Attachment Estate of Martin J T

Estate of Martin J T

DECISION submitted by FCC

STA Grant


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20181120-00218 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



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Streamlined         ITC-STA-201 80927-00181               t TC T / —.2 O/
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                    1B2018006230                          ‘rc-Tfc  -.2ôI/I3O-Oo)(,
The Estate of Marlin J. Tibbiffs                          ttC../          -

                                                          ITC -Tie
                                                                                                    NOV 29’Z18

                                                       k Long Distance, Inc., et al.
;                                                for SpecialTemporaryAuthority
                                                      Attachment 1                              International aureau
    If C -T/c-o1/L2o-
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          Response to Question 10:

                 The following companies (“Companies”), pursuant to 47 C.F.R.          § 63.25, hereby request
          Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) for a period of 180 days:

                         1.   Business Network Long Distance, Inc.;
                         2.   Network Service Billing, Inc.;
                         3.   Nationwide Long Distance Service, Inc.;
                         4.   Integrated Services, Inc.;                         date: ç’%J              a,
                         5.   Communications Network Billing, Inc.;              authorized by: c.i e4 Te1co,)cjins
                         6.   Multiline Long Distance, Inc.;                                  iFIJ1                      recç,
                         7.   LCR Telecommunications, LLC;                                          /)   -     /?
                         8.   Conectado, Inc.; and                               signature      k             LC)C
                         9.   National Access Long Distance, Inc.’
                                                                                  Eyp;rcs. H’1
                 Martin I. Tibbiffs, sole owner of the Companies, unexpectedly passed away on July 20,
          2018, and his estate (the “Estate” or “Applicant”) makes this STA request to operate the
          Companies while an application for international 214 transfer of control is pending. See File No.
          ITC-T/C-INTR2O 18-06228; Submission ID 1132018006228 2

                  Applicant has yet to seek the Commission’s consent for the involuntary transfer of
          control from Martin Tibbiffs to the Estate and is requesting this STA as part of a plan to correct
          any deficiency which may have resulted from this oversight. This oversight is the direct result of
          the Estate’s immediate concern over settling a myriad of matters related to Mr. Tibbitt’s
          untimely death.

                  The Companies are non-facilities-based interexchange carriers that provide domestic and
          international long distance telecommunications service on a purely resold basis. Grant of this
          STA is in the public interest as it will allow the Estate to continue providing uninterrupted
          telecommunications services to the Companies’ customers. Discontinuance of the Companies’
          services could result in a widespread loss of telecommunications services to end user customers.

                Applicant acknowledges that the grant of this STA will not prejudice any action the
          Commission may take on the underlying transfer of control application. Applicant further
          acknowledges that this STA can be revoked by the Commission upon its own motion without a

          1Multiline Long Distance, Inc. is an Ohio corporation and LCR Telecommunications, LLC is a
          Michigan limited liability company, but the other Companies are all organized under the laws of
          2Conectado, Inc. has been wound down and is no longer in operation. Applicant intends to
          surrender the international 214 authorization held by Conectado, Inc.


Business Network Long Distance, Inc., et a!.
Request for Special Temporary Authority
Attachment 1
Page 2

hearing, and that grant of an STA and the underlying application will not preclude enforcement

Response to Question 15:

The following owns 100% of each of the Companies:

The Estate of Martin Tibbitts
714 Grand Marais Street
Grosse Pointe, MI 48230
Belinda G. Tibbitts, Special Personal Representative
Citizenship: US

Response to Question 16:

Section 63.18(d) The Companies have previously received authority3 under Section 214 of the

Act to provide facilities-based service in accordance with section 63.1 8(e)( I) of the
Commission’s rules, and also to provide resale service in accordance with section 63.1 8(e)(2) of
the Commission’s rules.

Section 63.1 8(e)(3) Applicant requests no authorizations other than those under 63.1 8(e)( 1)

and Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules.

Section 63.18(g) —Not Applicable.

 See File Nos. ITC-214- 20021216-00586; ITC-214-20031 124-00537; ITC-214- 20060530-
00292; ITC-214-201 10512-00132; ITC-214-2002101 8-00505; ITC-214-0060404-00186; and
ITC-2 14-20050726-00286.


Document Created: 2018-11-30 18:55:18
Document Modified: 2018-11-30 18:55:18

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