Attachment Expereo ToC Attch 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20180129-00019 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                     EXPEREO USA, INC.


Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (“the Act”), and Sections
63.18 and 63.24 of the Commission’s rules,1 Expereo USA, Inc. (“Expereo USA”) hereby notifies
the Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”) of the pro forma transfer of control of
the international Section 214 authority held by Expereo USA. This pro forma transfer of control
was consummated on December 31, 2017 as part of an administrative reorganization. This
narrative provides the information required by Section 63.18 of the Commission’s rules.

ANSWER TO QUESTION 10 – Section 63.18(c)-(d):

(c) Correspondence concerning this notification should be sent to:

         Christopher Canter
         Associate General Counsel

         Expereo USA, Inc.
         2000 Edmund Halley Drive, Suite 120
         Reston, VA 20191, USA

         Phone: (571) 449-8490 ext. 304

         With a copy to:

(d) Expereo USA holds the international Section 214 authorization that is the subject of this
notification: ITC-214-20100729-00309 (global facilities-based service or global resale service).
Expereo Holdings B.V. (the “Transferor”) and Expereo International B.V. (the “Transferee”) do
not hold any international Section 214 authorizations.

ANSWER TO QUESTION 11 – Ownership Structure

         Pre-Transaction Ownership of Expereo USA

The following entities/individuals directly or indirectly own or control 10% or more of Expereo

    47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18 and 63.24.

Name: Expereo Holding B.V.
Address: Adam Smith Building, 3rd floor
Thomas R. Malthusstraat 1-3
The Netherlands
Principal Business: Holding Company
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Expereo USA, Inc.

Name: Expereo Acquisition Holdings, B.V.
Address: Adam Smith Building, 3rd floor
Thomas R. Malthusstraat 1-3
The Netherlands
Principal Business: Holding Company
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Expereo Holding B.V.

Name: Brumbear B.V.
Vinkenkade 1
3645 AN Vinkeveen
The Netherlands
Principal Business: Holding Company
Relationship: Owner of 33.1% of Expereo Acquisition Holdings B.V.

Name: Apple Barn B.V.
Address: Van Galenlaan 40
3941 VD Doorn
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Personal Holding Company (investment)
Relationship: Owner of 31.9% of Brumbear B.V.

Name: Alphonsus Maria Mulders
Address: Oud Over 16
3632 VD Loenen aan de Vecht
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services Management
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Apple Barn B.V.

Name: Rinjani B.V.
Address: Van Galenlaan 40
3941 VD Doorn
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands

Principal Business: Personal Holding Company (investment)
Relationship: Owner of 31.9% Brumbear B.V.

Name: Walter Johannes Antonius Brunink
Address: Wagnerlaan 31
3723 JT Bilthoven
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services Management
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Rinjani B.V.

Name: Rana Holding B.V.
Address: Vinkenkade 1
3645 AN Vinkeveen
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Personal Holding Company (investment)
Relationship: Owner of 21.2% of Brumbear B.V.

Name: Rajen Maganlal Raithatha
Address: Vinkenkade 1
3645 AN Vinkeveen
The Netherlands
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services Management
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Rana Holding B.V.

Name: Citywall B.V.
Address: Van Galenlaan 40
3941 VD
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Personal Holding Company (investment)
Relationship: Owner of 10.6% of Brumbear B.V.

Name: Jan Adriaan van Berne
Address: Kerkplein 2
2061 JC Bloemendaal
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services Management
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Citywall B.V.

       Name: Stichting Administratiekantoor Brumbear B.V.
       Address: Vinkenkade 1
       3645 AN Vinkeveen
       The Netherlands
       Citizenship: The Netherlands
       Principal Business: Foundation managing employee share certificates
       Relationship: Owner of 4.4% of Brumbear B.V.

       Name: CETP III Expereo S.à.rl.
       Address: 2, Avenue Charles de Gaulle, L-1653
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: Investment vehicle
       Relationship: Owner of 66.9% of Expereo Acquisition Holdings B.V.

       Name: CETP III Participations S.à.r.l.
       Address: 2, Avenue Charles de Gaulle, L-1653
       Citzenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: Investment
       Relationship: Owner of 100% of CETP Expereo S.à.r.l.

       Name: Carlyle Europe Technology Partners III, L.P.
       Address: C/O The Carlyle Group
       1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 220S
       Washington, DC, 20004
       Citzenship: England
       Relationship: Owner of 100% of CETP III Participations S.à.r.l.

To the best of the Applicants’ knowledge, no other person or entity holds a 10% or greater interest
in Expereo USA, Inc.

       Post-Transaction Ownership of Expereo USA

Following the transfer of control, these entities/individuals will own or control 10% or more
Expereo USA:

       Name: Expereo International B.V.
       Address: Adam Smith Building, 3rd floor
       Thomas R. Malthusstraat 1-3
       The Netherlands
       Principal Business: Holding Company

Relationship: Owner of 100% of Expereo USA, Inc.

Name: Expereo Holding B.V.
Address: Adam Smith Building, 3rd floor
Thomas R. Malthusstraat 1-3
The Netherlands
Principal Business: Holding Company
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Expereo International B.V.

Name: Expereo Acquisition Holdings, B.V.
Address: Adam Smith Building, 3rd floor
Thomas R. Malthusstraat 1-3
The Netherlands
Principal Business: Holding Company
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Expereo Holding B.V.

Name: Brumbear B.V.
Address: Vinkenkade 1
3645 AN Vinkeveen
The Netherlands
Principal Business: Holding Company
Relationship: Owner of 33.1% of Expereo Acquisition Holdings B.V.

Name: Apple Barn B.V.
Address: Van Galenlaan 40
3941 VD Doorn
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Personal Holding Company (investment)
Relationship: Owner of 31.9% of Brumbear B.V.

Name: Alphonsus Maria Mulders
Address: Oud Over 16
3632 VD Loenen aan de Vecht
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services Management
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Apple Barn B.V.

Name: Rinjani B.V.
Address: Van Galenlaan 40
3941 VD Doorn

The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Personal Holding Company (investment)
Relationship: Owner of 31.9% Brumbear B.V.

Name: Walter Johannes Antonius Brunink
Address: Wagnerlaan 31
3723 JT Bilthoven
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services Management
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Rinjani B.V.

Name: Rana Holding B.V.
Address: Vinkenkade 1
3645 AN Vinkeveen
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Personal Holding Company (investment)
Relationship: Owner of 21.2% of Brumbear B.V.

Name: Rajen Maganlal Raithatha
Address: Vinkenkade 1
3645 AN Vinkeveen
The Netherlands
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Principal Business: Telecommunications Services Management
Relationship: Owner of 100% of Rana Holding B.V.

Name: Citywall B.V.
Address: Van Galenlaan 40
3941 VD Doorn
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands
Principal Business: Personal Holding Company (investment)
Relationship: Owner of 10.6% of Brumbear B.V.

Name: Jan Adriaan van Berne
Address: Kerkplein 2
2061 JC Bloemendaal
The Netherlands
Citizenship: The Netherlands

       Principal Business: Telecommunications Services Management
       Relationship: Owner of 100% of City Wall B.V.

       Name: Stichting Administratiekantoor Brumbear B.V.
       Address: Vinkenkade 1
       3645 AN Vinkeveen
       The Netherlands
       Citizenship: The Netherlands
       Principal Business: Foundation managing employee share certificates
       Relationship: Owner of 4.4% of Brumbear B.V.

       Name: CETP III Expereo S.à.rl.
       Address: 2, Avenue Charles de Gaulle, L-1653
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: Investment vehicle
       Relationship: Owner of 66.9% of Expereo Acquisition Holdings B.V.

       Name: CETP III Participations S.à.r.l.
       Address: 2, Avenue Charles de Gaulle, L-1653
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: Investment
       Relationship: Owner of 100% of CETP Expereo S.à.r.l.

       Name: Carlyle Europe Technology Partners III, L.P.
       Address: C/O The Carlyle Group
       1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 220S
       Washington, DC, 20004
       Citizenship: England
       Relationship: Owner of 100% of CETP III Participations S.à.r.l.

CETP III is owned by CETP III Participations S.à.r.l. CETP III Participations S.à.r.l. is owned by
Carlyle Europe Technology Partners III, L.P which is advised by Carlyle Investment Management
L.L.C., an investment advisor registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

To the best of the Applicants’ knowledge, no other person or entity will hold a 10% or greater
interest in Expereo USA, Inc.

Expereo USA may have interlocking directorates with one or more foreign carriers. CETP III does
not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

Pre- and post-transaction ownership charts are attached herein.

ANSWER TO QUESTION 12 – Interlocking Directorates
Expereo USA shares officers and/or directors with the following entities that may be foreign

    •   Irwin Fouwels, who is Chief Executive Officer of Expereo USA is also an officer and/or
        director of Expereo International B.V., Expereo Middle East FZ LLC, Expereo Singapore
        PTE. LTD, Expereo Maroc S.a.r.l., and Expereo de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.
    •   Remy Adriaan Lammerstma, who is President of Expereo USA is also an officer and/or
        director of Expereo International B.V., Expereo Middle East FZ LLC, Expereo Singapore
        PTE. LTD, Expereo Maroc S.a.r.l., and Expereo de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.

ANSWER TO QUESTION 13 – Narrative for Transfer of Control and Public Interest
Expereo USA is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware. Expereo USA is
an aggregator of “last mile” connectivity services. Specifically, Expereo USA provides broadband
Internet, Ethernet, Virtual Private Networks (management) services, equipment installation and
on-site professional services to international carriers, cloud providers and integrators in the United
States. Expereo Holdings B.V. is a holding company that owns operating subsidiaries that provide
similar services throughout the world. Expereo International B.V. is the global operating entity.

Expereo USA certifies that the transfer of control is pro forma as defined by Section 63.24(a) of
the Commission’s rules and has not resulted in a change of the authorization’s ultimate control.
This transfer of control is part of an internal administrative reorganization, under which Expereo
USA, Inc. will be transferred from a holding company, Expereo Holdings B.V., to the operational
entity, Expereo International B.V. Prior to and following this transfer, Expereo Holdings B.V.
remains in 100% control of Expereo International B.V. Therefore, Expereo USA’s ultimate
ownership remains the same before and after the conclusion of this corporate reorganization. As
such, this transaction is pro forma in nature.

The Commission has previously stated that “[r]egulatory review of [pro forma] transactions yields
no significant public interest benefits, but may delay or hinder transactions that could provide
substantial financial, operational, or administrative benefits for carriers.”2 Accordingly, Section
63.24(f) of the FCC’s rules permits this pro forma transfer without prior Commission approval.
Applicants hereby and respectfully notifies the Commission of the pro forma transfer of the
international Section 214 authorization.

 1998 Biennial Review – Review of International Common Carrier Regulations, Report and Order,
14 FCC Rcd 4909, ¶ 42 (1999).

                                       Expereo USA, Inc. Organizational Chart, Pre-Transfer of Control

Carlyle Europe Technology                                       Walter Johannes
                                   Alphonsus Mulders           Antonius Brunink             Rajen Maganlal Raithatha   Jan Adriaan Van Berne
  Partners, L.P. USA, Inc.          (the Netherlands)                                                                    (the Netherlands)
                                                               (the Netherlands)                (United Kingdom)

                 100%                        100%                         100%                           100%                      100%
CEPT III Participations S.a.r.l.    Apple Barn B.V.                Rinjani B.V.                Rana Holding B.V.            Citywall B.V.         Brumbear B.V.
        (Luxembourg)               (the Netherlands)            (the Netherlands)              (the Netherlands)         (the Netherlands)      (the Netherlands)

                  100%                      31.9%                        31.9%                           21.2%                    10.6%                  4.4%

   CEPT III Expereo S.a.r.l.                                                                                               Brumbear B.V.
      (Luxembourg)                                                                                                       (the Netherlands)

                 66.9%                                  Expereo Acquisition Holdings B.V.                                          33.1%
                                                               (the Netherlands)


                                                              Expereo Holding B.V.
                                                               (the Netherlands)

                                                                Expereo USA, Inc.

                                       Expereo USA, Inc. Organizational Chart, Post-Transfer of Control

Carlyle Europe Technology                                       Walter Johannes
                                   Alphonsus Mulders           Antonius Brunink             Rajen Maganlal Raithatha   Jan Adriaan Van Berne
  Partners, L.P. USA, Inc.          (the Netherlands)                                                                    (the Netherlands)
                                                               (the Netherlands)                (United Kingdom)

                 100%                        100%                         100%                           100%                      100%
CEPT III Participations S.a.r.l.    Apple Barn B.V.                Rinjani B.V.                Rana Holding B.V.            Citywall B.V.         Brumbear B.V.
        (Luxembourg)               (the Netherlands)            (the Netherlands)              (the Netherlands)         (the Netherlands)      (the Netherlands)

                  100%                      31.9%                        31.9%                           21.2%                    10.6%                  4.4%

   CEPT III Expereo S.a.r.l.                                                                                               Brumbear B.V.
      (Luxembourg)                                                                                                       (the Netherlands)

                 66.9%                                  Expereo Acquisition Holdings B.V.                                          33.1%
                                                               (the Netherlands)


                                                              Expereo Holding B.V.
                                                               (the Netherlands)

                                                            Expereo International B.V.
                                                                (the Netherlands)

                                                                Expereo USA, Inc.

Document Created: 2018-01-29 16:42:51
Document Modified: 2018-01-29 16:42:51

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