Attachment Antin FirstLight TC

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180319-00059 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                 Before the
                                Washington, D.C.

 In the Matter of

 OHCP NORTHEASTERN FIBER BUYER HOLDCO, L.P.                 WC Docket No. 18-______
                                                            File No. ITC-T/C-2018-______

    Authority Holders

 Application for Consent to Transfer Indirect Control
 of Domestic and International Section 214 Authority
 Under the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended


       OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer Holdco, L.P. (“Transferor”) and Flight Group Holdings

LP (“Transferee”) hereby request Commission consent to the transfer of indirect control of

telecommunications service providers operating under the FirstLight brand and variously relying

on the blanket domestic Section 214 authorization in Section 63.01 of the Commission’s Rules

and/or holding international Section 214 authority to provide facilities-based or resold

international telecommunications services (the “Authority Holders”).1 The Transferor and its

subsidiary, OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc. (“NFB”) and Transferee’s indirect, wholly-

owned subsidiary, Flight Bidco, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Flight Bidco”) have executed a

purchase agreement pursuant to which Transferee will acquire indirect control of the Authority

Holders and their affiliates (the “Proposed Transaction”).

       Consummation of the Proposed Transaction will serve the public interest, convenience,

and necessity by fostering the continued growth of the Authority Holders and their affiliates

(collectively, “FirstLight”) and provision of services by those entities. Transferee and its

affiliates will seek to optimize FirstLight’s existing assets, to support investment in new

infrastructure, and to continue offering innovative and high-quality services to consumers,

enterprise, and carrier customers. FirstLight will benefit from the investment, asset-

management, and operational expertise of Transferee and its affiliates.

       The Proposed Transaction raises no public-interest concerns that would warrant an

extended review or transaction-specific conditions for consent. Indeed, this consolidated

application qualifies for presumptive streamlined processing under 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04(b)(1)(ii)

and 63.18(c)(ii). Consummation of the Proposed Transaction would create no new combinations

that could adversely affect competition in any geographic market for domestic interstate or

    The “Authority Holders” are: TVC Albany, Inc. (“TVC”); segTEL, Inc. (“segTEL”);
    Sovernet, Inc. (“Sovernet”); Sovernet Fiber Corp. (“Sovernet Fiber”); ION Holdco, LLC
    (“ION Holdco”); National Mobile Communications Corporation (“NMCC”); Finger Lakes
    Technology Group, Inc. (“FLTG”); Oxford County Telephone and Telegraph Company
    (“Oxford T&T”); Oxford Telephone Company (“Oxford Telephone”); Oxford West
    Telephone Company (“Oxford West”); Oxford County Telephone Service Company
    (“Oxford Service”); Northeast Competitive Access Providers, LLC (“Northeast CAP”);
    Revolution Networks, LLC (“Revolution”); and BayRing Communications, Inc.

international telecommunications services. The parties seek to consummate the Proposed

Transaction as soon as possible upon receipt of the required regulatory consents.

        In part I, the Applicants provide an overview of the parties and the Proposed Transaction.

In part II, the Applicants address the standard of review, how the Proposed Transaction serves

the public interest, and the absence of anti-competitive effects. In part III, the Applicants

provide the information required by 47 C.F.R. § 63.04 of the Commission’s Rules with respect to

domestic Section 214 authority. In part IV, the Applicants provide the information required by

47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e) of the Commission’s Rules with respect to international Section 214

authority. In part V, the Applicants address Team Telecom considerations.


        A.     Parties to the Proposed Transaction

               1.      Transferor

        Transferor is a Delaware limited partnership formed for the purpose of investing in

FirstLight and is ultimately owned by five funds managed by the private equity sponsor Oak Hill

Capital Partners. Over the past few years, Transferor’s subsidiary, NFB, acquired the Authority

Holders and their affiliates in a series of transactions designed to build a cohesive, competitive

communications network in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.2

     NFB acquired TVC and segTEL in 2016. See Domestic Section 214 Application Granted
     for the Transfer of Control of TVC Albany, Inc. and SegTEL, Inc. to OHCP Northeastern
     Fiber Buyer, Inc., Public Notice, 31 FCC Rcd. 9594 (Wireline Comp. Bur. 2016);
     International Authorizations Granted for the Transfer of Control of TVC Albany, Inc.,
     Public Notice, 31 FCC Rcd. 9681 (Int’l Bur. 2016).
     NFB acquired Oxford Telephone, Oxford West, Oxford T&T, Oxford Service, Northeast
     CAP, Revolution, and BayRing Communications, Inc. in 2016. See Domestic Section 214
     Application Granted for the Transfer of Control of Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc. to
     OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc., Public Notice, 31 FCC Rcd. 13,265 (Wireline
     Comp. Bur. 2016); International Authorizations Granted for the Transfer of Control of


               2.      The Authority Holders

       FirstLight provides telecommunications services in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,

New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. FirstLight offers

advanced telecommunications products featuring a comprehensive portfolio of high bandwidth

connectivity solutions including Ethernet, wavelengths and dark fiber as well as dedicated

Internet access solutions, data center services, cloud and voice services. FirstLight’s customers

include national cellular providers, wireline carriers, and enterprises spanning high tech

manufacturing and research companies, healthcare providers, financial institutions, law firms,

secondary schools, colleges and universities, and local and state governments.3 FirstLight

currently operates approximately 14,000 route miles of fiber connecting approximately 8,000

locations across six states; it also operates 12 data centers.

               3.      Transferee-Related Entities

       Transferee is a Delaware limited partnership formed for the purpose of acquiring

FirstLight and is owned and jointly controlled by two private equity funds: Antin Infrastructure

    Oxford County Telephone and Telegraph Company and Freedom Ring Communications,
    LLC, Public Notice, 31 FCC Rcd. 13,418 (Int’l Bur. 2016).
    NFB acquired Sovernet, Sovernet Fiber, ION Holdco, ION Newco Corp. (“ION Newco”),
    and NMCC in 2017. See Domestic Section 214 Application Granted for the Transfer of
    Control of Sovernet, Inc., ION Holdco, LLC, Sovernet Fiber Corp., and National Mobile
    Communications Corporation to OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc., Public Notice, 32
    FCC Rcd. 1463 (Wireline Comp. Bur. 2017); International Authorization Granted for the
    Transfer of Control of ION HoldCo, LLC and National Mobile Communications
    Corporation, Public Notice, 32 FCC Rcd. 1524 (Int’l Bur. 2017). ION Newco does not
    provide interstate common carrier services but provides intrastate telecommunications
    NFB acquired FLTG in 2017. See Domestic Section 214 Application Granted for the
    Transfer of Control of Finger Lakes Technologies Group, Inc. to OHCP Northeastern
    Fiber Buyer, Inc., Public Notice, 32 FCC Rcd. 6873 (Wireline Comp. Bur. 2017).
    In addition, FirstLight serves residential customers in the incumbent local exchange
    territories of Oxford Telephone Company and Oxford West Telephone Company.

Partners III, FPCI (“Antin III France”) and Antin Infrastructure Partners III, L.P. (“Antin III

UK”) (Antin III France and Antin III UK, together, “Antin III”).

       Antin III France and Antin III UK are funds jointly controlled and managed by Antin

Infrastructure Partners S.A.S., Antin Infrastructure Partners Luxembourg GP Sarl, and Antin

Infrastructure Partners UK Limited (collectively, “Antin Infrastructure Partners”), a European

private equity firm based in Paris, London and Luxembourg focused on infrastructure

investments in the telecommunications, energy and environment, transportation, and social

sectors. The Proposed Transaction is being invested in through Antin III, the third fund

managed by Antin Infrastructure Partners.

       Antin Infrastructure Partners has considerable experience and expertise in owning and

operating fiber-optic networks and providing connectivity for business customers. As an

example, Antin Infrastructure Partners manages another fund, “Antin II”, which holds a

controlling investment in Eurofiber, the largest independent provider of fixed telecom

infrastructure dedicated to business customers in Belgium and the Netherlands. Eurofiber’s

network spans nearly 18,000 miles and connects more than 30,000 locations.

       B.      The Proposed Transaction

       Pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement dated February 16, 2018, by and among

Transferor, NFB, and Transferee’s indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary, Flight Bidco, Flight Bidco

will acquire from Transferor 100-percent of the outstanding equity securities of NFB, and,

immediately following closing, Flight Bidco will merge with and into NFB, with NFB

continuing as the surviving entity in the merger. Following the closing of the Proposed

Transaction and the post-closing intra-corporate merger, NFB will be directly owned 100-percent

by Flight Intermediate Holdco Inc., a Delaware corporation (“FIH”). FIH is directly 100-percent

owned by Flight Holdco Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Flight Holdco”), which in turn is directly


owned 100-percent by Transferee. As noted above, Transferee is directly owned and controlled

by Antin III: Antin III holds all limited partnership and economic interests in Transferee4 and

exercises voting control over Transferee through its joint control of the board of managers of

Transferee’s General Partner, Flight Group Holdings GP LLC (“Flight Group LLC”). Antin III

is ultimately controlled by Antin Infrastructure Partners, which exercises management control of

Antin III pursuant to governance, management and advisory agreements.

         In Exhibit A, the Applicants provide a diagram illustrating the pre-consummation

ownership structure of the Authority Holders. In Exhibit B, the Applicants provide a diagram

illustrating the post-consummation ownership structure of the Authority Holders.


         A.      Standard of Review

         Under 47 U.S.C. § 214(a), the Commission must determine whether a proposed

transfer of control of a provider of interstate or international telecommunications services is

consistent with the public interest, convenience, and necessity.5 In making such a

      Subject to (i) the potential rollover of equity interests in NFB held by certain members of
      the FirstLight management team in connection with the closing of the Proposed
      Transaction; and (ii) to potential investment by certain existing limited partners of Antin
      III as co-investors in Transferee on or after closing of the Proposed Transaction. The
      precise number and value of equity interests to be rolled over or the value of additional co-
      investment and the structuring required to facilitate such rollover or co-investment have
      not been finalized yet, but any such participants are not expected to individually or
      collectively hold a 10-percent or greater interest in Transferee. Should a rollover
      transaction or co-investment transaction result in any person not already disclosed in this
      Application obtaining a 10-percent or greater interest in Transferee, the Applicants will
      update the information in this Application.
      See, e.g., Applications of Level 3 Communications, Inc. and CenturyLink, Inc. for Consent
      to Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 32
      FCC Rcd. 9581, 9585 ¶ 8 (2017) (“Level 3-CenturyLink Order”); Applications of AT&T
      Inc. and DIRECTV For Consent to Assign or Transfer Control of Licenses and
      Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 30 FCC Rcd. 9131, 9139-40 ¶ 18


determination, the Commission first assesses “whether the proposed transaction complies with

the specific provisions of the Act, other applicable statutes, and the Commission’s rules.”6

Second, if a proposed transaction would not violate the Act, any other applicable statute, or

any of the Commission’s rules, the Commission then considers whether a proposed

transaction “could result in public interest harms by substantially frustrating or impairing the

objectives or implementation of the [Communications] Act or related statutes.”7 Third, where

a transaction raises no public interest harms or where any such harms can be ameliorated by

narrowly tailored conditions, the Commission considers the transaction’s public interest

benefits, with the applicants bearing the burden of proving those benefits by a preponderance

of the evidence.8 Finally, if the Commission finds that narrowly tailored, transaction-specific

    (2015) (“AT&T-DIRECTV Order”); Applications of XO Holdings and Verizon
    Communications Inc. For Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations,
    Memorandum Opinion and Order, 31 FCC Rcd. 12,501, 12,504-05 ¶ 7 (Wireline Comp.,
    Int’l, and Wireless Tel. Burs. 2016) (“Verizon-XO Order”).
    See Level 3-CenturyLink Order, 32 FCC Rcd. at 9585 ¶ 8; AT&T-DIRECTV Order, 30
    FCC Rcd. at 9139-40 ¶ 18 (citations omitted); Verizon-XO Order, 31 FCC Rcd. at 12,504-
    05 ¶ 7 (citations omitted); Applications of SoftBank Corp., Starburst II, Inc., Sprint Nextel
    Corp., and Clearwire Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, Declaratory Ruling, and
    Order on Reconsideration, 28 FCC Rcd. 9642, 9650 ¶ 23 (citations omitted) (“Softbank-
    Sprint-Clearwire Order”); Applications Filed by Qwest Communications International
    Inc. and CenturyTel, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink For Consent to Transfer Control,
    Memorandum Opinion and Order, 26 FCC Rcd. 4194, 4198-99 ¶ 7 (citation omitted)
    (“Qwest-CenturyLink Order”).
    See Level 3-CenturyLink Order, 32 FCC Rcd. at 9585 ¶ 9; AT&T-DIRECTV Order, 30
    FCC Rcd. at 9140 ¶ 18 (citation omitted); Verizon-XO Order, 31 FCC Rcd. at 12,504-05 ¶
    7 (citation omitted); SoftBank-Sprint-Clearwire Order, 28 FCC Rcd. at 9651 ¶ 23 (citation
    omitted); Qwest-CenturyLink Order, 26 FCC Rcd. at 4199 ¶ 7.
    See Level 3-CenturyLink Order, 32 FCC Rcd. at 9586 ¶ 10. In earlier transactions, the
    Commission weighed any potential public interest harms of the proposed transaction
    against any potential public interest benefits. See AT&T-DIRECTV Order, 30 FCC Rcd.
    at 9140 ¶ 18 (citation omitted); Verizon-XO Order, 31 FCC Rcd. at 12,504-05 ¶ 7 (citation
    omitted); SoftBank-Sprint-Clearwire Order, 28 FCC Rcd. at 9650-51 ¶ 23 (citation


conditions would ameliorate any public interest harms for a transaction that is otherwise in the

public interest, it may approve the transaction as so conditioned.9

       The Proposed Transaction would not violate any provision of the Communications Act

of 1934, as amended (the “Act”) or any Commission rule, nor would it substantially frustrate

or impair the Commission’s implementation or enforcement of the Act or interfere with the

objectives of the Act or other statutes. To the contrary, as detailed below, the Proposed

Transaction will offer substantial public interest benefits without any material countervailing

harms. In the absence of any such harms, the Applicants believe that transaction-specific

conditions are unnecessary.

       B.      The Proposed Transaction Will Serve the Public Interest

       Consummation of the Proposed Transaction will serve the public interest, convenience,

and necessity by providing FirstLight with access to Transferee and its ultimate parent’s

financial and operational expertise, permitting FirstLight to continue to provide connectivity

services to its customers. Since its inception, Antin Infrastructure Partners has deployed over

€3.6 billion (approx. $ 4.4 billion) across 18 companies and has further supported these

companies by authorizing over €3 billion (approx. $ 3.7 billion) of capital expenditures over that

period. Furthermore, FirstLight will benefit from the operational expertise of Antin

Infrastructure Partners, which owns and operates Eurofiber, the largest independent provider of

fixed telecom infrastructure dedicated to business customers in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Since investing in Eurofiber in 2015, Antin Infrastructure Partners has supported the company in

acquiring a nationwide fiber network in Belgium, expanding its regional datacenter footprint in

    See Level 3-CenturyLink Order, 32 FCC Rcd. at 9586 ¶ 11.

the Netherlands, and building over 7,000 miles of new unique fiber routes, expanding the

provision of services to over 30,000 connected locations.

       Similar to its experience with Eurofiber, Transferee and its affiliates will seek to build on

FirstLight’s existing assets, support investment in new infrastructure and continue to offer

innovative and high-quality services to existing customers.

       Following the consummation of the Proposed Transaction, FirstLight will continue to

operate in the same service territories, providing the same or improved services to its customers.

The Proposed Transaction will be transparent to customers and will not alter the manner of

service delivery or billing. Immediately following the Proposed Transaction, FirstLight will

continue to provide service at the same rates, terms, and conditions, as governed by existing

contracts and tariffs, as applicable. Transferee and its affiliates further intend that FirstLight’s

existing management team will remain in place, ensuring that FirstLight’s managerial, technical

and operational standards will be maintained.

       C.      The Proposed Transaction Would Not Create Any Anti-Competitive

       The Proposed Transaction would create no new combinations that would adversely

affect competition in any domestic market or on any U.S.-international route. Transferee is

not, and does not control, and is not affiliated with, any domestic telecommunications

providers in the United States. Transferee does not currently control, and is not affiliated

with, any foreign carrier regulated as dominant on any U.S.-international route. Transferee is

affiliated with foreign carriers providing competitive telecommunications services to business

customers in the Netherlands and Belgium.



          In support of their request for consent to transfer control to Transferee of the Authority

Holders, the Applicants submit the following information pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.04:

          A.      Business-Identifying Information10

          In Table 1 below, the Applicants provide the name, address, telephone number, place

of organization, and FCC Registration Number (“FRN”) for each Applicant:


                                                              Place of
         Name, Address, and Telephone No.                                                FRN

 OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer Holdco L.P.
 One Stamford Plaza
                                                        Delaware                  0025420712
 263 Tresser Blvd., 15th Floor
 Stamford, CT 06901
 +1 203 328 1600

 Flight Group Holdings LP (“Transferee”)
 1114 Avenue of the Americas
                                                        Delaware                  0027326909
 New York, New York 10036
 +1 202 730 1300

                                       The Authority Holders

 TVC Albany, Inc.
 41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                                        Delaware                  0006097711
 Albany, New York 12207
 +1 518 598 0900

 segTEL, Inc.
 41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                                        New Hampshire             0006204630
 Albany, New York 12207
 +1 518 598 0900

       47 C.F.R. § 63.04(a)(1)-(2).

                                                   Place of
     Name, Address, and Telephone No.                                FRN

Sovernet, Inc.
41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                             Vermont            0015120850
Albany, New York 12207
+1 518 598 0900

Sovernet Fiber Corp.
41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                             Delaware           0020563292
Albany, New York 12207
+1 518 598 0900

ION Holdco, LLC
41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                             Delaware           0017845496
Albany, New York 12207
+1 518 598 0900

National Mobile Communications Corporation
41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                             Massachusetts      0004965075
Albany, New York 12207
+1 518 598 0900

Finger Lakes Technologies Group, Inc.
41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                             New York           0016273229
Albany, New York 12207
+1 518 598 0900

Oxford County Telephone and Telegraph
41 State Street, 10th Floor                  Maine              0005097191
Albany, New York 12207
+1 518 598 0900

Oxford Telephone Company
41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                             Maine              0005097134
Albany, New York 12207
+1 518 598 0900

Oxford West Telephone Company
41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                             Maine              0005097167
Albany, New York 12207
+1 518 598 0900


                                                         Place of
        Name, Address, and Telephone No.                                         FRN

 Oxford County Telephone Service Company
 41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                                  Maine                    0005004320
 Albany, New York 12207
 +1 518 598 0900

 BayRing Communications, Inc.
 41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                                  New Hampshire            0019004001
 Albany, New York 12207
 +1 518 598 0900

 Northeast Competitive Access Providers, LLC
 41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                                  Delaware                 0017600156
 Albany, New York 12207
 +1 518 598 0900

 Revolution Networks, LLC
 41 State Street, 10th Floor
                                                  Delaware                 0027345669
 Albany, New York 12207
 +1 518 598 0900

        B.      Points of Contact11

        The Commission should address correspondence regarding this application to the persons

identified in Table 2 below.

     Id. § 63.04(a)(3).


     Party                Company Contact                        Counsel Contact

 Transferor     John Monsky                        Catherine Wang
                c/o Oak Hill Management, LLC       Brett P. Ferenchak
                263 Tresser Boulevard              Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
                15th Floor                         1111 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
                Stamford, CT 06901                 Washington, D.C. 20004
                +1 212 527 8490                    +1 202 739 3000

 Transferee     Mélanie Biessy                     Kent Bressie
                Flight Group Holdings LP           Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
                c/o Antin Infrastructure           1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 800
                Partners                           Washington, D.C. 20036
                1114 Avenue of the Americas        +1 202 730 1337
                New York, New York 10036 
                + 33 1 70 08 13 03

 FirstLight     Jill Sandford                      Catherine Wang
                Senior Vice President and          Brett P. Ferenchak
                   General Counsel                 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
                FirstLight Fiber                   1111 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
                41 State Street, 10th Floor        Washington, D.C. 20004
                Albany, New York 12207             +1 202 739 3000
                +1 518 598 0900          

        C.      Direct and Indirect Ownership of Transferee12

        Upon consummation of the Proposed Acquisition, Flight Bidco will merge into NFB,

with NFB surviving. NFB will then have the following 10-percent or greater direct and indirect

interest holders:

     Id. § 63.04(a)(4).

        Flight Intermediate Holdco Inc. (“FIH”)
        Address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036
        Place of Organization: Delaware
        Principal Business: holding company
        Interest Held: FIH will hold a 100-percent voting and economic interest in NFB.

        Flight Holdco Inc. (“Flight Holdco”)
        Address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036
        Place of Organization: Delaware
        Principal Business: holding company
        Interest Held: Flight Holdco will hold a 100-percent voting and economic interest
                       in FIH.

        Flight Group Holdings LP (“Transferee”)
        Address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036
        Place of Organization: Delaware
        Principal Business: holding company
        Interest Held: Transferee will hold a 100-percent voting and economic interest in Flight

        Flight Group Holdings GP LLC (“Flight Group LLC”)
        Address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036
        Place of Organization: Delaware
        Principal Business: holding company
        Interest Held: Flight Group LLC will hold a 100-percent voting interest and no economic
                       interest in Transferee as its general partner.

        Antin Infrastructure Partners III, FPCI (“Antin III France”)
        Address: 374 Rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris, France
        Place of Organization: France
        Principal Business: investments
        Interest Held: Antin III France holds a 57.51-percent economic in Flight Group LLC and
                       a 57.51-percent economic interest in Transferee as a limited partner.13
                       Jointly with Antin III UK, Antin III France holds a 100-percent voting
                       interest in Flight Group LLC.14

     Subject to potential rollover transaction by members of FirstLight management or to other
     co-investment, as described in footnote 4 above.
     The voting rights of Antin III France and Antin III UK in each of Flight Group LP and
     Flight Group LLC result from the following facts: (i) the business and affairs of Flight
     Group LP are managed by its general partner, Flight Group LLC; (ii) the business and
     affairs of Flight Group LLC are managed by a board of managers (the “Flight Group
     Board”), which consists of two managers; (iii) decisions of the Flight Group Board are
     made with the consent of a majority of the members (i.e., unanimous consent); and (iv)
     members of the Flight Group Board may be appointed with the unanimous consent of the
     members of Flight Group LLC, which appointments therefore require the consent of both


        Antin Infrastructure Partners III, L.P. (“Antin III UK”)
        Address: 14 St. George Street, W1S 1FE London, United Kingdom
        Place of Organization: United Kingdom
        Principal Business: investments
        Interest Held: Antin III UK holds a 42.49-percent economic in Flight Group LLC and a
                       42.49-percent economic interest in Transferee as a limited partner.15
                       Jointly with Antin III France, Antin III UK holds a 100-percent voting
                       interest in Flight Group LLC.16

        Control of Antin III France and Antin III UK is vested in the following entities:

        Antin Infrastructure Partners S.A.S. (“Antin France”)
        Address: 374 Rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris, France
        Place of Organization: France
        Principal Business: fund management
        Interest Held: Antin France holds a controlling interest in Antin III as the management
                       company (the French equivalent of general partner) of Antin III France,
                       which control is exercised pursuant to governance, management and
                       advisory agreements. Antin France has a 0-percent equity interest in Antin
                       III and Transferee.

        Antin Infrastructure Partners Luxembourg GP Sarl (“Antin Luxembourg GP”)
        Address: 37a Avenue JF Kennedy, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, L-1855
        Place of Organization: Luxembourg
        Principal Business: fund management
        Interest Held: Antin Luxembourg GP holds a controlling interest in Antin III UK as
                       general partner of Antin III UK, which control is exercised pursuant to a
                       management agreement. Antin Luxembourg GP holds one (1) general
                       partner share in Antin III UK and 0-percent equity interest in Antin III UK
                       and Transferee.

        Antin Infrastructure Partners UK Limited (“Antin UK”)
        Address: 14 St. George St., London W1S 1FE, United Kingdom
        Place of Organization: United Kingdom
        Principal Business: fund management
        Interest Held: Antin UK holds a 100-percent equity interest in Antin Luxembourg GP.
                       Antin UK holds a controlling interest in Antin III as authorized manager of
                       Antin III UK, which control is exercised pursuant to governance,

     Antin IIII France and Antin III UK.
     Subject to potential rollover transaction by members of FirstLight management or to other
     co-investment, as described in footnote 4 above.
     See footnote 14 regarding the voting control of Antin III France and Antin III UK in
     Flight Group LP and Flight Group LLC.

                         management and advisory agreements. Antin UK holds a 0-percent equity
                         interest in Antin III and Transferee.

          Economic interest in Antin III UK and Antin III France (Antin III) is broadly held

through institutional investors, including pension funds, insurance companies, and asset

managers. No single individual or entity has a 10-percent or greater economic or voting interest

in Antin III and, indirectly, in Transferee.

          As indicated above, Antin UK, Antin Luxembourg GP, and Antin France (Antin

Infrastructure Partners) jointly exercise control of Antin III and therefore indirectly jointly

control Transferee through governance, management and advisory agreements. Pursuant to such

agreements, all investments decisions in relation to Antin III (including with respect to

Transferee and, upon closing, NFB and its subsidiaries) are made by Antin UK and Antin

France’s respective investment committees (together the “Antin Investment Committee”), which

are both composed of the same eleven (11) individual members and must act in concert with

respect to matters for both Antin UK and Antin France. All the Antin Investment Committee’s

decisions are made by majority vote, which majority vote must also have the vote of two

founding members, Mark Crosbie and Alain Rauscher. Mr. Crosbie, a British citizen, has a

25.59-percent interest in Antin France and a 27.62-percent interest in Antin UK. His address is

White Waltham House, Waltham Road-White Waltham, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 3SH,

United Kingdom. Mr. Rauscher, a French citizen, has a 41.87-percent interest in Antin France

and a 45.18-percent interest in Antin UK. His address is 37 Rue Victor Hugo, 92700 Colombes,


          No other individual or entity has the ability to exercise affirmative or negative control

over Antin III or, indirectly, Transferee.


         D.      Anti-Drug Abuse Act Certification17

         Transferee certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial of federal

benefits under Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, as amended.

         E.      Transaction Description18

         The Applicants set forth a complete description of the Proposed Transaction in part I.B


         F.      Services Provided and Geographic Areas Served19

         Neither Transferor nor Transferee is a telecommunications provider in any U.S. state or

territory. The Authority Holders provide domestic telecommunications services as follows:

         •    TVC serves the eastern part of New York, including a metro network in Albany.

              TVC also provides telecommunications services in Connecticut, Maine,

              Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. TVC also

              has provisional authority to provide intrastate telecommunications services in


         •    segTEL provides telecommunications services in Maine, Massachusetts, New

              Hampshire, and Vermont.

         •    Oxford Telephone provides incumbent local exchange and exchange access services

              in the exchanges of Buckfield, Turner, North Turner, Sumner, Canton and West Paris,


     47 C.F.R. § 63.04(a)(5).
     Id. § 63.04(a)(6).
     Id. § 63.04(a)(7).

•   Oxford West provides incumbent local exchange and exchange access services in the

    exchanges of Hebron, Bryant Pond, Bethel, West Bethel, Roxbury Pond, Locke Mills,

    North Norway, Andover, and Upton, Maine.

•   Oxford Service provides competitive local exchange and exchange access within the

    exchange territory of Fairpoint NNE (former Verizon territory within Maine).

•   Revolution provides competitive local exchange services in New Hampshire and

    Maine. Revolution does not offer competitive local exchange services within the

    exchange territories of its affiliated ILECs, Oxford Telephone and Oxford West.

    Each local exchange company also provides broadband services to its local exchange


•   Oxford T&T offers domestic interstate and intrastate interexchange services to the

    local service subscribers of Oxford Telephone, Oxford West, and Oxford Service.

•   Northeast CAP serves as a carrier’s carrier, offering domestic interstate and

    intrastate interexchange services through its fiber facilities from Boston,

    Massachusetts to Bangor, Maine.

•   BayRing provides competitive local exchange, interexchange, collocation and data

    services primarily in Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

•   Sovernet operates a regional, intercity network across the western and central

    portions of New York, connecting such large markets as Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse

    and Utica. Sovernet serves a small region south of Elmira, New York and in the

    northeastern portion of Pennsylvania, predominantly in Wayne and Pike counties.

•   Sovernet Fiber provides private line, wide area networking and data transport

    services in Vermont, southwestern New Hampshire and northwestern Massachusetts.


        •    ION Holdco provides wholesale and retail private line services in Vermont, New

             York and Pennsylvania. ION Holdco’s subsidiary, ION Newco, is authorized to

             provide intrastate telecommunications services in New York.

        •    NMCC provides competitive local exchange and exchange access services and long-

             distance voice services in Vermont and New Hampshire using a mix of fiber- and

             copper-based plant.

        •    FLTG provides competitive local exchange services in various areas of upstate New

             York. FLTG also operates a fiber optic network from Rochester to Ithaca and to

             Syracuse, and then back to Rochester. In Pennsylvania, FLTG serves a small region

             connecting Binghamton to Susquehanna and Ulster.

        •    TVC’s indirect subsidiaries, 186 Communications, LLC (“186”) and New Hampshire

             Optical Systems, Inc. (“NHOS”), do not provide interstate or international common

             carrier telecommunications services but hold authorization to provide intrastate

             telecommunications in Massachusetts (186), New Hampshire (186), New York (186)

             and Vermont (NHOS).

        G.      Streamlining20

        This application qualifies for presumptive streamlined processing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §

63.03(b)(1)(ii) because Transferee is not a telecommunications provider.

        H.      Other Applications Filed with the Commission21

        Concurrent with this application, the Applicants are applying for Commission consent to

transfer control to Transferee of TVC’s common-carrier wireless license. TVC and Transferee

     Id. § 63.04(a)(8).
     Id. § 63.04(a)(9).


also are petitioning the Commission under Section 310 of the Act for a declaratory ruling

regarding indirect foreign ownership in TVC above the statutory benchmarks.

         I.      Business Necessity22

         The Applicants request expedited consideration of this application to allow for

consummation of the Proposed Transaction as soon as possible.

         J.      Waiver Requests23

         The Applicants have not requested any waivers relating to this application.

         K.      Public-Interest Benefits24

         Regarding the public interest benefits of the Proposed Transaction, see part II above.

IV.      INFORMATION REQUIRED BY 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e)

         Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e), the Applicants provide the following information in

support of their request for Commission consent for the Proposed Transaction:

         A.      Applicant Identification Information25

         See response to part III.A above for the names, addresses, telephone numbers, places of

organization, and FCC Registration Numbers of the Applicants.

         B.      Contact Information26

         See response to part III.B above for the contact information to whom correspondence

concerning this application should be addressed.

      Id. § 63.04(a)(10).
      Id. § 63.04(a)(11).
      Id. § 63.04(a)(12).
      Id. § 63.18(a)-(b).
      Id. § 63.18(c).


        C.      Prior International Section 214 Authority27

        The Authority Holders identified in Table 3 below (the “FirstLight International

Authority Holders”) hold international Section 214 authority:


             FirstLight Company                                 Authorization(s)

                                                   File No. ITC-214-19961216-00630
                                                   (global facilities-based and resale)

                                                   File No. ITC-214-0070426-00164
 ION Holdco
                                                   (global or limited global resale)

                                                   File No. ITC-214-20050422-00566
                                                   (global or limited global resale)

                                                   File No. ITC-214-19970902-00523
 Oxford T&T
                                                   (global resale)

                                                   File No. ITC-214-19990825-00538
                                                   (global or limited global resale)
                                                   File No. ITC-214-20010209-00086
                                                   (global or limited global facilities-based and

Transferee does not hold any international Section 214 authority.

        D.      Certification Regarding Ownership, Place of Organization, Principal
                Business, and Interlocking Directorates28

        See response to part III.C above for a list of persons or entities that hold directly or

indirectly a 10-percent-or-greater voting or equity interest in Transferee, and the percentage held

by each of those entities. Transferee has no interlocking directorates with any foreign carrier.29

     Id. § 63.18(d).
     Id. § 63.18(h).
     The composition of the board of managers of Flight Group LLC may change upon


         E.      Certification Regarding Foreign Carrier Status and Foreign Affiliations30

         Transferee certifies that it is not a foreign carrier in any country, and is affiliated with the

following foreign carriers (which will become affiliates of the FirstLight International Authority

Holders upon consummation of the Proposed Transaction):

         •    Eurofiber Nederland is an independent and non-dominant provider of fixed

              telecommunications services to enterprise customers in the Netherlands.

         •    Eurofiber N.V. is an independent and non-dominant provider of fixed

              telecommunications services to enterprise customers in Belgium.

         F.      Certification Regarding Destination Countries31

         Transferee certifies that upon consummation of the Proposed Transaction (1) it will not

be a foreign carrier in any foreign country; (2) it does not control any foreign carrier in any

foreign country; and (3) an entity that indirectly controls Transferee controls the foreign carriers

in Belgium and the Netherlands identified in part IV.E above.

         G.      Certification Regarding WTO Status32

         No response is required, as Transferee did not identify any non-WTO markets in response

to 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(j).

     consummation of the transaction. Transferee will update the Commission if, as a result of
     such change, Transferee and Eurofiber have interlocking directorates.
     Id. § 63.18(i).
     Id. § 63.18(j).
     Id. § 63.18(k).

        H.      Non-Dominant Status33

        The foreign carrier affiliates identified in part IV.E above each satisfy the requirement of

47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(3), as each holds significantly less than a 50-percent market share in the

international transport and local access markets in its respective country. Moreover, neither of

these foreign-carrier affiliates has any ability to discriminate against unaffiliated U.S.

international carriers through the control of bottleneck services or facilities in its respective

international market or appears on the Commission’s list of foreign telecommunications carriers

presumed to possess market power in foreign telecommunications markets.34 Accordingly, these

foreign-carrier affiliates are each presumed to lack sufficient market power on the international

end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market.

        I.      Special Concessions35

        Transferee certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or

indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign

carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter into such

agreements in the future.

        J.      Certification Regarding the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 198836

        See part III.D above for Transferee’s Anti-Drug Abuse Act certification.

     Id. § 63.18(m).
     See International Bureau Revises and Reissues the Commission’s List of Foreign
     Telecommunications Carriers that Are Presumed to Possess Market Power in Foreign
     Telecommunications Markets, Public Notice, 22 FCC Rcd. 945 (Int’l Bur. 2007).
     47 C.F.R. § 63.18(n).
     Id. § 63.18(o).


        K.      Streamlining37

        The Applicants request streamlined processing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(1)(ii), as

they qualify for a presumption of non-dominance based on affiliations with two non-dominant

carriers as described in part IV.H above.


        Transferee commits to extend the commitments made in Oxford Networks’ 2014 letter of

assurances upon consummation of the Proposed Transaction.38 These commitments were

previously extended as a condition of Transferor’s acquisition of Oxford Networks in 2016.39

     Id. § 63.18(p).
     See Letter of Assurances from Oxford Networks Holdings, Inc. to the U.S. Department of
     Justice, WC Docket No. 14-22, File No. ITC-T/C-20140116-00023 (filed Apr. 28, 2014).
     See U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Department of
     Homeland Security, Petition to Adopt Conditions to Authorizations and Licenses, WC
     Docket No. 16-222, File Nos. ITC-T/C-20160708-00185 and ITC-T/C-20160708-00186
     (filed Dec. 14, 2016).


         For the reasons stated above. the Applicants respectfully request that the Commission

expeditiously grant consent for the Proposed Transaction.

                                                Respectfully submitted.

                                                Flight Grgfap Holdings LP

 Kent Bressic                                    Jackson Hall
 Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP                 President. Secretary and Treasurer,
 1919 M Street, N. W., Suite 800                 Flight Group Holdings GP LLC. as general
 Washington. D.C. 20036—3537                     partner ofFlight Group Holdings LP
  +1 202 730 1337

 Counsel for Flight Group Holdings LP

                         [additional signatures on following pages]

                                               OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer Holdco,

Catherine Wang                                 Caitlin H. Melchior
Brett P. Ferenchak                             c/o Oak Hill Capital Management, LLC
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP                    65 East 55th Street, 32nd Floor
1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.                 New York, New York 10022
Washington, D.C. 20004                         +12125278409
+ 1 202 739 3000                     

Counsellor OHCP Northeastern Fiber
Buyer Holdco, L.P.

                       [additional signature on following page]

                                          26                                     FCC 214

                                    TVC Albany, Inc.
                                    segTEL, Inc.
                                    Sovernet, Inc.
                                    Sovernet Fiber Corp.
                                    ION Holdco, LLC
                                    National Mobile Communications
                                    Finger Lakes Technology Group, Inc.
                                    Oxford County Telephone and Telegraph
                                    Oxford Telephone Company
                                    Oxford West Telephone Company
                                    Oxford County Telephone Service Company
                                    Northeast Competitive Access
                                         Providers, LLC
                                    Revolution Networks, LLC
                                    BayRing Communications, Inc.

 Catherine Wang
 Brett P. Ferenchak
 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP             Counsel
 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.     FirstLight Fiber
 Washington, D.C. 20004             41 State Street, 10th Floor
 + 1 2027393000                     Albany, New York 12207
 catherine.      +1 5185980900
 brett.   j

 Counsel/or the Authority Holders

March 19


                                                                       FCC 214

                                                                                                 Exhibit A
                                                                                 FirstLight Current Ownership Structure
      * The entities listed herein only include NFB and                               OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer Holdco, L.P.
      its subsidiaries that (1) hold one or more                                                    (“Transferor”)
      authorization or license to provide intrastate,                                                 (Delaware)                                               Unless indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.
      interstate, international or wireless
      telecommunications services, or (2) are in the
      chain of ownership of those entities. The chart                                    OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer, Inc.
      excludes subsidiaries of NFB that do not hold                                                   (“NFB”)
      an authorization or license to provide intrastate,                                            (Delaware)
      interstate, international or wireless
      telecommunications services.
                                                                                         TVC Albany Inc. d/b/a FirstLight Fiber

                                                                                                                                   Finger Lakes Technology Group, Inc.                     Oxford Networks
             Tuck Bay Holdings, LLC               segNET TECHNOLOGIES, INC.                Sovernet Holding Company
                                                                                                                                             (“Finger Lakes”)                               Holdings, Inc.
                (New Hampshire)                           (Delaware)                               (Delaware)
                                                                                                                                                (New York)                                    (Delaware)

                                                                                          Sovernet, Inc.                 ION Holdco, LLC             Sovernet Fiber Corp.             Oxford County Telephone &
                                                             segTEL, Inc.                  (“Sovernet”)                    (“ION Holdco”)              (“Sovernet Fiber”)                Telegraph Company
                                                              (“segTEL”)                     (Vermont)                       (Delaware)                   (Delaware)                         (“Oxford T&T”)
                                                           (New Hampshire)

                                                                                        National Mobile                  ION Newco Corp.
                                     New Hampshire                                 Communications Corporation              (“ION Newco”)
186 Communications, LLC
                                   Optical Systems, Inc.                                   (“NMCC”)                          (Delaware)
                                         (“NHOS”)                                      (Massachusetts)
     (New Hampshire)
                                     (New Hampshire)

                                                                                                                                                          Oxford County Telephone
                                                                                                                                                              Service Company
                                                                                                                                                             (“Oxford Service”)
                                                                                                                                                                   (Maine)                  Northeast Competitive
                                                                                                                                                                                            Access Providers, LLC
                                                  BayRing Communications, Inc.        Oxford Telephone Company           Oxford West Telephone Company                                           (“Northeast”)
                                                           (“BayRing”)                    (“Oxford Telephone”)                   (“Oxford West”)                                                  (Delaware)
                                                        (New Hampshire)                          (Maine)                             (Maine)
                                                                                                                                                                                           Revolution Networks, LLC

                                                                          Exhibit B
                                                               Post-Close Ownership Structure

                                                     no 10% or greater           Shareholders
                                                     economic or voting                                                                       100% equity
                                                     interest holder in         (9 individuals)                                               and voting
                                                     FirstLight Authority
              Antin Infrastructure                   Holders
                                                                                                              Antin Infrastructure Partners          Antin Infrastructure Partners
             Partners S.A.S. (AIFM)                                                                                     UK Limited                     III Luxembourg GP Sarl
                    (France)                                                                                        (United Kingdom)                         (Luxembourg)
                                                                       Investment Advisory Agreement
Management Agreement
                                                                                                                                       Management Agreement
                                                     no 10% or greater
                                                     economic or voting        Limited Partners                                            Authorized Manager /GP
                                                     interest holder in
                                                     FirstLight Authority
          100% control                               Holders                                                                                100% control

                                                            100% equity                                   100% equity
             Antin Infrastructure                                                                                                         Antin Infrastructure
                                                     57.51% equity                                               42.49% equity
            Partners III FPCI (AMF)                                          Flight Group Holdings                                        Partners III, LP (FCA)
                   (France)                                                          GP LLC                                                      (U.K.)
                                                                                         GP 100% voting
                                                 57.51% equity                                                 42.49% equity

                                                                            Flight Group Holdings LP                                 Management/ potential co‐
                                                                                   (Delaware)                                        investor (no 10% or greater
                                                                                                              no 10% or
                                                                                            100%             greater equity
                                                                               Flight Holdco Inc.


                                                                       Flight Intermediate Holdco Inc.
               Control interest                                                   (Delaware)
               (management/advisory agreement)
                                                                                                           Merged at
                                                                                                                              OHCP Northeastern Fiber
              Equity and/or direct voting interest                                                         closing                  Buyer, Inc.
                                                                                Flight Bidco, Inc.                                  (Delaware)
                                                                                   (Delaware)                                                 100%

                                                                                                                        FirstLight Authority Holders

Document Created: 2019-04-12 03:23:59
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 03:23:59

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