Attachment Attachment1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180605-00103 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                  NOWALSKY & GOTHARD
                                A Professional Limited Liability Company
                                             Attorneys at Law
LEON L. NowaALsKYy        .           1420 Veterans Memorial Blvd.
EDWARD P. GOTHARD                       Metairie, Louisiana 70005
                                       Telephone: (504) 832—1984
                                       Facsimile: (504) $31—0892

                                              June 5, 2018


Marlene Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

               RE:       Notification of Pro Forma Transaction
                         on behalf of FiberLight, LLC

Dear Secretary Dortch:

         FiberLight, LLC ("FiberLight"), pursuant to Section 63.24 (F) of the Commission‘s Rules, hereby
notifies the Commission of aproforma transaction involving reorganization ofits corporate structure which
shares common ownership pre— and post— transaction.

       The intent of this reorganization is to place the majority ownership of FiberLight into a holding
company, Thermo Acquisitions, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("TA"), thereby making FiberLight a majority
owned subsidiary of TA. The pre—transaction ownership of FiberLight will be substantially mirrored in the
post—transaction ownership of TA, such that the controlling owners of FiberLight will become controlling
shareholders of TA.

        The entities and individuals who own FiberLight remain substantially the same throughout the
reorganization, with more than fifty—percent (50%) ownership and equity in TA remaining with the original
owners of FiberLight. The controlling owners of FiberLight (the "Controlling Sharcholders") are
controlling shareholders of TA.

        On February 23, 2018, all but one ofthe owners of FiberLight entered into agreements to contribute
their membership interests in FiberLight to TA, in exchange for shares of stock of TA. The intent of this
reorganization is to place the majority ownership of FiberLight into a holding company, TA, so that
following consummation of the transaction, FiberLight will become a subsidiary of TA.

        In accordance with Section 63.24 (F) of the Commission‘s Rules, we provide the following
information in paragraphs (A) through (H) of Section 63.18 for both the Transferor and Transferee:

        (A)     Transferor

                FiberLight, LLC
                11700 Great Oaks Way, Suite 100
                Alpharetta, GA 30022
                Phone: (678) 366—0027

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June 5. 2018


                 Thermo Acquisitions, Inc.
                 1735 19® Street, Suite 200
                 Deaver, Colorado 80202
                 Phone: (303) 294—0690

           (B)   FiberLight was organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.
                 Thermo Acquisitions, Inc. was organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.

           (C)   Correspondence concerning this notice should be sent to:

                 Leon Nowalsky
                 Nowalsky & Gothard, APLLC
                 1420 Veterans Blvd.
                 Metairie, Louisiana
                 Phone (504) 832—1984

           (D)   FiberLight is a Delaware corporation and holds FCC 214 International License ITC—214—
                 20051011—00437 granted 11/23/2005 to provide Global or Limited Facilities Based

           )     The following individuals or entities directly (or indirectly) held ten (10%) percent or
                 more of the voting equity interest in the Transferee (FiberLight, LLC):

                 FL Investment Holdings, LLC              Percentage of Ownership: 37.49694469%
                 1735 19" Street #200
                 Denver, Colorado 80202
                 State of Qualification: Delaware

                 NT Assets, LLC                           Percentage of Ownership: 60.96342747%
                 1735 19" Street #200
                 Denver, Colorado 80202
                 State of Qualification: Delaware

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June 5 . 2018

        The above entities have no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

        Should you have any additional questions please contact the undersigned.


                                                             . Miovtabaty
                                                          Leon Nowalsky //‘//‘J


Document Created: 2018-06-05 09:51:50
Document Modified: 2018-06-05 09:51:50

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