T-Mobile US, Inc, Sp

LETTER submitted by Department of Justice

Removal from Streamline


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180618-00119 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                     Before the
                                Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                      )
T-Mobile US, Inc.                                     )
                                                      )      WT Docket No. 18-197
Petition for Declaratory Ruling under                 )      IB Docket No. _________________
Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications               )
Act of 1934, As Amended                               )

To:       International Bureau
          Federal Communications Commission

                          PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING

          Pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,1 and

Section 1.5000(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules,2 T-Mobile US, Inc. (“T-Mobile”), on behalf of

its current and future FCC licensee and lessee subsidiaries,3 respectfully petitions the Federal

Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) for a declaratory ruling that it would

not serve the public interest to prohibit indirect foreign ownership of T-Mobile and its

subsidiaries of up to 100 percent. On multiple occasions in previous granted declaratory rulings,

the FCC has repeatedly approved 100 percent indirect ownership in T-Mobile and its wholly

owned subsidiaries by T-Mobile’s ultimate parent, Deutsche Telekom AG (“DT”). This petition

once again seeks authority for these entities to hold up to 100 percent indirect ownership and

control of T-Mobile—this time in connection with the transfer of FCC licenses and leases as part

          47 U.S.C. § 310(b)(4).
          47 C.F.R. § 1.5000(a)(1).
          47 C.F.R. § 1.5000(c)(2)(ii).

of T-Mobile’s proposed merger with Sprint Corporation (“Sprint”).4 The petition also seeks

authority for up to 49.99 percent ownership by certain other foreign minority interest holders

previously reviewed and approved by the Commission.


         Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act prohibits the issuance of any common

carrier radio license to:

         any corporation directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation of which
         more than one-fourth of the capital stock is owned of record or voted by aliens,
         their representatives, or by a foreign government or representative thereof or by
         any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country, if the Commission
         finds the public interest will be served by the refusal or revocation of such

In the Foreign Participation Order, the Commission concluded that allowing additional foreign

investment in common carrier wireless licensees beyond the 25 percent benchmark established in

Section 310(b)(4) would promote competition in the U.S. market, thereby serving the public

interest.6 More recently, in the Foreign Ownership Policies Second Report and Order, the

Commission re-affirmed that “foreign investment has been and will continue to be an important

        T-Mobile and Sprint are contemporaneously filing applications seeking FCC consent for
the transfer of control to T-Mobile of FCC licenses and leases held by subsidiaries of Sprint, as
well as the pro forma transfer of control of FCC licenses and leases held by subsidiaries of T-
Mobile. The Commission has opened WT Docket No. 18-197 for applications in connection
with the transaction. See Commission Opens Docket for Proposed Transfer of Control of Sprint
Corporation to T-Mobile US, Inc., Public Notice, DA 18-625 (June 15, 2018).
         47 U.S.C. § 310(b)(4) (emphasis added).
       See Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunication Market,
Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, 12 FCC Rcd 23891, 23940, Para. 111 (1997)
(Foreign Participation Order).


Document Created: 2018-07-25 16:02:02
Document Modified: 2018-07-25 16:02:02

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