Attachment DA-18-740.pdf


PUBLIC NOTICE submitted by Federal Communications Commission

Public Notice


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180618-00123 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


             PUBLIC NOTICE
Federal Communications Commission                                       News Media Information 202 / 418-0500
445 12th St., S.W.                                                               Internet:
Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                   TTY: 1-888-835-5322

                                                                                                DA 18-740
                                                                                              July 18, 2018

                       T-MOBILE US, INC., AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES

                                         WT Docket No. 18-197

                                PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED

Petitions To Deny Due:          August 27, 2018
Oppositions Due:                September 17, 2018
Replies Due:                    October 9, 2018

        T-Mobile US, Inc. (T-Mobile), and Sprint Corporation (Sprint, together with T-Mobile,
Applicants) have filed applications pursuant to Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended (the Act),1 seeking Commission consent to the transfer of control of the licenses,
authorizations, and spectrum leases held by Sprint Corporation and its subsidiaries to T-Mobile US, Inc.,
and the pro forma transfer of control of the licenses, authorizations, and spectrum leases held by T-
Mobile US, Inc., and it subsidiaries in furtherance of T-Mobile’s and Sprint’s previously announced
agreement to merge. T-Mobile also filed a petition for declaratory ruling to permit foreign ownership in
excess of the statutory benchmark in Section 310(b) of the Act.2
         Under their agreement, the proposed transaction contemplates a merger of Sprint into an indirect
subsidiary of T-Mobile, with Sprint surviving as a direct subsidiary of T-Mobile USA, Inc., which is a
direct subsidiary of T-Mobile. Post-transaction, Deutsche Telekom AG (Deutsche Telekom) would hold
approximately 42 percent of the fully diluted shares of T-Mobile Common Stock, Softbank Group Corp.
(Softbank) would hold approximately 27 percent of the fully diluted shares of T-Mobile Common Stock,
and public shareholders would hold approximately 31 percent of the fully diluted shares of T-Mobile
Common Stock. Deutsche Telekom would retain de facto control of the combined company (New
T-Mobile) because it would have the right to designate a majority of the members of the Board of
Directors and because its planned agreement with Softbank would grant it the right to direct the voting of
Softbank’s New T-Mobile shares.

1   47 U.S.C. §§ 214, 310(d).
2   47 U.S.C. § 310(b).

       Preliminary review of the Applicants’ submitted data (Appendix L: Spectrum Holdings and
Aggregation Data) indicates that, in counties in which there is geographical overlap, New T-Mobile
would hold a maximum of 361.7 megahertz of spectrum.

           Parts 22, 24, 27, 30, 87, 90, and 101 – Wireless Radio Services
         The following applications for consent to the transfer of control of licenses held by subsidiaries of
Sprint from Sprint to T-Mobile have been assigned the file numbers listed below:
File No.             Licensee                                                           Lead Call Sign

00082242093          Sprint Spectrum Realty Company, LLC                                KNLF200
0008235822           Alda Wireless Holdings, LLC                                        WLW697
0008235840           American Telecasting Development, LLC                              B002
0008235852           American Telecasting of Anchorage, LLC                             WMX713
0008235851           American Telecasting of Columbus, LLC                              B095
0008235858           American Telecasting of Ft. Collins, LLC                           B149
0008235667           American Telecasting of Green Bay, LLC                             B018
0008235679           American Telecasting of Lansing, LLC                               B241
0008235685           American Telecasting of Lincoln, LLC                               B256
0008235694           American Telecasting of Medford, LLC                               B288
0008235698           American Telecasting of Michiana, LLC                              B126
0008235705           American Telecasting of Monterey, LLC                              B397
0008235708           American Telecasting of Redding, LLC                               B371
0008235713           American Telecasting of Seattle, LLC                               WHT657
0008235723           American Telecasting of Yuba City, LLC                             B485
0008235728           ATI Sub, LLC                                                       WNTK634
0008235734           Broadcast Cable, LLC                                               WLW814
0008236000           Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum, LLC                            B192
0008235280           Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II LLC                                 B085
0008235060           Clearwire Spectrum Holdings III, LLC                               B020
0008236496           Clearwire Spectrum Holdings LLC                                    B266
0008236687           Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC                                       B014
0008235294           Nextel West Corp.                                                  KBP878
0008234511           NSAC, LLC                                                          B004
0008236561           PCTV Gold II, LLC                                                  B011
0008236568           Sprint (Bay Area), LLC                                             WHT700
0008236543           Sprint PR Spectrum LLC                                             KNLH423
0008236514           Sprint Puerto Rico Holdings LLC                                    WQYU424
0008236415           Sprint Spectrum License Holder LLC                                 WLK242
0008235383           Sprint Spectrum, L.P.                                              KNLF208
0008236216           SprintCom, Inc.                                                    B075
0008236163           TDI Acquisition Sub, LLC                                           WMI303
0008236117           WBSY Licensing, LLC                                                B228
0008235860           APC Realty and Equipment Company, LLC                              WPSH342
0008235866           Nextel Communications of the Mid-Atlantic, Inc.                    KNCM781
0008235873           Nextel of New York, Inc.                                           KNDC447

3   This application is the lead application for the wireless radio services.


File No.         Licensee                                                             Lead Call Sign

0008235874       Nextel of Puerto Rico, Inc.                                          WPRQ760
0008235879       Nextel South Corp.                                                   KED872
0008235886       NPCR, Inc.                                                           KNBF688
0008235888       People’s Choice TV of Albuquerque, LLC                               KFK32
0008235890       PRWireless PR, LLC                                                   WPNN780
0008235893       SCC X, LLC                                                           B157
0008235895       Sprint Administrative Services Group                                 WPPD279
0008235898       Sprint Communications Company, LP                                    794SE
0008235903       Sprint Communications, Inc.                                          WOJ40
0008235919       Sprint Spectrum License Holder II LLC                                KNLH500
0008235946       Sprint Spectrum License Holder III LLC                               WPVC984
0008235388       Sprint Telephony PCS, LLC                                            WPON274
0008235949       Sprint United Management Company                                     WQJW879
0008235951       WBSFP Licensing, LLC                                                 B152

        The following applications for consent to the pro forma transfer of control of licenses held by
subsidiaries of T-Mobile have been assigned the file numbers listed below:
File No.         Licensee                                                             Lead Call Sign

0008245816       T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC                                             KNLF249
0008243638       SunCom Wireless License Company, LLC                                 KNKN557
0008243417       Powertel Memphis Licenses, Inc.                                      KNLF255
0008253402       T-Mobile License LLC                                                 KNLF202
0008243390       Iowa Wireless Services Holding Corporation                           KNLG769

        Parts 27, 30, and 90 – Wireless Radio Services Spectrum Leasing Arrangements
        The following applications for consent to the transfer of control of spectrum leasing arrangements
pursuant to which subsidiaries of Sprint are the spectrum lessee from Sprint to T-Mobile have been
assigned the file numbers listed below:
File No.         Lessee/Sublessee                                                     Lead Lease ID

0008234826       American Telecasting of Denver, LLC                                  L000002648
0008235055       American Telecasting of Fort Myers, LLC                              L000002337
0008235066       American Telecasting of Little Rock, LLC                             L000000199
0008235084       American Telecasting of Louisville, LLC                              L000000262
0008235095       American Telecasting of Santa Barbara, LLC                           L000003594
0008235605       American Telecasting of Sheridan, LLC                                L000002493
0008235608       Fresno MMDS Associates, LLC                                          L000000485
0008235643       Kennewick Licensing, LLC                                             L000005239
0008235647       PCTV Sub, LLC                                                        L000003929
0008235661       People’s Choice TV of Houston, LLC                                   L000001677
0008235682       People’s Choice TV of St. Louis, LLC                                 L000002312
0008235699       SpeedChoice of Phoenix, LLC                                          L000001990
0008235710       Transworld Telecom II, LLC                                           L000003931
0008235724       WBS of America, LLC                                                  L000004063
0008235733       WBS of Sacramento, LLC                                               L000000468


File No.          Lessee/Sublessee                                                             Lead Lease ID

0008235765        WCOF, LLC                                                                    L000004050
0008235774        Wireless Broadband Services of America, LLC                                  L000001595
0008235800        SpeedChoice of Detroit, LLC                                                  L000001759
0008235828        Alda Wireless Holdings, LLC                                                  L000022687
0008235836        American Telecasting Development, LLC                                        L000000259
0008235854        American Telecasting of Anchorage, LLC                                       L000002488
0008235819        American Telecasting of Columbus, LLC                                        L000001638
0008235831        American Telecasting of Ft. Collins, LLC                                     L000002549
0008235675        American Telecasting of Green Bay, LLC                                       L000002048
0008235683        American Telecasting of Lansing, LLC                                         L000002690
0008235690        American Telecasting of Lincoln, LLC                                         L000002703
0008235696        American Telecasting of Medford, LLC                                         L000002516
0008235701        American Telecasting of Michiana, LLC                                        L000001625
0008235706        American Telecasting of Monterey, LLC                                        L000000225
0008235711        American Telecasting of Redding, LLC                                         L000002487
0008235718        American Telecasting of Seattle, LLC                                         L000003953
0008266885        American Telecasting of Seattle, LLC                                         L000031135
0008235726        American Telecasting of Yuba City, LLC                                       L000010348
0008235732        ATI Sub, LLC                                                                 L000003928
0008235737        Broadcast Cable, LLC                                                         L000002011
0008236390        Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum, LLC                                      L000001566
0008235279        Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II LLC                                           L000000886
0008235203        Clearwire Spectrum Holdings III, LLC                                         L000005241
0008235205        Clearwire Spectrum Holdings III, LLC                                         L000024327
0008236558        Clearwire Spectrum Holdings LLC                                              L000000253
0008236594        Clearwire Spectrum Holdings LLC                                              L000026615
0008266905        Clearwire Spectrum Holdings LLC                                              L000000945
0008236715        Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC                                                 L000000159
0008266899        Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC                                                 L000001180
0008235293        Nextel West Corp.                                                            L000026606
0008234513        NSAC, LLC                                                                    L000000168
0008236564        PCTV Gold II, LLC                                                            L000001637
0008236559        Sprint (Bay Area), LLC                                                       L000000341
0008236524        Sprint PR Spectrum LLC                                                       L000023619
0008236502        Sprint Puerto Rico Holdings LLC                                              L000023616
0008236405        Sprint Spectrum License Holder LLC                                           L000020418
0008235384        Sprint Spectrum, L.P.                                                        L000013987
0008236182        SprintCom, Inc.                                                              L000017748
0008236156        TDI Acquisition Sub, LLC                                                     L000003926
0008236108        WBSY Licensing, LLC                                                          L000003476
6042EDSL184       Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II LLC                                           L000003688
6043EDSL185       Clearwire Spectrum Holdings III, LLC                                         L000008676

4 This application is a manual filing, and can be located as an attachment to the ULS licensing record for lease
identifier L000003688.
5 This application is a manual filing, and can be located as an attachment to the ULS licensing record for lease
identifier L000008676.

File No.          Lessee/Sublessee                                                             Lead Lease ID

6046EDSL186 NSAC, LLC                                                                          L000006063
6045EDSL187 SpeedChoice of Detroit, LLC                                                        L000001836
6044EDSL188 Sprint PR Spectrum LLC                                                             L000009842

       The following applications for consent to the pro forma transfer of control of spectrum leasing
arrangements pursuant to which subsidiaries of T-Mobile are the lessee have been assigned the file
numbers listed below:
File No.          Lessee/Sublessee                                                             Lead Lease ID

0008253328        T-Mobile License LLC                                                         L000017243
0008245179        Iowa Wireless Services Holding Corporation                                   L000001109
0008253834        Iowa Wireless Services Holding Corporation                                   L000020146

         Part 25 – Earth Station Licenses
         The following applications for consent to the transfer of control of licenses held by subsidiaries of
Sprint from Sprint to T-Mobile have been assigned the file numbers listed below:
File No.                         Licensee                                                      Lead Call Sign

SES-T/C-20180618-01523           Nextel Communications of the Mid-Atlantic, Inc.               E040169
SES-T/C-20180618-01532           Sprint Communications Company, LP                             E6241

         Part 78 – Cable Television Relay Service (CARS)
         The following applications for consent to the transfer of control of licenses held by subsidiaries of
Sprint from Sprint to T-Mobile have been assigned the file numbers listed below:
File No.                         Licensee                                                      Call Sign

CAR-20180621AA-09                Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC                                  WLY-681
CAR-20180621AB-09                Fixed Wireless Holdings, LLC                                  WLY-803
CAR-20180622AB-09                NSAC, LLC                                                     WLY-928
CAR-20180622AC-09                NSAC, LLC                                                     WLY-929
CAR-20180627AA-09                NSAC, LLC                                                     WLY-930
CAR-20180627AB-09                NSAC, LLC                                                     WLY-931

         Part 5 – Experimental Radio Station Authorizations
        The following applications for consent to the pro forma transfer of control of licenses held by
subsidiaries of T-Mobile have been assigned the file numbers listed below:

6 This application is a manual filing, and can be located as an attachment to the ULS licensing record for lease
identifier L000006063.
7 This application is a manual filing, and can be located as an attachment to the ULS licensing record for lease
identifier L000001836.
8 This application is a manual filing, and can be located as an attachment to the ULS licensing record for lease
identifier L000009842.

File No.                        Licensee                                                 Lead Call Sign

0031-EX-TU-2018                 T-Mobile License LLC                                     WI2XHR
0032-EX-TU-2018                 T-Mobile USA, Inc.                                       WL9XWZ

         The following applications for consent to the transfer of control of international Section 214
authorizations held by subsidiaries of Sprint from Sprint to T-Mobile have been assigned the file numbers
listed below:
File No.                       Authorization Holder                            Lead Authorization Number

ITC-T/C-20180618-00118         Sprint Communications Co., LP                   ITC-214-19960117-00018
ITC-T/C-20180618-00119         SprintCom, Inc.                                 ITC-214-19991110-00692
ITC-T/C-20180618-00120         Sprint Communications, Inc.                     ITC-214-19970723-00428
ITC-T/C-20180618-00121         Sprint Spectrum, L.P.                           ITC-214-1991203-00766
ITC-T/C-20180618-00122         PRWireless PR, LLC                              ITC-214-19990615-00426
ITC-T/C-20180618-00123         US Telecom, Inc.                                ITC-214-19851107-00004
ITC-T/C-20180618-00124         Virgin Mobile USA, L.P.                         ITC-MOD-20151207-00294

        The following applications for consent to the pro forma transfer of control of international
Section 214 authorizations held by subsidiaries of T-Mobile have been assigned the file numbers listed
File No.                       Authorization Holder                            Lead Authorization Number

ITC-T/C-20180618-00100         T-Mobile USA, Inc.                              ITC-214-19960930-00473
ITC-T/C-20180618-00101         T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC                        ITC-214-20070626-00246
ITC-T/C-20180618-00102         Iowa Wireless Services LLC                      ITC-214-20020513-00251

         The following application for consent to the transfer of control of interests in international cable
landing licenses held by the subsidiary of Sprint listed below from Sprint to T-Mobile has been assigned
the file number listed below:
File No.                       Interest Holder                                 Lead Authorization Number

SCL-T/C-20180618-00015 Sprint Communications Co., LP                           SCL-LIC-19920201-00010

        Sprint and T-Mobile filed a Joint Application for Consent to Transfer Control of International and
Domestic Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, in WT
Docket No. 18-197. The Joint Application requests Commission consent to the transfer of control of the
domestic Section 214 authority held by subsidiaries of Sprint from Sprint to T-Mobile. Sprint, through its
subsidiaries, offers competitive local and long distance wireline services in all 50 states, the District of
Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


         T-Mobile, on behalf of its current and future FCC licensee and lessee subsidiaries, has filed a
petition for declaratory ruling (Petition), pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the Act and Section
1.5000(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules,9 that it would not serve the public interest to prohibit foreign
ownership of T-Mobile in excess of the 25 percent benchmark in Section 310(b)(4). T-Mobile filed the
Petition in connection with the proposed transfer of control to T-Mobile of common carrier wireless
licenses and leases, and common carrier fixed satellite earth station licenses, held by subsidiaries of
        As noted above, following consummation of the proposed transaction, 69 percent of T-Mobile’s
equity and voting interests will be held by subsidiaries of Deutsche Telekom (42 percent) and SoftBank
(27 percent), subject to a proxy that would be held by T-Mobile to direct the voting of SoftBank’s T-
Mobile shares. T-Mobile states that the other 31 percent of T-Mobile shares will be held by public
shareholders, none of which would hold five percent or more of T-Mobile’s stock.
        Pursuant to Section 1.5001(i) of the rules, T-Mobile requests that the Commission specifically
approve foreign equity and voting interests that would be held directly or indirectly in T-Mobile post-
closing by the following foreign-organized entities and foreign individuals:
           Deutsche Telekom Holding B.V. (DT Holding) (Netherlands);
           SoftBank Group Capital Limited (SoftBank Capital) (United Kingdom);
           T-Mobile Global Holding GmbH (T-Mobile Global Holding) (Germany);
           T-Mobile Global Zwischenholding GmbH (T-Mobile Global) (Germany);
           Deutsche Telekom AG (Deutsche Telekom) (Germany);
           Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) (Germany);
           Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) (Germany);
           SoftBank Group Corp. (SoftBank Group) (Japan); and
           Masayoshi Son (Japan)
         According to the Petition, the Commission has previously approved 100 percent foreign
ownership of T-Mobile, including specifically by Deutsche Telekom and its above-identified foreign
shareholders and subsidiaries. The Petition also states that the Commission has approved 100 percent
foreign ownership of Sprint, including specifically by SoftBank Group and its above-identified foreign
shareholders and subsidiaries. T-Mobile also states that no new foreign entities are being introduced as a
result of the proposed transaction.
        T-Mobile also requests advance approval, pursuant to Section 1.5001(k) of the rules, for the
following foreign-organized entities to increase their interests in T-Mobile at some future time up to any
amount, including 100 percent of T-Mobile’s equity and voting interests: DT Holding; T-Mobile Global
Holding; T-Mobile Global; and Deutsche Telekom. The Petition states that the Commission has
previously granted this authority for all of these entities.
         T-Mobile additionally requests advance approval under Section 1.5001(k) for the following
foreign-organized entities to increase their aggregate interest in T-Mobile at some future time, up to and
including a non-controlling 49.99 percent equity and voting interest in T-Mobile: SoftBank Capital;
SoftBank Group; Masayoshi Son; KfW; and FRG. The Petition states that these foreign-organized
entities and foreign individual have previously been authorized to hold interests in T-Mobile or Sprint at
the identified level of ownership (a non-controlling 49.99 percent equity and voting interest) or more.
The Petition for Declaratory Ruling has been assigned File No. ISP-PDR-20180618-00002.

9   47 CFR § 1.5000(a)(1).

         Pursuant to Section 1.1200(a) of the Commission’s rules,10 the Commission may adopt modified
or more stringent ex parte procedures in particular proceedings if the public interest so requires. We
previously announced that this proceeding will be governed by permit-but-disclose ex parte procedures
that are applicable to non-restricted proceedings under Section 1.1206 of the Commission’s rules.11
         Parties making oral ex parte presentations are directed to the Commission’s ex parte rules.
Parties are reminded that memoranda summarizing the presentation must contain the presentation’s
substance and not merely list the subjects discussed.12 More than a one- or two-sentence description of
the views and arguments presented is generally required.13 Other rules pertaining to oral and written
presentations are set forth in Section 1.1206(b) as well.14

        All requests for meetings with Commission staff regarding this docket should be made via
email using Those who lack Internet or email access may
direct their requests to Morasha Younger, Competition and Infrastructure Policy Division,
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, (202) 418-1203.

         The transfer of control applications listed above have been found, upon initial review, to be
acceptable for filing. The Commission reserves the right to return any application if, upon further
examination, it is determined to be defective and not in conformance with the Commission’s rules or
          Interested parties must file petitions to deny no later than August 27, 2018. Persons and entities
that file petitions to deny become parties to the proceeding. They may participate fully in the proceeding,
including seeking access to any confidential information that may be filed under a protective order,
seeking reconsideration of decisions, and filing appeals of a final decision to the courts. Commenters
may also become parties to the proceeding for the purpose of seeking access to confidential information
filed under a protective order. Oppositions to such pleadings must be filed no later than September 17,
2018. Replies to such pleadings must be filed no later than October 9, 2018. All filings concerning
matters referenced in this Public Notice should refer to WT Docket No. 18-197.
        To allow the Commission to consider fully all substantive issues regarding the applications
and the proposed transaction in as timely and efficient a manner as possible, petitioners and
commenters should raise all issues in their initial filings. New issues may not be raised in responses
or replies.15 A party or interested person seeking to raise a new issue after the pleading cycle has
closed must show good cause why it was not possible for it to have raised the issue previously.
Submissions after the pleading cycle has closed that seek to raise new issues based on new facts or

10   47 CFR § 1.1200(a).
11Id. § 1.1206; Commission Opens Docket for Proposed Transfer of Control of Sprint Corporation to T-Mobile US,
Inc., WT Docket No. 18-197, Public Notice, DA 18-625 (rel. June 15, 2018).
12   47 CFR § 1.1206(b)(1).
13   Id.
14   Id. § 1.1206(b).
15   Id. § 1.45(c).

newly discovered facts should be filed within 15 days after such facts are discovered. Absent such a
showing of good cause, any issues not timely raised may be disregarded by the Commission.
        Under the Commission’s current procedures for the submission of filings and other documents,16
submissions in this matter may be filed electronically through the Commission’s Electronic Comment
Filing System (ECFS) or by hand delivery to the Commission.
       •   To file electronically,17 access ECFS via the Internet at In completing
           the transmittal screen, commenters should include their full name, U.S. Postal Service mailing
           address, and the applicable docket number.
       •   To file by paper, the original and one copy of each filing must be filed by hand or messenger
           delivery, by commercial overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service mail.
           All hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings for the Commission’s Secretary must be
           delivered to FCC Headquarters at 445 12th St., SW, Room TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554.
           The filing hours at this location are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All hand deliveries must be held
           together with rubber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes must be disposed of before entering the
           building. Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail and Priority
           Mail) must be sent to 9050 Junction Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701. U.S. Postal Service
           first-class, Express, and Priority mail should be addressed to 445 12th Street, SW, Washington,
           DC 20554. All filings must be addressed to the Commission’s Secretary, Office of the Secretary,
           Federal Communications Commission.
        One copy of each pleading, ex parte submission, or other filing must be delivered electronically,
by email or facsimile, or if delivered as paper copy, by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial
overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service mail (according to the procedures set
forth above for paper filings), to: (1) Kathy Harris, Mobility Division, Wireless Telecommunications
Bureau, at or (202) 418-2643 (facsimile); (2) Linda Ray, Broadband Division,
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at or (202) 418-7247 (facsimile); (3) Kate
Matraves, Competition and Infrastructure Policy Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at or (202) 418-0787 (facsimile); (4) Jim Bird, Office of General Counsel, at or (202) 418-1234 (facsimile); and (5) David Krech, Telecommunications and
Analysis Division, International Bureau, at or (202) 418-2824 (facsimile). Any
submission emailed to these individuals should include in the subject line of the email: (1) WT Docket
No. 18-197; (2) the name of the submitting party; and (3) a brief description or title identifying the type of
document being submitted (e.g., WT Docket No. 18-197, Widget Corp., Notice of Ex Parte
        The application and any associated documents are available for public inspection and copying
during normal reference room hours at the following Commission office: FCC Reference Information
Center, 445 12th Street, SW, Room CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554. The exhibits and declarations
associated with the proposed transaction are available electronically through ECFS, which may be
accessed on the Commission’s Internet website. The applications in addition are available electronically
through ULS, which also may be accessed on the Commission’s Internet website. Additional information
regarding the proposed transaction will be available on the FCC’s Office of General Counsel’s
T-Mobile/Sprint website,, which will contain an
unofficial listing and electronic copies of materials in this matter.

16   FCC Announces Change in Filing Location for Paper Documents, Public Notice, 24 FCC Rcd 14312 (2009).
17   Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings, Report and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 11322 (1998).

         To request materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities (Braille, large print,
electronic files, audio format), send an email to or call the Consumer and Governmental
Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice) or (202) 418-0432 (TTY). Contact the FCC to request
reasonable accommodations for filing comments (accessible format documents, sign language
interpreters, CART, etc.) by email:; phone: (202) 418-0530; or TTY: (202) 418-0432.
        For further information, send an email to


Document Created: 2018-07-19 12:45:07
Document Modified: 2018-07-19 12:45:07

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