Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180628-00139 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                         ATTACHMENT 1 TO FCC ELECTRONIC FORM
                        FOR PRO FORMA TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF

        Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, (“the Act”), 47
U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.24(f) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(f), América
Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V. (“América Móvil”) hereby notifies the Commission of the pro forma
transfer of control of the international Section 214 authorizations held by Telmex Holdings, Inc.
(“Telmex Holdings”) and its wholly owned indirect subsidiary, Claro Enterprise Solutions, LLC
(“CES”),1 as part of an internal corporate reorganization. América Móvil will remain the
ultimate parent of both licensees. Accordingly, the transfers are pro forma in nature.

Answer to Section 63.18(a)-(d):

       Because ultimate ownership of the international Section 214 authorizations will not
change as a result of this transaction, América Móvil has been designated as both the transferor
and the transferee for the instant pro forma transfer of control notification.


                   América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V.
                   Lago Zurich 245
                   Plaza Carso, Edificio Telcel, Piso 4
                   Colonia Granada Ampliación
                   Delegación Miguel Hidalgo
                   11529, Ciudad de México, México

          Place of Formation

                   América Móvil is a corporation organized under the laws of Mexico.

          Contact Information:

                   Alejandro Cantú Jiménez
                   General Counsel
                   América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V.
                   Lago Zurich 245, Edificio TELCEL,
                   Piso 16 Col. Ampliación Granada,
                   Ciudad de México 11529
                   5255 2581 4719

          with a copy to:

    CES was formerly known as Telmex USA, LLC.


                                                                                         International Section 214
                                                                         Pro Forma Transfer of Control Notification

                   Nancy J. Victory
                   DLA Piper, LLP
                   500 8th Street, N.W.
                   Washington, DC 20004
                   Tel: 202-799-4216
                   Fax: 202-799-5616

           International Section 214 Authority:

        Telmex Holdings holds one international Section 214 authorization, File No. ITC-214-
19970227-00124 (global or limited global resale service). CES holds one international Section
214 authorization, File No. ITC-214-20030312-001312 (global or limited global facilities-based
service, global or limited global resale service). América Móvil does not hold any international
Section 214 authorizations.

Answer to Section 63.18(h):

       América Móvil is a publicly traded company. Its ten percent or greater direct or indirect
shareholders are identified below:

           Name:               Slim Family
           Address:            c/o América Móvil
                               Lago Zurich 245
                               Plaza Carso, Edificio Telcel, Piso 4
                               Colonia Granada Ampliación
                               Delegación Miguel Hidalgo
                               11529, Ciudad de México, México
           Citizenship:        México
           Principal Business: N/A (individuals)
           Percentage Held:    62.88 percent equity interest in América Móvil. As of June 1,
                               2018, the Slim Family – through their beneficial ownership held by
                               (i) a Mexican trust that holds AA Shares and L Shares for their
                               benefit (the “Family Trust”); (ii) Inversora Carso, S.A. de C.V.
                               (f/k/a Inmobiliaria Carso, S.A. de C.V.); (iii) Control Empresarial
                               de Capitales, S.A. de C.V. (a subsidiary of Inversora Carso); (iv)
                               shares owned by Grupo Financiero Inbursa, S.A.B. de C.V.; and
                               (v) their direct ownership of shares – holds 62.88 percent of the
                               equity and 89.00 percent of the voting stock in América Móvil.3

    See Public Notice, DA 03-1171.
 Based upon public filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), as of June 1, 2018: (i)
25.57 percent of the equity (approximately 51.48 percent of the voting stock) of América Móvil is owned directly
and indirectly, including beneficially owned, through the Family Trust; (ii) Inversora Carso, S.A. de C.V. (a non-
public holding company duly organized under Mexican laws that may be deemed to be controlled by the Slim
Family) also owns shares of América Móvil that represent 9.49 percent of the equity (approx. 20.14 percent of the
voting stock) of América Móvil; (iii) Control Empresarial de Capitales, S.A. de C.V. (a subsidiary of Inversora


                                                                                        International Section 214
                                                                        Pro Forma Transfer of Control Notification

                                   Other Mexican and foreign investors hold the remaining equity and
                                   voting stock of América Móvil. Aside from the Slim Family, no
                                   other public investor holds more than 5 percent of the equity of
                                   América Móvil. Further, according to beneficial ownership reports
                                   filed with the SEC, no individual member of the Slim Family,
                                   excluding Mr. Carlos Slim Helú, holds a 5 percent or greater
                                   equity interest in América Móvil.

No other person or entity will have a direct or indirect, voting or equity of 10 percent or greater
ownership interest in Telmex Holdings.

Answer to Section 63.18(h):

        América Móvil has the following interlocking directorates with foreign carriers:

        1. Carlos Slim Domit - América Móvil Director, serves as director of the following
           foreign carriers:
               a. Teléfonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. (Mexico)

        2. Patrick Slim Domit - América Móvil Director, serves as director of the following
           foreign carriers:
               a. Teléfonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. (Mexico)

        3. Antonio Cosío Pando - América Móvil Director, serves as director of the following
           foreign carriers:
               a. Teléfonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. (Mexico)

        4. Daniel Hajj Aboumrad - América Móvil Director, serves as director of the following
           foreign carriers:
               a. Compañía Dominicana de Teléfonos, S.A. (Dominican Republic)
               b. Radiomóvil Dipsa, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)
               c. Claro, S.A. (Brazil)
               d. AM Wireless Uruguay, S.A. (Uruguay)
               e. Claro Chile, S.A. (Chile)

Carso, S.A. de C.V.) owns shares of América Móvil that represent 6.25 percent of the equity (approx. 0.57 percent
of the voting stock); (iv) Grupo Financiero Inbursa, S.A.B. de C.V. (“GFI”) (a public company duly organized under
Mexican laws, of which the Slim Family beneficially owns the majority of the outstanding voting equity) owns
shares of América Móvil that represent 1.69 percent of the equity. In addition, based upon public filings with the
SEC, Carlos Slim Helú and members of his family individually own shares of América Móvil, though none in his or
her individual capacity, excluding Carlos Slim Helú, own five percent or more of the voting shares of América
Móvil. Collectively, members of the Slim Family, the Family Trust, Inversora Carso and GFI hold approximately
62.88 percent of the equity and 89.00 percent of the voting stock in América Móvil. As of March 31, 2018, 15.9
percent of the outstanding L shares of América Móvil were represented by L Share ADSs, each representing the
right to receive 20 L shares, and 99.9 percent of the L Share ADSs were held by 7,393 registered holders with
addresses in the United States. As of such date, 34.4 percent of the A shares were held in the form of A Share ADSs,
each representing the right to receive 20 A shares, and 99.8 percent of the A Share ADSs were held by 3,282
registered holders with addresses in the United States.


                                                                             International Section 214
                                                             Pro Forma Transfer of Control Notification

                   f. América Móvil Perú, S.A.C. (Peru)
                   g. Teléfonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. (Mexico)

        5. Rafael Moisés Kalach Mizrahi - América Móvil Director, serves as director of the
           following foreign carriers:
               a. Teléfonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. (Mexico)

        6. Oscar Von Hauske Solis - América Móvil Director, serves as director of the following
           foreign carriers:
               a. Compañía Dominicana de Teléfonos, S.A. (Dominican Republic)
               b. Radiomóvil Dipsa, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)
               c. Claro, S.A. (Brazil)
               d. Comunicación Celular, S.A. (Colombia)
               e. Telmex Colombia, S.A. (Colombia)
               f. Consorcio Ecuatoriano de Telecomunicaciones, S.A. (Ecuador)
               g. Claro Chile, S.A. (Chile)
               h. América Móvil Perú, S.A.C. (Peru)
               i. Teléfonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. (Mexico)
               j. Telekom Austria AG (Austria)

Description of Transaction and Public Interest Statement:

        América Móvil hereby notifies the Commission of the pro forma transfer of control of the
international section 214 authorizations held by Telmex Holdings and its wholly owned indirect
subsidiary, CES, in connection with an internal reorganization. Specifically, Integración de
Servicios TMX, S.A. de C.V. (“ISSA”), an indirect subsidiary of América Móvil, transferred its
shares in Telmex Holdings to Sercotel, S.A. de C.V. (“Sercotel”), a direct subsidiary of América
Móvil. Because both ISSA and Sercotel are wholly owned by América Móvil, Telmex Holdings
and CES remain indirectly owned and controlled by their ultimate parent, América Móvil, and
that company’s controlling shareholders, the Slim Family. Accordingly, the transfers of the
authorizations held by Telmex Holdings and CES in connection with this transaction are pro
forma in nature.

        Attached are charts showing the ownership of the affected FCC licensees both before and
after the transaction.

        The Commission’s rules provide that “[i]n the case of a pro forma assignment or transfer
of control, the section 214 authorization holder is not required to seek Commission approval.”4
América Móvil hereby certifies that the transfer of control described herein was pro forma and
that, together with all previous pro forma transactions, does not result in a change in the
controlling party of any international 214 authorization.

        47 C.F.R. §63.24(f)(1).


     Pre-closing Structure

América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V.

Carso Global Telecom, S.A. de     100% owned by América Móvil

Teléfonos de México, S.A.B. de    100% owned by Carso Global Telecom

Controladora de Servicios de
Comunicaciones TMX, S.A. de       100% owned by Teléfonos de México

Integración de Servicios TMX,     100% owned by Controladora de
         S.A. de C.V.             Servicios de Comunicaciones TMX

                                  100% owned by Integración de Servicios
     Telmex Holdings, Inc.        TMX

  Telmex Ventures USA, Inc.       100% owned by Telmex Holdings, Inc.

Claro Enterprise Solutions, LLC   99% owned by Telmex Ventures USA;
   (f/k/a Telmex USA L.L.C.)      1% owned by Telmex Holdings, Inc.

                                         Post-closing Structure

                                    América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V.

                                                                     99.99% owned by América Móvil;
                                         Sercotel, S.A. de C.V.      0.01% owned by Amov IV*

                                         Telmex Holdings, Inc.       100% owned by Sercotel

                                      Telmex Ventures USA, Inc.      100% owned by Telmex Holdings, Inc.

                                   Claro Enterprise Solutions, LLC   99% owned by Telmex Ventures USA;
                                      (f/k/a Telmex USA L.L.C.)      1% owned by Telmex Holdings, Inc.

*Amov IV is a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of América Móvil.

Document Created: 2018-06-27 14:13:05
Document Modified: 2018-06-27 14:13:05

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