Flight Group Holding

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Flight Group Holdings LP

Supplement to Transfer-of-Control Applications


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180319-00055 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                  1919 M STREET NW

                  & GRANNIS LLP
                                                                                  SUITE 800
                                                                                 WASHINGTON DC 20036

                                                                                 TEL +1 202 730 1300
                                                                                  FAX +1 202 730 1301

                                                                                 ATTORNEYS AT LAW

June 13, 2018


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:      OHCP Northeastern Fiber Buyer Holdco, L.P., Transferor, Flight Group
                Holdings LP, Transferee, and TVC Albany, Inc. et al., WC Docket No. 18-83;
                IB File Nos. ITC-T/C-20180319-00055; ITC-T/C-20180319-00056; ITC-T/
                C-20180319-00058; ITC-T/C-20180319-00059; and ITC-T/C-20180319-00060
                —Supplement to Applications

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Through its counsel, Flight Group Holdings LP (“Transferee”) supplements the above-
referenced transfer-of-control applications (the “Applications”) to address clarifications
requested by Commission staff with respect to certain planned co-investment in Transferee.
Commission staff also requested an updated post-close organizational chart.1

        Accordingly, Transferee supplements part III(C) of the Applications to indicate that the
co-investment will occur through a newly formed co-investment vehicle, Flight Co-Invest LP.
No Flight Co-Invest LP limited partner will have a 10-percent or greater direct or indirect
interest in Transferee. Thus, the second full paragraph on page 16 of the narrative part of the
Applications is supplemented to clarify that no limited partner of Antin III France, Antin III UK,
or Flight Co-Invest LP has, through its limited partnership interests, an indirect 10-percent or
greater economic or voting interest in Transferee. The details for Flight Co-Invest LP are as

    Capitalized terms not defined in this supplement have the meanings ascribed to them in the


  Marlene H. Dortch
  June 13, 2018
  Page 2 of 2

         Flight Co-Invest LP
         Address: 14 St. George Street, W1S 1FE London, United Kingdom
         Place of Organization: United Kingdom
         Principal Business: investments
         Interest Held: Flight Co-Invest LP will hold a 30.1-percent equity interest in Transferee.
                 None of its limited partners will have a 10-percent or greater interest in Transferee.

  The direct interests of each of Antin Infrastructure Partners III L.P. (“Antin III UK”) and Antin
  Infrastructure Partners III FPCI (“Antin III France”) are correspondingly reduced to 28.9-percent
  and 39.1-percent, respectively.

          The control structure of Transferee remains unchanged, as Flight Co-Invest LP has the
  same control structure as Antin III UK, i.e., Flight Co-Invest LP’s general partner is Antin
  Infrastructure Partners Luxembourg GP, Sarl (“Antin Luxembourg GP”) and its authorized
  manager is Antin Infrastructure Partners UK Limited (“Antin UK”).

         As stated in the narrative part of the Applications at page 16, all investment decisions for
  Antin III are made by the Antin Investment Committee. Transferee further clarifies that such
  decisions are made by majority vote, with the vote of each Antin Investment Committee member
  having equal weight, which majority vote must also have the vote of two founding members and
  individual shareholders of Antin Infrastructure Partners, Mark Crosbie and Alain Rauscher.

          The ownership diagram in Exhibit C is supplemented to (a) depict the co-investment
  through Flight Co-Invest LP and the reduced direct percentage interests of Antin III UK and
  Antin III France (collectively, “Antin III”) in Transferee; (b) depict the controlling (voting)
  interest of Antin III over Transferee through Antin III’s control of Flight Group Holdings GP
  LLC; and (c) show that Antin France holds 0.00-percent equity in Antin III France, Antin UK
  holds 0.00-percent equity in Antin III UK, and Antin Luxembourg GP holds one general partner
  share in Antin III UK. This share only ensures the payment of an annual fixed fee incurred for
  its General Partner services. This share does not entitle Antin Luxembourg to any dividend
  rights or other equity rights and Antin Luxembourg should therefore be regarded as holding a 0-
  percent equity interest in Antin III UK.

                                               Yours sincerely,

                                               Kent Bressie
                                               Colleen Sechrest
                                               Counsel for Flight Group Holdings LP


                                                              Amended Exhibit B
                                                   Post—Close Ownership              Structure

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Document Created: 2019-04-11 01:09:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 01:09:11

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