LMI Supplement 2-28-

SUPPLEMENT submitted by LogMeIn, Inc.

LogMeIn Supplemental Submission Letter


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180209-00031 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                               555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
                                                               Washington, D.C. 20004-1304
                                                               Tel: +1.202.637.2200 Fax: +1.202.637.2201

                                                               FIRM / AFFILIATE OFFICES
                                                               Barcelona       Moscow
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February 28, 2018                                              Chicago         Riyadh
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VIA ELECTRONIC FILING                                          Frankfurt       San Francisco
                                                               Hamburg         Seoul
                                                               Hong Kong       Shanghai
                                                               Houston         Silicon Valley
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
                                                               London          Singapore
Secretary                                                      Los Angeles     Tokyo
Federal Communications Commission                              Madrid          Washington, D.C.
445 12th Street, SW                                            Milan

Washington, DC 20554

                 Re:    LogMeIn, Inc., Supplemental Submission, WT Docket No. 18-42; IBFS
                        File No. ITC-T/C-20180209-00031

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       LogMeIn, Inc. (“LogMeIn”) provides the following supplement to the above-referenced
applications for consent to the transfer of control of Jive Communications, Inc. (“Jive”).

        As described in the applications, LogMeIn proposes to acquire Jive through a merger of
Jive with a subsidiary of LogMeIn USA, Inc. (“LogMeIn USA”), which in turn is a direct,
wholly owned subsidiary of LogMeIn. LogMeIn USA is the U.S. operating company of
LogMeIn. LogMeIn USA does not itself provide telecommunications services, but is the direct
or indirect parent company of entities that provide telecommunications services, as detailed in
the applications.

        In the applications, LogMeIn identified FMR LLC as an owner of 10% or more of the
outstanding shares of LogMeIn, which are publicly traded and widely held. Based on a review
of information regarding FMR LLC filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
(“SEC”) and other publicly available sources, FMR LLC is a privately held entity owned and
controlled by Abigail P. Johnson and the Johnson family. Ms. Johnson is the CEO, Chairman
and Director of FMR LLC. Ms. Johnson is a United States citizen. 1

        Based on information filed with the SEC, as of December 31, 2017 FMR LLC held 10%
or greater interests (calculated based on common shares outstanding) in the following companies
that may provide communications services. Descriptions of the services provided by each are
based on information contained in the SEC Form 10-K annual filings of each company:

    See https://www.forbes.com/profile/abigail-johnson/.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
February 28, 2018
Page 2

               •    j2 Global, Inc. (14.37%): j2 Global, Inc. is a Delaware corporation engaged in the
                    provision of internet services, including online fax, virtual phone systems, unified
                    communications, online backup, and global network operations.

               •    Presidio, Inc. (11.36%): Presidio, Inc. is a Delaware corporation engaged in the
                    provision of information technology solutions, including cloud, advanced
                    networking, data analytics, data center, collaboration and mobility services.

               •    Twilio, Inc. (18.26%): Twilio, Inc. is a Delaware corporation engaged in the
                    provision of communications software, cloud-based platform and services,
                    including VoIP and messaging.

               •    Gogo Inc. (12.34%): Gogo Inc. is a Delaware corporation engaged in the
                    provision of in-flight internet connectivity, and other voice and data
                    communications products and services.

          Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this submission.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,


                                                  Matthew A. Brill
                                                  Elizabeth R. Park

cc:       Gregory Kwan
          Sumita Mukhoty
          J.G. Harrington, Cooley LLP as Counsel to Jive

Document Created: 2018-02-28 17:35:28
Document Modified: 2018-02-28 17:35:28

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