Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180209-00031 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, DC 20554

    In the Matter of                                  )
    Applications of                                   )
    Jive Communications, Inc.,                        )         File No. ITC-T/C-_______
    Transferor                                        )
    And                                               )
                                                      )         WC Docket No. 17-______
    LogMeIn, Inc., Transferee                         )
    For Consent to the Transfer of Control of         )
    Jive Communications, Inc. Pursuant to             )
    Section 214 of the Communications Act             )
    of 1934, as Amended                               )


          Jive Communications, Inc. (“Jive” or “Transferor”) and LogMeIn, Inc. (“LogMeIn” or

“Transferee,” together with Jive, the “Applicants”), pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Act”), and Sections 63.03, 63.04, 63.12 and

63.24 of the Federal Communications Commission’s (“Commission”) rules,1 hereby jointly

request Commission consent for the transfer of control of Jive from its current shareholders to

LogMeIn (the “Proposed Transaction”). Jive is a provider of hosted Voice over Internet Protocol

(“VoIP”) services and holds an international Section 214 authorization and blanket domestic

Section 214 authority under Section 63.01 of the Commission’s rules.

    47 C.F.R. §§ 63.03, 63.04, 63.12 and 63.24.

       As described herein, the Proposed Transaction will promote the public interest by joining

two non-dominant providers of VoIP services, which will enable the combined company to offer

a broader suite of unified communications and collaboration services and solutions to business

customers. In addition, the communication and collaboration services that will be made possible

by the Proposed Transaction will allow the combined company to compete more effectively in a

highly fragmented Unified-Communications-as-a-Service (“UCaaS”) space, as well as against

traditional telecommunications carriers, including incumbent local exchange carriers (“ILECs”),

to provide business class services.

       The Applicants request streamlined treatment and processing within the timeframes

specified in Sections 63.03 and 63.12 of the Commission’s rules. This Application and the

Proposed Transaction meet the eligibility criteria for streamlined processing, as discussed in

detail below.


       A.       Jive Communications, Inc.

       Jive is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware. Founded in 2006,

Jive provides enterprise-grade hosted VoIP and unified communications to businesses and

institutions. Jive delivers a range of unified communications products, including voice, video,

contact center, and mobile applications. Jive is one of the many players in the growing, but

highly fragmented UCaaS space, and is employing technology that is rapidly becoming the

standard for business communications worldwide. The Commission authorized Jive to provide


global resold international telecommunications service in 2013, and Jive provides domestic toll

resale services throughout the United States.2

          B.     LogMeIn, Inc.

          LogMeIn is a publicly traded corporation organized under the laws of the state of

Delaware, and is a leading provider of web conferencing and web event platforms and services.

LogMeIn’s cloud-based connectivity solutions enable people and companies to connect and

communicate with their workplaces, colleagues, customers, and products anywhere, at any time.

LogMeIn has three wholly owned subsidiaries that hold telecommunications authorizations:

                 1.      GetGo Communications, LLC

          GetGo Communications, LLC (“GetGo Communications”), a wholly owned, indirect

subsidiary of LogMeIn, is a Delaware limited liability company that holds blanket domestic

Section 214 authority and international Section 214 authority granted in FCC File No. ITC-214-

20130118-00015 to provide facilities-based service and resale service in accordance with

sections 63.18(e)(1) and 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules.3 GetGo Communications also is

a competitive local exchange and interexchange carrier authorized to provide intrastate local,

intrastate interexchange, and switched access services in the states of California, Florida,

Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Texas. GetGo

Communications Virginia LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, is a wholly owned

subsidiary of GetGo Communications and is the certificated entity authorized to provide

  The international authorization was granted under File No. ITC-214-20130802-00209. See
Public Notice, International Authorizations Granted, Rep. No. TEL-10633, DA No. 13-1924
(rel. Sep. 19, 2013).
    47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(e)(1), (e)(2).

facilities-based and resold local exchange, interexchange, and access telecommunications

services throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.

               2.     Grasshopper Group LLC

       Grasshopper Group, LLC (“Grasshopper”), a wholly owned, indirect subsidiary of

LogMeIn, is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of

Massachusetts. Grasshopper offers integrated phone service solutions, voicemail processing, and

other enhanced services to business end-users. Grasshopper holds blanket domestic Section 214

authority and international Section 214 authority granted in FCC File No. ITC-214-20090916-

00417 to provide resale service in accordance with Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s

rules. Grasshopper is authorized to provide competitive resold interexchange long distance

telecommunications services pursuant to registration, public service commission order, or on a

deregulated basis in the States of Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut,

Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,

Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska,

Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South

Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington.

               3.     LogMeIn Audio LLC

       LogMeIn Audio LLC (“LogMeIn Audio”), a wholly owned, indirect subsidiary of

LogMeIn, is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the state of Delaware.

LogMeIn Audio’s principal business is providing audio conferencing services throughout the

United States. LogMeIn Audio holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority and international

Section 214 authority granted in FCC File No. ITC-214-20090113-00015 to provide resale

service in accordance with Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules.



         On February 7, 2018, LogMeIn’s wholly owned, direct subsidiary, LogMeIn USA, Inc., a

Delaware corporation (“LogMeIn USA”), Jazz Merger Sub, Inc., a Delaware corporation and a

wholly owned, direct subsidiary of LogMeIn USA (“Merger Sub”), Jive, and a representative of

the shareholders of Jive, entered into an agreement pursuant to which LogMeIn will acquire Jive.

The acquisition will occur through a merger of Merger Sub, which is a special-purpose

subsidiary of LogMeIn USA, with and into Jive, with Jive as the surviving entity. As a result of

the merger, Jive will be a wholly owned, direct subsidiary of LogMeIn USA and a wholly

owned, indirect subsidiary of LogMeIn. Jive holds domestic blanket authority by rule and an

international Section 214 authorization for the provision of global resold telecommunications

services, and the Applicants accordingly request Commission consent to the transfer of control of

these authorizations to LogMeIn.

         Diagrams of the pre- and post-Transaction corporate structure of the Applicants are

provided hereto as Exhibit A.


         Pursuant to Section 214 of the Act, the Commission will approve a proposed transfer of

control of an authorization if it concludes that, after balancing the potential benefits and harms,

doing so would serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity.4 The Proposed Transaction

easily satisfies this legal standard.

         The Proposed Transaction will create a combined company with a broader platform for

innovation, with resultant benefits for competition and consumers. Specifically, the Proposed

Transaction will combine LogMeIn’s broad portfolio of web conferencing and event platforms,

    47 U.S.C. § 214.

and other collaboration offerings, with Jive’s hosted IP telephony and UCaaS solutions.

LogMeIn’s reach, scale, and resources will enhance the potential for growth and customer-

focused innovation of Jive’s UCaaS solutions. Further, the Proposed Transaction will enable the

combined company to expand LogMeIn’s existing suite of communications and collaboration

products and solutions, thus enabling LogMeIn to deliver greater value and a wider variety of

services to customers. As a result, the Proposed Transaction will promote competition among

telecommunications carriers, VoIP providers, and other service providers in the delivery of

communications solutions for small and midsize businesses, as well as large enterprise


       The Proposed Transaction will not diminish competition in any relevant market or

otherwise harm the public interest. As a leading provider of web conferencing and web event

platforms and services, LogMeIn’s primary business is cloud-based connectivity and

collaboration solutions. Jive provides Hosted VoIP and UCaaS products and services. While

certain offerings of both Jive and LogMeIn incorporate telecommunications inputs, the

collaboration solutions and UCaaS products that utilize a telecommunications functionality are

complementary to, and not in competition with, each other. Specifically, LogMeIn does not

currently provide UCaaS solutions. Its acquisition of Jive would add UCaaS to LogMeIn’s

communications and collaboration offerings. Moreover, as noted above, strengthening LogMeIn

as a provider of these complementary offerings enhances its ability to compete with traditional

telecommunications carriers, as well as other VoIP-based communications service providers and

technology UCaaS companies, such as Skype, RingCentral, Vonage, 8x8 and numerous others.

       LogMeIn does not contemplate at this time making any changes to the rates currently

charged by Jive as a result of the Proposed Transaction. The Proposed Transaction will be


transparent to customers and will not result in the discontinuance, reduction, loss or impairment

of service to customers. Rather, as noted, it will enable LogMeIn to make available a greater

variety of high-quality innovative services to the existing customers of both LogMeIn and Jive.


       In accordance with Section 63.24(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules, the Applicants submit

the following information requested in Section 63.18(a) – (d) and (h) – (p):

       (a)      Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:


             Jive Communications, Inc.
             1275 West 1600 North
             Suite 100
             Orem, UT 84057
             Tel: (801) 426-5782

             LogMeIn, Inc.
             320 Summer Street
             Boston, MA 02210
             Tel: (781) 638-9050

       (b)      Jurisdiction under which Applicants are organized:

       LogMeIn is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware. Jive is a corporation

organized under the laws of Delaware.


       (c)    Correspondence concerning this Application should be addressed to:

              Transferor                                  Transferee

                Benjamin King                             Michael Donahue, SVP, General
                General Counsel & Secretary                 Counsel & Secretary
                Jive Communications, Inc.                 LogMeIn, Inc.
                1275 West 1600 North                      320 Summer Street
                Suite 100                                 Boston, MA 02210
                Orem, UT 84057                            Tel: (781) 638-9094
                Tel: (385) 233-0549             

                with a copy to                            with a copy to

                J.G. Harrington                           Matthew A. Brill
                Cooley LLP                                Elizabeth R. Park
                1299 Pennsylvania Ave., NW                Latham & Watkins LLP
                Suite 700                                 555 Eleventh Street, NW
                Washington, DC 20004                      Suite 1000
                Tel: (202) 776-2818                       Washington, DC 20004
                         Tel: (202) 637-2200

       (d)    Existing Section 214 authority:

       Transferee: LogMeIn does not itself hold any Section 214 authority, but the following

wholly owned subsidiaries of LogMeIn hold Section 214 authority:

       GetGo Communications holds international Section 214 authority granted in FCC File
       No. ITC-214-2013118-00015 to provide facilities-based service and resale service in
       accordance with sections 63.18(e)(1) and 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules.

       LogMeIn Audio holds international Section 214 authority granted in FCC File No. ITC-
       214-20090113-00015 to provide resale service in accordance with section 63.18(e)(2) of
       the Commission’s rules.

       Grasshopper holds international Section 214 authority granted in FCC File No. ITC-214-
       20090916-00417 to provide resale service in accordance with section 63.18(e)(2) of the
       Commission’s rules.


       Transferor: Jive holds international Section 214 authority granted in FCC File No. ITC-

214-20130802-00209 to provide resale service in accordance with Section 63.18(e)(2) of the

Commission’s rules.

       (h)     Name, address, citizenship, and principal business of owners with 10% or
greater direct or indirect ownership interest:

       The following are the owners of 10% or more of the equity of Jive:

       Name:                        North Bridge Growth Equity I, L.P.
       Address:                     950 Winter Street
       City, State, Zip:            Waltham, MA 02451
       Citizenship:                 Delaware
       Principal Business:          Investments
       Percentage of Ownership:     26.70%

       Name:                        John Pope
       Address:                     388 South 950 West
       City, State, Zip:            Spanish Fork, UT 84660
       Citizenship:                 United States
       Principal Business:          Chief Executive Officer
       Percentage of Ownership:     15.65%

       Name:                        Michael Sharp
       Address:                     2155 North 600 West
       City, State, Zip:            Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
       Citizenship:                 United States
       Principal Business:          Chief Operating Officer
       Percentage of Ownership:     15.54%

       Name:                        Stephen Todd
       Address:                     1614 E. Aspen Loop
       City, State, Zip:            Provo, UT 84606
       Citizenship:                 United States
       Principal Business:          Lead Developer
       Percentage of Ownership:     13.05%

       Name:                        Andrew Skeen
       Address:                     121373 West 2010
       City, State, Zip:            Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
       Citizenship:                 United States
       Principal Business:          VP Sales Engineering
       Percentage of Ownership:     13.27%


        No individual or entity holds a 10% or greater interest in North Bridge Growth Equity I,

        There are no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.


        LogMeIn is a publicly traded company and its shares are widely held. Based on a review

of Schedule 13G filed with the SEC, the following entity currently owns or controls 10% or

more of LogMeIn:

        Name:                             FMR LLC
        Address:                          245 Summer Street
        City, State, Zip:                 Boston, MA 02210
        Citizenship:                      Delaware
        Principal Business:               Investment management
        Percentage of Ownership:          10.32%

        It is anticipated that no other individual or entity will own 10% or more of the

outstanding shares of LogMeIn following completion of the Proposed Transaction. LogMeIn

does not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

        (i)     Foreign carrier certification:

        LogMeIn certifies that it is not a foreign carrier and is not affiliated with any foreign

carrier. Jive has the following foreign carrier affiliates (referred to collectively as the “Jive

Foreign Carriers”), and upon consummation of the Proposed Transaction, LogMeIn will be

affiliated with these foreign carriers:

        Jive owns a 100 percent direct interest in Jive Communications Technology Canada, Ltd.,
        which is a reseller of telecommunications services in Canada.

        Jive owns a 100 percent interest (directly and indirectly through a holding company) in
        Jive Communications Mexico S.A. de R.L. de C.V., which is a reseller of
        telecommunications in Mexico.

        Jive owns a 100 percent indirect interest in Jive Telecomunicações do Brasil Ltda., which
        holds a license to provide Multimedia Communication Services in Brazil authorizing the


          provision of telecommunications and Internet services. Jive provides resale services in
          Brazil under this authorization.

          (j)    Destination country certification:

          LogMeIn, as Transferee, certifies that it does not seek to provide international

telecommunications services to any destination country where: (i) Transferee is a foreign carrier;

(ii) any entity that owns more than 25 percent of Transferee, or that controls Transferee, controls

a foreign carrier in that country; or (iii) two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control

foreign carriers) own, in the aggregate, more than 25 percent of Transferee and are parties to, or

the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing of international

basic telecommunications services in the United States.

          Because LogMeIn will control the Jive Foreign Carriers upon the consummation of the

Proposed Transaction, LogMeIn (through its affiliates that hold international Section 214

authority) seeks to provide international telecommunications services to Canada, Mexico and

Brazil, where it will control a foreign carrier.5

     (k)         Demonstration regarding market power for countries that are not WTO

          Canada, Mexico and Brazil are each members of the World Trade Organization. In

addition, as discussed below, the Jive Foreign Carriers lack market power on the Canadian,

Mexican and Brazilian routes.

          (l):   This requirement has been deleted from the rules.

          (m):   Regulation as a non-dominant provider:

          LogMeIn requests that, upon the consummation of the Proposed Transaction, its U.S.

carrier affiliates (GetGo Communications, LogMeIn Audio and Grasshopper) be regulated as

    47 C.F.R. § 63.18(j)(2).

non-dominant providers on the routes between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico and Brazil,

respectively. Each of the Jive Foreign Carriers has significantly less than a 50 percent market

share in the international transport and the local access markets on the foreign end of each of

these routes.6 The Jive Foreign Carriers only provide services on a resale basis using the

services of non-affiliated carriers in those jurisdictions, and do not themselves own transport or

local access facilities. Therefore, the Jive Foreign Carriers lack market power on the routes

between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico and Brazil, respectively.

          (n)     Special concessions from foreign carriers:

          Each of the Applicants certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions

directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where

the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter into

any such agreements in the future.

          (o)     Certification regarding Section 5301 of Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988:

          The Applicants certify that no party to this Application is subject to a denial of federal

benefits under Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, as amended.

          (p)     Streamlined processing:

          The Applicants seek streamlined processing of this request for consent to transfer control

of Jive’s international Section 214 authorization pursuant to Section 63.12. The Application

qualifies for streamlined processing because (1) LogMeIn is not affiliated with any foreign

carrier in any destination market, and Jive is affiliated with foreign carriers only in destination

markets where it qualifies for a presumption of non-dominance under Section 63.10(a)(3);7

    Id. § 63.10(a)(3).
    47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(1)(ii).

(2) the Applicants are not affiliated with any dominant U.S. carriers whose international

switched or private line services the Applicants seek authority to resell; and (3) the Applicants do

not seek authority to provide switched basic services over private lines to a country for which the

Commission has not previously authorized the provision of switched services over private lines.


       Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission’s rules for joint domestic/international

Section 214 applications, the Applicants provide the information described in Section

63.04(a)(6) through (a)(12):

       (6)     Description of the Transaction:

       The Proposed Transaction is described in Section II, above.

       (7)     Description of the geographic areas in which the transferor and transferee
(and their affiliates) offer domestic telecommunications services, and the services provided
in each area:

       The respective services and operating areas of Jive and LogMeIn, and its affiliates, are as

described in Section I above.

      (8)     Statement as to how the application fits into one or more of the presumptive
streamlined categories:

       The Applicants respectfully submit that this Application satisfies the criteria set forth in

Section 63.03(b)(2) for presumptive streamlined processing because:

       (i) the Applicants have market share in the interstate interexchange market of less than 10

       (ii) the Applicants provide competitive telephone exchange services or exchange access
       services (if at all) exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant local exchange
       carrier that is not a party to the Proposed Transaction; and

       (iii) neither Applicant is dominant with respect to any telecommunications service.


           (9)    Other Commission applications related to the Proposed Transaction:

           There are no other Commission applications related to the Proposed Transaction.

           (10) Imminent business failure conditions:

           No party is requesting special consideration because it is facing imminent business


           (11)   Waiver requests sought in connection with the Proposed Transaction:

           Not applicable.

           (12)   Public interest statement:

           Consummation of the Proposed Transaction will serve the public interest, convenience,

and necessity for the reasons detailed in Section III, above.


           For the foregoing reasons, Commission approval of this Section 214 Application will

serve the public interest, convenience and necessity. Accordingly, the Applicants respectfully

requests that the Commission grant the Application as expeditiously as possible pursuant to its

streamlined processing procedures.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

  Jive Communications, Inc.                          LogMeIn, Inc.

                    /s/                                            /s/

  J.G. Harrington                                    Matthew A. Brill
  COOLEY LLP                                         Elizabeth R. Park
  1299 Pennsylvania Ave., NW                         LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
  Suite 700                                          555 Eleventh Street, NW
  Washington, DC 20004                               Suite 1000
                                                     Washington, DC 20004
  Counsel for Jive Communications, Inc.
                                                     Counsel for LogMeIn, Inc.


                 EXHIBIT A

Pre- and Post-Transaction Organizational Charts

                                                                              Pre-Transaction Structure


                                                                                                                                               LogMeIn, Inc.


   John Pope                     Michael Sharp                 Stephen Todd                 Andrew Skeen               North Bridge Growth   LogMeIn USA, Inc.
     (U.S.)                         (U.S.)                         (U.S.)                      (U.S.)                     Equity I, L.P.        (Delaware)

15.65%                         15.54%                         13.05%                       13.27%                         26.7%

                                                 Jive Communications,                                                                        Jazz Merger Sub, Inc.
                                                          Inc.                                                Merger                              (Delaware)

         Entities not regulated by the Commission and not germane to the proposed transaction are excluded.

                             Post-Transaction Structure

                                       LogMeIn, Inc.*


                                   LogMeIn USA, Inc.


                                  Jive Communications,

*Publicly traded; shared widely held


       I, Michael J. Donahue, state that I am SVP, General Counsel and Secretary of LogMelIn,

Inc.; that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of LogMeIn, Inc.; that the

foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents thereof

and the certifications contained therein, regarding LogMelIn, Inc., are true and correct to the best

ofmy knowledge, information, and belief.

       I declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 9th

day of February, 2018.

                                                    /A                     [
                                                  Name: Michael J. Donahue
                                                  Title: SVP, General Counsel & Secretary
                                                  LogMelIn, Inc.


          I, Benjamin King, state that I am General Counsel and Secretary of Jive

Communications, Inc.; that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of Jive

Communications, Inc.; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and

supervision; and that the contents thereof and the certifications contained therein, regarding Jive

Communications, Inc., are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

          I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this
%    day of February, 2018.

                                                 *& Name: Benjami\ King ~_
                                                    Title: General Counsel and Secretary
                                                    Jive Communications, Inc.

Document Created: 2018-02-09 15:18:00
Document Modified: 2018-02-09 15:18:00

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