Attachment Narrative Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20181217-00230 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, DC 20554

    In the Matter of                                  )
    Lightbound, LLC                                   )
         Transferor                                   )
    and                                               )   Docket No. 18-_______
    DataBank Holdings Ltd.                            )
        Transferee                                    )
    Joint Application for Consent to Transfer         )
    Control of Domestic and International             )
    Authorizations Pursuant to Section 214 of the     )
    Communications Act of 1934, As Amended            )


          Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (“the Act”), 1 and

Sections 63.04, 63.18, and 63.24 of the Commission’s rules, 2 Lightbound, LLC (“Lightbound” or

“Transferor”) and DataBank Holdings Ltd. (“DataBank” or “Transferee”) request Commission

consent to transfer control of the domestic and international Section 214 authorizations of

Lightbound’s wholly-owned subsidiary, HRS Internet, LLC (“HRS Internet”) (together with

Lightbound and DataBank, “Applicants”) from Lightbound to DataBank.

          In accordance with the requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commission’s Rules, the

Applicants submit the following information:

    47 U.S.C. § 214.
    47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04, 63.18, and 63.24.

Section 63.04(6)       Description of the Transaction.

       With this application, the parties are seeking Commission consent to the transfer of control

of HRS Internet to DataBank. The transaction will be carried out through the merger of HRS

Internet’s direct parent entity, LightBound, with a direct subsidiary of DataBank that has been

created under Indiana law specifically for this transaction. LightBound will be the surviving entity

of this merger, resulting in it becoming a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of DataBank. A

depiction of the structure of the transaction is provided at the end of this Application. As

consideration for the transaction, cash payment will be made to the current owners of LightBound.

Section 63.04(7)       Description of the geographic areas in which the transferor and
                       transferee (and their affiliates) offer domestic telecommunications
                       services, and what services are provided in each area.

       HRS Internet provides facilities-based local exchange and competitive access

telecommunications services throughout the state of Indiana. In addition to traditional legacy

voice services, HRS Internet provides co-location services and IP-based services including VoIP,

cloud (including hosted PBX), broadband Internet access, and network services. HRS Internet

also provides non-facilities-based international telecommunications services pursuant to

authorization by the Commission in File No. ITC-214-20080612-00268. HRS Internet is not

affiliated with any other entity that offers telecommunications services.

       Neither the transferee nor any of its affiliates is a provider of telecommunications services.

Section 63.04(8)       A statement as to how the application fits into one or more of the
                       presumptive streamlined categories in this section or why it is
                       otherwise appropriate for streamlined treatment.

       Applicants respectfully submit that this application presumptively qualifies for streamlined

treatment because (1) neither the transferee nor any of its affiliates are providers of

telecommunications services and (2) no party to this application is dominant with respect to any

telecommunications service.

Section 63.04(9)       Identification of all other Commission applications related to the same

       No other applications are being submitted to the Commission in relation to this proposed


Section 63.04(10)      A statement of whether the applicants are requesting special
                       consideration because either party to the transaction is facing
                       imminent business failure.

       No party to this application is facing imminent business failure.

Section 63.04(11)      Identification of any separately filed waiver requests being sought in
                       conjunction with the transaction.

       No waiver requests are being sought in conjunction with the proposed transaction.

Section 63.04(12)      A statement showing how grant of the application will serve the public
                       interest, convenience and necessity, including any additional
                       information that may be necessary to show the effect of the proposed
                       transaction on competition in domestic markets.

       The grant of the proposed transaction will serve the public interest. HRS Internet provides

telecommunications services on a competitive basis primarily to enterprise customers in Indiana.

The proposed transaction will increase the financial resources of HRS Internet, better ensuring its

ability to continue to provide innovative and diversified telecommunications services to its

customers. At the same time, the proposed transaction will have no unfavorable effects to

competition in the telecommunications industry because the proposed transferee is not a provider

of telecommunications services and would not have begun providing telecommunications services

absent this transaction. Further, no carrier is being eliminated as a result of the transaction. HRS

Internet will continue to provide quality service to its customers.

                                       Attachment for
                        International Transfer of Control Application

Answer to Question 10

Contact information for application:

For Transferor:                                     For Transferee:

Douglas Everette                                    Bruce A. Olcott
Legal Counsel                                       Legal Counsel
Barnes & Thornburg LLP                              Jones Day
11 South Meridian Street                            51 Louisiana Ave., N.W.
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3535                         Washington, DC 20001-2113
Direct: (317) 231-7764                              Office 202.879.3630
Fax: (317) 231-7433                                 Mobile 703.216.3910                       

HRS Internet, LLC holds a 214 authorization, File Number ITC-214-20080612-00268
authorizing it to provide non-facilities-based global resale services.

Answer to Question 11

DataBank Holdings Ltd. (“DataBank”) is a Texas incorporated entity that is a wholly-owned
indirect subsidiary of Data Bridge Holdings, LLC (“Data Bridge”), which is a Delaware
incorporated entity. DataBank is owned by Data Bridge through five intervening subsidiaries, all
of which are Delaware incorporated entities that exist for various tax and organizational
purposes. A depiction of this ownership structure is provided in the chart below.

Four entities hold indirect equity interests of 10% or more in Data Bridge and, correspondingly,
in DataBank. They are the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, The
Allstate Corporation, Edgewater Funds and CBRE Caledon Capital Management Inc.

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America
730 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (“TIAA”) is a life insurance company
that is incorporated in New York. TIAA indirectly holds a 33% equity interest in Data Bridge
through its wholly-owned subsidiary, 730 Databridge, LLC, which is also incorporated in New

The Allstate Corporation
3075 Sanders Road
Northbrook, Illinois 60062

The Allstate Corporation (“Allstate”) is an insurance company incorporated under the laws of
Delaware. Allstate, indirectly holds an aggregate 14% interest in Data Bridge through several
intervening subsidiaries. Allstate, through a holding company, Allstate Insurance Holdings, LLC
(a Delaware LLC), wholly owns Allstate Insurance Company (“Allstate Insurance”), which is an
Illinois corporation that directly holds a 7% interest in Data Bridge. Allstate Insurance has a
wholly-owned subsidiary, Allstate Life Insurance Company (“Allstate Life”), which is also an
Illinois corporation that directly holds a 6% interest in Data Bridge. Allstate Life has a wholly-
owned subsidiary, Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, which is a New York
corporation that directly holds a 1% interest in Data Bridge.

Edgewater Funds
900 North Michigan Avenue
Suite 1800
Chicago, Illinois 60611

Edgewater Funds is an investment funds manager. Edgewater, through two general partners,
manages EW Data Bridge Holdings, LLC (“EW Data Bridge”), which is incorporated in
Delaware and holds a 13% interest in Data Bridge. No individual or entity holds a membership
interest of 10% or more in EW Data Bridge. The two general partners over EW Data Bridge are
Edgewater Growth Capital Management SMA, L.P., which manages 77% of the membership
interests in EW Data Bridge, and Edgewater Growth Capital Management IV, L.P., which
manages 23% of the membership interests in EW Data Bridge. Both of these general partners
are organized under the laws of Delaware.

CBRE Caledon Capital Management Inc.
141 Adelaide Street West
Suite 1500
Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3L5

CBRE Caledon Capital Management Inc. (“CBRE Caledon”) is an investment fund manager
incorporated in Ontario. CBRE Caledon indirectly manages an approximately 12% interest in
Data Bridge through intervening subsidies. Specifically, 38% of the equity interests in Data
Bridge are held by DB US Data Center Holdings, LLC (“DB USDCH”), which is a Delaware
limited liability corporation. 33% of the equity interests in DB USDCH are held by Caledon
Databank Aggregator, L.P. (“CDB Aggregator”), which is a Delaware limited partnership. No
party holds a partnership interest of 10% or more in CDB Aggregator. CBRE Caledon manages
CDB Aggregator through Caledon Capital Investments Inc. (an Ontario corporation), which is
the General Partner of CDB Aggregator.

Answer to Question 13

With this application, the parties are seeking Commission consent to the transfer of control of
HRS Internet to DataBank. The transaction will be carried out through the merger of HRS
Internet’s direct parent entity, LightBound, LLC (“LightBound”), with a direct subsidiary of
DataBank that has been created under Indiana law specifically for this transaction. LightBound
will be the surviving entity of this merger, resulting in it becoming a wholly-owned direct
subsidiary of DataBank. A depicting of the structure of the transaction is provided below. As
consideration for the transaction, cash payment will be made to the current owners of

Answer to Question 20
Applicants respectfully submit that this application qualifies for streamline processing under
Section 63.12 of the Commission’s rules. Neither HRS Internet, the holder of the international
Section 214 authorization, nor the proposed transferee is a foreign carrier or is affiliated with a
foreign carrier in a destination market.

                                      Transaction Structure

                                          LightBound, LLC


                                          HRS Internet, LLC

                                  Data Bridge
                                 Holdings, LLC

                               Data Bridge Upper
                                  Parent, Inc.


                             Data Bridge Parent, Inc.


                                 DB DataCenter
                                  Holdings Inc.

                                  DB DataCenter
                            Intermediate Holdings Inc.


                    100%      DB DataCenter LP Inc.

    DB DataCenter                          97.98%
      GP LLC
                     0.8%     DataBank Holdings Ltd.


                                LightBound, LLC


                                HRS Internet, LLC

Document Created: 2018-12-17 08:11:13
Document Modified: 2018-12-17 08:11:13

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