Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20181031-00198 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                       ATTACHMENT 1

                 Answers to Questions 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20

The Estate of Patrick L. Eudy (Jane R. Eudy, Executrix and Personal Representative) is being
distributed and the 100.00 percent member interest held by the Estate in American Broadband
Communications, LLC (“American Broadband”) is proposed to be transferred to Jane R. Eudy.
This proposed distribution will transfer control of the International Section 214 Authorization for
Global Resale of Cameron Communications, LLC (ITC-214-20100317-00105), a Louisiana
limited liability company which is ultimately a wholly-owned subsidiary of American
Broadband, from the Estate of Patrick L. Eudy (“Eudy Estate”) to Jane R. Eudy in her individual

Patrick L. Eudy, who owned a 100.00 percent member interest in American Broadband, was
killed in the crash of his private airplane on June 20, 2013. On August 2, 2013, a notice of the
pro forma transfer of control of the International Section 214 Authorization for Global Resale of
Cameron Communications, LLC (“Cameron”) was filed in the International Bureau Filing
System (“IBFS”).

Answer to Question 10

Contact Information

Name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the person to whom correspondence
concerning the application is to be addressed:

Jane R. Eudy
Executrix and Personal Representative of the Estate of Patrick L. Eudy
c/o American Broadband Communications, LLC
5550 77 Center Drive (Suite 220)
Charlotte, NC 28217
Telephone: (704) 995-4497
Facsimile: (704) 339-5842

With a copy to Counsel:
Gerard J. Duffy
Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast
2120 L Street, N.W. (Suite 300)
Washington, D.C. 20037
Telephone: (202) 659-0830
Facsimile: (202) 828-5568

Prior Section 214 Authority

Cameron Communications, LLC holds the following International Section 214 authorization for
global resale of switched services: ITC-214-20100317-00105.

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Answer to Question 11


The name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that owns at least ten (10)
percent of the member interests of Cameron Communications, LLC prior to the proposed transfer
of control are:
Name & Address                   Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
Cameron Holdings of               100.00%          NC         Telecommunications
  Of North Carolina, LLC                          LLC         Holding Entity
5550 77 Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217

In turn, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that owns at least
ten (10) percent of the member interests of Cameron Holdings of North Carolina, LLC prior to
the proposed transfer of control are:
Name & Address                    Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
Cameron Holdings Group LLC 100.00%                  NC        Telecommunications
5550 77 Center Drive                               LLC        Holding Entity
Charlotte, NC 28217

In turn, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that owns at least
ten (10) percent of the member interests of Cameron Holdings Group LLC prior to the proposed
transfer of control are:
Name & Address                    Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
Cameron Holdings of                100.00%         DE         Telecommunications
  North Carolina, Inc.                          Corporation Holding Entity
5550 77 Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217

In turn, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that owns at least
ten (10) percent of the equity and voting stock of Cameron Holdings of North Carolina, Inc. prior
to the proposed transfer of control are:
Name & Address                    Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
American Broadband Holding          100.00%         DE        Telecommunications
  Company                                        Corporation Holding Entity
5550 77 Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217

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In turn, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that owns at least
ten (10) percent of the equity and voting stock of American Broadband Holding Company prior
to the proposed transfer of control are:
Name & Address                    Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
American Broadband                 100.00%          DE        Telecommunications
  Communications, LLC                              LLC         Holding Entity
5550 77 Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217

In turn, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that owns at least
ten (10) percent of the member interests of American Broadband Communications, LLC prior to
the proposed transfer of control are:
Name & Address                    Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
Estate of Patrick L. Eudy           100.00%       U.S.A.      Telecommunications
5550 77 Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217


The name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that will own at least ten
(10) percent of the member interests of Cameron Communications, LLC after the proposed
transfer of control are:
Name & Address                  Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
Cameron Holdings of              100.00%          NC         Telecommunications
  Of North Carolina, LLC                         LLC         Holding Entity
5550 77 Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217

In turn, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that will own at
least ten (10) percent of the member interests of Cameron Holdings of North Carolina, LLC after
the proposed transfer of control are:
Name & Address                    Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
Cameron Holdings Group LLC 100.00%                  NC       Telecommunications
5550 77 Center Drive                               LLC       Holding Entity
Charlotte, NC 28217

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In turn, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that will own at
least ten (10) percent of the member interests of Cameron Holdings Group LLC after the
proposed transfer of control are:
Name & Address                    Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
Cameron Holdings of                100.00%         DE        Telecommunications
  North Carolina, Inc.                         Corporation Holding Entity
5550 77 Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217

In turn, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that will own at
least ten (10) percent of the equity and voting stock of Cameron Holdings of North Carolina, Inc.
after the proposed transfer of control are:
Name & Address                     Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
American Broadband Holding          100.00%          DE       Telecommunications
  Company                                        Corporation Holding Entity
5550 77 Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217

In turn, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that will own at
least ten (10) percent of the equity and voting stock of American Broadband Holding Company
after the proposed transfer of control are:
Name & Address                    Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
American Broadband                  100.00%         DE       Telecommunications
  Communications, LLC                              LLC        Holding Entity
5550 77 Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217

In turn, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole entity that will own at
least ten (10) percent of the member interests of American Broadband Communications, LLC
after the proposed transfer of control are:
Name & Address                    Ownership Citizenship Principal Business
Jane R. Eudy                        100.00%       U.S.A.     Telecommunications
5550 77 Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217

No other entity directly or indirectly owns or will directly or indirectly own ten percent (10.0%)
or more of the member interests of American Broadband Communications, LLC or of Cameron
Communications, LLC either prior or subsequent to the proposed transfer of control.

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Answer to Question 12

The proposed transaction entails the distribution of the entire 100.00% member interest in
American Broadband to Jane R. Eudy, and includes control of American Broadband’s ultimate
wholly-owned subsidiary Cameron, the holder of the subject International Section 214
Authorization for Global Resale.

Answer to Questions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18

Neither American Broadband nor Cameron: (a) is a foreign carrier; (b) controls, is controlled by,
or is under common control with a foreign carrier; (c) is affiliated with a foreign carrier; nor (d)
will be affiliated with a foreign carrier upon consummation of the proposed transfer of control.

Answer to Question 20

The Applicants qualify for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission's
Rules because: (a) neither the Eudy Estate nor Jane R. Eudy nor American Broadband nor
Cameron is affiliated with any foreign carrier in any destination market; (b) neither the Eudy
Estate nor Jane R. Eudy nor American Broadband nor Cameron is affiliated with any dominant
U.S. carrier whose international switched or private line services Cameron seeks authority to
resell; (c) neither the Eudy Estate nor Jane R. Eudy nor American Broadband nor Cameron seeks
authority to provide switched basic services over private lines to any country (much less, to any
country for which the Commission has not previously authorized the provision of switched
services over private lines); and (d) neither the Eudy Estate nor Jane R. Eudy nor American
Broadband nor Cameron has any reason to believe that the Commission will inform it in writing
that this application is not eligible for streamlined processing.

Document Created: 2018-10-31 15:44:52
Document Modified: 2018-10-31 15:44:52

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