Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180605-00108 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



       This notification of pro forma transfer of control involves the following international
Section 214 authorization holders:

•    File No. ITC-214-20160630-00180: Lingo Management, LLC. The following entities also
     operate pursuant to this authorization:

        o   Birch Communications of Virginia, Inc.
        o   Birch Communications of the Northeast, LLC
        o   Birch Telecom of the South, LLC
        o   Birch Telecom of the Great Lakes, LLC
        o   Birch Telecom of the West, LLC
        o   IONEX Communications, LLC
        o   IONEX Communications South, LLC
        o   IONEX Communications North, LLC

•    File No. ITC-214-20130716-00198: Birch Communications of Kentucky, LLC.

•    File No. ITC-214-20130411-00107: Tempo Telecom, LLC.

      Lingo Management, LLC (“Lingo”), Birch Communications of Kentucky, LLC (“Birch
Kentucky”), and Tempo Telecom, LLC (“Tempo”) are collectively referred to as the
“Companies” herein.


        On May 4, 2018, the Companies participated in a merger transaction, which was
reviewed and approved by the Federal Communications Commission in WC Docket No. 17-301,
IB File No. ITC-T/C-20171031-00201, and IB File No. ITC-T/C-20171031-00202. As
described in the filings in the above-referenced dockets, the Companies undertook certain
intracorporate reorganization changes, which resulted in a pro forma transfer of control of the

        Prior to the merger transaction, the Companies’ ultimate parent was Birch
Communications Holdings, Inc. (“BCHI”). Two individuals held the majority interests in BCHI:
Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, owned approximately 62% voting and equity interest in
BCHI, and R. Kirby Godsey, a U.S. citizen, owned approximately 24% voting and equity interest in
BCHI. No other person or entity held a ten percent (10%) or greater direct or indirect equity or
voting interest in BCHI.

      On May 4, 2018, as part of the merger transaction, the Companies’ were spun off to a
newly formed Georgia limited liability company, Lingo Communications, LLC (“Lingo
Comm”). Lingo Comm is a holding company only, and does not offer any services. As of May

4, 2018, Mr. Green held a 66.5% membership interest in Lingo Comm and Mr. Godsey held a
33.5% interest in Lingo Comm. As a result, there was no substantial change in beneficial
ownership of the Companies, and the change is treated as presumptively pro forma.

         Pre- and post- organizational charts are provided for the Commission’s convenience.


Response to IBFS Form Question 10

Correspondence concerning this pro forma notification should be sent to:

Angela F. Collins
Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
1990 K Street, NW, Suite 950
Washington, DC 20006
202-862-8900 (telephone)

The Companies hold the following international Section 214 authorizations:

•     File No. ITC-214-20160630-00180: Lingo Management, LLC. The following entities also
      operate pursuant to this authorization:

         o   Birch Communications of Virginia, Inc.
         o   Birch Communications of the Northeast, LLC
         o   Birch Telecom of the South, LLC
         o   Birch Telecom of the Great Lakes, LLC
         o   Birch Telecom of the West, LLC
         o   IONEX Communications, LLC
         o   IONEX Communications South, LLC
         o   IONEX Communications North, LLC

•     File No. ITC-214-20130716-00198: Birch Communications of Kentucky, LLC.

•     File No. ITC-214-20130411-00107: Tempo Telecom, LLC.

Response to IBFS Form Question 11

        As of May 4, 2018, the following entities and individuals hold a ten percent (10%) or greater
direct or indirect ownership interest in Lingo Management, LLC:

•     Lingo Communications, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, holds 100% of the
      interests of Lingo Management, LLC. Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, is the Manager
      of Lingo Communications, LLC. The business address for Lingo Communications, LLC is


    3060 Peachtree St., NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. Lingo Communications, LLC is a
    holding company and offers no services.

•   Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, holds 66.5% of the membership interests of Lingo
    Communications, LLC. R. Kirby Godsey, a U.S. citizen, holds 33.5% of the membership
    interests of Lingo Communications, LLC. The business address for Mr. Green and Mr.
    Godsey is 3060 Peachtree St., NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. No other person or entity
    holds a ten percent (10%) or greater direct or indirect equity or voting interest in Lingo
    Communications, LLC.

        As of May 4, 2018, the following entities and individuals hold a ten percent (10%) or greater
direct or indirect ownership interest in Birch Communications of Kentucky, LLC:

•   Lingo Management, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, holds 100% of the interests of
    Birch Communications of Kentucky, LLC. Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, is the
    Manager of Lingo Management, LLC. The business address for Lingo Management, LLC is
    3060 Peachtree St., NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. Lingo Management, LLC is a
    holding company and offers no services.

•   Lingo Communications, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, holds 100% of the
    interests of Lingo Management, LLC. Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, is the Manager
    of Lingo Communications, LLC. The business address for Lingo Communications, LLC is
    3060 Peachtree St., NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. Lingo Communications, LLC is a
    holding company and offers no services.

•   Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, holds 66.5% of the membership interests of Lingo
    Communications, LLC. R. Kirby Godsey, a U.S. citizen, holds 33.5% of the membership
    interests of Lingo Communications, LLC. The business address for Mr. Green and Mr.
    Godsey is 3060 Peachtree St., NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. No other person or entity
    holds a ten percent (10%) or greater direct or indirect equity or voting interest in Lingo
    Communications, LLC.

        As of May 4, 2018, the following entities and individuals hold a ten percent (10%) or greater
direct or indirect ownership interest in Tempo Telecom, LLC:

•   Lingo Management, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, holds 100% of the interests of
    Tempo Telecom, LLC. Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, is the Manager of Lingo
    Management, LLC. The business address for Lingo Management, LLC is 3060 Peachtree St.,
    NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. Lingo Management, LLC is a holding company and
    offers no services.

•   Lingo Communications, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, holds 100% of the
    interests of Lingo Management, LLC. Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, is the Manager
    of Lingo Communications, LLC. The business address for Lingo Communications, LLC is
    3060 Peachtree St., NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. Lingo Communications, LLC is a
    holding company and offers no services.


•   Holcombe T. Green, Jr., a U.S. citizen, holds 66.5% of the membership interests of Lingo
    Communications, LLC. R. Kirby Godsey, a U.S. citizen, holds 33.5% of the membership
    interests of Lingo Communications, LLC. The business address for Mr. Green and Mr.
    Godsey is 3060 Peachtree St., NW, Suite 1065, Atlanta, GA 30305. No other person or entity
    holds a ten percent (10%) or greater direct or indirect equity or voting interest in Lingo
    Communications, LLC.

        Other than as stated herein, no other entity or individual owns a ten percent (10%) or
greater direct or indirect equity or voting interest in the Companies.

       In addition to Birch Kentucky and Tempo, as of May 4, 2018, Lingo Management, LLC
also holds 100% of the interests in the following entities that provide telecommunications

       o   Birch Communications of Virginia, Inc.
       o   Birch Communications of the Northeast, LLC
       o   Birch Telecom of the South, LLC
       o   Birch Telecom of the Great Lakes, LLC
       o   Birch Telecom of the West, LLC
       o   IONEX Communications, LLC
       o   IONEX Communications South, LLC
       o   IONEX Communications North, LLC

       As of May 4, 2018, Mr. Green and Mr. Godsey also hold interests in BCHI Holdings,
LLC (“BHold”). BHold holds interests in the following entities that provide telecommunications

       o   Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc.
       o   Network Billing Systems, LLC
       o   Birch Communications, LLC
       o   Cbeyond Communications, LLC
       o   Birch Telecom of Missouri, LLC
       o   Birch Telecom of Kansas, LLC
       o   Birch Telecom of Texas LTD LLP
       o   Birch Telecom of Oklahoma, LLC
       o   Primus Management ULC (Canada)

Response to IBFS Form Question 12

        As of May 4, 2018, the Companies are affiliated with Primus Management ULC
(“Primus”), a British Columbia company that is authorized to provide local exchange, long
distance, and Internet access services in Canada, as a result of the membership interests held by
Mr. Green and Mr. Godsey in BHold. None of the officers or directors of the Companies serve
as officers or directors of Primus.


Response to IBFS Form Question 13

      See explanation in Section I. above.


                                                 Birch Companies Pre-Close Organizational Chart

                                                                                  Shareholders with 10% or more of total shares outstanding:
   Birch Communications Holdings, Inc.                                                             Holcombe T. Green, Jr.
                                                                                                      R. Kirby Godsey

        Birch Communications, Inc.

Birch Telecom, Inc.                         Birch Communications of                 Birch Communications      Tempo Telecom, LLC                           Primus Holdings, Inc.
                                                                                       of Kentucky, LLC                                  Cbeyond, Inc.                             Bircan Holdings, LLC
                                                  Virginia, Inc.

                                                                                                                                         Cbeyond           Primus Management
                                                                                                                                     Communications, LLC                           Bircan Management
                                                                                                                                                                  ULC                      ULC
                                                                                   Birch Telecom 1996, Inc.

                                                                                                                                                                               Primus of Puerto Rico,
                                    Birch Texas Holdings, Inc.                                                   Birch Equipment, Inc.

                 Birch Telecom of Texas Ltd., L.L.P.
                  1% Held by its General Partner, Birch Texas Holdings, Inc.                               Birch Management Corporation
                 99% Held by its Limited Partner, Birch Communications, Inc.

                                Birch Telecom of Kansas, Inc.                                                 Birch Telecom of Missouri, Inc.

                              Birch Telecom of Oklahoma, Inc.                                               Birch Telecom of the South, Inc.

                         Birch Telecom of the Great Lakes, Inc.                                              Birch Telecom of the West, Inc.

                        Birch Communications of the Northeast,
                                                                                                               Birch Internet Services, Inc.

                                                                               Ionex Communications North, Inc.

                                                                               Ionex Communications South, Inc.

                                                                                  Ionex Communications, Inc.

  Post-Close Organizational Chart (as of May 4, 2018)

                                                 10% or greater:

                                             Holcombe T. Green, Jr.
                                                R. Kirby Godsey

                                             Lingo Communications, LLC

                                              Lingo Management, LLC

 Ionex Communications North, LLC                                      Birch Telecom of the Great Lakes, LLC
             (DE)                                                                     (DE)

     Ionex Communications, LLC                                             Birch Telecom of the West, LLC
              (DE)                                                                      (DE)

                                                                         Birch Communications of Kentucky,
Birch Communications of the Northeast, LLC
                  (DE)                                                                LLC

  Birch Telecom of the South, LLC                                              Tempo Telecom, LLC
               (DE)                                                                   (GA)

Birch Communications of Virginia, Inc.                                   Ionex Communications South, LLC
              (VA)                                                                   (DE)

Document Created: 2019-04-05 09:04:06
Document Modified: 2019-04-05 09:04:06

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