Attachment Joint Application

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180207-00029 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                       No N N No Nee Ne Ne Ne Nn Sunt! Nes Nt Nee N Ned Nt
In the Matter

San Isabel Telecom, Inc., Transferor                                                                            WC Docket No.

and                                                                                                             IB File No.

Futurum Communications Corp
dba, Transferee

Application, Pursuant to Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, for
Approval of a Transaction that Will Result in
the Transfer of Control of San Isabel Telecom,
Inc to Futurum Communications Corp dba

                                    JOINT APPLICATION

       San      Isabel     Telecom, Inc.        (FRN                                                         0005061775)      ("San Isabel"),   and

Futurum Communications Corp       d/b/a                                                      (FRN    0010043339)     ("Futurum"),

collectively "Joint Applicants," hereby request, pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications

Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission‘s

Rules, 47 C.EF.R. §§ 63.04 and 63.24, approval of a transaction that will result in the transfer of

control of San Isabel to Futurum ("Transaction"). Information addressing the requirements of

Commission Rule 63.04(a)(6)—(12) (47 C.F.R. § 63(a)(6)—(12)) is set forth in Attachment A.


       San Isabel provides facilities—based, local exchange and domestic and international

interexchange telephone services; broadband Internet access; analog and IP—enabled data

network services; wireless; and VoIP services to customers in Colorado. Futurum also provides

facilities based, local exchange and domestic and international interexchange telephone services;

broadband Internet access; analog and IP—enabled data network services; wireless; and VoIP

services to customers in Colorado. Joint Applicants have entered into an agreement by which

Forethought Acquisitions, a holding company which is fully owned by Futurum, will acquire all

of the issued and outstanding stock in, and therefore direct control of San Isabel, in exchange for

cash. Thereafter, Futurum and San Isabel will continue to provide service to their respective

customers without change in rates, terms, or conditions of service.


       Pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, Joint Applicants submit the

following information requested in Section 63.18 (a)—(d) and (h)—(p) in support of this

application. In accordance with Section 63.24(e)(2), items (i)—(p) pertain to the transferee, only;

but, item (h) contains ownership information for both the transferors and the transferee.

       (a)     Names, Addresses, and Telephone Numbers of Applicants

               (1) Transferor (San Isabel); FRN 0005061775

                              San Isabel Telecom, Inc.
                              570 Lindbergh Dr
                              Gypsum, CO 81637
                              Tel: 719—488—1027

               (2) Transferee (Futurum); FRN 0010043339

                              Futurum Communications Corp dba
                              2347 Curtis Street
                              Denver, CO 80205
                              Tel: 303—815—1000

       (b)     Jurisdiction of Organization

               San Isabel is a Colorado corporation.

               Futurum is a Colorado corporation.

        (c)    Contact Information

       All correspondence and other communications concerning this application should be

directed to:

        Judith A. Riley
        Telecom Professionals, Inc.
       P.O. Box 720128
       Oklahoma City, OK 73172—0128
       Tel: 405—755—8177 x100
       Fax: 405—755—8377

        (d)    International Authorizations

        San Isabel holds authority to provide global facilities—based and global resale services

under File No. ITC—214—20060320—00162.

        Futurum does not hold any international authorizations.              Futurum holds domestic

operating authority pursuant to Rule 63.01, 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

        (h)    Ownership and Narrative of Transfer

               (1) Current Ownership of San Isabel: The following person holds ten percent

(10%) or greater direct ownership or control interests in San Isabel and, therefore, under the

Commission‘s rules:

          Name and Address                 Citizenship           Principal           Percentage Direct
                                                                 Business            Ownership of San

Douglas Wagner                            United States   Telecommunications              100%
570 Lindbergh Dr
Gypsum, CO 81637

       No other person or entity holds or is attributed with a ten percent (10%) or greater

ownership or control interest in San Isabel and San Isabel does not have any interlocking

directorships with any foreign carrier.

                (2) Current Ownership of Futurum:

       The following person(s) and entities hold ten percent (10%) or greater direct ownership

or control interests in Futurum:

         Name and Address                Citizenship            Principal           Percentage Direct
                                                                Business              Ownership of

Jawaid Bazyar                           United States     Telecommunications             100%

                (3) Post—Transaction Ownership of San Isabel:

       Following consummation of the proposed transaction, the following person(s) and

entities will hold ten percent (10%) or greater direct ownership or control interests in San Isabel:

         Name and Address                Citizenship            Principal           Percentage Direct
                                                                Business            Ownership of San

Forethought Acquisitions                United States     Telecommunications             100%
2347 Curtis Street
Denver, CO 80205

       The following person(s) and entities will hold ten percent (10%) or greater direct

ownership or control interests in Forethought Acquisitions following consummation of the

proposed transaction:

        . Name and Address               Citizenship            Principal           Percentage Direct
                                                                Business              Ownership of

Futurum Communications Corp dba         United States     Telecommunications              100%
2347 Curtis Street
Denver, CO 80205

       No other person or entity will hold or be attributed with a ten percent (10%) or greater

ownership or control interest in San Isabel or Futurum and neither San Isabel nor Futurum will

have any interlocking directorships with any foreign carrier.

        The following person(s) and entities will hold ten percent (10%) or greater direct

ownership or control interests in Futurum following consummation of the proposed transaction:

          Name and Address              Citizenship             Principal        Percentage Direct
                                                                Business           Ownership of

Jawaid Bazyar                          United States     Telecommunications            100%
2347 Curtis Street
Denver, CO 80205

        No other person or entity will hold or be attributed with a ten percent (10%) or greater

ownership or control interest in San Isabel or Futurum and neither San Isabel nor Futurum will

have any interlocking directorships with any foreign carrier.

        (i)     As evidenced by the certification attached to this application, Futurum certifies

under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that neither it nor any affiliate is

affiliated with a foreign carrier.

        (J)     As evidenced by the certification attached to this application, Futurum certifies

under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that it does not, directly or through

any affiliate, seek to provide international telecommunications services to any destination

country for which any of the statements in subsections 63.18(j)(1)—(4), inclusive, of the

Commussion‘s Rules (47 C.F.R. § 63.18(j)(1—(4), inclusive) is true.

        (k)     Not applicable.

        (0]     Not applicable.

        (m)     Not applicable.

        (n)     As evidenced by the certification attached to this application, Futurum certifies

under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that neither it nor any affiliate has

agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect

to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign

end of the route and that neither Futurum nor any affiliate will enter into such agreements in the


          (0)    As evidenced by the certification attached to this application, Futurum certifies

under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that that neither it nor any affiliate is

subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of

1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a. See also 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003.

          (p)    This application is eligible for streamlined processing under Section 63.12 of the

Commission‘s Rules, 47 CFR § 63.12, which provides that, except as set forth by the exceptions

in paragraph (c) of that section, "a complete application seeking authorization under

§ 63.18 . . . shall be granted by the Commiuission 14 days after the date of public notice listing the

application as accepted for filing," and that an "applicant may commence operation on the 15th

day after the date of public notice listing the application as accepted for filing, but only in

accordance with the operations proposed in its application and the rules, regulations, and policies

of the Commission."         As none of the exceptions to streamlined processing specified by

paragraph (c) of Section 63.12 apply, the instant application is eligible for streamlined



          This transaction is in furtherance of private investment decisions by the Joint Applicants‘

respective owners to combine their operations, and to enable the Transferors‘ owners to redeploy

their capital into other ventures or investments.

          Joint Applicants believe that the proposed transaction will increase the efficiency of their

operations, thereby lowering unit costs of service, improve their access to capital markets, and

enhance their continued ability to provide high quality, technologically advanced voice and data

services to their customers at competitive prices.

       Futurum will remain financially—sound and will have the ability to ensure that San Isabel

continues to be managed and operated by a highly—experienced and capable team of

telecommunications professionals.        Following consummation of the transaction, affected

customers will continue to receive telecommunications service under existing service and

contractual arrangements, without change or disruption. Therefore, Joint Applicants submit that

the proposed transaction is in the public interest and should be authorized without delay.


       As demonstrated in this application, Joint Applicants submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this application.

       Respectfully submitted this 30th day of January, 2018.

                                              TELECOM PROFESSIONALS, INC.
                                              Judith A. Riley
                                              P.O. Box 720128
                                              Oklahoma City, OK 73172—0128
                                              Telephone: (405) 755—8177 x100
                                              Facsimile: (405) 755—8377
                                              Lance J.M. Steinhart
                                              Managing Attorney
                                              Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C.
                                              1725 Windward Concourse, Suite 150
                                              Alpharetta, GA 30005
                                              Telephone: (770) 232—9200

                                                              Lance J.M. Steinhart
                                                          Attorneysfor Joint Applicants

                                  LIST OF ATTACHMENTS

Certification of Transferor San Isabel

Certification of Transferee Futurum

Attachment A — Section 63.04 Information


       I hereby certify that the statements in the foregoing application on behalf of San Isabel

Telecorm, Inc. are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and are made in good

faith. 1 declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is

true and correct.

               San Isabel Telecom, Inc.

               By:__———A0 x)\ Z3 (~
               Name:       3 kw»wio GQ2YE

               Title:      P resiben}

               Date:     \W—34—\)


               I hereby certify that the statements in the foregoing application on behalf of

Futurum Communications Corp dba are true, complete, and correct to the best of

my knowledge and are made in good faith. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of

the United States that the foregoing is true and correct.

               Futurum Communications Corp dba

                             Iitnuwhp        Cb24A—C

               Title:      ? Cesipemn1

                Date:       t—3G— U

                                        ATTACHMENT A


               Information    addressing    the    requirements     set   forth   in    Commission

Rule 63.04(a)(6)—(12) is as follows:

       (a)(6) A description of the transaction is set forth above in section I of this application.

       (a)(7) San Isabel: Sab Isabel provides facilities—based local exchange and domestic and

               international interexchange telephone services, broadband Internet access, analog

               and IP—enabled data network services, wireless, and VoIP services to customers in


               Futurum: Futurum provides facilities—based local exchange and domestic and

               international interexchange telephone services, broadband Internet access, analog

               and IP~efiabled data network services, wireless, and VoIP services to customers in


       (a)(8) This application is eligible for strearnlining pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.03 because

the proposed transaction would result in Futurum‘s having less than a 10% share in the interstate,

interexchange market; Futurum would provide competitive telephone local exchange services

exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to

the proposed transaction, and none of the applicants is dominant with respect to any service. See

47 C.F.R. § 63.03(b)(2)(i).

       (a)(9) Through this application, Joint Applicants are seeking authority with respect to

both international and domestic Section 214 authorizations (this application is being separately

and concurrently filed with respect to both types of authorities in compliance with Commission

Rule 63.04(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b)).

       (a)(10) Joint Applicants are not seeking special consideration of this application.

       (a)(11) Not applicable.

       (a)(12) A statement showing how grant of this application will serve the public interest,

convenience, and necessity is set forth above in section III of this application.

Document Created: 2018-01-30 15:34:06
Document Modified: 2018-01-30 15:34:06

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