct, wholly owned subsidiaries of NTSI, a Nevada corporation located

at the same address as Licensees. NTS-Tel and PRIDE are and, following the Transaction, will

remain direct, wholly owned subsidiaries of NTS-Comm. The following entities will hold, directly

or indirectly, a ten percent (10%) or greater interest6 in Licensees through NTSI upon completion

of the Transaction as calculated pursuant to the Commission’s ownership attribution rules for wire-

line and international telecommunications carriers:

Post-Transaction Ownership of NTSI:

      Upon completion of the Transaction, the following entity will directly, wholly own NTSI:

               Name:                   Clarity Telecom, LLC (“Clarity”)
               Address:                912 South Main Street, Suite 106
                                       Sikeston, MO 63801
               Citizenship:            U.S. (Delaware)
               Principal Business:     Telecommunications
               % Interest:             100% (directly in NTS, Inc.)

       The ownership interests provided herein represent both equity and voting interests unless
otherwise indicated or if the entity is a limited partner. Limited partners only have equity interests
and do not have voting interests in the limited partnership unless otherwise indicated.


The following entity directly, wholly owns Clarity:

       Name:                  Clarity Telecom Holdings, LLC (“Clarity Holdings”)
       Address:               912 South Main Street, Suite 106
                              Sikeston, MO 63801
       Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
       Principal Business:    Holding Company
       % Interest:            100% (directly in Clarity)

The following entities and individuals currently hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, di-
rect or indirect, interest in Clarity Holdings:

       Name:                  PC III CTH Holdings, L.P. (“PC III Holdings”)
       Address:               150 N. College Street
                              Suite 2400
                              Charlotte, NC 28202
       Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
       Principal Business:    Investments
       % Interest:            Approx. 63.5% on a fully diluted basis (directly in Clarity

               Name:                  PC III CTH AIV II, L.P. (“PC AIV II”)
               Address:               150 N. College Street
                                      Suite 2400
                                      Charlotte, NC 28202
               Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
               Principal Business:    Investments
               % Interest:            Approx. 66.4% (indirectly as a 66.4% limited partner
                                      of PC III Holdings)

                      Name:                  HarbourVest Partners IX-Buyout Fund L.P.
                                             (“HVP IX Fund”)
                      Address:               One Financial Center
                                             Boston, MA 02111
                      Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                      Principal Business:    Investments
                      % Interest:            Approx. 11.6% (indirectly, as 11.6% limited
                                             partner of PC AIV II)

                          Name:                  HarbourVest IX-Buyout Associates L.P.
                                                 (“HV IX Associates”)
                          Address:               c/o HarbourVest Partners, LLC
                                                 One Financial Center
                                                 Boston, MA 02111
                          Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                          Principal Business:    Investments
                          % Interest:            Approx. 11.6% (indirectly as the general
                                                 partner of HVP IX Fund)


Name:                 HarbourVest Partners IX-Cayman Buy-
                      out Fund L.P.
                      (“HV IX-Cayman Fund”)
Address:              190 Elgin Avenue
                      George Town, Grand Cayman
                      KY1-9005, Cayman Islands
Citizenship:          Cayman Islands
Principal Business:   Investments
% Interest:           Approx. 11.6% (indirectly as a 75.8%
                      limited partner of HVP IX Fund)

           No limited partner of HV IX-Cayman Fund is at-
           tributed a 10% or greater indirect interest in Clarity

Name:                 HarbourVest IX-Buyout Associates LLC
                      (“HV IX Associates LLC”)
Address:              c/o HarbourVest Partners, LLC
                      One Financial Center
                      Boston, MA 02111
Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
Principal Business:   Investments
% Interest:           Approx. 11.6% (indirectly as the general
                      partner of HVP IX Fund and HV IX-
                      Cayman Fund)

   Name:                  HarbourVest Partners, LLC
   Address:               One Financial Center, 44th Floor
                          Boston, MA 02111
   Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
   Principal Business:    Investment Company
   % Interest:            11.6% (indirectly (i) as the sole mem-
                          ber of HV IX Associates LLC and (ii)
                          as the ultimate control entity of an-
                          other fund with a 4.6% direct limited
                          partner interest in PC AIV II)

           A majority of the ownership of HarbourVest Part-
           ners, LLC, the ultimate controlling entity of the Har-
           bourVest Partners IX-Buyout Fund L.P., is held by
           27 individuals (19 managing directors and eight for-
           mer managing directors), none of which individually
           owns or control 10% or more of Clarity Holdings.


                          Name:                   Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Trust
                                                  Fund (“HOPP”)
                          Address:                1 York Street. Suite 1900
                                                  Toronto, ON, M5J 0B6
                          Citizenship:            Ontario, Canada
                          Principal Business:     Pension Plan
                          % Interest:             Approx. 13.9% (indirectly as 13.9% limited
                                                  partner of PC AIV II)

                                  HOPP is governed by a 16-member7 Board of Trustees made
                                  up of Canadian citizens.

                   Name:                   PC III CTH, Inc. (“PC III CTH”)
                   Address:                150 N. College Street
                                           Suite 2400
                                           Charlotte, NC 28202
                   Citizenship:            U.S. (Delaware)
                   Principal Business:     Investments
                   % Interest:             Approx. 29.0% (indirectly, as a 29.0% limited part-
                                           ner of PC III Holdings)

                          Name:                   PC III CTH AIV I-A, L.P. (“PC AIV I-A”)
                          Address:                150 N. College Street
                                                  Suite 2400
                                                  Charlotte, NC 28202
                          Citizenship:            U.S. (Delaware)
                          Principal Business:     Investments
                          % Interest:             Approx. 13.7% (indirectly through approxi-
                                                  mately 47.2% direct ownership of PC III

                                Name:                  Alpinvest Partners B.V.
                                Address:               Jachthavenweg 118
                                                       1081 KJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
                                Citizenship:           Netherlands
                                Principal Business:    Investments
                                % Interest:            Approx. 11.3% (indirectly by virtue of
                                                       its management control of three general
                                                       partners of two entities that collectively
                                                       hold approximately 11.3% of the lim-
                                                       ited partner interests in PC AIV I-A but
                                                       none of which individually is attributed

    Two of the seats are currently vacant.


                                                          10% or more ownership in Clarity

                                         Alpinvest Partners B.V. is ultimately controlled through
                                         multiple other controlling entities9 by The Carlyle Group
                                         L.P., a Delaware limited partnership located at 1001
                                         Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20004.
                                         The general partner of the Carlyle Group L.P. is Carlyle
                                         Group Management L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability
                                         company with, to Applicant’s knowledge, no individual
                                         member (all senior Carlyle professionals) attributed an
                                         indirect 10% or greater ownership interest in PC III
                                         Holdings. The Carlyle Group L.P.’s limited partnership
                                         interests known as common units are publicly traded and
                                         collectively have only 15% of the limited partner voting
                                         power, with no individual common unit holder, to Appli-
                                         cant’s knowledge, attributed an indirect 10% or greater
                                         ownership interest in PC III Holdings. The Carlyle
                                         Group L.P.’s limited partnership interest know as a Spe-
                                         cial Voting Unit has 85% of the limited partner voting
                                         power and is held by TCG Carlyle Group Partners
                                         L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company with, to
                                         Applicant’s knowledge, no individual member (all sen-
                                         ior Carlyle professionals) attributed an indirect 10% or
                                         greater ownership interest in PC III Holdings.

                             Name:                  PC CTH AIV I, L.P. (“PC AIV I”)
                             Address:               150 N. College Street
                                                    Suite 2400
                                                    Charlotte, NC 28202
                             Citizenship:           Cayman
                             Principal Business:    Investments
                             % Interest:            Approx. 29% (indirectly through approxi-
                                                    mately 52.8% direct ownership of PC III

        Alpinvest Partners B.V. is the sole owner of the general partner of another fund that has
less than a 1 percent limited partnership interest in PC AIV II.
        These entities include: AP B.V. (Netherlands), Alp Holdings Coöperatief U.A. (Nether-
lands); Alp Lower Holdings Ltd. (Cayman Islands); TC Group Cayman, L.P. (Cayman Islands);
Carlyle Holdings III L.P. (Québec); Carlyle Holdings III GP Sub L.L.C. (Delaware); Carlyle Hold-
ings III GP L.P. (Québec); and Carlyle Holdings III GP Management L.L.C. (Delaware).


                      Name:                   Partners Group Holdings AG
                      Address:                Zugerstrasse 57
                                              Baar, 6341
                      Citizenship:            Switzerland
                      Principal Business:     Investments
                      % Interest:             Approx. 11.5% (indirectly as the gen-
                                              eral partner of three limited partner-
                                              ships that collectively hold 39.7% of
                                              the limited partner interests in PC AIV
                                              I-A but none of which individually is
                                              attributed 10% or more ownership in
                                              Clarity Holdings)

                                 Partners Group Holdings AG is a publicly traded
                                 company (SIX: PGHN.VX) with no individual
                                 shareholder attributed a 10% or greater indirect inter-
                                 est in Clarity Holdings.

Name:                  Pamlico Capital GP III, LLC (“PC GP III”)
Address:               150 N. College Street
                       Suite 2400
                       Charlotte, NC 28202
Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
Principal Business:    Investments
% Interest:            100% (indirectly as the general partner of (i) PC III Holdings
                       (4.6%), (ii) PC AIV I-A, (iii) PC AIV I, (iv) PC AIV II and
                       (v) another Delaware limited partnership that has a direct
                       ownership interest in Clarity Holdings of less than one per-
                       cent (1%))

        The following members of PC GP III each hold or control between ten and
        twenty percent of the membership interests in PC GP III: Scott B. Perper,
        L. Watts Hamrick III, Frederick W. Eubank II, Arthur C. Roselle, Scott R.
        Stevens, and Walker C. Simmons. Each of these individuals is a U.S. citizen
        with a principal place of business at the same location as PC GP III.

Name:                  The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Uni-
Address:               Littlefield Center
                       365 Lasuen Street
                       Stanford, CA 94305
Citizenship:           U.S. (California)
Principal Business:    Trust with corporate powers under the laws of the State of
% Interest:            Approx. 25.1% (through the following direct and indirect
                       ownership in Clarity Holdings: (i) directly, as a 11.2% direct


                                         owner in Clarity Holdings on a fully diluted basis and (ii) in-
                                         directly, as a 13.9% as a limited partner of PC AIV II)

        To Clarity’s knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly, owns or controls
        a 10% or greater interest in Clarity Holdings.

        Clarity does not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

        (i)     (Answer to Question 14) Transferee certifies that it is not a foreign carrier or affil-

iated (as defined in 47 C.F.R. § 63.09) with any foreign carriers. Currently, neither Transferor nor

Licensees are foreign carriers or affiliated with any foreign carrier(s).

        (j)     (Answer to Question 15) Applicants certify that they do not seek to provide inter-

national telecommunications services to any destination country where (1) an Applicant is a for-

eign carrier in that country, (2) an Applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country, (3) any entity

that owns more than 25 percent of an Applicant, or that controls an Applicant, controls a foreign

carrier in that country; or (4) two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers)

own in the aggregate more than 25 percent of an Applicant and are parties to, or the beneficiaries

of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing or international basic telecommuni-

cations services in the United States.

        (k)     Not applicable.

        (m)     Not applicable.

        (n)     Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions, directly

or indirectly, from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign

carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter into such agree-

ments in the future.

        (o)     Applicants certify that they are not subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to

Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a; see also 47 C.F.R.

§§ 1.2001-1.2003.


           (p)    Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined

processing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(a)-(b). In

particular, Section 63.12(c) is inapplicable because none of the Applicants is or is affiliated with any

foreign carriers, and none of the scenarios outlined in Section 63.12(c) of the Commission’s Rules



           Pursuant to Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), Applicants submit the fol-

lowing information in support of their request for domestic Section 214 authority to transfer indi-

rect control of Licensees to Clarity in order to address the requirements set forth in Commission

Rule 63.04(a)(6)-(12):

           (a)(6) A description of the proposed Transaction is set forth in Section II above.

           (a)(7) (i)     Collectively, Licensees provide intrastate and/or interstate telecommunica-

tions services in Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, but their

primary service areas are in Louisiana and Texas where certain of Licensees also hold authoriza-

tions to provide local and/or state-wide video services.

           Specifically, NTS-Comm is authorized to provide facilities-based and/or resold local ex-

change or interexchange telecommunications services in Arizona (interexchange only), New Mex-

ico, Oklahoma (interexchange only), and Texas. NTS-Tel is authorized to provide facilities-based

and resale local exchange and interexchange telecommunications services in Texas. PRIDE is au-

thorized to provide facilities-based and resold local exchange telecommunications services in Lou-

isiana and Texas. XFone is authorized to provide competitive local exchange and resold

interexchange telecommunications services in Louisiana and local exchange, interexchange and

broadband services in Mississippi.


       NTS-Comm, PRIDE and NTS-Tel also operate cable systems in certain communities in

Louisiana or Texas. Specifically, NTS-Comm holds authorizations to provide state-wide video

service in Texas and also in the City of Morton, Texas. PRIDE holds authorizations to provide

state-wide video service in Louisiana and Texas. NTS-Tel holds an authorization to provide state-

wide video service in Texas.

       In connection with these cable services, NTS-Comm holds Cable Television Relay Service

Authorizations under Call Signs WLY-648 and WHZ-407, various Antenna Structure Registra-

tions, certain Cable Community Registrations, and applications pending for C-Band Receive-Only

Earth Station Authorizations.

               (ii)    Clarity is authorized to provide competitive local exchange and/or interex-

change in Minnesota and South Dakota. Clarity is also an incumbent local exchange carrier in

South Dakota. Clarity also holds a non-common carrier wireless license from the Commission

(Call Sign WQKD374).

       Clarity also operates cable systems in certain communities in Minnesota and South Dakota.

In connection with its cable services Clarity holds C-Based receive-only earth station registrations

for Vibor and Rapid City, SD (Call Signs E970192 and E180002, respectively).

       Finally, Clarity holds experimental radio license assigned Call Sign WJ2XED.

               (iii)   To Transferee’s knowledge, Transferee is not affiliated (as defined in the

Act) with any other domestic telecommunications carriers through the entities that own or controls

10% or greater, direct or indirect interest in Clarity Holdings.10

       Certain funds controlled by subsidiaries of Partners Group Holding AG in aggregate have
a majority interest in Seabras 1 USA, LLC, which holds a submarine cable landing license (SCL-


       (a)(8) Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined pro-

cessing pursuant to Sections 63.03 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.03. In particular, with

respect to domestic authority, this Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Sec-

tion 63.03(b)(2)(ii) because, immediately following the Transaction, (i) Transferee (and its Affili-

ates) will have a market share in the interstate, interexchange market of less than ten percent (10%),

and (ii) Transferee (and its Affiliates) will provide competitive telephone exchange services or

exchange access services (if at all) exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant local

exchange carrier that is not a party to the transaction.

       (a)(9) Other than their Section 214 authorizations described in this Application, Licensees

do not hold any other authorizations or licenses from the Commission to provide telecommunica-

tions services. As stated above, in connection with its cable system operations NTS-Comm holds

Cable Television Relay Service Authorizations under Call Signs WLY-648 and WHZ-407, various

Antenna Structure Registrations, certain Cable Community Registrations, and applications pend-

ing for C-Band Receive-Only Earth Station Authorizations. A separate application will be filed in

the CARS system with respect to the transfer of control and conversion for NTS-Comm’s Cable

Television Relay Service Authorizations.

       (a)(10) Applicants respectfully request expeditious review and consideration of this Applica-

tion. Applicants operate in a highly competitive industry in which scale increasingly is critical to a

service provider’s ability to compete and service customers effectively. Absent expeditious approval

of the Transaction, the Licensees in particular will continue to contend with a difficult competitive

and financial environment, making it increasingly challenging to provide an ongoing level and quality

of service that customers have come to demand and expect. Expeditious consideration and approval

of this Application will enable the Applicants to consummate the Transaction quickly, resulting in

increased investment and scale that will inure to the benefit of their customers.


       (a)(11) Not applicable.

       (a)(12) A statement showing how grant of the application will serve the public interest,

convenience and necessity is provided in Section III, above.


       For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application to transfer indirect

ownership and control of Licensees to Transferee.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

 /s/ Yaron Dori                              /s/ Brett P. Ferenchak
 Yaron Dori                                   Catherine Wang
 Thom Parisi                                  Brett P. Ferenchak
 Covington & Burling LLP                      MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP
 One CityCenter                               1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
 850 Tenth Street, NW                         Washington, DC 20004
 Washington, DC 20001-4956                    202-739-3000 (tel)
 202-662-5444 (tel)                           202-739-3001 (fax)
 202-662-5283 (tel)                                       
                                             Counsel for Clarity Telecom, LLC
 Counsel for Transferor and Licensees

Dated: January 28, 2019


                                           EXHIBIT A

                       Current Ownership of Transferor and Licensees

       NTS, Inc. (“NTSI”) is wholly owned by T3 North Intermediate Holdings, Inc. (“T3”), a

Nevada corporation. T3 is a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of T3 North Holdings, Inc (“T3 Hold-

ings”), a Delaware corporation. Tower Three Partners Fund II LP (“T3P II”), a Delaware limited

partnership, currently holds approximately 93% of the equity ownership interests and voting inter-

ests in T3 Holdings. T3P II is directly controlled by its general partner, Tower Three Partners Fund

II GP LP (“T3P II GP LP”), a Delaware limited partnership, and it is ultimately controlled by

Tower Three Partners Fund II GP LLC (“T3P II GP LLC”), a Delaware limited liability company.

The managing member of T3P II GP LLC is William D. Forrest, a U.S. citizen. No other entity

holds a 10% or greater interest in NTSI.

                         EXHIBIT B

Pre- and Post-Transaction Corporate Ownership Structure Charts

   Pre-Transaction Corporate Ownership Structure of Licensees

                                                 See Exhibit A
                                             for Ownership of T3

                                     T3 North Intermediate Holdings, Inc.
                                             (“T3” or “Transferor”)

                                                  NTS, Inc.

                 NTS Communications, Inc.                                   XFone USA, Inc.
                      (“NTS-Comm”)                                             (“XFone”)
                          (Texas)                                              (Mississippi)

PRIDE Network, Inc.                 NTS Telephone Company, LLC
     (“PRIDE”)                               (“NTS-Tel”)                      All ownership/control percentages
      (Texas)                                  (Texas)                        are 100%, unless noted.

                                              Exhibit B - Page 1

                     Post-Transaction Corporate Ownership Structure of Licensees*

* The entities listed herein only include                          See Page 3 for Ownership of
Licensees and those entities that are in their                           PC III Holdings
chain of ownership.

                                                                                                                     The Board of Trustees of the Leland
                 Other Members none of which                        PC III CTH Holdings, L.P.                            Stanford Junior University
               individually holds a 10% or greater                       (“PC III Holdings”)                                         (“Stanford”)
                    interest in Clarity Holdings                               (Delaware)                                             (California)

                                                                                        Approx. 65.1%                                         Approx. 11.6%1

                                                                  Clarity Telecom Holdings, LLC
                                                                         (“Clarity Holdings”)
                                                                                                                  1 Stanford also has an indirect interest in Clarity
                                                                                                                  Holdings as a 13.9% as a limited partner of PC
                                                                                                                  AIV II (see Page 3).
                                                                       Clarity Telecom, LLC

                                                                               NTS, LLC

                                    NTS Communications, LLC                                             XFone USA, LLC
                                            (“NTS-Comm”)                                                   (“XFone”)
                                                 (Texas)                                                  (Mississippi)

                PRIDE Network, LLC                         NTS Telephone Company, LLC                                     All ownership/control percentages are 100%,
                        (“PRIDE”)                                  (“NTS-Tel”)                                            unless noted.
                         (Texas)                                     (Texas)

                                                                         Exhibit B - Page 2

    Current and Post-Transaction Corporate Ownership Structure of PC III Holdings
                                                                              Pamlico Capital GP III, LLC1
                                                                                          (“PC GP III”)                     1 PC GP III also is the general partner of a Delaware
                                                                                           (Delaware)                       limited partnership that has a direct ownership interest in
 General                                                                                                                    Clarity Holdings of less than one percent (1%).
                                                 See Application for Ownership
                                                                                                                            2Stanford also has a 11.6% direct interest in Clarity
                                                                                                                            Holdings (see Page 2).
                                                  The Carlyle Group, L.P.
                                                                                                                                                              HarbourVest Partners, LLC
                                                 See Application for information                                                                                      (Delaware)
                                                   regarding the intermediate
                                                       controlling entities
                                                                                                                                      The Board of Trustees of the           Ultimate
           Partners Group                                                                                                                                                    Controlling
                                                                                                                                    Leland Stanford Junior University
            Holdings AG                             Alpinvest Partners BV                                                                                                    Entity3
                                                         (Netherlands)                                                                         (California)
                    Indirectly controls                          Indirectly
                    approx. 49.7%                                                                                                            Approx.
                                                                 11.3%                                                                       13.9%2
                                                                                      General                                                                   HarbourVest Partners
     PC III CTH AIV I, L.P.                        PC III CTH AIV I-A, L.P.           Partner                 Healthcare of Ontario                             IX-Buyout Fund L.P.
          (“PC AIV I”)                                  (“PC AIV I-A”)
                                                                                                               Pension Plan Trust                                  (“HVP IX Fund”)
             (Cayman)                                      (Delaware)
                                                                                                                     (Canada)                                         (Delaware)

 Approx. 52.8%                                                     Approx. 47.2%                          Approx. 13.9%                                                       Approx. 11.6%
                                                                                                          Limited Partner                                                     Limited Partner

                                                                   General                                       General
                                PC III CTH, Inc.                   Partner                                       Partner                 PC III CTH AIV II, L.P.
                                 (“PC III CTH”)                                                                                               (“PC AIV II”)
                                    (Delaware)                                                                                                 (Delaware)
                                                                                        Approx. 4.6%
                    Approx. 29.0%                                                       General Partner                                                Approx. 66.4%
                    Limited Partner                                                                                                                    Limited Partner

                                                                                                                                3 HarbourVest Partners, LLC also is the ultimate
                                                                                                                                controlling entity for another fund that has a 4.6% direct
                                                                                   PC III CTH Holdings, L.P.                    interest in PC AIV II. Please see the Application for
                                                                                       (“PC III Holdings”)                      additional details on the ownership and control of HVP
                                                                                                                                IX Fund.
All ownership/control percentages are 100%,
unless noted.

                                                                                       Exhibit B - Page 3


Document Created: 2019-01-28 09:09:27
Document Modified: 2019-01-28 09:09:27

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