Attachment Attachment to App

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20181128-00223 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                       Attachment to International Section 214 Application

        This Application is being filed in connection with a Request for Special Temporary

Authority (“STA”), File No. ITC-STA-20181112-00210, and a Joint Application for Authority to

Transfer Control, File No. ITC-T/C-20181112-00208, filed on November 12, 2018.

Description of Transaction (Answer to Question 13):

        On February 24, 2011, SCP Clearwave LLC (“SCP”), an Arkansas limited liability

company, acquired a 70.9% interest (the “Transaction”) in Delta Communications, L.L.C. d/b/a

Clearwave Communications (“Clearwave”), an Illinois limited liability company. As a result,

SCP obtained majority ownership and control of Clearwave. SCP is affiliated with Stephens

Capital Partners, LLC, an Arkansas limited liability company and investment group based in

Arkansas. Since 2011, SCP’s interest in Clearwave has increased to 83.1%. In 2013, SCP

changed its name to Stephens Clearwave LLC. Clearwave disclosed the SCP ownership interest

to the Commission in 2014 when it filed its application for participation in the Commission’s

rural broadband experiments (“RBE”) program.1

        The Transaction did not involve the assignment of Clearwave’s telecommunications

authorizations or its customers. Customers of Clearwave continued to be served by Clearwave

pursuant to its existing authorizations after consummation of the Transaction. The transfer of

control was transparent to Clearwave customers.

       Rural Broadband Experiment Support Authorized for Ten Winning Bids for Skybeam, LLC, Consolidated
Communications Networks, Inc., Delta Communications LLC, and Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative, Inc., 30
FCC Rcd 8283 (2015).


Answer to Question 10:

        63.18(c): The contacts for this Application are

  Allison D. Rule                                         Chérie R. Kiser
  Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC                              Angela F. Collins
  1420 Spring Hill Road                                   Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
  Suite 401                                               1990 K Street, NW, Suite 950
  McLean, VA 22102                                        Washington, DC 20006
  703-714-1312 (telephone)                                202-862-8900 (telephone)                          

        63.18(d): Clearwave holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority under FCC Filer ID

819867 and global Section 214 authority to provide international facilities-based and resale

services under IB File No. ITC-214-20021022-00509.

Answer to Question 11:

        After consummation of the Transaction, there were five (5) Stephens family trusts that

held a ten percent (10%) or greater indirect ownership interest in Clearwave through SCP:

        (1) Harriet Calhoun Stephens Trust UID 3/22/84;

        (2) Warren A. Stephens Trust UID 9/30/87;

        (3) Miles Stephens WHCT Trust UID 9/30/87;

        (4) John Calhoun Stephens WHCT Trust UID 9/30/87; and

        (5) Laura W. Stephens WHCT Trust UID 9/30/87.

Each of these family trusts is formed under Arkansas law and is based in Arkansas. The trustee

for each of the family trusts is a United States citizen. The address of SCP and the family trusts

is 111 Center Street, Suite 1600, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201. Stephens Capital Partners and its

affiliates   hold   investments   in   other telecommunications      entities, such as      Hargray

Communications Group.


       After consummation of the Transaction, the remaining interest in Clearwave was held by

various individuals, none of which held a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in Clearwave. No

officer or director of Clearwave or SCP is also an officer or director of any foreign carrier, and

Clearwave and SCP do not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

Answer to Question 20:

       This Application qualifies for streamlined treatment under Section 63.12 of the

Commission’s rules because: (1) neither Clearwave, SCP, or any of their affiliates are affiliated

with a dominant foreign carrier; (2) as a result of the Transaction, neither Clearwave, SCP, or

any of their affiliates were affiliated with any foreign carrier; and (3) none of the other scenarios

outlined in Section 63.12(c) of the Commission’s rules apply.



                 Three U.S. individuals:
      Robert Kelley, Ronald Trinchitella, Scott Riggs

              Delta Communications, L.L.C.
            d/b/a Clearwave Communications



SCP Clearwave LLC           Various individuals, none of
       (AR)                  which held 10% or more


          Delta Communications, L.L.C.
        d/b/a Clearwave Communications


Document Created: 2018-11-28 11:13:38
Document Modified: 2018-11-28 11:13:38

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