Clairvest-Meriplex S

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Clairvest Group Inc.



This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20181105-00204 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


November 15, 2018


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St. SW
Room TW-B204
Washington, DC 20554

                Re:      Joint International and Domestic Section 214 Application to Transfer
                         Control of Meriplex Telecom, LLC to Clairvest Group Inc.
                         WC Docket No. 18-333, File No. ITC-T/C-20181105-00204

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Clairvest Group Inc. (“Clairvest”) and Henley Investments, Ltd. (“Henley), by their
undersigned counsel, supplement the above-referenced application to transfer control of
Meriplex Telecom, LLC (“Meriplex Telecom”) from Henley to Clairvest to further clarify that
no person or entity that will hold a 10 percent or greater direct or indirect ownership interest in
Meriplex Telecom post-closing currently holds a 10 percent or greater ownership interest in any
other domestic telecommunications carrier. 1

        If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned.

                                                    Very truly yours,

/s/ Jennifer L. Kostyu                               /s/ Dana Frix

Timothy J. Cooney                                    Dana Frix
Jennifer L. Kostyu                                   Frix Advisory Group, LLC
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP                         6649 Sorret Street
1800 M Street, N.W., Suite 800N                      McLean, VA 22101
Washington, D.C. 20036                               Tel. 703-790-5801
Tel. 202-783-4141                          
Fax 202-783-5851                                   Counsel to Henley Investments, Ltd. and                                   Meriplex Telecom, LLC

Counsel to Clairvest Group Inc.

  As noted in the application, David Henley is a current owner of Meriplex Telecom and will hold an
indirect 30 percent ownership interest in Meriplex Telecom post-closing.

Document Created: 2018-11-15 15:40:26
Document Modified: 2018-11-15 15:40:26

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